believe the hype!!!


For people who are supposedly earning upwards of $500 a day they sure wear some cheap clothes.
And the last chap looks like hes taken a hedge trimmer to his head
This is the funniest sh*t I've seen in along time. Poor guys out there trying to get started in FX might actually believe this!Stuff like this should be banned by the FSA.
people may have seen these but they cracked me up big time, the best part is you can see that they are reading a script and dont even understand what they are saying. 😆

YouTube - Forex Auto Pilot Reviewed Make $500 - $1000 per day easy
YouTube - Forex Autopilot Review - I make $2000 - $3000 per day
YouTube - Forex Tips : Forex Autopilot Review $3000 per day

i will save me getting out of bed and bothering at all 😴

Lol! Jesus christ, are they being held at gun point with the threat of a beheading. (aka the Sunni malitia trading wing).
All the links are for affiliates getting commission for each sale (around $200 a time). It seems a bit pointless when there is $3K to be made each day just using it 🙂

The same Irish guy in the first video is also on another site promoting the Betfair Loophole System, where he makes £500 per day!! Same picture in the background, same reading from a script from a computer screen (which you can see reflected in his glasses). The guy on the third clip is on the same site plugging the same thing.