Brexit and the Consequences

Other than Daily trash can you put up couple of reputable sources plz.

Googled Nissan HQ and nothing that says it's moving to Sunderland.

FGS, SC after all your verbals about MSM and fake news if Daily Trash is your idea of dependable news outlet, you have a big wake up call waiting for you.

Exemplifies how desperately Brexiteers want to believe in their hyped up BS.

It's the SC, fake news about fake news service, or is it?
Whatever the fake news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The EU is crumbling.

Coming from the man who reads the STAR 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Or was that just opportunism because it tickled your fancy?

I oogled EU is crumbling and look at the news items that came up! The regular daily trash. If you all have your heads up your rear ends and follow your leader who is another opportunistic numpty with no leadership qualities, who is advised by some messiah like four eyed clown guess where you will all end up?

Coming from the man who reads the STAR 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Or was that just opportunism because it tickled your fancy?

I oogled EU is crumbling and look at the news items that came up! The regular daily trash. If you all have your heads up your rear ends and follow your leader who is another opportunistic numpty with no leadership qualities, who is advised by some messiah like four eyed clown guess where you will all end up?

The second crumbling.
Coming from the man who reads the STAR 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Or was that just opportunism because it tickled your fancy?

I oogled EU is crumbling and look at the news items that came up! The regular daily trash. If you all have your heads up your rear ends and follow your leader who is another opportunistic numpty with no leadership qualities, who is advised by some messiah like four eyed clown guess where you will all end up?

Interesting. I hadn't seen all those reports – thanks. I'd just been looking at the facts.
Interesting. I hadn't seen all those reports – thanks. I'd just been looking at the facts.

You are a real joker.

You looking at the facts are you? 🤣 🤣 🤣

What ever they are it doesn't matter you say coz Brexiteers have it all sussed out.

Typical Brexit puppets have given you thumbs up for the false facts too. Blind leading the blind. Can "see" how Brexit will turn out. Pun intended! 😉
You have to remember, a large chunk of that money if true would come back to UK in some form of shape or other.

Also, you need to check how much UK is spending on her own.

Every country will have increased spending due to the Covid nonsense.

UK needs to be nimble and deregulated to rid itself of the protectionist EU policies.

WTO here we come.

A good start will be to slash the foreign aid budget.

Did I mention NO DEAL previously? Slipped my mind !
Hardly a result of Brexit!

Agree SC as car over capacity and production more to do with Global demand for cars and shift to new electric technology. However, when considering consolidating plants or investing in new ones, PESTLE is one business analysis tool used in the strategic consideration of external factors facing an organisation.

That's political, economic, social, techno, legal and the environment. So the decision is not just based on profits and business costs but also political, social and legal issues.

Brexit has an impact on those political and social considerations. It will be used in the bargaining process that's for sure.
Nothing like a spot of rioting to pass the time.
No signs of media or police presence.

Well done Europe, great progressive policy and the consequences.

. . .Well done Europe, great progressive policy and the consequences.
And well done to you c_v for a beautifully understated post that leaves subscribers to the thread to read between the lines. This is necessary in the current climate because to criticise the looting on display in this video would be tantamount to racism. It appears that the world and it's thinking is so very fcuked up that unless one actively supports BLM and everything that it stands for - which includes abolishing capitalism, the police and the judicial system then, by default, one is racist. Oh, and lest I forget, we must revere it's new poster boy and 'take the knee' to demonstrate our support for a man who served 5 years in prison for armed robbery.

Sargon (Carl Benjamin) posted this brilliant video yesterday in which he unravelled all of this nonsense and exposed the sheer hypocrisy and cringe making virtue signalling that many will go to in a bid to demonstrate their woke credentials and 'prove' that they're not racist. Enjoy . . .

Oh, and lest I forget, we must revere it's new poster boy and 'take the knee' to demonstrate our support for a man who served 5 years in prison for armed robbery.

There's no need for us ordinary citizens to be involved in taking the knee, our gallant police will take the knee on our behalf, we salute you British police service for the fine upstanding job you do of protecting the British and all we stand for 👎👎
And well done to you c_v for a beautifully understated post that leaves subscribers to the thread to read between the lines. This is necessary in the current climate because to criticise the looting on display in this video would be tantamount to racism. It appears that the world and it's thinking is so very fcuked up that unless one actively supports BLM and everything that it stands for - which includes abolishing capitalism, the police and the judicial system then, by default, one is racist. Oh, and lest I forget, we must revere it's new poster boy and 'take the knee' to demonstrate our support for a man who served 5 years in prison for armed robbery.

Sargon (Carl Benjamin) posted this brilliant video yesterday in which he unravelled all of this nonsense and exposed the sheer hypocrisy and cringe making virtue signalling that many will go to in a bid to demonstrate their woke credentials and 'prove' that they're not racist. Enjoy . . .

Some rap sheet our latest icon amassed.

No extension, but the Europeans desperately trying to keep that option on the table.
Just proves to me that they need the UK's money and they need an agreement far more than we do.
