Own Up All Spreadbettors Making £1K to £2K per Month at £1 to £2 per Point

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So JohnB, what other job do u do if u don't mind me asking? and y have u chosen not to trade full time since u r so good at it?
If only I could!! (surfin & Sailing that is!) Mortgage Broking and Consultancy Work Not long to go then I might try it Full time! (Oh I also teach trading basics - as if you didn't know) At the moment no preassure - I suspect that if I had to trade for a living - that might change! Dunno - If your interested in trading types Clickevents.co.uk have just produced a Good CD with interviews with 6 full time traders. Each as different as chalk and cheese - (Sid - I'm not on commission)
Before I continue, let me begin by saying I am not associated with JohnB (I actually had a run in with him the first time I posted here), nor am I part of the in crowd here at trade2win. I do visit every now and again, and these recent bullying posts against JohnB are appalling.

I agree that people shouldn't keep ramming their products/seminars/courses down your throats every other post. But many trade2win members frequently plug their services on the site without being so nastily attacked. Is it that these people are 'special' or just that you like them and don't like JohnB?

For an example, take t2w regular Alan Rich. One attack levelled at JohnB was that he 'hyped up' his beginners course. But a quick look at one of Mr Rich's seminar adverts gives this gem:

"Two weeks from death taught Alan a set of trading skills that changed his life"

Whether he was near death or not, that is plainly good old fasioned hype. But of course thats OK here, as are his constant plugs for his level 2 courses throughtout the forums.

There are others but I think you should get my point. This is unfair harrassment and singling out of one forum member, and double standards because you people have decided you don't like someone.

This makes you no better than school bullies.
Please don't discount a post which made some perfectly valid points just because I decided to have some fun with my profile.

If I had said my name was Tom and I worked as a trader at a spreadbetting company I doubt you'd have dismissed my posting so quickly.


Yes I am aware of that thread, and the 'who makes money from indices' thread. As I say I am not a fan of JohnB, but his subsequent treatment on these boards is what I am commenting on.
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"Two weeks from death taught Alan a set of trading skills that changed his life"

I believe this was advertising blurb and not written by Alan Rich.

The advertising blurb in question came from 'Clickevents' if I'm not mistaken.

Who runs that?
Not very mature reply, Skimbleshanks, for a very valid point bartlett4america has made.

Generally speaking people only get attacked on this site when they make claims that cannot be substantiated or say something to deliberately deceive or mislead people. For example the post that included the following:

"is the Bartlett4america connected to the Beginners workshop Bartlett!! on click events"

was a deliberate attempt to mislead people on this board and an attempt to, yet again, advertise.

The subsequent posts and claims made about how much money can be made using very low stakes whilst SB has so far not had any substantial evidence to prove the claim and therefore is constantly challenged.

Do others on this board such as Naz and Mr Charts get challenged on their claims ? Yes they do but then they provide evidence for their claims from either people they have taught or from other posts they then make which silences the critics they also do not try to deceive people.

Everyone knows that trading is fraught with claims of easy money to be made for the beginner. If this site has alerted people to question these claims then it has done a good job in my view. I wish that something like this had been around when I first started trading as it would have saved me thousands.

I think your statement that John B is being bullied is wrong, he is quite capable of defending himself. If you ever visited his own site about a year or so ago he launched a huge attack on Mr Stanzioni and his claims of the money to be made from trading. It was so severe that a "Cease and Desist" order was placed to prevent any further attacks on Mr Stanzioni being published on the site. Yet in my view John B was right in what he said about him.

I would be disappointed if we stop questionning each other on this board as it is these types of posts that have so far had the greatest value for me.

Perhaps members of this community who have a course or trading materials for sale should make a financial contribution to this website when they plug their own services.

Not quite sure how this could be administered but it would either get rid of the free advertising or make TTW's accountants happy.

If we do get the TTW shop, I hope there will be a rule about advertising, or we will all be at it. 🙂
Well said Paul

The respected members of T2W consistently talk about
and explain their methods - sometimes to a surprisingly
generous degree when they are also in business to teach
those methods - whilst the others mostly talk about their

T2W is happily free of advertising hype and spin and we
are all grateful for that. It's a strength has to be jealously
protected and our moderators and eagle eyed members
should be applauded for challenging and nipping it in the
bud at every opportunity.

good trading

I recall when John Bartlett first launched his site, initially he claimed that he had retired and was trying to make a living out of spreadbetting full time starting with a bankroll of 20K. He soon stopped publishing the results and shortly thereafter began to hold seminars about spreadbetting.

With 50+ attendees at several hundred per student his return must be looking pretty good. In his own forums, John B has often demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the basic principles of trading and seems only to copy what others have posted on other sites. I have not attended his seminars because I have no real confidence in his ability to do anything except teach. The posting of a trade or two on this forum does not convince me.

I believe John learns more from these forums than he can possibly contribute. There is nothing wrong with that except now he holds himself out as a 'master' and champion of the newbie trader. I believe he is more like VS but without the cash or the profile.

This is not meant to be a personal attack but watching these forums and seeing his self promotion is insulting. He also hypes his product as crafty fox on fillyaboots and other forums.

It is time for this conduct to cease. John, if you knew so much about spreadbetting you wouldn't have only started a year ago as you claimed when you first launched your website.

Some of us have a long memory...
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