Corona Virus CALL of the Millenium #2 being made today May 11th, 2021 at 1:25 AM Pacific Time
C O R O N A V I R U S next Wave up for UK & USA begins within 48 hours starting this very second in LIVE action
WAVE 3 starts within 48 hours from this second
Fasten seatbelts.
Londonistan leads all markets down just like she did in the Great Depression of 1929. She is doing it again by not having taken out the Top of 2018 (which I had called as the worldwide top - I was srong for the Dow but right for Londonistan)
When the lower RSI trendline breaks, it will be the final definitive confirmation that Londonistan is on the way to Purgatory!!
Along witht he United States. One big happy family of misfits. Fibo is not going along for the ride!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 except shorting shorting shorting. Jesus H Christ if this works out as stated, it will be a period in Fibo's life that has never had more shorting when looked at a span of 75 million years 🤣🤣🤣
CALL evaluation: CALL made May 11, 2021
Call fired on the 5th day (May 18) = 3 days after my 48-hr stipulation. (Note: May 18 was when UK hit zero infections, so therefore an obvious WAVE LOW.
Call fired in United States on June 4th (Zero infections so printed a LOW) = 15 trading days = 13 days after my Call instead of 2 days
CALL fired in World June 15 = 21 trading days after my Call instead of 2 days.
Overall evaluation by Big Joe hisssself as per his own standards: a mere passing grade of 40/100 with a score of 100 given for 2-days.
Perspective: But nobody on Earth was even in the right direction. they thought it was over!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But bottomline as per Fibo standards is .................. loads of room for improvement this lifetime and the next 🙂🙂🙂