Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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New_trader & dead_broke had many fights and arguments back in year 2012 .................

New_trader would go absolutely livid when dead_broke pointed out her weaknesses by using aphorisms ...............

Dead_broke always got a glass of water slapped on his face at almost every such occasion .......

Two such aphorisms were ..................

Virginity like bubble. One prick - all gone

Passionate kiss like spider web, soon lead to undoing of fly
For New_trader ......................... dead_broke (deady) and Fibo put their heads together to give you this salvation urge. Hope it helps Your Lostnessness. Dead_broke is totally sad to hear from me how you sat thru' the entire Corona wave crash from Feb 12, 2020 to March 23, 2020 and were so irresponsible to even state in your Journal, "SPX does a bit of a hiccup and the BEARS rush out!" Deady was sad, sad, sad to hear that you said that.

He suggested we pray for you. I agreed. So we asked Mother Mary to help us help YOU. All the girls are gone from ET and T2W. You're the only one left, the oldest living female at T2W. Neither deady nor Fibo can tolerate the thought of your species' extinction!!!!!

You see, New_trader, without the girls we is nothing but a male dominated ghetto of boring sons of b*tches. The girls add the flavor, WE do the hunting, bring the bacon HOME and THEY cook it for us and tend to our wounds of battle. Its the way Nature was intended!! 🙂🙂🙂😉😗😗😎😎

Gold on 1H continued further examination .........................................

there is a vibration of the Librador kind, right shoulder possibly being formed as we speak (must remain below top to be valid) ............. the neckline as you can see is just sooooooo byoooteeeefull, so outstanding in clarity and packed with sheer firepower to support the GOLD. Now on the flipside is the trendline on xtreme right. It is showijng a change of slope, a weakiening which is what happens on the right shoulder is normal operation of RS formation

Break that neckline and here is what is likely to occur simultaneously .............. RSI will dip into BEAR and so will Macd by going under 0-line.

As long as none of the above occur the 1H trend is up, up, up!!

Dead_broke was so hurt when you fell for Socrates!!! When I showed Deady how you defended Socrates when the entire gang descended upon him and attacked and then the usual culprit of underhanded plays named counter-violent entered the fray and stabbed Socrates in the back from behind, Deady went into Depression

Its all OK now after the period of consoling. Deady is A-OK

Deady constantly reminds me of the 3 of us during the good times robbing banks and whatnot all over Bolivia ....................

Dead_broke and New_trader were speeding down Interstate 10 thru' Texas just outside Texarcana a very dangerous zone of traps and radar and whatnot at 3 Am and got pulled over by a Trader333 type cop wearing a fancy 2-gun rig and a mean look on his face.

Cop walks up and says to deady, "You were doing 150 mph, that's a 5 days in jail penalty but my shift is over, I'm tired and hungry and my wife has a nice meal ready for me so if you can give me an excuse I've never heard before, I'll let you go without a ticket/jail - but remember, it must be an excuse I've never heard before!"

Deady cott the wink by new_trader meaning it was time to put on the T2W bullshit hat and lie your ass off ..................

So he said to the cop, "a few weeks ago my wife runoff with a cop and I thought it was you trying to give her back!"

Cop replied, "have a nice night" and walked away
Dead_broke told me that he had quite a rough time being in competition with Socrates for new_trader's affections back in 2012.

So I asked him, "So, deady, how would you describe her in just one word?" He replied ................................

T E A S E R 🙂

So I told him there are many that have experienced such, especially Byron Lee and that we should fly down to Trinidad and Tobago to experience such stuff. Deady agreed and off we went-ed

MasterofCoin, the new Sheriff of T2W was bewildered by the constant references to new_trader so he took it upon hissself to investigate what she looks like and kept sending me photos and I kept telling him he was wrong and to use commonsense .............. an extinct quality at T2W .................. he still didn't got it ...............

his last attempt he said new_trader was the girl at 2:14 second from left. Wrong again!

So finally I said to him, "she's white, clown!" He still didn't get it!

I had to actually show him new_trader at 0:06 the girl on left, from Piccadilly circus 🙂🙂🙂

Fibo's bonusses just arrived in my Alert Inbox from Trader333 who just won't kill me!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Jesus H Christ, he's shot me 11 times already, 4 in back, 2 in the chest, 3 in the head but my brain does not reside there, he shot everything except my kahunas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 He won't go there, I know this, no Man would do this to another Man regardless the provocation, it just ain't right!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Clint Eastwood said, "its getting to the point where one can't even go tot he can in peace no more without getting shot! 🙂

Fibo says & has always said, "its gotten way past the point where one cannot even joke no more nor can one lafffff out loud and poke fun in a circus without getting ex-communicated!!!! 🙂

Goddamn, Tomorton is trying so hard to get me banned! Ditto for scores of oldtimers. But the thing is they had better hurry because BEAR is knocking them off one by one without fibo having to do a goddamn thing!!!!!


Your post in the Bear Market thread was deleted ............... Reason: Any more posts like this will get you a very long holiday!!!

Your post in the Bear Market thread was deleted ............... Reason: Much more of this will get you another holiday!!!!!
So fellas, get it straight from SOURCE:

If you ever wake up and see GUEST 58132134 on my posts you will know it was not voluntary, it was a forced LYNCHING of the last surviving American at T2W!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Fibo delete his account? That sounds like a fella on the rag! No sir, not fibo, he don't do things that way!!! 🙂
This last video I sent to Trader333 earned me 4 days in the slammer but then Trader333 realized there's nothing wrong with a fellow letting off some steam in a counterattack - so he let me back on after 3 days when he relented ....................

He knows I'm no threat to T2W so why the charade? 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 Why would Fibo want to bring a Circus down? There is no incentive. Why hurt people who just want to pretend and show off that the stock market has not made them total victims and that they are survivors? hehehehhehe, I'm hep to this.

Reporters have been trying to discover the secrets of forums for eons but Fibo has the DEFINITIVE ANSWER with proof

What got Trader333 so mad at me ................................ but the thing is its true, nobody f***ks with Fibo. Banning is a given but it won't include nailing Fibo and/or deleting his threads. Can't kill a guy who has integrity of DEATH is easy, its LIVING that's hard!!! 🙂🙂


Brits did this, killed even unarmed women and children on their knees begging for mercy and not only never said SORRY or paid penance, but Fibo cracked jokes and was killed for Life!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is a BEAR thread so humor of the BEAR nature is going to be so stellar and preposterous that it staggers the imagination!

see post #20

>>>>>>> You wouldn't know dead_broke, she is ethereal. What makes her cool is that we agree on everything.👍😍 <<<<<


Its illegal to say who dead_broke is but its not illegal to show his friends. You already have Fibo as his best friend and we are both technical to the hilt, ultra-technicians ................... but the rest of our friends are NOT technicians, in fact they are strictly experts in breaking from the CROWD and thinking for thessselves but only with tools of fundamanental analysis and they keep tight eye on concrete fissures in the Economy - very savvy cats. fibo loves them all!!

Behold dead_broke's friends ............................. the other guy is JB ................ and there are quite a few others ....................... these fellas will never surrender to the population control

Cathie Woods kicks even Warren Buffet in the ass along with the rest of the big gang like Ray Dalio and Peter Schiff and other top-notch experts .................

and aligns with Fibo 100%!!!! Yeah baby! Cathie is in Fibo's corner ............. NOW .............. she finally woke up!!!!!

If Billy Clinton was still President he would give the Haitians everything they needed to survive ................. that's how big a fan he and Hillary are of Haitian music .................. ditto for big Joe

If Billy Clinton was still President he would give the Haitians everything they needed to survive ................. that's how big a fan he and Hillary are of Haitian music .................. ditto for big Joe

One of my best friends devoted his life to helping the Haitians during the crisis a few years back. He went down there and donated and donated and worked and worked to help in the Water purification to save lives saga ............... he came back to America dead broke (hehehehehe, but he is not new_trader's dead_broke) and fibo had to bank roll him for a year). It was a pleasure.. What earned him the big money bankroll from Fibo? He brought hard to find music with him, music that would never make it to America now that Billy and Hillary are no more there in the white House

Rick brought 38 pieces of stellar stuff one of them being this one ......................

He nailed all 3 but wifey don't know or maybe she does and has forgiven him for such fine taste in music .................. ?

Took California by storm ................ French boy on 3rd street near the Beverly Center who brought the hits in made millions .................... he save MY Life ........................... I was dyin of boredom, baby!!!! Came-d to Life like a rocket!

Viva la Cuba!!!! 👍👍 Que buenissimo! Roksanna Gomez nails it.. No food, no vitamins, no protein so it does appear Mother Mary catered intravenously. Yeah, the Lord woks in mysterious ways!!! Fibo thrilled!

Imagine how this English girl would lift T2W's stuck up old farts!!!!!

Galactic confederation main newspaper headlines for Saturday, July 10 (time converted to Earth time)

The phantom striker strikes again with yet another 61.8%. This striker is by now a rash all over Sharky's site. During the upcoming BEAR market it will be blamed as the main cause of death by attrition at T2W with so many just plain leaving and/or dying.

I tell you guys, this 61.8% is a goddamn rash, a cross that Fibo has to bear for eternity!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Putting it to good use as usual keeps me out of trouble! Case in point now, in live action ....................

Monday July12, 2021, the rest of my balances from Wells Fargo Bank will be shot off like a rocket to girly - on the house a free gift that if left in the Bank would surely vanish into thin air

Why? Because of 61.8%. We is there! But wait, its worse!!! How so? Look at the new_trader engineered crash of year 2007 that brought the entire world to her knees. After the crash ended in 2009, the entire recovery wave went to 161.8%

This is exactly the kind of stunt BEAR would pull!!!!

WELLS FARGO Bank .................. Run boys, run, run, run!!!!!!

Galactic confederation main newspaper headlines for Saturday, July 10 (time converted to Earth time)

Nobody in their right minds would fault Fibo for calling the World top in January 2018. How so? Wells Fargo topped exactly when Fibo called the Top 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nobody else has noticed that the red trendline shown starts at around the low in year 1974, thru' the 2009 low and extended gives a perfect touchdown halt to Wells Fargo's decline crash into year 2020

Yeah baby, its going to get mean, real mean.


Lord Have mercy! Francky does it again!

Two more bad guys taken out by Fibo's BEAR. Fibo didn't have to do a goddamn thing! BEAR is going to nail every single mother's son!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

T2W members ................. panda (see post #11) ................ 0007 (see post #16)

I'm done with these two, Your Honor! 14 gone in total. 8 more to go! I figure by October BEAR will have nailed 'em all to the cross! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Post #13 is for enjoyment purposes but make no mistake, BEAR will get this guy too. But I do love the way he says Fibo is driving a double decker bus. Truth is I would love to visit and ride the bus on the top floor open air if possible and cruise around London!!! 🤣🤣🤣

When it comes to armies of vast numbers they are nevertheless no match for the lone warrior named Fibo in a BEAR market. The FORCE of the BEAR nails 'em all but leaves Fibo alone!!!!! That's just the way it is!!!!!

Fibo nails 'em all like in this courtroom scene ..................... no contest ..............

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