For New_trader ......................... dead_broke (deady) and Fibo put their heads together to give you this salvation urge. Hope it helps Your Lostnessness. Dead_broke is totally sad to hear from me how you sat thru' the entire Corona wave crash from Feb 12, 2020 to March 23, 2020 and were so irresponsible to even state in your Journal, "SPX does a bit of a hiccup and the BEARS rush out!" Deady was sad, sad, sad to hear that you said that.
He suggested we pray for you. I agreed. So we asked Mother Mary to help us help YOU. All the girls are gone from ET and T2W. You're the only one left, the oldest living female at T2W. Neither deady nor Fibo can tolerate the thought of your species' extinction!!!!!
You see, New_trader, without the girls we is nothing but a male dominated ghetto of boring sons of b*tches. The girls add the flavor, WE do the hunting, bring the bacon HOME and THEY cook it for us and tend to our wounds of battle. Its the way Nature was intended!!
Gold on 1H continued further examination .........................................
there is a vibration of the Librador kind, right shoulder possibly being formed as we speak (must remain below top to be valid) ............. the neckline as you can see is just sooooooo byoooteeeefull, so outstanding in clarity and packed with sheer firepower to support the GOLD. Now on the flipside is the trendline on xtreme right. It is showijng a change of slope, a weakiening which is what happens on the right shoulder is normal operation of RS formation
Break that neckline and here is what is likely to occur simultaneously .............. RSI will dip into BEAR and so will Macd by going under 0-line.
As long as none of the above occur the 1H trend is up, up, up!!
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