Brexit and the Consequences

Kim Jong-May clutched her left arm tightly. She was out of her comfort zone. Surely the whole point of being the Supreme Leader was not having to go on television to answer rude questions. Still, too late to back out now. She smiled awkwardly. It was always good to try to appear friendly towards one’s subjects.

“Don’t the voters deserve better than to be spoken to in soundbites?” asked Andrew Marr.

Don’t be silly. What this country needed above all were strong and stable soundbites. “I believe it is in the national interest to have a strong and stable leadership because only a strong and stable leadership can deliver a strong and stable economy.”

Marr reached for the pistol. Him or her? This wasn’t the interview he had been hoping for. It was the one he had feared. “That does sound rather robotic,” he observed. The Supreme Leader began to relax. Robotic was good. Robotic was strong and stable.
General election: May paves way for end to pledges on NI and income tax
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With the Maybot fully activated, the Supreme Leader went on to insist that she wanted nothing more than a country which worked for everyone and not just the privileged few. She’d said that hundreds of times before so it must be true. What about the nurses? Marr asked. They were poorer than they had been for years and many of them were going to foodbanks.

“There are complex reasons why people go to foodbanks,” the Supreme Leader said tetchily. And what people had to remember was that many nurses were just plain greedy and chose to scrounge off foodbanks when they had spent all their money on super-sized meals at McDonald’s.

Sensing she might be straying slightly off message, Kim Jong-May returned to her default settings. Strong and stable leadership. Strong economy. Strength through being strong. Security through being secure. No, she didn’t feel it would be a failure if inequality rose under her Supreme Leadership. And yes, she did want to reduce taxes, but the best way of ensuring she could do that would be to give herself the leeway to increase some of them. The power of dialectics. Stability through fragility. Integrity through deceit.

‘Voters deserve no soundbites’, Marr tells May

The Supreme Leader fidgeted and looked around anxiously, willing the interview to end. “Jean-Claude Juncker is reported as saying that you are in a different galaxy in the Brexit negotiations,” Marr remarked.

That was an insult too far for Kim Jong-May. Just because she was on another planet, it didn’t mean she was from another galaxy. She was very proud to be the Supreme Leader of the planet Zog. And what the people of planet Zog needed was strong and stable leadership, which is why they needed to give her a mandate to strengthen her hand in the Brexit negotiations. Once the EU realised how much everyone in the UK hated it, Brussels would be bound to give us a brilliant deal.

“Do you think gay sex is a … ”

The Supreme Leader had been expecting this one and she jumped in before Marr had finished his sentence. “NO, NO, NO.” She absolutely loved gay sex. Nobody liked gay sex more than she did. Nothing was more strong and stable than gay sex providing it was done strong and stably. To be on the safe side, she crossed herself. She could work out later whether it was more of a sin to say something wasn’t a sin when you thought it might be.
The morning briefing - start the day one step ahead
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A few minutes later, the Supreme Leader found herself in the ITV studios being asked much the same questions by Robert Peston. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. Strong and stable, stable and strong. Strengthen our economy by strengthening her own position. Read her lips. She wouldn’t be raising any specific taxes. Though she might be raising some unspecific taxes which she wasn’t prepared to specify.

By now Kim Jong-May was displaying some nervous tics. Her eyes twitched as they darted in different directions and her fists clenched and unclenched. Desperation was kicking in. “One last question,” said Peston, thoughtfully opting to put the Supreme Leader and the country out of their misery. Why would she not be doing the live TV debates?

“Because I want to get out into the community to meet some ordinary people,” she replied. Why, only the previous day she had been up to a forest in Scotland where she had met this awfully nice woman, Ruth Davidson, along with seven of her closest friends, who had all told her that what this country needed was the strong and stable leadership which only someone as strong and stable as her could deliver.

On the way back to Number 10, the Supreme Leader asked the Even More Supreme Leader if he thought the morning had gone well. Lynton Crosby nodded approvingly. She had been more mediocre than even he had dared hope.

Kniving and deceitful politician. Not much changes in this world. :idea:

Corbyn is right about her!
Le Pen's Euro Contortions Underline French Reluctance to Exit

Another mad deceitful cow...

With a week to go in the campaign, Le Pen appeared to step back from her single most distinct policy, saying Saturday that there was no rush on a euro exit.

Then Sunday, in an interview with Le Parisien newspaper, she said “the euro is dead” and that she still wants to have two currencies -- one for daily use by the population and one for international trade.

Is this what may be termed getting ones cake and eating it. Very rich. Be all things to all people. Be everything you can to get elected and then stuff'm all.

On a serious note one should ask the question why would more than 70% of the French want to keep the Euro currency?

Similar to TM these politicians will say and do anything to get elected.

“Her entire program rests on a single idea: returning to a French central bank that can infuse money into the economy,” he said. “It’s crazy but there is a certain logic behind it. Then seven days before election, all of sudden the candidate tries to remove this piece of the puzzle.”

Is she a politician of conviction who has interests of France or interests of her self.

Think about it!


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Let's have a slogan competition:

Labour = divided & jello
Libs = hesitant & Lilly livered
Tories = conniving & deceitful
UKIP = Bloody & Hell
SNP = divisive & freckled
Greens = space & cadets
Communist = vote & labour
Monster Raving Loony = captain & sensible
This is the kind of extreme rhetoric that comes out of the mouths of these extreme nationalists.

The EU Jail that has worked so well for France since the 2nd WW. One should ask one selves what kind of Freedom these nationalists have for their folk?

Bunch of raving loonies but hardly sensible captains of a great nation like France. Would they take France down the gutter or make her proud and great.

Think about their vision and concept of freedoms. 🙄

VILLEPINTE, France (Reuters) - French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen would back a Europe of co-operation between nations while her rival Emmanuel Macron wants to keep France in the "EU jail," Le Pen ally Nicolas Dupont-Aignan said on Monday.

"Electing Emmanuel Macron, a junior, immature and troubled version of Francois Hollande, would mean locking up France definitively in the EU jail," Dupont-Aignan, the leader of a small nationalist, right-wing party who struck an alliance with Le Pen last week, told an FN rally.

"What's at stake this Sunday, what's at stake in 2017, is saving France," he said, referring to the decisive May 7 run-off vote between Macron and Le Pen.

"This will only be possible by regaining our independence ... and building the only Europe that can work, the Europe of nations ... of cooperation on specific projects."

Le Pen has said that Dupont-Aignan would be her prime minister if she were elected as French president.

(Reporting by Ingrid Melander; Editing by Sudip Kar-Gupta)

Delusional fruit cake... 😉
The more NF and Le Penn talk the higher the Euro goes.

1.10 - looks like being taken out soon.

Sell the pound buy the Euro :whistling
You and Timsk and Mike are a class act in denial.

Internaitonal Banks are telling you we are moving and you look at Lloyds of London insurance market who are very much a UK based operation anyhow and say well only a satellite office is moving. That's so re-assuraning to you analysts I'm sure it must pass your stringent checks and balances with flying colours. Off with your heads the lot of you. 😡

Timsk says he wants something he can relate to. Well when those bank tax revenues walk away you will pay more for your public services out of your own taxation - cue Tories raising taxes and elderly patient falling of trolley's parked in corridors waiting for social care and housing.

No worry, Borris the buffoon is on his way with his red bus loaded with £350m and he'll make that trip every week for you lot as he is a good bloke, kind hearted and all that.

Add the airline industry to the motor and pharmaceuticals for more job and business losses...

This is not scare mongering. These are not alternative facts.

Just actual events and negotiations unfolding. :idea:

I agree this movement of jobs and services could be very costly for London and the UK. Fortunately the banks haven't settled on one place, they are moving to various places. Which means there is no clear rival for London (right now). But yes, we will all be paying extra for this. There is very little that's good from it. Tax burden from this, I'd guess somewhere between £10-50 for every UK worker per year, if it remains small and the few hundred jobs from each bank. If it escalates into 1000's of jobs for some banks, then a lot more.

The only thing that makes me less annoyed about it all, is the EU rhetoric from the likes of Juncker and Tusk and others. I find it embarrassing. Talk of a 60 billion bill, various leaders trying to get the banks to move jobs to their cities. The Uk hasn't left yet, and they're already trying to steal business, yet still expect a bill to be paid? If the EU was such a great community, they wouldn't need the 60 billion, and they wouldn't need to use underhand tactics and political posturing to damage another country.
I agree this movement of jobs and services could be very costly for London and the UK. Fortunately the banks haven't settled on one place, they are moving to various places. Which means there is no clear rival for London (right now). But yes, we will all be paying extra for this. There is very little that's good from it. Tax burden from this, I'd guess somewhere between £10-50 for every UK worker per year, if it remains small and the few hundred jobs from each bank. If it escalates into 1000's of jobs for some banks, then a lot more.

The only thing that makes me less annoyed about it all, is the EU rhetoric from the likes of Juncker and Tusk and others. I find it embarrassing. Talk of a 60 billion bill, various leaders trying to get the banks to move jobs to their cities. The Uk hasn't left yet, and they're already trying to steal business, yet still expect a bill to be paid? If the EU was such a great community, they wouldn't need the 60 billion, and they wouldn't need to use underhand tactics and political posturing to damage another country.

Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Paris and more recently Milan & Madrid have all been vying for a piece of the finance cake for hundreds of years. I wouldn't call it stealing.

International banks are searching and they are fulfilling market demand by being hospitable to potential businesses to locate in their countries.

Absolute freaking madness for UK to hand this opportunity on a silver plate to them.

Moreover, if UK does not wish to participate in a fair market place adhering to rules and directives of the common market that's for her numpty ignorant citizens and lying politicians to walk away from.

It should be known, when ever an international agreement is sought, then international law sits above local or national courts. This is pretty obvious so all this nonsense about sovereignty crap, directives and regulations are just a load of b0ll0cks. Moment UK wants to strike another international deal with another country then some new judicial body above national courts will have to be agreed upon by the two parties and subsequently established.

Instead of having one between 28 countries, there will then have to be as many courts as bilateral agreements that sit above our national judiciary for settling international disputes.

Those courts will have to be funded, managed and maintained by members. Obviously meaning money put aside for managing them all. UK seems to think it can have free market access and pay nothing. Oh yeahhh!!!!

Tell Sid 😉
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I agree this movement of jobs and services could be very costly for London and the UK. Fortunately the banks haven't settled on one place, they are moving to various places. Which means there is no clear rival for London (right now). But yes, we will all be paying extra for this. There is very little that's good from it. Tax burden from this, I'd guess somewhere between £10-50 for every UK worker per year, if it remains small and the few hundred jobs from each bank. If it escalates into 1000's of jobs for some banks, then a lot more.

The only thing that makes me less annoyed about it all, is the EU rhetoric from the likes of Juncker and Tusk and others. I find it embarrassing. Talk of a 60 billion bill, various leaders trying to get the banks to move jobs to their cities. The Uk hasn't left yet, and they're already trying to steal business, yet still expect a bill to be paid? If the EU was such a great community, they wouldn't need the 60 billion, and they wouldn't need to use underhand tactics and political posturing to damage another country.

I am not going to get into the debate about whether UK owes, or does not, all that money. But I would say that all is not sweetness and light in divorce cases. EU is lookin after its own interests. Let us see who holds the strongest cards.

EU, BTW, is not a world power. That is one of the reasons that the UK is leaving, but I believe it to be a great place in which to live. Europe is going through a phase of discontent, the same as everywhere in the world, including US. UK will sort itself out. So will EU.

Guess what? When they do, there will, still, be a load of discontents in each country. All the EU wants is to make sure that the lodger does not leave with all the furniture and cutlery!
I am not going to get into the debate about whether UK owes, or does not, all that money. But I would say that all is not sweetness and light in divorce cases. EU is lookin after its own interests. Let us see who holds the strongest cards.

EU, BTW, is not a world power. That is one of the reasons that the UK is leaving, but I believe it to be a great place in which to live. Europe is going through a phase of discontent, the same as everywhere in the world, including US. UK will sort itself out. So will EU.

Guess what? When they do, there will, still, be a load of discontents in each country. All the EU wants is to make sure that the lodger does not leave with all the furniture and cutlery!

I was wondering how the Spanish media are reporting on Brexit?

Does the topic come up in any TV debates and what is said re: Brexit or thought of Frexit?

Anybody talking of Spain leaving EU?
I am not going to get into the debate about whether UK owes, or does not, all that money. But I would say that all is not sweetness and light in divorce cases. EU is lookin after its own interests. Let us see who holds the strongest cards.

EU, BTW, is not a world power. That is one of the reasons that the UK is leaving, but I believe it to be a great place in which to live. Europe is going through a phase of discontent, the same as everywhere in the world, including US. UK will sort itself out. So will EU.

Guess what? When they do, there will, still, be a load of discontents in each country. All the EU wants is to make sure that the lodger does not leave with all the furniture and cutlery!

I am not sure the EU is looking after its own interests. If it were, I think it would have reformed more, and the UK would not be leaving.

Whether the UK owes money depends on whether you think someone who has contributed billions year after year, rather than borrowed from you, should actually be in debt to you. Perhaps the EU should repay the total net contribution from the UK :whistling
I am not sure the EU is looking after its own interests. If it were, I think it would have reformed more, and the UK would not be leaving.

Whether the UK owes money depends on whether you think someone who has contributed billions year after year, rather than borrowed from you, should actually be in debt to you. Perhaps the EU should repay the total net contribution from the UK :whistling

Blame is very unpopular. No one wants to take it.

It takes two to make an agreement. The UK joined the Union. It was its choice. Now it is leaving on its own choice, but it is leaving in better condition, economically, than when it was in forty yerars ago.

I left UK in 1965, before Spain joined. I have never regretted my decision and I wish the UK the best of luck.

"Don Dinero", always, comes out of the woodwork in breakups. Nothing changes in that regard.
Looks like Theresa has ruffled junckers feathers a bit . Good to see her getting stuck in at him. if he is unhappy the way negotiations are going then she is doing her job, well done her. I bet farron and Corbin would of rolled over and sold us down the river at this first hurdle...
Looks like Theresa has ruffled junckers feathers a bit . Good to see her getting stuck in at him. if he is unhappy the way negotiations are going then she is doing her job, well done her. I bet farron and Corbin would of rolled over and sold us down the river at this first hurdle...

When people, organisations or country's fail to negotiate both sides don't get what ever they want. It's obvious right.

TM asks, gets a no and you think she's doing well?

Farron and Corbin wouldn't be in this situation which is a big feck-up of the tory party infighting. TM called the elections to counteract the 50 or so Tory MPs voting against her small 16 majority not because of Libs n Labs.

Ofcourse you carry on believing what you are told by your politicians and trust them as far as you can throw'm. 👍
No , I see juncker as a unelected bully who has to threaten and scaremonger countries to stay in his preceous union ...They do not hide the fact that they will make it difficult for us to leave to scare other countries trying to follow our lead , that's not a union it's a cult....Theresa May needs to put her money where her mouth is and be prepared to walk away without any deal not just threaten it, they stand to loose a lot more than we do, once that has sunk in then juncker will start making deals....She has laid down her objectives and the EU cronies are worried.
....She has laid down her objectives and the EU cronies are worried.
I agree mike. Although the EU cronies will be a darn site more worried this time next week if Ms. Le Pen is elected President of France. Properly kackin' themselves I reckon!
No , I see juncker as a unelected bully who has to threaten and scaremonger countries to stay in his preceous union ...They do not hide the fact that they will make it difficult for us to leave to scare other countries trying to follow our lead , that's not a union it's a cult....Theresa May needs to put her money where her mouth is and be prepared to walk away without any deal not just threaten it, they stand to loose a lot more than we do, once that has sunk in then juncker will start making deals....She has laid down her objectives and the EU cronies are worried.

Too much emotion...

They are not making it difficult but would you not agree that UK is asking for free market membership benefits whilst not conforming to directives, regulations and membership rules.

Be reasonable and play nice dude 😉
There little cash cow empire will start to crack and crumble around them , unless of course they drastically reform ...what started out as a simple common market has turned into a power hungry monster.
I agree mike. Although the EU cronies will be a darn site more worried this time next week if Ms. Le Pen is elected President of France. Properly kackin' themselves I reckon!

What if Macron wins? 🙄