Brexit and the Consequences

And feeling angry will help how? Not a bit. It sounds like you've spent too much time in Europe, all those Latin temperaments getting to you. Keep calm and carry on, its the British way. Thats what we've been fighting for all this time right, our own identity, our own way of doing things.
I wasn't going to bite on your jibing but, I decided otherwise.

For 20 years, my job entailed promoting Britain and, what it had to offer foreign businessmen and investors. I travelled, extensively between Europe and the Middle East "banging the drum" for the UK. I worked, closely, with several government departments. One thing that I never had reason to doubt was the word of senior civil servants or, Ministers. If they told me that a project could go ahead, I knew that this would not be reneged upon.

Am I upset that Britain's integrity is now seen as a joke by our European partners? You fekkin bet I am. This is the most corrupt government, that I've ever experienced in my lifetime of 78 years.
I wasn't going to bite on your jibing but, I decided otherwise.

For 20 years, my job entailed promoting Britain and, what it had to offer foreign businessmen and investors. I travelled, extensively between Europe and the Middle East "banging the drum" for the UK. I worked, closely, with several government departments. One thing that I never had reason to doubt was the word of senior civil servants or, Ministers. If they told me that a project could go ahead, I knew that this would not be reneged upon.

Am I upset that Britain's integrity is now seen as a joke by our European partners? You fekkin bet I am. This is the most corrupt government, that I've ever experienced in my lifetime of 78 years.
If you have Evidence of corruption then you should report it to the police or share it here and I will do it, otherwise its just your Opinion which as we all know is worthless to anyone other than yourself.
If this lot are upset, then it must be the right thing to do.

Former Conservative party leaders Theresa May, Lord Howard and Sir John Major.

I like the quote
The EU has threatened legal action over the Internal Market Bill, which ministers say will break international law in a "specific and limited way".

Wow that is grasping at straws, I mean the French Navy escorting illegal immigrants across the English channel is breaking International law in a "specific and limited way" so it looks like what the UK government is doing will be OK with the French. Also the Greeks not paying back loans and not collecting taxes is breaking International law in a "specific and limited way" so they must be OK with it too. I could go on ... and on and on ...
The bottom line is......EU has had a massive wake up call....either get a deal done on UK terms or fek off because we aren't that bothered by a No Deal.

Barnier is feeling the heat from his own side.
If you have Evidence of corruption then you should report it to the police or share it here and I will do it, otherwise its just your Opinion which as we all know is worthless to anyone other than yourself.
All government contracts are supposed to go out to open tender; that's not happening. Contracts for PPE being awarded to friends of Tory ministers, and SPADS, being a prime example.

Corruption starts from the top. Johnson misled the Queen over the prorogation of Parliament. It's been a downward slide ever since.
If this lot are upset, then it must be the right thing to do.

Former Conservative party leaders Theresa May, Lord Howard and Sir John Major.

Tony Blair has added his condemnation too. Former Attorney General, Dominic Grieve has, also, criticised the government's intention to break International Law. I live in hope that the House of Lords will throw it in the bin, where it belongs.
Tony Blair has added his condemnation too. Former Attorney General, Dominic Grieve has, also, criticised the government's intention to break International Law. I live in hope that the House of Lords will throw it in the bin, where it belongs.
Blair, Major, May, Grieve and their ilk - Yesterday's men.
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Blair, Major, May, Grieve and their ilk - all hypocrites & yesterday's men.
Dominic Grieve, despite the fact that he was a Tory MP, is one of the most honourable men to ever set foot in the House of Commons.
I hope the house of Lords gets thrown in the bin where it belongs. A bunch of unelected toffs who know nothing about what normal people want and need. Just like the EU commissioners who used to write our laws.
Bombastic Baffoon Boris the Brexiteer will take us to the Bromised Britain making World Beating trade deals soon.

The knives are already out for him as the Tory party realises they have picked a dud as people see what a useless blabbering blagger that he is.

Apparently he is lazy and wants to get back to his old wife. Rumours or knives who knows. Conservatives I'm sure will put on another show for us as the Labour party pulls them selves up.
Bombastic Baffoon Boris the Brexiteer will take us to the Bromised Britain making World Beating trade deals soon.

The knives are already out for him as the Tory party realises they have picked a dud as people see what a useless blabbering blagger that he is.

Apparently he is lazy and wants to get back to his old wife. Rumours or knives who knows. Conservatives I'm sure will put on another show for us as the Labour party pulls them selves up.
I agree Boris has been a bumbling disappointment. He's treated government like a game that he has to win by any means fair or foul and yet completely lacks the ability to lead or deliver working solutions.
The Chinese were right, be careful what you wish for ...
I agree Boris has been a bumbling disappointment. He's treated government like a game that he has to win by any means fair or foul and yet completely lacks the ability to lead or deliver working solutions.
The Chinese were right, be careful what you wish for ...

Supposed to have done good work delivering the Olympics. What a load of tosh is that. He had 100s probably 1000s of bodies doing the work and figure head takes credit for other peoples work.

Also as the Mayor of London the only good thing he did was Extending Ken's congestion charge to Chelsea having criticised it for years.

Boris bikes no brainer. No idea why it's called Boris bikes. Just about every city in the globe introducing them. He however, gave the contract to some foreign manufacturer. Apparently British manufacturers not up to the job. You'd think he'd have some freaking pride in national production. Cycling a growing industry. Brompton producing world beating folding bikes. Boris the POS awards contract to some foreign outfit. Lunacy.

Mr BJ is about as useful as a chocolate tea-pot. Utterly useless POS 😡
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Supposed to have done good work delivering the Olympics. What a load of tosh is that. He had 100s probably 1000s of bodies doing the work and figure head takes credit for other peoples work.

Also as the Mayor of London the only good thing he did was Extending Ken's congestion charge to Chelsea having criticised it for years.

Boris bikes no brainer. No idea why it's called Boris bikes. Just about every city in the globe introducing them. He however, gave the contract to some foreign manufacturer. Apparently British manufacturers not up to the job. You'd think he'd have some freaking pride in national production. Cycling a growing industry. Brompton producing world beating folding bikes. Boris the POS awards contract to some foreign outfit. Lunacy.

Mr BJ is about as useful as a chocolate tea-pot. Utterly useless POS 😡
The London hire bikes, aka Boris bikes, were the idea of Ken Livingstone during his tenure as Mayor. However, I do think that the term "Boris Bikes" has been a positive for the scheme.
One of my "friends", Simon Maginn, posted this on Twitter earlier. In view of the possible port chaos of a "no deal"Brexit, he predicted this scenario :-
"Kent declares UDI. Skirmishes along the Kent-Surrey border lead to Kent declaring war. King Nigel leads the Kentinistas in their glorious struggle. The Kent passport is blue (obviously), the flag a Farage rampant against a field of lorries. Surrey is taken, renamed 'Nigelshire'".🤣🤣🤣