Ok G1,
now getting the Iraj N Minute built into the strat. (a few error 000000000' still to be fixed)
It seems like the daily "MACCI" and the daily "Iraj N Minute" are working against one another
ie. the MACCI O/S stocks are the stocks that are showing weakness compared to the market on the Iraj N Change???????????????
so what should i be looking for?
hi Raj
number 9
that'll be the eyes then.lol
So it is....😆 (one more thing to look after now apart from Macci 😆 )
didn't get the job i interviewed for this week..
now going out to get pissed. drown sorrows.. etc..
cheers all
running total = $3,495
Ok G1,
now getting the Iraj N Minute built into the strat. (a few error 000000000' still to be fixed)
It seems like the daily "MACCI" and the daily "Iraj N Minute" are working against one another
ie. the MACCI O/S stocks are the stocks that are showing weakness compared to the market on the Iraj N Change???????????????
so what should i be looking for?
thanks for your post
the list is G1's latest weak list that on this thread, these are not open positions, just a list to pick from
Thanks Glen, I see what you've done - taken the stocks on the target price list that Grey1 posted a while ago. That made me go back and look at it again as I'd only used it so far to check the target prices on the stocks on my own list. I see now that it contained a few stocks that were not on his original list -I hadn't checked. However, in his post he referred to producing targets for the remainder of the stocks, so I presumed that the final list would be longer. As it stands now, getting 10 or 12 stocks O/B from a list of 40 is going to be trickier than working with a list of 100 or so stocks. Any clarification on this anybody? (Iraj??)
Thanks Glen, I see what you've done - taken the stocks on the target price list that Grey1 posted a while ago. That made me go back and look at it again as I'd only used it so far to check the target prices on the stocks on my own list. I see now that it contained a few stocks that were not on his original list -I hadn't checked. However, in his post he referred to producing targets for the remainder of the stocks, so I presumed that the final list would be longer. As it stands now, getting 10 or 12 stocks O/B from a list of 40 is going to be trickier than working with a list of 100 or so stocks. Any clarification on this anybody? (Iraj??)
In my seminar i clearly mentioned that you can also use the same methodology ( IRAJ N MINUTE ) to short list those stocks that are weaker than the INDU with the highest MACCI for swing ..
I have also said that you short those stocks when the marke is spiking and NOT when the market is down 200 points ,, This methodoogy applies in all time frames ( 1 min to 1 month 1 year) .. Always short weak stock when every body is buying them if you have a longer bearish view toward a market ( which we do ) .
Ok that’s that cleared up, (thanks Grey1)
Will introduce this into this forward test.
Will be looking for the following set up now
1.Market showing a good set up (good spike up, MACCI daily at O/B or at previous turn level high)
2.Look for all weak list stocks that have O/B MACCI’s
3.Filter these stocks for there strength/weakness in relation to the market (using the Iraj N Minute indicator)
4.Pick 10 stocks (diversify across sectors as best as possible)
5.Enter using position sizing indicator for size
When you say downloading do you mean historical or live data ?still having problems downloading data from IB to TS2
When you say downloading do you mean historical or live data ?
For live data :-
Is IB TWS showing the quotes changing ?
If yes then go into Globalserver
Click File - Work Offline and then
Click File - Work Online
This usually kicks it back into action.
rightly pissed off tonight.
I've to go to Dublin tomorrow, then fly from Dublin to London, back late Friday
no trading next few days!!! 😡🙁😡role on new job!!
Glenyes almost all prob's i've had have been when TWS quotes are working fine.
thanks Glenn
will try this