Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Sam receives eye-openers in oh so many applications of Waves. CoronaVirus Waves is only one of them. See below.

Taking the one closes to HOME, namely your own United Kingdom, behold the clear, unmistakable 5 waves up followed by the corrective wave. Therefore looking longer-term we would now label these waves as (1) up and then (2) down

Sam, now look at Russia ........................ see the difference in count? We got 1 up, 2 down, 3 up 4 down and then a wave up begins. So how to do this particular count correctly?

(a) The 5th wave of this sequence will subdivide into 5 waves making it the extended wave, after which we will have a full 5 waves up for wave (1)

(b) OR 1 up 2 down and then Wave 3 begins by subdividing as in 1up 2 down 3up and so on but belonging to Wave 3

Even more spectacular is the Wavelengths in that as you know Sam, they follow the 1.618 golden ratio multiple, the backbone of WAVES

Imagine how doctor Fauci would drop a sausage on the spot if I told him that I could make a reasonably good guess as to where the upwave would slow down, give respite or totally reverse. If it worked out the way I called it, Dr. Fauci would quit his profession and join me in Thigh-Land.

One thing though ..................... these sons of b*tches are constantly buggering up the DATA by miscounting the # cases and then making revisions much later on. Countries like India are notorious for such errors due to the difficulty in reporting.

But regardless the obvious DATA breaches, the WAVE GAME will and can still give one a good shot at the target!!!!

Hey guys, respond to the SOS distress CALL by new_trader. Poor thing is stalled at Fibo's 200-day ema like a slap in the face. Get behind the stalled car and push, push, push, boys, push hard, push all the way to the MOON ................ only $200 above the stall is the MOON zone.

Push, push, push, if Gold stalls and never gets past this barrier T2W is in danger of losing yet another oldtimer. We can't be having that now, can we?

Megaphone call to the 2 chief wankers, 1nvest & MasterofCoin to get in there and help the girl out

See post #19 here for typical T2W hocus-pocus, miss goody-2shoes, namby-pamby yahoolicks, kick the can down the road, anything but the truth, anything but the ay it is, anything but the fact that the ship is half submerged and sinking fast. soooo reminiscent of the empire going downhill and nobody noticing or waking up 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Then see post # 17 for the guy who know-ed waaay back that T2W was sinking fast, but he got no balls to hold his position and waffles waffles waffles ........................ these are Fibo's(America's) allies? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Waffle, waffle, waffle = gobble gobble gobble. No thanks

Then see post #91 by new_trader .............. this girl knows what's going on at T2W better than most others

Atilla the Hun is a green-eyed pussycat with a caca bum for being so nye-eeve to state Trader333 does not know the real reason. Fact of the matter is that Trader333 knows more about anyone of us, me included that even our own Mama's know. My money is on trader33's explanations. No hesitation, no doubts, this boy knows the score at T2W.

Check out the stupidity of Atilla the Hun .............................
>>>>>>> Perhaps as mentioned before, after so long being locked down with Covid he (Postman) is going travelling to meet the World and I'm sure the world will be richer for having him roam around in far and wide places. <<<<<<< 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Sharky should have burned this place down a long time ago or on a different note, let Big Joe into the chjicken coup for just 2 days and all would be straightened out nicely!!!
Fibo has always liked this Brit. He has everything a trader needs, knowledge, skill, big balls, good travel impulses, loves good p***y and is both an economist and technical trader.

If he were to come to T2W he would team up with Fibo for dual striker fast break combo!!!! Romario & Bebeto

2 Striker fast break is what Fibo is really all about

The girl version of fibo right down to a T .............. Allyson Felix

dead_broke, Fibo & Socrates are outside Heaven’s gates waiting to go through to Heaven. The angel at the gate tells them “Depending on the length of time and your faithfulness to your last partner decides your way across the bridge to Heaven”.

Socrates says, “I was with my wife for 5 years and cheated 3 times”. The angel gives him an old model pick up. Fibo says “11 years and only once” and is granted a Mercedes.

dead_broke, who was married to new_trader, says “20 years and not once , I loved her with all my heart” and with the angel impressed he gets a gold edition Lamborghini and sets off ahead of the other two men. Hours later Socrates & Fibo catch up to dead_broke crying behind the wheel and Fibo says " I know we are dead but it could be much worse".

dead_broke looks up and says “How! I just went past my wife on a skateboard”

June 8th, 2021, 7:50 PM Pacific, US Markets are closed, will open tomorrow

Short London FTSE 100 instantly & definitively once below the trendline

No analysis shown so things are kept simple with a simple message.

Millions to be made

When to close the SHORT? When you see a few Brits serving Tea to Indians in Londonistan!

Don't miss out on this gigantic opportunity of the entire British Empire and earlier from as far back as 1720 - this opportunity beats 'em all

View attachment 301285
Provisional Slam Dunk!!!

I don't trade the FTSE so this is just a CALL. Am I right? Wait and see!!! Trendline is busted but we need follow thru'

Reminder ...............................

Nasdaq SHORT of the Galactic Confederation upcoming soon - Short-sters will make millions & billions. Yet another lifetime retirement vehicle for the fellas who don't miss the forest for the trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yippie kai yeh
Reminder ....................... Nasdaq short of a lifetime coming any time now ................ be ready
If my Corona Virus CALL above in Post#7493 is correct then expect the following too:

London Stock Exchange Group to crash thru' my trendline support like a bat out of Hell or Dodge!

View attachment 300013
Reminder of an excellent short for those who play London. (London Stock Exchange) Not me, I have enough on my plate as-is.

Could break the trendline tomorrow 🙂

Hey guys, respond to the SOS distress CALL by new_trader. Poor thing is stalled at Fibo's 200-day ema like a slap in the face. Get behind the stalled car and push, push, push, boys, push hard, push all the way to the MOON ................ only $200 above the stall is the MOON zone.

Push, push, push, if Gold stalls and never gets past this barrier T2W is in danger of losing yet another oldtimer. We can't be having that now, can we?

Megaphone call to the 2 chief wankers, 1nvest & MasterofCoin to get in there and help the girl out

View attachment 302723
Come on guys ...................... push, push, push harder, Gold is trying to go above the 200-day ema. Trying real hard but she's got no gas in the tank, she needs a push.

New_trader is doing what she does best, hollering out to gold, "go baby go, go to the moon, we got to teach dead_broke a lesson, we got to make him wrong, so go go go. The stress in her abdomen must be searing as torture but she has done this to herself many times - even sat thru' the Great Depression of 1929 for 3 years when the Dow Jones lost 89%. But she hung in there! What a girl!!!! some courage, I gots to say!!!

Push, push, push Goldie up up up and away!!!!!

Big Joe's position: Dying to go SHORT. I expect there will be short entries under the trendline but its kinda too far away so I am looking for 1H short entry points. I might nail the b*tch with a short once under 1788 and then if successful, keep adding to short. Stop will be 1819 for starters .............................

Sylvia could go into freefall once under the 200-day ema. If that happens the hearses will be be piling up in a traffic jam of epic proportions becauuse THEY are all LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to the max

I'm Flat Silver and will only play Gold Short when I get the signal. But silver might kill millions of folks if my red trendline gets busted along with the green line (200-day ema)

Many moons ago I called Sylvia and said, "I'm coming over" and she replied, "don't you dare!" ............ so I said, "make some coffee, be there soon" ................ 20 minutes later she opened the door and asked, "cream and honey as usual?" Yeah!!!

Women! Such fun!!! Reminds me of SILVER!!! 🤣🤣🤣

I've been on the Dollar trainfor quite a while now having cott the turn nicely. This is where we are going over the years 2021, 2022, 2023 .................. see chart ..........

towards ................... 120

Dollar is going to slotter every mother's son who is calling for reserve currency death!!!

Oooooh lal la la la, look at Dollar, I call him Sweet Micky, the fella who Presidents invite to play at the white House. Why? Because he is such a cool cat!!!! Both the Dollar and sweet Micky are in a thunderous bull market


USDJPY .................... badly needed correction to clear the coil is finally underway. When complete, the A-B-C is done. Will show you previous posts where the 2 scenarios are mentioned. Headed to the outerspace beyond new_trader's moon after first visiting Hell for a few 🤣🤣🤣

Will time the reentry - stay tuned. Once in LONG we are headed to 360


Global Dow Jones trendline busted. Freefall?

Stayed tuned!!!!!


Sweet Micky had 'em all on the floor and dancing in under 5 minutes with this one .................

even the waiters and waitresses at the WH usually dance up a storm delivering drinks when Micky plays there .............

Global Dow about to hit RSI < 40 which should confirm a BEAR market or at the very least a l ighning bolt up the yazoooo


Germany Top in the works now ............... might fire any time now ....................... RSI < 38 will confirm but not happened yet

Dead_broke told me that in year 2012 when he was shacking up with new_trader ................

She got so mad at him she packed his bags and told him to get out. As he walked to the door she yelled, "I hope you die a long, slow, painful death." Dead_broke turned around and said, "So, you want me to stay?"
See previous posts on Vix ................ already called and outlined ................... now see this ..................

when the white dashed line on right edge is taken out, THE DEPRESSION that started Jan 26, 2018 goes into accelerated mode

Fasten seatbelts, hide and watch.


Banana sweet, banana nice, banana chquita, banana grande, bobi neh na bobi neh ........................

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