Brexit and the Consequences

I want suggesting anything! My view is that in order to accommodate increases in the level of working wage then employers will not reduce profits. At the same time as being forced to supply more money to those already on working wage they will also subtly shift more roles away from higher paying roles to be on the the working wage. Those roles that had higher responsibility and correspondingly higher wages will no longer exist and there will be less incentive for these workers to be any more than anyone else on the same working wage level.

Those roles that still pay higher will be fewer and will cover more responsibilities. This has been happening for years already.

The mass of workers on working wage increases, those at the top reduce for sure, but the wage gap has increased as those not on the minimum wage demand higher wages because of increased responsibility.

Not really reducing the wage gap is it?

Exactly right, there is neither incentive nor opportunity to move up the ranks, as there will always be mass competition within the bottom ranks to take on the higher level role but without the correct level of remuneration. There is not enough natural order or progression now in the system.

Mass low skill immigration only suits business as a means of keeping wages down for all. This is the con which left unchecked will see a further rise of the discontents. Crony corporations have been busy down grading everyone for years, whilst demanding ever more qualifications, competencies and compliance.

This situation will not change until the cheap labour pool source is cut out of the equation. It's a supply side problem, not a lack of but a glut of.

Free movement of people/labour does no one any favours. Neither the developed countries who take them, nor the developing countries who are being held back by the exodus of their young potentially productive work force.

Unless you are in column 4 or 5, you are going backwards. Fact !


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I'm in column 4 and even in this column wages are reduced if you stay at one place for too long
I'm in column 4 and even in this column wages are reduced if you stay at one place for too long

Yes I'm in the same boat.

No matter how much the elites try to convince the populous that their way is the best way of maintaining stability for everyone, it simply isn't true. All they are doing is maintaining a system that works for the top end and not for all.
Labour has no answers except to say that they need to be the party in govt and centrally plan whilst destroying the capital base and increasing debt in to the future to pay for it.

Govt almost never deals with the root cause of any problem. The last govt that dealt with problems head on was Thatcher's.

Brexit could be the start of a solution to this countries problems, but only if we make a clean break and stop all this silly talk from the remainians about fudging, meeting half way, compromising, and other such nonsense.

Either we need a govt that will be uncompromising and drive the agenda forward, or we take matters into our own hands and get rid of all those who purport to "know better". The message sent to govt on Brexit was loud and clear. Sort it out or else !
Well there is a full out effort to derail it. I see a new legal case is being opened in Ireland
Exactly right, there is neither incentive nor opportunity to move up the ranks, as there will always be mass competition within the bottom ranks to take on the higher level role but without the correct level of remuneration. There is not enough natural order or progression now in the system.

Mass low skill immigration only suits business as a means of keeping wages down for all. This is the con which left unchecked will see a further rise of the discontents. Crony corporations have been busy down grading everyone for years, whilst demanding ever more qualifications, competencies and compliance.

This situation will not change until the cheap labour pool source is cut out of the equation. It's a supply side problem, not a lack of but a glut of.

Free movement of people/labour does no one any favours. Neither the developed countries who take them, nor the developing countries who are being held back by the exodus of their young potentially productive work force.

Unless you are in column 4 or 5, you are going backwards. Fact !

I'm afraid what you outline here is simply a recipee for continued decline and fails to address business requirements. It also fails to understand how the labour market works.

In fact it smacks of trade unions attempting to keep maintain wage gaps between for example riveting squads, wealders and metal sheet workers in the ship building industry. Management failed to invest in new technologies and processing techniques and trade unions striked and protested trying to maintain earnings levels and gaps.

We all know where ship building went. Better technology and lower cost laboured Asian tigers. Same for textiles. Same for cars. Keep regurtating the same old tosh.

I'm afraid what you outline may sound desirable and make sense inside of your heads but to put it bluntly is soooo much pile of rubbish words fail me. I have written essays and dissertations on the subject but do not wish repeat material you can find online. In fact, Corbyn would probably endorse your pov. I'm absolutely shocked and stunned with your mentality and approach.

I don't think you chaps understand what competition is?

Have you considered what you are going to do about global competition if you take out local competition?

This idea may work if the market place is restrained just to the UK isles. However as soon as one considers international trade the idea is just tosh. AND this is why the EU works for some extent with subtle protectionism maintaining living standards. Even here EU is facing stiff competition from rest of the world.

You say business requirements for better qualifications and competencies (skills and experience) as crony capitalism? 😱😱😱

What on earth are you talking about calling genuine business requirements which is the driver of growth, productivity and what will make the UK compete in world stage crony capitalism.

You lot with your daft ideas are a great danger to the UK and her economy. 👎
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Personally, for me to remain employable, I have to keep up with PhD volumes of content every couple of years.
Business needs to create competition amongst its workforce to be more productive. The working wage does not achieve this, business sees this as an opportunity for cheap labour only, which is a false economy over the long term, nevertheless govt has provide them with the tool by which to reduce the wage bill whilst maintaining profits at the expense of productivity over the long term.

It's a lose for workers over short and long terms a win for govt with a need to maintain tax revenue or a business owner maintaining ( not increasing) profit in the short term, but a lose over the long term.

If businesses are more generous to their workforce and create workforce competition, they will see their business thrive. For this to happen though businesses and shareholders must be prepared to see short term reductions in profit whilst their 'investments' get to work.

Unfortunately there is an ongoing battle with automation in the workplace, there is pressure to reduce numbers or put more workers on working wage. The traditional business model needs to change, I don't think the working wage is part of the solution.

Combine automation with increasing workforce levels via high numbers of economic migrants and throw the working wage into the mix and you have no wage progression for anyone as businesses attempt to maintain profits in a global marketplace, who are all experiencing the same issues to some degree.

You would expect that emerging markets should be able to take better advantage of this type of scenario, if they weren't so indebted to 1st world economies or run by tin pot leaders.
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I am sceptical of the impact job automation will have in the next 10-20 years in the UK. Far more likely to be used to replace manufacturing/assembly jobs, most of which are overseas now anyway.
I am sceptical of the impact job automation will have in the next 10-20 years in the UK. Far more likely to be used to replace manufacturing/assembly jobs, most of which are overseas now anyway.

Maybe more like 20 years then. But I believe it will come, and for a lot more jobs than most people think.
So the euro is up. What's all your calls as to how it could pan out this week?

Replied to this on your other Euro thread. Overall bullish on the Euro but not sure on timing.

Been busy with the Brighton run today. Geez what a day. I'm on the side of the Unions. Stuff management and job cuts. Government needs to step in as it is impacting the whole coast line and gone beyond a private company issue.

Basically, instead of employing the right level of staff they are asking members to work OT. So if 10 personnel work 1 extra hour, everyday, they can get by, by not hiring the 11th employee. Reason for this is because when they get rid of the conductor transferring roles and responsibilities they can reduce head count from 10, to 5. So they'll be saving on redundancies.

Will cost savings or improvements be passed on to passengers? No they will not. Most will go in fat cat bonuses to management and another small amount to shareholders - maybe???

Writing is on the wall. We are not fighting real issues facing the UK economy. Talk about raising productivity? How? Cut labour force. Stop people getting to work. Business losing revenue. Takes 4 times longer to get into work.

What are the national gains? Mangement get bigger bonuses. Joe public and businesses along with employees get fecked.

STUPID *******S! 😡

We supposed to have privatised railways. So why isn't there another freaking company running the same line??? Because there is no competition. It's a freaking private monopoly. SCREAM indeed. Who thought this great idea up? Answers on a post card. 😡😡😡😡
Good news, Davies has stepped into line with Carney's call for a transition period.

As he set out options for a future trade deal with the EU, Davis said he would accept a transitional agreement as a kind of “bridge” to the permanent future trading deal, if it was needed to smooth the path for businesses navigating Brexit during an “implementation phase.”

“Whatever the transitional arrangement is, we need to know where we are going before we decide on the transition,” Davis told the House of Commons Brexit Committee. “If you build a bridge, you need to have both sides established before you build the bridge, so we need to know where we are going.”
I am sceptical of the impact job automation will have in the next 10-20 years in the UK. Far more likely to be used to replace manufacturing/assembly jobs, most of which are overseas now anyway.

Whatever we all,think will,happen just beware the curve ball......just like in trading :smart:
Replied to this on your other Euro thread. Overall bullish on the Euro but not sure on timing.

Been busy with the Brighton run today. Geez what a day. I'm on the side of the Unions. Stuff management and job cuts. Government needs to step in as it is impacting the whole coast line and gone beyond a private company issue.

Basically, instead of employing the right level of staff they are asking members to work OT. So if 10 personnel work 1 extra hour, everyday, they can get by, by not hiring the 11th employee. Reason for this is because when they get rid of the conductor transferring roles and responsibilities they can reduce head count from 10, to 5. So they'll be saving on redundancies.

Will cost savings or improvements be passed on to passengers? No they will not. Most will go in fat cat bonuses to management and another small amount to shareholders - maybe???

Writing is on the wall. We are not fighting real issues facing the UK economy. Talk about raising productivity? How? Cut labour force. Stop people getting to work. Business losing revenue. Takes 4 times longer to get into work.

What are the national gains? Mangement get bigger bonuses. Joe public and businesses along with employees get fecked.

STUPID *******S! 😡

We supposed to have privatised railways. So why isn't there another freaking company running the same line??? Because there is no competition. It's a freaking private monopoly. SCREAM indeed. Who thought this great idea up? Answers on a post card. 😡😡😡😡

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