Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The mantra has gotten so YUGE for the girls that the moment I shake my head they explode with the bottomline ..................

W H E R E is the F I B O L I N E?

Each and every one of my girls can, in such a short time of trading, slap some sense into Tomorton and cure his disease of Trading in hindsight, a terrible affliction of a damaged biogenome..
Just one example of how Fibo can with pinpoint accuracy separate OUT all the noise and focus on the ONLY thing of importance ........................ see below of how experts complicate and obfuscate and miss the boat by missing the only thing that matters, namely PRICE responds tot he Universal Truth of the Sequence of Waves

Barron's headlines:

Why Virgin Galactic Stock Is Tumbling the Day After Its Historic Launch​

Fibo's answer: Virgin galactic hit major golden ratio resistance even before the launch date and was already floundering with an easy fibo call of


Goddamn these sons of b*tches irritate the sh*t out of me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ET buddy who reads my thread just said to me, "you've done well at T2W to keep so much hair when so many is after it!"


Reminder: ET buddies are now laffffing their asses off at Fibo getting banned for so little as winking the wrong way!!!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Soooooo many is after the hair of Fibo!!!!!

Galactic confederation main newspaper headlines for Saturday, July 10 (time converted to Earth time)

The phantom striker strikes again with yet another 61.8%. This striker is by now a rash all over Sharky's site. During the upcoming BEAR market it will be blamed as the main cause of death by attrition at T2W with so many just plain leaving and/or dying.

I tell you guys, this 61.8% is a goddamn rash, a cross that Fibo has to bear for eternity!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Putting it to good use as usual keeps me out of trouble! Case in point now, in live action ....................

Monday July12, 2021, the rest of my balances from Wells Fargo Bank will be shot off like a rocket to girly - on the house a free gift that if left in the Bank would surely vanish into thin air

Why? Because of 61.8%. We is there! But wait, its worse!!! How so? Look at the new_trader engineered crash of year 2007 that brought the entire world to her knees. After the crash ended in 2009, the entire recovery wave went to 161.8%

This is exactly the kind of stunt BEAR would pull!!!!

WELLS FARGO Bank .................. Run boys, run, run, run!!!!!!

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>>>>>> Monday July12, 2021, the rest of my balances from Wells Fargo Bank will be shot off like a rocket to girly - on the house a free gift that if left in the Bank would surely vanish into thin air <<<<<<<<

Done, done, done, done 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Moolah is on its way on a rocket ship to Thigh-Land, been saved just shy of too late!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sons of b*tches banks can go belly up for all I care!!!!
B A N K of A M E R I C A

Historians will say, "Fibo cott it first, way before anybody else"

See my previous most recent posts on Bank of America. She just escaped from total devastation by a lucky bounce and bought herself some more time. But the coeficient of Restitution of the neckline of the Head & Shoulders formation is not springy like the left shoulder. Perhaps the clavicle is broken? Or maybe she thinks she can deliver a 2nd shoulder and confuse the daylights out of Fibo ................hahahaha, good luck Bankster!!! 🙂

Break that neckline and you're done Miss Vatican!!!!!

B A N K of A M E R I C A

Historians will say, "Fibo cott it first, way before anybody else"

See my previous most recent posts on Bank of America. She just escaped from total devastation by a lucky bounce and bought herself some more time. But the coeficient of Restitution of the neckline of the Head & Shoulders formation is not springy like the left shoulder. Perhaps the clavicle is broken? Or maybe she thinks she can deliver a 2nd shoulder and confuse the daylights out of Fibo ................hahahaha, good luck Bankster!!! 🙂

Break that neckline and you're done Miss Vatican!!!!!

View attachment 302930
Vatican was a big shareholder years back, but Fibo don't know wtf is going on with this Bankster these days, she is so cott up in all sorts of shady stuff its downright difficult to tell if one were to just watch the fundamental analysis angle which is almost always fraught with peril in that there are so many lies and deceits and shenanigans like for example faked out balance sheets and earnings reports - which I trust worth total ZIP.

The Fibo only trusts his one true friend, namely P R I C E. PRICE never lies to Fibo, never, never, never so when fibo gets it wrong its never the fault of Price, never never never, its always Fibo's own inadequacies in duplicating the mes-sage that Price is sending me inthe special language called


If Fibo gots a problems with the grammar of this language or is deficient in its inherent vocabulary, then fibo gets on the wrong isde of the move and pays in blood and sweat!

I accept this due to the overriding theorem .

YOU are totally responsible for the condition you are in!!! Nobody else is!
Fibo absolutely loves the way the holy like Tomorton preach and preach and preach from a pulpit ......................

Tomorton's grandfather, the Pope of Rome blew Fibo's mind to smithereens when he came out boldly and stated during the gangbang of my friend, Donald Trump, "build bridges not walls" .....................

I saw this and instatnly lafffffffed so hard that I fgell tot he floor and could not get up ..................

See the picture of the Vatican and its WALLS!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Fibo warns his Brit friends, one and all, no exceptions ...................... do NOT trust the Bansksters!

You know that from deep inside but its not deep enough! They will bugger you and your family without a moment's notice and not lose one second of sleep over your pain and death.

YOU gots to drive that train, baby, trust nobody else to drive it for you. Your wife and kids depend on YOU the warrior, the hunter, the bringer of the bacon and mustard home to be cooked for the pleasure of your family. Nothing else is worth doodly!

The best type of warrior in such an Economic mess is the guerilla warfare type specialist who can ignore pain, weather and can even eat what would normally make a billygoat puke. this type of Man can and will survive this BEAR market that has not even barely begun YET
Just get a friggin load of the magnificence of Fibo ................... the great New York Stock Exchange following Fibo to a T

Look at the way the NYSE obeys Fibo's call by banging 4 times into the ultimate resistance at 423.6%, the golden ratio harmonic multiple. Its downright legendary.

To have an entire empire of such proportion and size follow a fella wearing just a t-shirt and jeans with 2 nickels in his pocket is ................................... A M A Z I N G

Dow Jones Transportation Index aka The Economy

Do you think that anybody else on theplanet has even noticed that the dow Jones Transports have broken Trend and is now getting further and further away from HOME, firing up the juices of the DOW THEORY non-confirmation in spades?

Only Jack Schannepp has noticed for sure! Jack is the leading Dow Theory guy on planet earth!

Another Fibo CALL reiterated ................................

FICO scores will be abolished during the BEAR market and everybody in America will get a clean slate to start anew. In the new version of FICO scores will be the significant addition of, "does one pay hiss rent on time? Electric bill? Water bill? Cable bill? Phone bill? Mobile phone bill?" all these are significant and should be counted towards one's score. this will help the little guy big time and esp. the people of Mexico and Latin America. their creidt scorres should auto jump to 750 with just this one added feature!!!

Welcome to the new America! f***k China, they can kiss my ass!
I told you guys Alessio Rastani is a good boy! Hey, he is from London so it should be easy for these deadbeat T2W Brits here to live with - no American factor involved!!!! 🤣🤣

This video is specifically to define New_trader's native impulses and instincts that have been destroying her for 3 decades, her entire TRADING LIFE but she has not yet woken up to this. Sure as nite follows day, Fibo has shaken her to the core and rattled her cage but this chick is so steeped in HERD mantra that she has never ever decided to go INDIVIDUAL ever before!

Fibo is the first one in her life who slapped her around to the point she is now waking up. If gold goes south toward $700 she will finally wake up and have to do some serious soul searching as to why she follows the crowd and is in reality even madder than the maddest of the Robin Hood traders

New_trader does not have to like me for me to want to help her. Fibo is used to women saying sh*t to everyone but the Man who slaps 'em around till they wake up!!!

Massive improvement in Trader333 just took place!!!!! 🤣🤣

Thanks to Trader333 for giving me the specific reason why a post was offensive and therefore deleted. The previous 2 deletions had no reason, no mention of which post, but the only thing that stood out was THE HOLIDAY OF DEATH threat!!! 🙂🙂🙂

Therefore, to the Italian member who found my usage offensive, my apology for the use of "eye-talian" instead of Italian. Apology is in place ............ but explanations now follows .............. its not a derogatory term in the book of Fibo. It does not poke fun at Italians, instead it pokes fun at me and many, many of my fellow Americans who pronounce it that way in the same vein as they say "Eye-ranian" for Iranian.
Gold & new_trader update ....................... behold the magnificence of Fibo!! 🤣🤣🤣 ............. I should also add to behold the MUNIFICENCE of Fibo! 😉😗😗

GOLD obeying Fibo to a T. Same chart, no changes, gold continues to function up and down within my lines of action. How cool is that, guys? Its super cool. Why? Because its way beyond mere MONEY - its Fibo's understanding in ever increasing levels of the substance that has been around for such a long long long period of time on EARTH and is time tested as a store of value. That's why!!! Imagine where I will be in my understanding of gold let's say 3 years down the road - the improvement as always will be logarithmic and can also be parabolic without the liability of a crash thereafter - why no crash in psyche thereafter? Because BEAR knows that in the bigger scheme of things, Fibo knows that Fibo knows doodly squat!

I told the boys to push push push Gold up. They did. They started to push right from the time gold fell to my red horizontal line. The huffed and puffed and pushed and now Gold is up at my other lines of power, namely the 61.8% and the 200-ema. Is that goddamn stellar or what?

But wait, it gets even better ................... ther ain't nobody on Earth who understands the intricacies of the RSI better than Big Joe. So, light up a Seegar, bring out a bottle of red wine and observe how RSI reversed right at my extended RSI trendline .......... without really touching it = strength and without dipping below 38 to generate a BEAR signal.

Conclusion the same as before: Gold can rally. The signal is still Long on the 1H trading chart

Food for thought for new_trader ................. entire nest egg/retirement/savings in Gold ..........................

Gold is not an income generating asset like stocks and bonds. It just sits there looking pretty, doing nothing and depending only on price appreciation. A huge downside in gold is the storage and insurance costs involved. There is yet another downside becoming more and more a reality, a possibility soon - confiscation

From 1990 - 2020 Gold increased by 360% but Dow Jones shot up by 990%

Over the longer-term horizon say from the 1920s to 2020, Stocks blow the doors off Gold by 3:1

There is also this curveball ......................

Using the set gold price of $35 and the price of $1,650 per ounce as of April 2020, a price appreciation of approximately 4,500% can be deduced for gold. From February 1971 to 2020, the DJIA has appreciated in value by 3,221%.

Fibo's conclusion: Gold & Silver are super important as part of a portfolio, perhaps 2-5%
Boeing: the lies they told were astonishing. Their reign is over. Bull market icons get slaughtered in a BEAR. Their deceit will cripple them more.

Go to thread title same as here under my name, fibo_trader, go to page 46 and there you will see my recent call on Boeing made on March 27, 2019 ...........................

"when a juicy big red bar punches a big hole in the 200-day ema it will be the start of Boeing's waterfall decline"

Happening today, May 7, 2019. But the 200-day has elasticity, no? It sure does. So at least a bounce? One would think so. But only if this is not a 3rd wave decline.

Hide & watch. This prince is heavily weighted in the Dow.
Hey guys, a blast from the past, from page 1 of this long thread when I was new here at T2W, I believe my 2nd day at T2W .............. have a look at this stupendous CALL on the greatest of the greatest KING of ALL stocks, one that not a single investor had anything bad to say and were all 100% behind it in FULL, FULL, FULL recommendation to buy buy buy and hold hold hold. It was 100% unanimous CROWD was all in for the great ......


But Fibo buggered 'em all with the stellar call based as usual on PURE TECHNICALS/Sentiment


updated today as Big Joe gets ready once again to Short the living daylights out of BOEING. I want to Short Boeing all the way down to the trendline at $60/share. So dig this! dig the magnificence of Fibo! Look where Fibo sent Boeing - from $446/share down to $88/share. Is that stellar or what? Now look and watch and hide and watch as Fibo hmmers Boeing again. currently at $231/share I'll ride the short gravy train down to $60/share and then dig this ..............

I'll go LONG at $60/share and hold for 200 years into the next lifetime and beyond!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Chart on monthly is unchanged for 2 years from since I came to T2W. Monthly chart needs no changes whatsoever! Just needs updating

Such is the stellar magnificence of fibo


Bidi bidi bom bom 🙂🙂🙂 check out Fibo's buddies from Nooo Yokkk! Gold sends new_trader tot he Moon but these 2 musicians send Fibo to Heaven during a trading sesssion as money is made while I'm dancing in my trading chair and on the trading table - see video below

How much did you lose? Btw, just keep in mind - Fed gradually downgrades inflation outlook so Fed-driven market bubble will continue to live for some time. Project S&P 500 at 3K in 3Q
Hey guys, watch this ............................ a blast from the past for new_trader

watch how she lafffed at me in Post #75 because I had come to T2W from ET with a very bad starting trade that was registering unrealized losses in the hundreds of thousands. Fibo never forgets people who laff at him. They ALL take it in the yazoo sooner or later. always! guaranteed!!!

Then see post #77 on page 6 ................. for how I closed out my losing position with not only NO LOSS but instead a small gain. Point being? I've never ever ever had a blown account!! Still stands today as the only trader in the history of trading who has never had a blown account!! And I believe that with my Stop Loss strategies and taste for beer there is almost no chance that I will ever register a blown account. That demolition window has closed for good!! Fibo has emerged unblemished!!

All GREEN. Closed out ALL SPY holdings today in real time @ 281.44

And take me disappearing thru' the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time
Far past the frozen leaves, the haunted frightened trees
BOEING ...................................... now hear this .......................

Going Short when Boeing < 200-day ema AND RSI < 38 with Price trendline busted!

Boom! 2 mil going into this short! This is an investment short!!! hahahahhaha, who the fck ever heard of an investment short?!!! Stop will be above wave high at that time to be determined later ......................

So, in summary .............. waiting to reenter a solid shorty position

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