Brexit and the Consequences

Even the most vocal and enthusiastic 'Brexiteers' don't believe their own bullshit.

Not, at least, when it comes to committing cold hard cash to their words !

Billionaire Sir Jim Ratcliffe, a Leave campaigner in the run-up to the 2016 Brexit referendum, has confirmed a new 4x4 landrover - inspired vehicle will be built in France.

It ends hopes his Grenadier off-roader, based on the original British Land Rover, would be made at a new plant in Wales.

Those plans have been ditched in favour of using the Mercedes-Benz's Hambach site, in Moselle.

He said on Tuesday that Hambach offered a "unique opportunity".

....... mainly, by not being located in the UK.

Thing is, Radcliffe already has large European business interests and production of said vehicle in the UK was never high up on the priority list. Bit of a non story tbh, but I suppose remainers will use it as it suits their purpose. Blame everything on Brexit.

Radcliffe does plenty inside the UK as this article highlights.

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Even the most vocal and enthusiastic 'Brexiteers' don't believe their own bullshit.

Not, at least, when it comes to committing cold hard cash to their words !

Billionaire Sir Jim Ratcliffe, a Leave campaigner in the run-up to the 2016 Brexit referendum, has confirmed a new 4x4 landrover - inspired vehicle will be built in France.

It ends hopes his Grenadier off-roader, based on the original British Land Rover, would be made at a new plant in Wales.

Those plans have been ditched in favour of using the Mercedes-Benz's Hambach site, in Moselle.

He said on Tuesday that Hambach offered a "unique opportunity".

....... mainly, by not being located in the UK.


The Sunday Times reports that Sir Jim's plan would see him and senior executives Andy Currie and John Reece legally share between £1bn and £10bn tax-free, depriving the Treasury of between £400m and £4bn.

Guess it's a bit like Jacob Moggy boy moving his ops to Ireland.

My question would be, if we didn't have Brexit would he still move his operations to avoid tax?

Either way I don't blame him as 400m-4bn can buy a lot of lollies.

Invisible hand is at work here...
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Brexit is the ultimate irony. We're the only country in the world to impose economic sanctions on itself. Ffs ):
Brexit is the ultimate irony. We're the only country in the world to impose economic sanctions on itself. Ffs ):

The doom mongers already lost this battle.
Why are the EU so desperate to keep us tied to their ever shrinking world market share?

EU has been holding us back for years. Ridiculous levels of budget contributions which have essentially been squandered propping up failed countries within the EU.

I know the truth hurts but you will just have to deal with it !
We are part of a community of 500 million people and there can be no doubt that we would have greater influence inside the EU rather than outside it.

The red herring about sovereignty is BS. We didn't sign up to the Schengen Agreement nor, did we accept to abolish the £ in favour of the Euro.

Already, major foreign banks have moved their multi billion investment portfolios to Paris or Frankfurt.

Now, all we wait for are miles of commercial lorry queues that will bring the county of Kent to a standstill after 1st January. We can expect food and drug shortages that we haven't seen since the second world war.
The doom mongers already lost this battle.
Why are the EU so desperate to keep us tied to their ever shrinking world market share? YOU STILL DON'T GET HOW AVERAGES WORK DO YOU? 🤣 🤣 🤣

EU has been holding us back for years. Ridiculous levels of budget contributions which have essentially been squandered propping up failed countries within the EU.

I know the truth hurts but you will just have to deal with it !

Why has Boris gone over to Europe to have dinner?

EU should come to our feet. He needs to wave his two fingers in the air.

That's not how one negotiates from strength.

You not smelling the fokoffee are you? Test for Covid if I were you???
. . . We can expect food and drug shortages that we haven't seen since the second world war.
With any luck Alan this will include delays in getting the Pfizer vaccine, and the knock on effect of that will be greater delays in getting the 'Corona Vaccine Passport to Freedom' up and running. Who knows, by the time they sort thenselves out, herd immunity will have been achieved the natural way and the pox will have all but disappeared. So, in my book, Brexit's still a good thing!
Hey boys 'n girls, I've got a great idea: why don't we re-run the whole Brexit argument all over again from scratch - that would be fun wouldn't it?!!!

No need matey. I've accepted Brexit.

If I were Boris I would flash my two fingers at the EU.

Bring on GATT.

Let all hell loose. Cosy up to US, Russia and China. Free trade with any country who want's to dance with me.

Shake it up and see what falls out the tree or pops out of the ground.

EU comes over here to talk negotiations. Now UK goes over there. Macaronee short arse pulling strings. Going to veto any deal if France not listened to. The whole sh!t show is about deflecting the brown stuff off ones face.

Brexiteers need to get real and take it like a man. So much whaffle. Now is the time to shut up, do and DELIVER on promises! not give in to them.

No need matey. I've accepted Brexit.

If I were Boris I would flash my two fingers at the EU.

Bring on GATT.

Let all hell loose. Cosy up to US, Russia and China. Free trade with any country who want's to dance with me.

Shake it up and see what falls out the tree or pops out of the ground.

EU comes over here to talk negotiations. Now UK goes over there. Macaronee short arse pulling strings. Going to veto any deal if France not listened to. The whole sh!t show is about deflecting the brown stuff off ones face.

Brexiteers need to get real and take it like a man. So much whaffle. Now is the time to shut up, do and DELIVER on promises! not give in to them.


Careful, you might upset the remoaners with comments like that.
Thing is, Radcliffe already has large European business interests and production of said vehicle in the UK was never high up on the priority list. Bit of a non story tbh, but I suppose remainers will use it as it suits their purpose. Blame everything on Brexit.

Radcliffe does plenty inside the UK as this article highlights.

I didn't say it was a bad business decision,- it isn't, it's an eminently sensible one.

Simple utterly hypocritical to boot.

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) have forecast that Brexit alone, WITHOUT the effects of Covid-19, will result in a 2% reduction in our GDP next year. On top of that, they expect 300,000 jobs to go.

I'm a remoaner because I feel that we are better off in the EU. I had a Covid test, recently, and was requested to state my nationality and ethnicity. None of the options seemed accurate for me so, I filled in the "Other" section. In that I wrote "White European". Nobody queried it!!!
Does anyone know what exactly is the relationship between the German Chancellor and the EU Parliament .
Which has the deciding say on immigration, Brexit etc. ?
Does anyone know what exactly is the relationship between the German Chancellor and the EU Parliament .
Which has the deciding say on immigration, Brexit etc. ?

Yes, she tells them how it's going to be, then they all play up like a classroom full of naughty children.
She did lose her authority for a time after allowing untold migrants into Germany and all the problems that ensued, but that seems to have blown over for now.
Yes, she tells them how it's going to be, then they all play up like a classroom full of naughty children.
She did lose her authority for a time after allowing untold migrants into Germany and all the problems that ensued, but that seems to have blown over for now.
Today's queue into Calais by drivers trying to make pre-Brexit deliveries. The queue was 16 MILES LONG. All you Brexit supporters that can't wait to get our country back, you're a bunch of xxxxs.
Here's the proof