Tim, I'm a Remainer but I do not believe that Putin is doing this because of any isolation caused by Brexit. He has been taking the **** out of the US, too, and they are a very formidable nation to oppose.
This is another international incident, just like many, and I am too old, myself, to be worried by it.
I am convinced that we are all going to blow ourselves to hell, sooner or later, anyway.
This could be a terrorist group out to cause trouble between the great powers. Nerve gas? Saddam Hussein killed thousands of Kurds with it, years ago. I'd say that it was, pretty much, old hat.
Hate to disagree re: Russia here with you Split, but do concur with your better remain sentiments.
Re: Russia, it is the US and the West that make Russia to be the bogey man. In fact state defence budgets need a new common threat / enemy to justify budgets. Otherwise more cuts on the way as just not many wars as there used to be. Not good for the metal business is it? Who believes Russia is the biggest threat UK faces today? A little like the 45min dossier with Iraq pointing WMD weapons at the UK. Really?
The US created Al-Qaida and once it had served its purpose destroyed it. That was the Iraq / 9-11 inside job fiasco blamed on Osama bin ladin the Great Saudi relation.
The US & UK created ISIS to over-throw Assad, as part of neo-cons great axis of evil project to claim last known big oil reserves between Iran / Iraq and pointed out Syria as another one of those evils.
Russia has put a stop to US destabilising and raping the ME. US not happy. UK the US sidekick much the same. Iran also on the radar. Just a matter of time before attention turns to fessing up Iran as well.
US has been waging war on Russia for yonks. Whether it is concerted effort to bring about reduction in price of gold and oil or attacking Russian interest in Ukraine trying to overthrow a legitimate government with promise of EU riches and money or putting Nato tanks up in front of Russia's border it's all the same story. US defending freedoms!!! Really. Russia and China are already free and citizens travel as they like. Why is it any bother to us anyhow. Especially with all our migration problems. Before we were helping to get them out. I suggest we keep them in. What a silly topsy turvy world we live in.
Difficult to judge for British people to know what really is going on. I doubt with the exception of a handful of peeps anyone really knows. What I do feel strongly about is it will not be what our leaders tell us is the case.
We are told military grade Russian nerve gas was used? Well how can they know that if they don't know where it comes from? The reality is apparently these particles are exchanged by Russia and US and could easily have been borrowed or stashed away for future use. They could ofcourse be reproduced.
I feel US and UK has most to benefit from this kind of stuff to gain public endorsement for building a case against Russia and Syria. In fact chemical weapons have been used in Syria and on one case when Russia provided evidence whilst the West "true press" just blamed it was obviously Syria and not the blood curdling ISIS, chopping off heads and burning people in cages. Surely ISIS wouldn't gas their own kind? Would they?
Michael Portillo also made an interesting and plausible reference, suggesting it is possible US and UK intelligence services have been having a lot of success against the GRU and this could be simply a message for potential spies that selling national secrets will not be tolerated.
I find it a bit of a joke US accusing Russia of meddling in US elections as US and UK over throw elected governments under the banner of bringing liberal democracy to tyrannical governments in some B & C story about how we are the good guys and they are the bad. Even Margaret Thatcher's son was employed in the business of overthrowing governments and sadly got caught red handed doing it.
Then there is the criminal elements settling scores as if the UK MI6 or US Black Ops private army of capitalistic missionaries are not the same or just as bad.
Sad aspect of this - is probably that someone somewhere fessed up big time as a British police officer who went to help got caught up in the private settlement. Sleepy Salisbury which I too have very fond memories of is not the place to carry out such acts. However, I'm now wondering if the particles were in her daughters suitcase, whether calculations went tits up. Weren't they supposed to open the suitcase up in London or some other place. Was it not just supposed to be the daughter on her own to get him to shut up having lost his son as well. Who knows?
Really no one knows what happened but I do find UK response OT. That is of course unless you look at it from MI6 pov. If UK doesn't respond how will they ever recruit Russian's to spy for them? Make there job impossible. Peter Wright wrote one book and MoD said no no no. Anyone read it? So dull and boring - all he talks about is magnetic tape recording devices and watching people come and go from Russian Consulate. On the other we take their spies, give them lots of money, education wine and dine and make sure children go to top schools.
By the way - everyone keeps referring to that McFly series too as if it lends any credence to the story. I strongly suspect that too was calculated well ahead of the event with this act to take place just before elections.
It all smacks of some big orchestrated public manipulation setup to me. It's not private purely public. Very public indeed.
People see what they want to see. Mikhail Khodorkovsky a billionaire sees criminal elements. Well he would do as he is a business man.
Talking of criminal elements - here is just one example. Dick Cheney's Halliburton and Iraq. The guy made literally billions. His 5m company went to 500m and then to 20bn +
Guys a mafiozi of the highest order and he gets a medal of honour for serving country, killing people and sacrificing US marines for the profit of his company.
I do feel UK is over playing hand here. And where is US exactly when we need them. Or France? Or the EU?
I'm sure they are counting how much money they can attract to their countries. At least EU anyhow. We should be seeing lots of brochures telling Russian oligarchs just what a fabulous place Paris or Frankfurt can be at this time of the year with spring in the air. :whistling
Just my tuppence worth. Not really a Brexit story but it has potential.