7 Simple Strategies of Highly Effective Traders - 10 free review copies

Happy to oblige John! Already lined up another book offer for the end of the month, so make sure to get your review out before then to qualify for it.
I quite liked the ebook, if you are new to trading then you have 7 different strategies...

The strategies are:

Strategy 1. Breakout With Volume: Probably the simplest and least understood strategy
Strategy 2. Event Trading: Trading the market's reaction to data releases
Strategy 3. Day Trading: For the time rich and impatient
Strategy 4. Mean Reversion: For the patient and the shrewd
Strategy 5. Moving Averages: A classic done right
Strategy 6. Trend Lines and Channels: For the daily to the occasional trader
Strategy 7. Japanese Candles: For those wanting to see things differently

Strategy 6 is what I trade, and it is good to see how other traders use it.

Missing from the book, back testing results, psychology and money management....

Overall good book and you need no more for the technical concepts....