Good article. Sums up perfectly how we bend over backwards to accommodate every minority interest, to the point where even the rule of law does not apply equally, whilst neglecting our own silent majority on every level.
Take the issue of religious tolerance. The UK is famed for promoting tolerance and harmony, which is a laudable ambition. The problem however is that minority interests suddenly find themselves empowered to take the absolute **** because all the apologists come out to defend their oppressed minority rights at the expense of the silent majority.
Brexit is a tipping point, so is Trump and so are all the other unexpected political events.
When I use the word "unexpected" I am of course taking the **** 😆 These events were only unexpected amongst all those who were uninformed or asleep at the wheel. For any sane rational person, none of these events were a surprise or a shock.
I'm not a massive fan of people like Tommy Robinson, especially his earlier work, but he is clearly very highly intelligent and well informed. He has a number of videos on youtube where he addresses Uni grads on what it was like growing up in his home town of Luton. It's understandable how people like Tommy are created when you look at the constant and continual injustice that they have been subjected to all through their formative years.
The liberal elites have created this mess in the UK and are entirely at fault here by failing to uphold values that the silent majority hold dear.