Brexit and the Consequences

No, you're obviously not getting the message from "We're sorry Scotland" and this is getting all too namby-pamby for my tastes. Where's the spleen? Where's the vitriol? The Ad hominems, the spurious insults - where are they now???? - when I suggested that you have at it like gentlemen I didn't mean that you should wimp out and start going in for this "No, I insist, after you, sir!" stuff ad nauseam.....

I meant "Gentlemen" as in fisticuffs in the House, the barons slaughtering the serfs, la Terreur and aristocratic blood knee-deep in the Place de la Concorde, Caesars throwing the lions to the Christians - I'm with the lions on that one.....

Come back Ô Xenophobes and Utopians! Let the great debate be truly renewed!
Prepare your barbs, your rebuttals and your left hooks and look to Mr Bragg for inspiration:

No can do I'm afraid... I took a new year resolution to remove expletives from my vocabulary and be nice to everyone including Brexiters.

Doing well so far. Only spoke the F-word once and would like to persevere on a while longer.

I concur with SC and found that video sleep inducing. 😴
No can do I'm afraid... I took a new year resolution to remove expletives from my vocabulary and be nice to everyone including Brexiters.

Doing well so far. Only spoke the F-word once and would like to persevere on a while longer.

I concur with SC and found that video sleep inducing. 😴

Hmmm, I get the message - it's a resounding "Must try harder"

I shall turn the full white hot glare of my remaining brain cell onto the matter of finding something really offensive, divisive and generally rage inducing.....but wait a minute, wasn't that what the referendum was all about?

Of course, that's it! The key to civil strife and entertaining carnage is ANOTHER referendum! In fact, regular referendums - or "da" if we're being politically correct.

Anyway, CV, Atilla - a pox on both your houses!! Whether we exit or linger, IMO the future is going to be worse for longer. The answer to the question: "Where will it all end?" is simple - it won't. As the saying goes "History: it's just one damn thing after another." Things will continue and so will we all, suffering the venality, short-sightedness and incompetence of those that we elected...actually, I can feel quite smug here as I, personally, have never it's those you elected. Mind you, that has a lot to do with having spent most of my life abroad - smug, nevertheless🙂
The German view

I like this quote:

"Verhofstadt had the last word and in a less than subtle dig about Brexit said that any nation that chose to stand alone would surely “fail”. But even he is fast recognising that replacing “Treasure Island” with leeching, fiscally needy Balkan Nations is not a good swap, no matter the exactitude of their values."
Hmmm, I get the message - it's a resounding "Must try harder"

I shall turn the full white hot glare of my remaining brain cell onto the matter of finding something really offensive, divisive and generally rage inducing.....but wait a minute, wasn't that what the referendum was all about?

Of course, that's it! The key to civil strife and entertaining carnage is ANOTHER referendum! In fact, regular referendums - or "da" if we're being politically correct.

Anyway, CV, Atilla - a pox on both your houses!! Whether we exit or linger, IMO the future is going to be worse for longer. The answer to the question: "Where will it all end?" is simple - it won't. As the saying goes "History: it's just one damn thing after another." Things will continue and so will we all, suffering the venality, short-sightedness and incompetence of those that we elected...actually, I can feel quite smug here as I, personally, have never it's those you elected. Mind you, that has a lot to do with having spent most of my life abroad - smug, nevertheless🙂

Quality, Cantagril and your travels are clear in your post.

I was debating Brexit with our Security guard Mr D. Won't identify him but he was worried about losing his identity or rather UK losing her identity.

When I challenged him on that other than saying well we're English couldn't really elaborate with any meaningful words what that meant?

How does one protect ones identity and does it matter is my question?

He wasn't interested in any BA, facts or figures. Only that he wanted England to remain English. When I asked if he was expecting an invasion, he thought I was taking the mickey pee.

How have you managed to maintain your identity and what advice would you offer me to win him over to the Remain camp?

Also, what do you think of our upstanding Mr Henry Bolton and Toby Young then?

Fancy, Henry leaving his wife and kids for a supposed model half his age who is now a world renowned expert on Eugenics. I'm going to guess it has more to do with his name being Henry than Eugenics 😉

What's the common thread running through HB, TY and the blondie JM? Brexiteers rave on.

Go compare!

I like this quote:

"Verhofstadt had the last word and in a less than subtle dig about Brexit said that any nation that chose to stand alone would surely “fail”. But even he is fast recognising that replacing “Treasure Island” with leeching, fiscally needy Balkan Nations is not a good swap, no matter the exactitude of their values."

Peter Divey's articles... :whistling

Britain must learn from Trump to succeed
By Peter Divey — Trump has shown the way to defeat uninspiring centrism and British politics must do the same, writes Peter DiveyAs the first anniversary of Trump’s coronation approaches, U.S. politics remains shocked and bitter. The ferocity and partisanship of the media and commentators has yet to drop from a vigorous boil. The hostility towards Trump is unprecedented. The Democratic party continues with a delusional post defeat non-analysis. Nothing to see here, not our fault.

Hmmm let's take time out to think about where Peter Divey is coming from for two seconds.

I think that's enough time to figure him out.

Fake news, experts and then we have Peter Divey?


.....even he is fast recognising that replacing “Treasure Island” with leeching, fiscally needy Balkan Nations is not a good swap, no matter the exactitude of their values."

I don't understand what Divey means here...any thoughts?...and as for "Treasure Island" - as I recall, that didn't end well for everybody...

As an aside, I see from Divey's profile that he "....has a growing collection of vintage wrist watches." Hmmm, heavily long on watches, eh. So does this mean that we're approaching Peak Watch?...and what are the implications for a reformed EU?🙂
We need to adopt a 3rd world sh1thole mentality, anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-gender, anti-farkin everything stance to get this thread moving again (it's OK if your antifa though ;-))

Get a grip people !


(is that enough?)

Getting there🙂 You're wasted outside politics.....
It’s all an unholy pickle isn’t it 🙄

Whilst I’m a staunch remainer I really can’t see the point of pussy footing around trying to conclude a trade deal that necessitates us picking up most of the obligations, including money, that were the reasons people voted out in the first place. So we finish up having to abide by most of the club’s rules without any influence over them and having to pay handsomely for “guest” membership.

Bollox to that. Might as well not bother going. If not, go and go properly.
When I challenged him on that other than saying well we're English couldn't really elaborate with any meaningful words what that meant?

How does one protect ones identity and does it matter is my question?

He wasn't interested in any BA, facts or figures. Only that he wanted England to remain English. When I asked if he was expecting an invasion, he thought I was taking the mickey pee.

How have you managed to maintain your identity and what advice would you offer me to win him over to the Remain camp?

I'm an alien here and not regarded as really English except outside England and I reckon that the identity ship sailed a long time ago (ho ho) I see it, this is the gift that keeps on giving - identity is and was ever, fluid and continuously evolving into something rich and strange. After the Romans left, we had the Saxons, Danes, Vikings, Normans followed by the occasional wodge (that's a technical term, of course) of Dutch,German and Walloons and more recently several waves of Jews - a great number of them refugees of one kind or another. Knowing some of my family history I can assert with a fair degree of certainty that I represent the mongrel race that is the English. There are five ethnicities in my extended family and more if you count the quadrupeds (inclusiveness! diversity!) and three different cultures. In a hundred years this will "matter" even less than it does now. "We English" are no more than the b&stard child of whatever mix of nations and races that found itself here. Modern English identity has changed in a manner that would be astounding to the Englishman of a century ago, as has the whole nature of the world we live in and any Englishman that claims to be a "pure bred" is seriously deluded. I would agree that large numbers of more recent migrants with cultural origins that conflict with our own or are at least incompatible to a degree, have added to the stresses within UK society BUT, we are not throwing jews out of windows nor burning foreign heretics as was our wont in earlier times. The mismanagement of immigration since the war has been exacerbated by the mismanagement of society and the fault is entirely our own and very little to do with any migrants, whatever their race, creed or couleur.

As to winning anyone over to the remainer camp: again, too late, too late🙂 Barring serious civil unrest (and I'm not referring to the odd bit of recreational looting in the big cities) the slow train crash will continue to unfold and in maybe ten years or so, your Mr D will say to himself that "...the situation has not necessarily developed to (our) advantage." By that time of course, enduring the unendurable and accepting the unacceptable will just be part of the new, not necessarily improved, reality.

Also, what do you think of our upstanding Mr Henry Bolton and Toby Young then?

Fancy, Henry leaving his wife and kids for a supposed model half his age who is now a world renowned expert on Eugenics. I'm going to guess it has more to do with his name being Henry than Eugenics 😉

IMO, Mr Bolton is a walking advertisement and a thorough justification for a new national eugenics programme. I would happily recommend him having his cranium measured before spending time at some German holiday camp being looked after by specialists. Work sets you free, chaps...or is it Truth?

What's the common thread running through HB, TY and the blondie JM? Brexiteers rave on.

Go compare!

BTW, I've always been curious abut your username: Hun, Magyar, or just "of the soil"?...and it's somehow incongruous for a Remainer😛
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It’s all an unholy pickle isn’t it 🙄

Whilst I’m a staunch remainer I really can’t see the point of pussy footing around trying to conclude a trade deal that necessitates us picking up most of the obligations, including money, that were the reasons people voted out in the first place. So we finish up having to abide by most of the club’s rules without any influence over them and having to pay handsomely for “guest” membership.

Bollox to that. Might as well not bother going. If not, go and go properly.


I knew we would talk you round eventually 😆

Patrick Minford, the UK's premier economist.
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Getting there🙂 You're wasted outside politics.....

I have wondered about entering the exciting world of politics, even my vastly superior and clever other half asked me the other day if I would consider joining a political party! After all I do enjoy walking, meeting people, exchanging opinions and ideas, but then one would have to pay a membership fee, ha! it should be for free.
I have wondered about entering the exciting world of politics, even my vastly superior and clever other half asked me the other day if I would consider joining a political party! .... but then one would have to pay a membership fee, ha! it should be for free.

Just do as they all do and your initial outlay will be amply rewarded: Lie through your teeth to get elected to the gravy train by promising your constituents that you'll be different from the previous incumbent swindler and then do exactly the same. After all, if it ain't broke, why try to fix it? Just hammer those allowances, exploit every loophole and opportunity to feather your nest - employ your family and pets as research assistants, claim your investment property as your home, organise interested companies to pay back-handers and when it's all gone completely tits up you then go on to make a tidy living as a consultant to even bigger yet more dishonest corporations and/or with public speaking engagements at which you expound on your world view (or whatever nonsense and lies you can dream up that your audience will swallow) and insist on pharaonic expenses....

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you...yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And, which is more, you’ll be a Politician, my son!
Just do as they all do and your initial outlay will be amply rewarded: Lie through your teeth to get elected to the gravy train by promising your constituents that you'll be different from the previous incumbent swindler and then do exactly the same. After all, if it ain't broke, why try to fix it? Just hammer those allowances, exploit every loophole and opportunity to feather your nest - employ your family and pets as research assistants, claim your investment property as your home, organise interested companies to pay back-handers and when it's all gone completely tits up you then go on to make a tidy living as a consultant to even bigger yet more dishonest corporations and/or with public speaking engagements at which you expound on your world view (or whatever nonsense and lies you can dream up that your audience will swallow) and insist on pharaonic expenses....

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you...yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And, which is more, you’ll be a Politician, my son!

If I go down this route I will have achieved perfection and I hate perfection. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further.
I was debating Brexit with our Security guard Mr D. Won't identify him but he was worried about losing his identity or rather UK losing her identity.

When I challenged him on that other than saying well we're English couldn't really elaborate with any meaningful words what that meant?

How does one protect ones identity and does it matter is my question?

He wasn't interested in any BA, facts or figures. Only that he wanted England to remain English. When I asked if he was expecting an invasion, he thought I was taking the mickey pee.

How have you managed to maintain your identity and what advice would you offer me to win him over to the Remain camp?

This will sound controversial to some, my interpretation of what remaining English means, has nothing to do with race, colour or ethnicity and I don't believe it is part of the context of Brexit either and maybe should not be a subject for this thread. It has more to do with upholding British/English culture and law as we, as a nation, have developed it over a number of centuries. Now, both culture and law are both subject to interpretation as we all know, which is why I don't think it's a discussion for a Brexit thread.

Whilst change has been undoubtably happening since the dawn of time, there are certain aspects of culture and law that should not be subject to such radical change that it creates a shift in the overall well being of the general population, creates unease, distrust of institutions, of governments abilities, questions the mental health of our leaders, of one's self and one's own position in the world. Change for the better should create more happiness for everyone, that hasn't been happening for a few years now and is surely a contributor to the source of your security guards inability to assert an opinion?

I can understand why your security guard is worried about the losing of the identity of the UK and is unable to articulate why, if he has been following UK events over the last few years, he must be very confused about what is happening in the UK and the wider world. Did you ask if he read the MSM by any chance? That may be his source of confusion, if he reads/listens to MSM then he will be missing a large part of UK/World events that are underreported/not reported at all and what is reported is subject to media manipulation.

If he is opened to a wider view, then his enlightenment may bring some focus to his feelings and he may be able to articulate his views better. Although articulating some of those views is becoming increasingly controversial in the current climate of re-defining free speech.

So the feeling the security guard has is one of unease? And his default position is Brexit? Then my advice would be to examine his source of confusion, to seek new sources of information, ultimately to go through the stages of disbelief at what is happening, then acceptance, then understanding, so that finally he will be able to make a better judgment on which to act.

This would be a dangerous suggestion for a Remainer to make though, for the security guard would surely remain a Brexiteer.😀
This will sound controversial to some, my interpretation of what remaining English means, has nothing to do with race, colour or ethnicity and I don't believe it is part of the context of Brexit either and maybe should not be a subject for this thread. It has more to do with upholding British/English culture and law as we, as a nation, have developed it over a number of centuries. Now, both culture and law are both subject to interpretation as we all know, which is why I don't think it's a discussion for a Brexit thread.

Whilst change has been undoubtably happening since the dawn of time, there are certain aspects of culture and law that should not be subject to such radical change that it creates a shift in the overall well being of the general population, creates unease, distrust of institutions, of governments abilities, questions the mental health of our leaders, of one's self and one's own position in the world. Change for the better should create more happiness for everyone, that hasn't been happening for a few years now and is surely a contributor to the source of your security guards inability to assert an opinion?

I can understand why your security guard is worried about the losing of the identity of the UK and is unable to articulate why, if he has been following UK events over the last few years, he must be very confused about what is happening in the UK and the wider world. Did you ask if he read the MSM by any chance? That may be his source of confusion, if he reads/listens to MSM then he will be missing a large part of UK/World events that are underreported/not reported at all and what is reported is subject to media manipulation.

If he is opened to a wider view, then his enlightenment may bring some focus to his feelings and he may be able to articulate his views better. Although articulating some of those views is becoming increasingly controversial in the current climate of re-defining free speech.

So the feeling the security guard has is one of unease? And his default position is Brexit? Then my advice would be to examine his source of confusion, to seek new sources of information, ultimately to go through the stages of disbelief at what is happening, then acceptance, then understanding, so that finally he will be able to make a better judgment on which to act.

This would be a dangerous suggestion for a Remainer to make though, for the security guard would surely remain a Brexiteer.😀

British culture has more to do with upholding British/English culture and law as we, as a nation, have developed it over a number of centuries...

You must be really grateful for Gina Millers case she brougth to High Court then upholding parliament's sovereignty.

Sadly Brexiteers walk does not match the talk wrt Sovereignty of Parliament.

I would very much be interested in your pov how you might explain all the death threats and abuse she received from the 000s of Brexiteers?

Would that be because they don't share your point above or something else? :whistling
British culture has more to do with upholding British/English culture and law as we, as a nation, have developed it over a number of centuries...

You must be really grateful for Gina Millers case she brougth to High Court then upholding parliament's sovereignty.

Sadly Brexiteers walk does not match the talk wrt Sovereignty of Parliament.

I would very much be interested in your pov how you might explain all the death threats and abuse she received from the 000s of Brexiteers?

Would that be because they don't share your point above or something else? :whistling

She and others chose to wear the establishment hat. The mood in the country and large parts of the world is anti establishment. Nobody forced her to go against trend. She deserves all the abuse she gets, along with all the other misguided supporters.
She and others chose to wear the establishment hat. The mood in the country and large parts of the world is anti establishment. Nobody forced her to go against trend. She deserves all the abuse she gets, along with all the other misguided supporters.

You another Trump fan talking about draining the swamp?

You calling Parliament and Supreme High Court part of the establishment acting against the people? Much like that daily trash paper.

As for deserving abuse, that is not nice CV. No one deserves that. Don't forget she did service to British culture and law. She is a mother, a wife and a citizen of UK.

Go against a trend??? What's that supposed to mean? Everyone walks in one direction and wipes rear with right hand? Never had you for a vogue type of guy. You follow fashion trends too 😉

Reflect on what you've written please. Be nice. 😉
You another Trump fan talking about draining the swamp?

You calling Parliament and Supreme High Court part of the establishment acting against the people? Much like that daily trash paper.

As for deserving abuse, that is not nice CV. No one deserves that. Don't forget she did service to British culture and law. She is a mother, a wife and a citizen of UK.

Go against a trend??? What's that supposed to mean? Everyone walks in one direction and wipes rear with right hand? Never had you for a vogue type of guy. You follow fashion trends too 😉

Reflect on what you've written please. Be nice. 😉

Just cant get through to remainiacs that they have screwed up and their solution to the myriad of problems is "more of the same"

Keep ya eye on the Italy vote 👍
British culture has more to do with upholding British/English culture and law as we, as a nation, have developed it over a number of centuries...

You must be really grateful for Gina Millers case she brougth to High Court then upholding parliament's sovereignty.

Sadly Brexiteers walk does not match the talk wrt Sovereignty of Parliament.

I would very much be interested in your pov how you might explain all the death threats and abuse she received from the 000s of Brexiteers?

Would that be because they don't share your point above or something else? :whistling

There's never any excuse for that sort of thing. It generally comes from inadequate people who are unable/unwilling to express their point of view or fulfil their aims through democratic conventional means. Gina Miller is entitled to her point of view and no doubt has an agenda – but she pursues it democratically and legally, and should be respected for that.