Brexit and the Consequences

What’s the real reason for his award?

Well, I think it's all a question of legitimacy.

He is an unbelievable failure at every level. His track record is abysmal. So now that he has no status on the national stage, the establishment have once again excelled themselves by bestowing an undeserved honor which his misguided supporters can point to as if giving him credibility.
Well, I think it's all a question of legitimacy.

He is an unbelievable failure at every level. His track record is abysmal. So now that he has no status on the national stage, the establishment have once again excelled themselves by bestowing an undeserved honor which his misguided supporters can point to as if giving him credibility.

Leaving aside whether he is deserving or not I was tickled by this bit of the Yorkshire post article:

Of course the Remainer establishment elite will look after its own, and all the prominent campaigners who backed rule by the undemocratic and unaccountable EU will be showered with honours, despite their miserable failure.

Read more at:

Given that New Year’s honours are basically the Prime Minister’s list does this mean we have a closet remainer in charge who will do her best to thwart your dreams? 😆
Leaving aside whether he is deserving or not I was tickled by this bit of the Yorkshire post article:

Of course the Remainer establishment elite will look after its own, and all the prominent campaigners who backed rule by the undemocratic and unaccountable EU will be showered with honours, despite their miserable failure.

Read more at:

Given that New Year’s honours are basically the Prime Minister’s list does this mean we have a closet remainer in charge who will do her best to thwart your dreams? 😆

She got shoehorned into the job. I've covered what I think about May previously.
I suppose in her mind she is navigating a way through the treacle. This approach will do her or the country no favours.

What the UK needs is a leader with a clear vision, impeccable communication skills and the ability to carry the people with them.
.........What the UK needs is a leader with a clear vision, impeccable communication skills and the ability to carry the people with them.........

Absolutely. Unfortunately, at the moment, the political ship is at sea crewed by nothing but able bodied seamen with no-one of the stature to be on the bridge, let alone inspiring deeds of derring-do.
Hi Split' & Atilla,
I agree that the fishing industry is complex and there are big issues which extend way beyond Brexit. That said, there are two countries that manage their fish stocks pretty well and, broadly speaking, don't suffer from the same issues that blight the industry here in the U.K. They are Iceland and Norway respectively. Now, ponder on this (rhetorical ) question: besides having sustainable fish stocks - what else do these two countries have in common?

I'm tempted to add Switzerland but, as a landlocked country its fishing industry isn't quite as developed as that of Iceland and Norway. Even so, if it was in member state, the EU would gladly give it money from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) - just as it's done for Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia - all of which are also sans fishing fleets on account of being landlocked!

Granted, it will take years for fish stocks in the U.K. - along with its fishing industry - to recover but, without EU bureaucratic madness, recover it will. Outside of the EU, there's no reason why we can't be on a par with Iceland, Norway and other countries who are free to implement their own policies to ensure their fisheries are well maintained, managed and sustainable.

According to this link, the Icelanders threatened to pull out of Nato. In my book, that comes down to, like most other things, politics.

I have read that the US and Canadian fishing industry, on the East Coast is finding it very hard to make a living and the Grand Banks are a marine desert, now, because of the trawling done there.

Like Spain, the great fishing nations are down to fishing on someone else's patch.
Heard Nigel Farage is feeling miffed and believes he deserves one. :whistling

Do you not think so ? like him or loath him, that was some achievement taking a country out of the european union almost single handedly and not even in government....I do admire the way he stands up to the EU cronies 😆
Do you not think so ? like him or loath him, that was some achievement taking a country out of the european union almost single handedly and not even in government....I do admire the way he stands up to the EU cronies 😆

Getting the UK into the EU after 11 years struggle was once considered an achievement.

Should we not wait another 50 years before dishing out honour's? :whistling

Much like your analysis of the pros and cons for the fishing industry Timsk, here is one other chap who's thinking about what's in store for British Science?

Really good read. Here is a short extract...

Even before Brexit, the level of U.K. science spending stood below 0.5 percent of GDP, a lower percentage than any other G8 nation. Loss of additional funding would compound the pressures placed on scientific institutions. Even if the British government manages to compensate for the financial shortfall, the psychological effects of Brexit will linger. In 2015, long before the Brexit vote, Dr. Sara Kendrew, an astronomer at Oxford University, warned of anti-immigrant rhetoric’s ambient effects. “Our foreign-born scientists are part of the hidden face of migration in this country,” she wrote in The Guardian. “They work extremely hard to teach and mentor students at our universities … and bring in millions of pounds in research funds.”

The cri de coeur of Brexit reflects the body politic’s diminishing interest in, bordering on outright dismissal of, facts and expertise. As Michael Gove, then U.K. Justice secretary and leading Brexiteer, notoriously put it last year: the people have “had enough of experts.” It’s a position reflected elsewhere in the world. The election of a TV celebrity and real estate mogul to the office of the U.S. Presidency has ushered in what many perceive to be a systemic assault on the sciences in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Cya later, thanks for nothing.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

This one needs a revisit for anyone who is genuinely interested other than making noise.

Whilst all the attention seems to be about Andrew Adonis and his views on Brexit, real story is more about Mrs Thatcher's failed privatisation of natural monopolies.

In what kind of a private industry does Government pay back subscription for contracts that were claimed to have been over-bid???? 😱😱😱😱

Moreover, ending a Franchise early only to replace it with a public private partnership just simply smacks of poor governance and back handers from tax payers to monopolistic corporations to continue paying millions of pounds in diidend pay out to shareholders.

Andrew Adonis tweets make eye watering read.

He should be given a medal imho.
A Happy New Year to Everyone. The future is for the young and I wish them all the best. I've had my shot, I'm not complaining and must not be be critical, because there are an awful lot of problems to be solved out there. My generation has not done too badly but, whenever one problem is solved, it seems as if two more crop up.

Good Luck to All!
Right, I've just about finished the massive bag of popcorn I bought in June 2016, it's lasted a good 18 months, but it appears I'm going to need another bag to see me through the next 18 months of this Brexit debacle.

Unfortunately the price of popcorn has gone up for some reason, but it will be worth it, my thumbprint is also ready for the next referendum ballot paper and if I can register as a student I may even be able to vote twice :clap:
Seeing as the diatribes, invective and assorted rants have petered away, I offer you all a revisit of the attached ditty in the hope of pouring some oil on the fire / fanning the flames etc etc

I hope that this will inspire CV and Attila to finally resolve the debate in a gentlemanly manner, i.e pistols (or sabres, if you prefer) at dawn. I'd be happy to be either duellist's second for a modest consideration - sealed bids only, please 🙂
Seeing as the diatribes, invective and assorted rants have petered away, I offer you all a revisit of the attached ditty in the hope of pouring some oil on the fire / fanning the flames etc etc

I hope that this will inspire CV and Attila to finally resolve the debate in a gentlemanly manner, i.e pistols (or sabres, if you prefer) at dawn. I'd be happy to be either duellist's second for a modest consideration - sealed bids only, please 🙂

I don't have anything against CV and look forward to having a drink with him one day when Brexit is dragged out into the North Sea and sunk soon enough... 🙂

Read some interesting analysis somewhere about UK's aging population and how the elderly who predominantly voted to leave are now fewer in number due to natural wastage whilst the young voter who predominantly voted remain are greater as they will have moved up into a voting age category. Numbers apparently now in remain favour. Also read that young people who didn't vote as much as the elderly may feel more inclined to vote now.

What with all the lies and deceit coupled with the fears coming home to roost quite a few are turning.

Funny topsy turvy world we live in eh?

Loved the performance. Good show. 👍
I don't have anything against CV and look forward to having a drink with him one day when Brexit is dragged out into the North Sea and sunk soon enough... 🙂

Read some interesting analysis somewhere about UK's aging population and how the elderly who predominantly voted to leave are now fewer in number due to natural wastage whilst the young voter who predominantly voted remain are greater as they will have moved up into a voting age category. Numbers apparently now in remain favour. Also read that young people who didn't vote as much as the elderly may feel more inclined to vote now.

What with all the lies and deceit coupled with the fears coming home to roost quite a few are turning.

Funny topsy turvy world we live in eh?

Loved the performance. Good show. 👍

Well, there's a great big problem here in that the EU don't want us as members, they don't even discuss Brexit any longer. Also, because they have moved on, they are now going ahead with other plans, like EU army and other assorted nonsense, which we spent yrs keeping them in check.

So it's not as simple as saying "the public would now vote to rejoin" cos that option will never go back on the table. The politicians know that leave means leave and that they could never sell the idea of rejoining. So i'm afraid your plans to stay or rejoin will come to nought.

Italy next, where the public are in no mood for any more EU nonsense.👍
Well, there's a great big problem here in that the EU don't want us as members, they don't even discuss Brexit any longer. Also, because they have moved on, they are now going ahead with other plans, like EU army and other assorted nonsense, which we spent yrs keeping them in check.

So it's not as simple as saying "the public would now vote to rejoin" cos that option will never go back on the table. The politicians know that leave means leave and that they could never sell the idea of rejoining. So i'm afraid your plans to stay or rejoin will come to nought.

Italy next, where the public are in no mood for any more EU nonsense.👍

Well of course countries like France and Germany don't want UK, said that all along. For over a century they've been trying to steal the City of London away from us and you so called patriots have given it to them on a silver tray. 😱😱😱😱:-0:-0:-0:-0😢😢😢😢

Why do you think it took 11 years for UK to join in the first place? EU was well ahead of the UK who was becoming very poorly lagging behind in international trade and the rest.

That EU army is a red flag I'm afraid. First there are tiers of existing membership in the EU so there is no compulsion. Secondly and more importantly it is in the interest of the UK to join and lead that army. Anyone in their right mind will tell you that UK interest lies with defending EU. What ever gets into EU will get into the UK. Not like there is any choice to any rational mind but people on the political me me me scale will shout much noise to show how white and red they are.

As for keeping EU in check you must be having a laf. Govey (soooo jealous of Bojo) is now planning on more regulation and stricter controls of farming and environmental stuff to top EU directives. So go figure.

I think the stink is slowly but surely ooozing out of the Brexit campaign. Funny how we don't hear anything from Moggy or Leadsom or Boris...

Have you not noticed how these politically ambitious bodies are sniggering away with their tails between their legs.

Now it's left to Farage who can smell sniff what's in the air and only thing he can come up with!!!! SHOCK HORROR!!!! AGHAST everyone... 😆😆😆😆😆 yet another referendum to shut people up????? Really. I'm laughing my head off at the poor deluded man.

Having messed up UK relations and sent us to the back of the queue in US, China, Japan, India and the EU suggests having another referendum.

Well you know my sentiment is now that Parliament has her voice back and the referendum result which was only advisory has been talked to death and impact beginning to be realised, we should simply vote in Parliament on the deal.

If TM had any honour, even perhaps fight it in an election so people can choose the party that champions their wish. Assuming politicians step up to the honourable plate? I don't see that happening but a vote in Parliament now secured no worries from me either way.

Very interesting and be good to see how it all pans out.

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No, you're obviously not getting the message from "We're sorry Scotland" and this is getting all too namby-pamby for my tastes. Where's the spleen? Where's the vitriol? The Ad hominems, the spurious insults - where are they now???? - when I suggested that you have at it like gentlemen I didn't mean that you should wimp out and start going in for this "No, I insist, after you, sir!" stuff ad nauseam.....

I meant "Gentlemen" as in fisticuffs in the House, the barons slaughtering the serfs, la Terreur and aristocratic blood knee-deep in the Place de la Concorde, Caesars throwing the lions to the Christians - I'm with the lions on that one.....

Come back Ô Xenophobes and Utopians! Let the great debate be truly renewed!
Prepare your barbs, your rebuttals and your left hooks and look to Mr Bragg for inspiration:

No, you're obviously not getting the message from "We're sorry Scotland" and this is getting all too namby-pamby for my tastes. Where's the spleen? Where's the vitriol? The Ad hominems, the spurious insults - where are they now???? - when I suggested that you have at it like gentlemen I didn't mean that you should wimp out and start going in for this "No, I insist, after you, sir!" stuff ad nauseam.....

I meant "Gentlemen" as in fisticuffs in the House, the barons slaughtering the serfs, la Terreur and aristocratic blood knee-deep in the Place de la Concorde, Caesars throwing the lions to the Christians - I'm with the lions on that one.....

Come back Ô Xenophobes and Utopians! Let the great debate be truly renewed!
Prepare your barbs, your rebuttals and your left hooks and look to Mr Bragg for inspiration:

I'm not sure throwing in a provocative, boring, whining Billy Bragg constitutes a throwing down of the gauntlet, I mean he bored most of the country to death when he sang about the miners.

No you need to find the stick to poke the hornets nest, although I think even hornets may be hibernating at this time of year and will need a fire to get them moving into the cold.

Also don't forget there has been a rash of cuckood hate crime cops invented over recent weeks, maybe we are all in fear of our intellects being destroyed by the namby pamby, PC loving, tree hugging, anti-plastic bag brigade.

Yes we need an injection of toxicity, if only we had a Trump as a PM to debate about mental health etc, but then, they are MP's and suffer by default.

We need to adopt a 3rd world sh1thole mentality, anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-gender, anti-farkin everything stance to get this thread moving again (it's OK if your antifa though ;-))

Get a grip people !


(is that enough?)