Brexit and the Consequences

Here's an insider's account of current "negotiations". He is a Conservative MP currently serving on the Exiting the European Union Select Committee. So you can make your own mind up about his bias!

If that is the case, then we may well be wasting our time doing much more talking.
with them asking for a number that we feel should be paid and that 20bln isn't enough and they can't give us a number they believe we should pay, pretty much sums it up. Try this tactic at a business negotiation table and you will be sitting without a deal until you die.
Remoaners have been sold a pup and they know it, but are frankly to entrenched in their indoctrination to believe otherwise. I expect there's also a great deal of embarrassment in the ranks. It's hard to admit when wrong I suppose.
Anyways, it's never too late to get on the right side 👍
I think if the more enlightened people at the EU in Brussels/Luxemburg would enlarge the EU to encompass their trading partners without all the political/legal crap many in Britain for one would like to stay. A.

Unfortunately this isn't possible, economics & politics go hand-in-hand.
Here's an insider's account of current "negotiations". He is a Conservative MP currently serving on the Exiting the European Union Select Committee. So you can make your own mind up about his bias!

If that is the case, then we may well be wasting our time doing much more talking.

Yeah, my position all along has been that there will be no deal.
The consequences for the EU will be dire.

Nearly 1 Billion a week to be a member of the EU.

I'm sure they need us more than we need them.🙂

Just for good measure, mass unskilled immigration costs the UK 30 Billion annually.£30bn-cost-of-EU-migration-28.02.17-Final.pdf

Do the maths you say.

Bleeding obvious isn't? May should just pay the £100bn and get a free trade deal till the end of time.

I mean at £1bn p/wk that's £52bn p/a the deal will pay for it self in two years and then we can continue as before.

No need for transition deal or anything else.

In fact with the savings on mass migration at £30bn pay back is less than a year.

Do the tories or the brexiters know what deal they are dreaming about?


Stupid numpties. So freaking sad.

One other point that paper tiger May can't decide anything. It's Parliament that will decide. Much show and tough BS talk for the crowd. Knock your selves out.
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I think remainers should begin their wake, the maybot hath spoken and, I'm sure without a touch of irony, we'll be exiting at the 11th hour :clap:

Phew! After all that!!
So whose project is this, then? Some powerful Dr No type mastermind? A secret agreement between major nations ? Unwritten Government policies? Or just a bit of wishful thinking by a few bureaucrats?

None of these. It is publicly declared policy of France, Germany, the EU and its predecessor organisations and founders. It has been a populist movement amongst continental voters and politicians since at least the mid-19th century.

If there is any plot at all in this, it is the consensus of convenience amongst British politicians to obscure this very real fact, and to portray our EU membership as an economic question, either good or bad for the UK on economic grounds, which are in the end irrelevant.
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Not much ranting about the Paradise Papers on here? Has it become so normalised and expected that no-one is surprised or bothered? Are we all so jaded that we believe that nothing will change?

Corruption at its finest by the so-called 'elite' and yet the outcry is mute, it's so widespread, so immoral, if not illegal in a lot of cases, and yet they see fit to tell us how to run our lives and pay our taxes.

Is this just another disgrace amongst many in the latest incarnation of the modern world. It just adds more good reason to detach ourselves from a corrupt EU despite the fact that we will still be left with a corrupt British establishment we have no hope of ever sorting out.
Not much ranting about the Paradise Papers on here? Has it become so normalised and expected that no-one is surprised or bothered? Are we all so jaded that we believe that nothing will change?

Corruption at its finest by the so-called 'elite' and yet the outcry is mute, it's so widespread, so immoral, if not illegal in a lot of cases, and yet they see fit to tell us how to run our lives and pay our taxes.

Is this just another disgrace amongst many in the latest incarnation of the modern world. It just adds more good reason to detach ourselves from a corrupt EU despite the fact that we will still be left with a corrupt British establishment we have no hope of ever sorting out.

So far I only hear about these papers exposing tax avoidance. Tax avoidance is any legal way to avoid paying tax you do not owe. Tax evasion would be an illegal way of paying tax you do owe.

For example, if you have an ISA, that is tax avoidance. Apart from the sums being much larger and the methodology being more complicated, the people in these papers have been doing just the same thing. So maybe this is just a news story because some of them are celebrities?
Could vote Labour and let them sort out the filthy dirty non tax paying, tax evading (legally avoiding) sh1t out.

Tories running the country dry. So called party of business hacked & decimated manufacturing and now destorying service industries key being Financial Services. Heading into years of uncertainty and high risk chaos. Pharmaceuticals as well as R&D industries will take a knock as investment levels fall. Motor industry now has a big question mark over it too.

What's the Tories big game changer? Build HS2 and see the value of the pound fall to make British value in exports cheaper. Fact that we need to import most inputs before we can export is conveniently ignored. Just wondering how long it will take before we start producing our own nuts and bolts again. That's a key fundamental question? Assuming we can produce it cheaper than the rest of the world.

Of course one could get rich and get even by doing the same. Saw Lineker on the front pages today. His scored alright!
So far I only hear about these papers exposing tax avoidance. Tax avoidance is any legal way to avoid paying tax you do not owe. Tax evasion would be an illegal way of paying tax you do owe.

For example, if you have an ISA, that is tax avoidance. Apart from the sums being much larger and the methodology being more complicated, the people in these papers have been doing just the same thing. So maybe this is just a news story because some of them are celebrities?

I totally support tax avoidance, but it's starting to feel that not all tax avoidance has been created equal. I suspect that we will be reading about a few tax evaders also, time will tell. Let's just hope that the journalists investigating don't get murdered along the way (Daphne Caruana Galizia).

What I do object to is favour, provided by the likes of HMRC for example, to these tax avoiders to help them to work around the rules or to come to dispensation agreements for years of underpaid tax, the sort of leeway that is not provided to ordinary working people. Regulations have been progressively introduced to try and stop people from using offshore havens, but they still find ways around the rules, that is morally unfair and is not just using the tools available to us all that enables us to pay less tax.

There's tax avoidance for them and then there's tax avoidance for the rest of us.
We hosted a tapas evening for a few friends last night so I'm feeling a tad Cava'd this morning. On top of that, it's chilly, damp and grey here in south Devon so I'm in need of a little pick me up. Something to lift the spirits and brighten the day. By chance, bang on cue, an e-mail plonked in my inbox from one of my remainer friends. Just what I needed - I read it and can't stop laughing. And the great thing about it is that it'll make Atilla, jon, dbp et al happy too! Everyone's a winner, enjoy: Brexit is reversible even after date is set, says author of article 50
I totally support tax avoidance, but it's starting to feel that not all tax avoidance has been created equal. I suspect that we will be reading about a few tax evaders also, time will tell. Let's just hope that the journalists investigating don't get murdered along the way (Daphne Caruana Galizia).

What I do object to is favour, provided by the likes of HMRC for example, to these tax avoiders to help them to work around the rules or to come to dispensation agreements for years of underpaid tax, the sort of leeway that is not provided to ordinary working people. Regulations have been progressively introduced to try and stop people from using offshore havens, but they still find ways around the rules, that is morally unfair and is not just using the tools available to us all that enables us to pay less tax.

There's tax avoidance for them and then there's tax avoidance for the rest of us.

Isn’t that a bit like the old joke “we all know what you are, madam, we’re just haggling about the price”.

No tax avoidance is morally justified unless sponsored by government (like ISAs). Doesn’t matter if you’re one of them or one of us.