Anyone tried Forex Auto Pilot ?

Up Date wanted

Hi there, I am currently road testing the Forex Autopilot system for the 56 days as guaranteed. I am on day 3. It's first trade netted 20 pips. It is still in it's second trade (has been for 2 days) and is currently 94 pips down! Early days, but like you, I thought it was worth a whirl for $99 (and Clickbank are good at refunding your money). I'll keep you posted on it's progress. It does say (once you've bought it) that it works best on EUR/USD 1 min. I have it on EUR/USD and GBP/USD (both 1 min). Both trades have been on GBP/USD.
Hope this helps.

Hi Dave, How about an up Date? Thanks, Toni
One word, bull **** system.

Can anyone believe that trading, where 90% of them will lose money in long-term, can be automated? We have spent years to hone our skills as a lawyers, doctors, programmers, designer, cook, or just whatever profession you can think of and yet we believe in canned competency?

It won't work, don't waste money.