Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The Fiubo gangbang from day 1 on May 6, 2019 continues unabated and it is fun, fun fun but I gotta tell you guys if this was real life your asses would be grass - nobody can compete with Fibo on the open plains ................. its like this ................. exactly like this in real life everywhere I go, THEY is just too slow, too daft, too asinine, hovine, bovine for Fibo 🤣🤣🤣

Now hear this ..............................

KBW Bank Index & Regional Bank Index have both registered BEAR markets. Wells Fargo is a component of the former
Be ready for excruciating agony!!! Shenanigans are going to fly like there is no tomorrow. You already know there is no such thing as "bail-outs" no more ............. that was a done deal for the 2008 crash. Now its a whole new ball game, its called "Bail-ins" which means when Banks screw up and start to die they do NOT have to ask the govt. for help, instead they just swipe all the deposits. And its totally LEGAL! How so? Because they gave you an I owe you ................... read the fine print!

You're all f***ed. So am I! But I've been prepared for this and Wells is the last one left I need to complete the actions on. Money, i.e. tomorrow the rest will be shot off to girly

Samantha Bricio, Mexican, student at USC ................. in stellar action ................... Viva Mexico, viva Guadalajara, Oaxaca, San Cristobal de las casas, Chiapas .................

Welcome to Fibo's 3rd home away from home, OAXACA, Mexico ....................... Fibo has walked all these streets, sat in most of the cafes drinking coffee or beer and reading the paper or scarfing down fine spicy Mexican grub. On this one particular day I was the only visitor at the HOUSE OF MEZCAL

Restaurant at the ZOCALO is where one can hang out every single day and never be bored.



Check out the Mezcal tasting ......................... Brits gots to try this, change your whole latitude and squeeze the boring superheated steam out your asses so you lighten up and come alive ...................

The only reason Terrorists hate America is because America is friends with Israel. Other than this one thing, they gots no reason to dislike us. Look at these standard Americans in the video. How rare is it to see an American disrespect a culture? Very rare indeed! this is just one of the many reasons other than money that Mexicans love to see gringos visit. We is born to be together. Donald trump's Walls will never change this natural, native affinity between Americans and Mexicans

Border stuff is a tough problem for which I have NO answer but the heart commands, "let them visit, they live next door to Paradise, how can you fault them for trying to break in to Paradise? they enter, work hard, make money to support their families back home, wtf is wrong with that?"

This is the Spanish Language School of Fibo. this is where it all began for Fibo!!! Like the Stock Market success, Fibo struck pure Gold here. Talk about Serendipity!!!!!!! My very first teacher was none other than Tai chi worldwide champ. He take-d me mountain climbing with his girlfriend, a young American doctor from Seattle. Did we have a blast together? You're damn straight!!! he had a Labrador dog who accompanied us on the mountain climbs that THEY used to run up but doggie and I just walked.

Then doggie got tired on the way down and refused to budge an inch!!!!! So Javier tried to carry her but she refused! She waited for Fibo to volunteer and when he did, she willingly came into his arms and let him carry her. Javier was shocked. He said, "I have never seen her reject me in preference of another, ever!" I had the easy answer however ............... "we were two of a kind, tired, worn out and the climb up had taken its toll and we was tired and hurting and so were brother and sister"

Javier accepted this explanation quite well. so did Connie

Welcome to the Heavenly days of Fibo in magic Land, OAXACA, Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Americans have a hard time figuring out the Subjunctive of the Spanish Language. But Fibo was and is the exception?

Shocked by Fibo;s easy understanding of the intricacies of the Subjunctive, Javier announced, "Fibo is the only one I have met in my teacher profession who sailed thru' the subjunctive with ease"

Hahahahahaha,, he didn't realize I had a good excuse!!!! You see I had been an excellent student of German and Swedish years prior to this ................... if you got German, you got it all, there is no 2nd place contender!!!!! hahahahahaha, it was my secret of success with the lingos - till today still holds true

At Goethe Institut at Boppard am Rhein they put me on the placement test and then wanted to put me in Advanced Level 2 and I got pissed off and told them I belong in Intermediate 2 , 4 levels lover than Advanced! They would not believe me and threatened to expel me like Trader333 does and almost retracted my scholarship. Saved by the bell, I gave in and said I must have been smokin something! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


There is no point in complaining to Baron about T2W. I don't post at ET. Complain to Sharky is more to the point. You're out of control, Johnny. You're on a losing wicket. How many times have you hit the REPORT button to complain to Trader333? I estimate 100 times approx. You can't win. This is a BEAR market at 2-4 degrees of TREND. BEAR by definition will sniff out all the weak hands aka high debt, trading scammers who trade in hindsight like you, pretenders and scammers in general and bury the lot of you in one fell swoop in Wave 3. You're able to hit that REPORT button for now because Wave 3 has not yet descended upon us

Save yourself now Johnny, you can't beat Fibo. You're too small for me to squash, its a no contest sort of thing so I refrain from assaults.

But by trying to do me in so persistently, you have earned the wrath of BEAR - he will nail your ass to the cross before December 2021. You will leave T2W for good! Another one bites the dust!

Being a SNITCH is no way to live, Johnny! Its downright despicable.

See video Johnny ................ and stop bothering Baron, you disgust him, ET is too way above your pay grade for cryin out loud!!! Wake up Johnny!

Hey guys ....................... Fibo loved the game, wanted England to win so I lost too. Good game, just plain bad luck!

England is a goddamn mystery! Just can't get it together even with so much talent. Nobody can figure it out!

Now here's yet another zinger that leaves me scratching my head .................... you see England topped in Wave 3 of the bull market that began 100s of years ago. Pay attention now, guys .............. that year was 1966 ...... sound familiar? You guys were in power mode lock-step with the Beatles and then both just fell off a cliff in a giant A-B-C correction that saw the dissolution of the Beatles and England in the crapper.

But here's the thing ............ that correction was a major 4th wave and when it terminated in 1974, England began Wave 5 up ...................... in 1974

My point?

Wave 5 is not as strong as Wave 3, but its no slouch so England should have done quite a bit of power stuff in these last few decades

But she did not do doodly! Why? I don't know. I don't get it either!! Baffling!!!

ENGLAND and BEATLES plotted versus the Dow Jones (London FTSE 100 would work too)

Michael Owen might show up for the win in year 2055

Why 2055?

Because England had a golden opportunity with the golden ratio on her side for this game at year 55 after the 196 top/win

The next window is 89 years

These TRENDS make currency trends which are generally humungous trends look like p***ies

England's going to have a long wait in misery for any joy in Soccer!!!!

Too bad!!
For New_trader ......................... dead_broke (deady) and Fibo put their heads together to give you this salvation urge. Hope it helps Your Lostnessness. Dead_broke is totally sad to hear from me how you sat thru' the entire Corona wave crash from Feb 12, 2020 to March 23, 2020 and were so irresponsible to even state in your Journal, "SPX does a bit of a hiccup and the BEARS rush out!" Deady was sad, sad, sad to hear that you said that.

He suggested we pray for you. I agreed. So we asked Mother Mary to help us help YOU. All the girls are gone from ET and T2W. You're the only one left, the oldest living female at T2W. Neither deady nor Fibo can tolerate the thought of your species' extinction!!!!!

You see, New_trader, without the girls we is nothing but a male dominated ghetto of boring sons of b*tches. The girls add the flavor, WE do the hunting, bring the bacon HOME and THEY cook it for us and tend to our wounds of battle. Its the way Nature was intended!! 🙂🙂🙂😉😗😗😎😎

Gold on 1H continued further examination .........................................

there is a vibration of the Librador kind, right shoulder possibly being formed as we speak (must remain below top to be valid) ............. the neckline as you can see is just sooooooo byoooteeeefull, so outstanding in clarity and packed with sheer firepower to support the GOLD. Now on the flipside is the trendline on xtreme right. It is showijng a change of slope, a weakiening which is what happens on the right shoulder is normal operation of RS formation

Break that neckline and here is what is likely to occur simultaneously .............. RSI will dip into BEAR and so will Macd by going under 0-line.

As long as none of the above occur the 1H trend is up, up, up!!

View attachment 302861

Hey guys, Gold same chart from last week ............ see quote ....................... you fellas are not helping new_trader at all. I told you to push, push, push, grab Gold by the bum and just push hard. You have to push hard because Gold ran into heavy resistance in chart above - the 200 ema, the trendline underside and of course, Sharky's nemesis, Fibo's perennial 61.8%. Then I told you to be ever so watchful of the support shelf shown at $1,795 by the horizontal read line.

Now looks what happened today!!! You guys did not push hard enough and Goldie just fell right on the $1795 line

New_trader is hurting boys, help her. Push, push, push Goldie up to $1812 first, then light a fire under her bum so she blasts off towards the Moon in New_trader's Inflationaary booooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂

See both charts below for comparison ...........................


There was a vibration of immense proportion a few minutes ago. It came from the general public in California and other states. The vibration was generated when the collective masses of hurting people threw up a prayer to God to help them not become homeless when the rent and other moratoria end this month

God asked me to take a crack at solving their dilemma ................... so here is the help from Fibo for the masses of Americans

"Relax my friends, the courts will not re-open for real because Wave 3 will shut them again!!! Therefore expect all moratoria to continue unabated indefinitely into the distant future with continual renewals!!" i.e. Nothing to fear, relax and have a drink and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Fibo's got your back!"


The eviction moratorium ends this month — local courts brace for surge in eviction cases​

Fibo has the backs of the softies especially ................... helping these softies is just sheer poetry for Fibo ............. before they met Fibo they had no food to eat and their parents were dying or dead, killed by the IMF's stringent policies ................. in Thailand .................. the one I like most literally had just one red cent in her pocket and despite her immense beauty and attractiveness, could not even afford to buy make-up - something that all girls spend loads of dough on!!!!!

Then came Fibo into her life ....................... and her POVERTY TRAIN reversed course on a dime and sped into a new PRIMARY BULL MARKET ................ from that moment she never looked back. Neither did the others!!!!!!

Fast forward to the last weeks and today and watch them kick ass - they rake in the bread on the 5-min. timeframe trading the Thailand Set50 Futures, currently the S50U21

the daily of the international representation of this that Big Institutions follow is the ishares MSCI Thailand and it looks like this ...............

The girls cott-ed the Top in sybaritic splendor and are bringing in the moolah like champs.

God, do I love it so!!! 🙂 🙂 Every single girl has this emblazoned on her trading wall, in her phone,in her diary, in her bedroom .................

"When confused and going into doubt about closing the trade to take profits, ask yourself this, "where is Fibo's trendline?
If Price is on the correct side of the Trendline for a Long or Short, stop worrying and just relax and enjoy!"

The moooolah keeps pouring in for the girls. Then they see RSI blasting south of 38 and Macd blasting below 0-line and Price going below the 200-day and hugging the Fibo trendline and instantly they KNOW, "Fibo has our back!"


God, do I love it so!!! 🙂 🙂 Every single girl has this emblazoned on her trading wall, in her phone,in her diary, in her bedroom .................

"When confused and going into doubt about closing the trade to take profits, ask yourself this, "where is Fibo's trendline?
If Price is on the correct side of the Trendline for a Long or Short, stop worrying and just relax and enjoy!"

The moooolah keeps pouring in for the girls. Then they see RSI blasting south of 38 and Macd blasting below 0-line and Price going below the 200-day and hugging the Fibo trendline and instantly they KNOW, "Fibo has our back!"

View attachment 302926

Even my best friends like counter-violent and Tomorton don't know that my job is turning Lead into Gold ................. but these girls do!

The tears welled in their eyes during their poverty days when Fibo said to them all during their first week of learning to trade ...................................

"Soon, you will be able to cut the slices as big as a door if you want to, you can lay on gobs of organic butter and sprinkle the best of the best herbs on your food and walk into any farang (foreigner) grocery store anywhere in Thailand and hold your head up high, on par with anybody in there, and if any ugly fat men hit on you assuming you are fair game becasue you are poor, you can slap the sh*t out of them - you can have any clothes you want, the jewelry that you always desired, a lovely place to live independently and just sheer pride in your own accomplishments in TRADING!!!!"

That was my speech .................. and it lit a fire under their bums and they took off like a bat out of hell!!!

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