The UK should never have signed up for the political part of the EU and lost our sovereignty.
The solution is obvious. The EU puts itself into 2 parts and countries can join either or both. The 2 parts being political and economic.
The UK would like to trade with Europe and I expect many in Europe would like to trade with Britain.
Will the politicians do the obvious and best solution ? I doubt it.
EU has always catered for and accommodated the UK. Reluctant moaning member.
UK did vote for all the changes that took place in the EU in agreement to 93% of it approximately.
Moreover, there are alternative FTA Custom agreements available which the UK could opt for as was originally put forward as part of the exit argument.
Now it is more of a matter of denying and/or going back on past agreements and making up new ones.
As before it is a voluntary body with clear and well defined institutions and member voting rights representing all members.
Fact that politicians selling some alternative **** and bull story blaming the EU is selling well at the moment.
Read in the daily trash that 40 countries lining up for trade deals with the UK.
Headless chickens jump up, as high as their wings will lift them.
Sadly, it doesn't include; US, China, Japan or India. They've all told us otherwise, despite personal visits by TM and the British consortium exporting our new Brexit vision.
Now a hard brexit is on the cards again. So we should wait for run on the pound (no need to wait for Labour leadership), rising import prices, inflation pressure and rate rises with collapse of UK industry along with the fleeing of service industries.
I just hope we have some industries left remaining other than hoovers we can export. :whistling