Brexit and the Consequences

I think you're getting a little over emotional about this. We're not hot headed Latin temperament types any more, we left them behind. Put your slippers on get your pipe and sit in front of the fire in your favorite armchair and behave like a Brit again.
Anybody who cares about the reputation of the UK, or wishes to "behave like a Brit", should feel angry at present.
Anybody who cares about the reputation of the UK, or wishes to "behave like a Brit", should feel angry at present.
And feeling angry will help how? Not a bit. It sounds like you've spent too much time in Europe, all those Latin temperaments getting to you. Keep calm and carry on, its the British way. Thats what we've been fighting for all this time right, our own identity, our own way of doing things.
I don't like the idea of eating whale meat although, I quite like sushi.

In anticipation of the government crashing us out of the EU, without a deal, I've just placed a large order for tinned, vacuum packed and dried food. This will keep me fed for several months. If I'm wrong, I can give most of it to my local food bank
I don't like the idea of eating whale meat although, I quite like sushi.

In anticipation of the government crashing us out of the EU, without a deal, I've just placed a large order for tinned, vacuum packed and dried food. This will keep me fed for several months. If I'm wrong, I can give most of it to my local food bank
I assume you are joking so haha.
Nothing will change! Why will nothing change, because people make money doing business, and they make nothing doing no business. Businesses do not care if one day they are selling to a European and the next day they are selling to an Englishman or Scotsman (they do care about selling to Welshmen though).
Companies exist to make money and they will sell to whomever pays them.
"Government analysis found that a deal with Japan would boost the UK's GDP by around 0.07% over 15 years"
Possibly not the best start to it then?
Thats just one small deal. The main benefit comes from the removal of uncertainty, once were out ,were out and business can act accordingly. Also were not paying massive sums to subsidise countries that cant look after themselves and are irresponsible with money.
Its a massive win.
I assume you are joking so haha.
Nothing will change! Why will nothing change, because people make money doing business, and they make nothing doing no business. Businesses do not care if one day they are selling to a European and the next day they are selling to an Englishman or Scotsman (they do care about selling to Welshmen though).
Companies exist to make money and they will sell to whomever pays them.
No; I'm not joking. There's nothing to joke about here. It isn't just about companies wanting to sell goods. Tariffs, and customs regulations, will come into play once we leave. Almost every product that we sell into the EU's customer base, of 500 million people. will carry a tariff.

I remember Boris Johnson, circa 2015, telling us how important it was that we were part of the EU. He did a complete U-turn on that. Of course, we have now got used to him, his SPAD and his cabinet, lying to us , almost, on a daily basis.

I think that i might go up to Barnard Castle for a holiday😎
This country needs a completely different set up to be winners AGAIN. We struggle on with Victorian principles and ideals that has got us sliding down the ladder of mediocracy. Just bodging on a new patch up can't arrest the slide imho. In only a hundred years Britain has lost most of it's overseas territories, most of it's top assets like ship/car building etc.
Christianity led to the fall of the Roman Empire and is dragging us down too. Clear out the swamp.
There is little cooperative effort. Just the usual vultures filling their own pockets.
This country needs a completely different set up to be winners AGAIN. We struggle on with Victorian principles and ideals that has got us sliding down the ladder of mediocracy. Just bodging on a new patch up can't arrest the slide imho. In only a hundred years Britain has lost most of it's overseas territories, most of it's top assets like ship/car building etc.
Christianity led to the fall of the Roman Empire and is dragging us down too. Clear out the swamp.
There is little cooperative effort. Just the usual vultures filling their own pockets.
In my opinion, one of the key elements, in restoring the integrity of the UK, would be to abolish the "first past the post" electoral voting system. The introduction of proportional representation would bring about a substantial improvement in the economic, and social fabric, of the UK.
No; I'm not joking. There's nothing to joke about here. It isn't just about companies wanting to sell goods. Tariffs, and customs regulations, will come into play once we leave. Almost every product that we sell into the EU's customer base, of 500 million people. will carry a tariff.

I remember Boris Johnson, circa 2015, telling us how important it was that we were part of the EU. He did a complete U-turn on that. Of course, we have now got used to him, his SPAD and his cabinet, lying to us , almost, on a daily basis.

I think that i might go up to Barnard Castle for a holiday😎
So it _IS_ all about selling goods and services, you have added nothing to support your argument that it is anything else.
The uncertainty is what tarrifs and regulations businesses need to follow, once that is established (which for Japan it now is) then businesses will adapt and continue. At the moment they dont know which rules to follow once they do trade will resume. This is a great opportunity for British businesses.
In my opinion, one of the key elements, in restoring the integrity of the UK, would be to abolish the "first past the post" electoral voting system. The introduction of proportional representation would bring about a substantial improvement in the economic, and social fabric, of the UK.
Agree. But by what mechanism will we persuade a government that was voted into power thanks to the "first past the post" system to change the status quo?
Agree. But by what mechanism will we persuade a government that was voted into power thanks to the "first past the post" system to change the status quo?
Perhaps, the only way would be to allow MPs to vote for it on non-Party lines. Just as they did on the abolition of capital punishment.
I think Brexiteers have created a major sh!t storm. I feel all the numpty's especially the likes of Boris, Farage and Gove and Jacobs need to come out of their woodworks and show some true leadership.

4 years down the road and after all we've been through getting a withdrawal agreement, the next step is to do away with it at the very point when the withdrawal agreement is supposed to be kicking in.

I think Brexiteers have created a major sh!t storm. I feel all the numpty's especially the likes of Boris, Farage and Gove and Jacobs need to come out of their woodworks and show some true leadership.

4 years down the road and after all we've been through getting a withdrawal agreement, the next step is to do away with it at the very point when the withdrawal agreement is supposed to be kicking in.

It was May that wasted most of those four years with her treachery. Without signing the slightly changed but still defective Withdrawal Agreement, Boris would not have been able to get us legally out on the 31st January last. The nonsense going on at the moment is the last throes of Remainers/EU who still can't accept the democratic vote. Meanwhile the EU appears to be hammering the last few nails into its coffin from the inside. We've just done a fast deal with Japan that's better than the EU version that took years to negotiate. Ironical isn't it, that Gina Miller who insisted on going to the Supreme Court to get the judgement on Parliament's sovereignty, will now be watching Parliament exerting that very sovereignty on the current bill going through, which will trash the defective withdrawal agreement and put a stop to the EU's weaponising of the Northern Ireland situation. It's a good job that Machiavelli Cummings has got his finger on the pulse.
In my opinion, one of the key elements, in restoring the integrity of the UK, would be to abolish the "first past the post" electoral voting system. The introduction of proportional representation would bring about a substantial improvement in the economic, and social fabric, of the UK.

I doubt it.
More likely we would venture further down the road of pandering to and unduly favoring minority interests as opposed to governing in the interests of the silent majority. It's worth remembering that the Brexit referendum demonstrated where the real power lies, which is with the people. Politicians on all sides learned a very valuable lesson that day.
I think Brexiteers have created a major sh!t storm. I feel all the numpty's especially the likes of Boris, Farage and Gove and Jacobs need to come out of their woodworks and show some true leadership.

4 years down the road and after all we've been through getting a withdrawal agreement, the next step is to do away with it at the very point when the withdrawal agreement is supposed to be kicking in.

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One thing at the time mi ole mukka.
The first step was to remove all those who wished to subvert the process and deny the will of the people. This was rectified and completed with the vote at the last election.
Worth noting that the main opponents to the Brexit cause, ie the Lib Dems, were decimated at that election. They couldn't even manage to get their then leader elected.
It was May that wasted most of those four years with her treachery. Without signing the slightly changed but still defective Withdrawal Agreement, Boris would not have been able to get us legally out on the 31st January last. The nonsense going on at the moment is the last throes of Remainers/EU who still can't accept the democratic vote. Meanwhile the EU appears to be hammering the last few nails into its coffin from the inside. We've just done a fast deal with Japan that's better than the EU version that took years to negotiate. Ironical isn't it, that Gina Miller who insisted on going to the Supreme Court to get the judgement on Parliament's sovereignty, will now be watching Parliament exerting that very sovereignty on the current bill going through, which will trash the defective withdrawal agreement and put a stop to the EU's weaponising of the Northern Ireland situation. It's a good job that Machiavelli Cummings has got his finger on the pulse.

Agree partially. I was never for the withdrawal agreement which was a pile of pooh.

We should be either all in or all out.

Teresa May is not the only one who played politics with Britain's interest. Boris tosh head is just another along with Gove and Jacob...

fwiw I have accepted the decision. I do think it should be a controlled and amicable withdrawal. My own calculations of what we might owe was around 36 bn if I recall. Current cabinet's approach is akin to football hooligans and mad dogs.

Too much power goes to some peoples heads.