Brexit and the Consequences

And well done to you c_v for a beautifully understated post that leaves subscribers to the thread to read between the lines. This is necessary in the current climate because to criticise the looting on display in this video would be tantamount to racism. It appears that the world and it's thinking is so very fcuked up that unless one actively supports BLM and everything that it stands for - which includes abolishing capitalism, the police and the judicial system then, by default, one is racist. Oh, and lest I forget, we must revere it's new poster boy and 'take the knee' to demonstrate our support for a man who served 5 years in prison for armed robbery.

Sargon (Carl Benjamin) posted this brilliant video yesterday in which he unravelled all of this nonsense and exposed the sheer hypocrisy and cringe making virtue signalling that many will go to in a bid to demonstrate their woke credentials and 'prove' that they're not racist. Enjoy . . .

I think there are many ignorant racists with a stingy tight arses. 👎

I guess it's all about experience and perception.
No extension, but the Europeans desperately trying to keep that option on the table.
Just proves to me that they need the UK's money and they need an agreement far more than we do.

The tories just pandering to their voters rather than national interest.

As with Covid-19 politicians are taking decisions to maintain their power base and protect their seats.

Apparently, EU trucks will freely roll in to the UK. UK was expecting the same from EU. This is one of the key point about the single market and rules against those outside coming in. Otherwise many other foreign companies will come in and setup shop in UK and drive freely into EU to sell their wares.

Igorance and demands from the UK side is remarkable.

Will have to wait and see how the lorry queues pans out.

Also, France has already raised investment in building for the Airbus - wings I think looking to take over production from the UK in due course with the new eco-friendly liners in design. Ones that operate burning Hydrogen. Time frame probably about 10-20 years when wing production probably moves away and starts declining from the UK.

I think all the Welsh people will be cursing the day they voted Brexit.

So on one side we have much gustor and BS. Then on the other some real long term strategic decisions in the making by the French eying British national interests. Wakey wakey.
The tories just pandering to their voters rather than national interest.

As with Covid-19 politicians are taking decisions to maintain their power base and protect their seats.

Apparently, EU trucks will freely roll in to the UK. UK was expecting the same from EU. This is one of the key point about the single market and rules against those outside coming in. Otherwise many other foreign companies will come in and setup shop in UK and drive freely into EU to sell their wares.

Igorance and demands from the UK side is remarkable.

Will have to wait and see how the lorry queues pans out.

Also, France has already raised investment in building for the Airbus - wings I think looking to take over production from the UK in due course with the new eco-friendly liners in design. Ones that operate burning Hydrogen. Time frame probably about 10-20 years when wing production probably moves away and starts declining from the UK.

I think all the Welsh people will be cursing the day they voted Brexit.

So on one side we have much gustor and BS. Then on the other some real long term strategic decisions in the making by the French eying British national interests. Wakey wakey.

Hydrogen as a fuel on a commercial basis is a non starter.
Where do you suppose the hydrogen comes from currently?

What do you think this piece of news is going.

If you say it's a waste of money then who am I to argue with you.

French obviously don't know what they are doing?

You can get Hydrogen for specialist uses, pet vanity projects, and virtue signalling pie in the sky escapades, but on a commercially viable scale it's neither practical nor possible.

Now...can you answer the question of where Hydrogen comes from currently. ie, how is it made and perhaps more importantly, what it it made from? 🤣
You can get Hydrogen for specialist uses, pet vanity projects, and virtue signalling pie in the sky escapades, but on a commercially viable scale it's neither practical nor possible.

Now...can you answer the question of where Hydrogen comes from currently. ie, how is it made and perhaps more importantly, what it it made from? 🤣

I know it is a byproduct and you need to put energy in to get the chemical transfer to produce Hydrogen. So you made the point it is not commercially viable at present but science is discovering nee processes all the time.

Concorde was loss making pet project between UK and France too and look how that ended up.

Just get to your point whatever it is. We know it is your area of expertise but no reason to load tit up.
I know it is a byproduct and you need to put energy in to get the chemical transfer to produce Hydrogen. So you made the point it is not commercially viable at present but science is discovering nee processes all the time.

Concorde was loss making pet project between UK and France too and look how that ended up.

Just get to your point whatever it is. We know it is your area of expertise but no reason to load tit up.

Simply pointing out that to produce Hydrogen means ramping up the consumption of fossil fuels, which in the current climate flies in the face of another pet project in the name of renewable energy.

This so called green revolution and the getting of clean energy is bunkum. More fossil fuels are consumed in the production and construction, let alone the servicing of these projects, than we ever get back from them.
Simply pointing out that to produce Hydrogen means ramping up the consumption of fossil fuels, which in the current climate flies in the face of another pet project in the name of renewable energy.

This so called green revolution and the getting of clean energy is bunkum. More fossil fuels are consumed in the production and construction, let alone the servicing of these projects, than we ever get back from them.

That's been pretty much always the case and it's all about efficiency of energy transfer from input to output.

Aeroplanes will not disappear and that work will continue. The question here is Airbus production and who gets to build parts where? France will get R&D aid from the EU budget. R&D aid will be transferred away from the UK to France and in due course production.

That is for certain.

There then remains whether gains from trading with other countries aka the rest of the world will be sufficient to compensate loss from trading with EU or trading with rest of the World as a member of the EU.

Toyota linking up with Suzuki does not mean Nissan is concentrating production in Sunderland.

It is not thought this development will lead to the creation of new jobs as it will be within Toyota’s existing production capacity. However, it will help secure the future of the UK workforce of more than 3,000.

That is simply BAU for Toyota.

However, Honda has confirmed it will close its Swindon car plant in 2021, with the loss of about 3,500 jobs. The Japanese company builds 160,000 Honda Civics a year in Swindon, its only car factory in the EU. ... Business Secretary Greg Clark said the decision was "devastating" for Swindon and the UK.
If Scotland votes to be independent and, joins the EU, the moves will be by those leaving England.
I still think both England and Scotland will be better off togethor. The Scots have all the reasonable bits of independence setting their own agendas as it is.
Same old story of slippery politicians gathering the votes of the disaffected.
High time Miss Minnow retired.
If Scotland votes to be independent and, joins the EU, the moves will be by those leaving England.

Scotland has a number of hurdles to jump before that day, not least of which that Westminster would need to allow for a vote, the Scots would need to vote for it, they would need a grown up fiscally responsible accountable Government (so that rules the SNP out then), their own currency, a mandate from the Scots that they want to join the failing EU, agreement from the EU that they want any more non contributing member countries. And a very lengthy and drawn out process to gain membership.

I somehow think, it's never going to happen.

I deal extensively with grown up business people in Scotland and they have no desire for independence. The One thing they do complain about is skills, brain power and a general decline in population. Opportunities are found elsewhere, so they up sticks and bugger off.

But I do have a question.
Why does the SNP keep banging on about independence and in the next breath giving it away to the EU?
A mystery indeed!
Scotland has a number of hurdles to jump before that day, not least of which that Westminster would need to allow for a vote, the Scots would need to vote for it, they would need a grown up fiscally responsible accountable Government (so that rules the SNP out then), their own currency, a mandate from the Scots that they want to join the failing EU, agreement from the EU that they want any more non contributing member countries. And a very lengthy and drawn out process to gain membership.

I somehow think, it's never going to happen.

I deal extensively with grown up business people in Scotland and they have no desire for independence. The One thing they do complain about is skills, brain power and a general decline in population. Opportunities are found elsewhere, so they up sticks and bugger off.

But I do have a question.
Why does the SNP keep banging on about independence and in the next breath giving it away to the EU?
A mystery indeed!
Not as much of a mystery as to why the UK government wish to break International Law. They're showing that they cannot be trusted. A sad state of affairs
I don't think that new signs are being made for airports in England but, if they are, they might read "Welcome to the Banana Republic of England". That's how much our international credibility has been damaged by this argument over the Withdrawal Agreement.
I don't think that new signs are being made for airports in England but, if they are, they might read "Welcome to the Banana Republic of England". That's how much our international credibility has been damaged by this argument over the Withdrawal Agreement.
I think you're getting a little over emotional about this. We're not hot headed Latin temperament types any more, we left them behind. Put your slippers on get your pipe and sit in front of the fire in your favorite armchair and behave like a Brit again.