Belflan's US stock swing trades

long portfolio now opened


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long portfolio now opened

sorry to be a pain Glen but you donot open a LONG portfolio when every body is buying .. you should wait couple of days for a pull back and open a LONG postion when every 1 else is selling

This is the basic of trading ..

I really do appologise to be a bit on the negative side

sorry to be a pain Glen but you donot open a LONG portfolio when every body is buying .. you should wait couple of days for a pull back and open a LONG postion when every 1 else is selling

This is the basic of trading ..

I really do appologise to be a bit on the negative side


no problems what so ever if you don't say these things, I won't learn

your not being negative, its positive, your telling me the correct way to do things and thats great in my view.

sorry to be a pain Glen but you donot open a LONG portfolio when every body is buying .. you should wait couple of days for a pull back and open a LONG postion when every 1 else is selling

This is the basic of trading ..

I really do appologise to be a bit on the negative side


it fact you can say what you see.. if i 'm being a silly bugger.. i'm bein a silly
long portfolio now opened

all trades closed

this screen shot was taken during market hours (see my other thread for the original post closing all longs)

closed due to G1's comments above


ANR = +$16
DIVX= -$21
DUK= +$30
ESLR= +$4
KGC= +$2
NLY= -$19
NM= -$55
SAI= -$16
URRE= +$20

total = -$39

results allow for commissions and spread

running total P/L = +$6,049


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reason why I entered here.

1. I wanted to get long asap (totally wrong to be thinking this way)

2. was thinking 5min macci and 10min macci were at low levels (ok to be thinking this but should also have been thinking of the broader picture, everyone rushing into market buying at a high/break out, and also i should have been looking at the higher time frames that are more relevant to the time frame I'm trading off i.e. the hourly charts? for a daily chart entry?)

3. My scalp's were running against me and i wanted again to get in long on the portfolio to off set this in some way (save face maybe) (again totally wrong to be thinking this way.)

I think to try and safe guard against this I should now always wait to get the hourly macci on my side before entry a portfolio again. But this is only my view on what a good safe guard might be and i would appreciate members input.

Attached is my proposed new set up including hourly indu chart to be used for entry into portfolio (I'm thinking there may be a sell off for a few days or a consoladation that will make the hourly macci drop off then turn up, given a reasonable entry long.)

I know that trading is a bit subjective, but i feel I need to get basic technicials correct before I go any further. (I'm trying to read to much into the market, and I simply do not have the experince to do this). I need to stick to some basic technical rules.


one other thing if/when the hourly macci go o/s. if it takes the daily indu macci with it (ie the daily macci starts to point down i will wait until it points up again before entry)


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I'm waiting for an entry long.

30min macci looks good

60min macci looks like its heading o/s

daily a bit too high

I think the daily macci will turn down at EOD tonight

will hold off for now


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still no entry as yet on long portfolio

still await for market to sell of the day macci (should turn down today)



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still no entry as yet on long portfolio

still await for market to sell of the day macci (should turn down today)


day macci on indu didn't turn down as i expected,

still, looks very bearish next few days

sit on hands..


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sorry to be a pain Glen but you donot open a LONG portfolio when every body is buying .. you should wait couple of days for a pull back and open a LONG postion when every 1 else is selling

This is the basic of trading ..

I really do appologise to be a bit on the negative side


this post saved me $1,500 on the position i opened when every one was buying

and I think it will probably save me more over the next few days (indu looks to be selling off)

will more that likely pick up a long portfolio within the next few days at a bargain price:)

cheers Grey1 for the pointer (I do dive in too quick)

no entry as yet for the long port.

will be waiting for lower level turn on indu day macci


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still no long entry as yet off the day macci


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still no long entry as yet off the day macci

Hi Glen

Your Daily INDU Macci looks decidedly dodgy to me (unless mine is wrong).
There are lots of Daily bars missing from the chart, which may account for this. Also, what Format settings are you using under Properties ?



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    Daily Macci.JPG
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Hi Glen

Your Daily INDU Macci looks decidedly dodgy to me (unless mine is wrong).
There are lots of Daily bars missing from the chart, which may account for this. Also, what Format settings are you using under Properties ?


hi Glenn, yes, does look a bit off

attached is my properties, format window.

I think this may be to do with me get data EOD from yahoo and intra day from IB

can you have a look at my 10min (it should be ok)

anyone know what the symbol for indu is in yahoo?

many thanks


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Hi Glen

Your Daily INDU Macci looks decidedly dodgy to me (unless mine is wrong).
There are lots of Daily bars missing from the chart, which may account for this. Also, what Format settings are you using under Properties ?


hmmm, that's better, think i've got it sorted

Dow in IB = INDU

Dow in yahoo = ^DJI


does my 10min look ok?


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Great thread...

Hi Glen,

Just wanted to state my appreciation of your great thread... (y)

Thank you for sharing this in TT... I have learned a few good things from it on my first perusal... You've had some trials and tribulations... but looking good!!

Keep up the sterling effort.

You've had some trials and tribulations... but looking good!!

yes, to be honest software issues have been the biggest problem (nearly there now tho).. probably because I tried to do it on the cheap.. I guess at the beginning there has to be a trade off between what you'd like to do.. and what you can afford to do..
