Preparations for the SHORTS of this thread's title: The Nasdaq Short will be devoted to the music below and for very good reason 🙂🙂
Music is a very subjective element so one man's pleasure might not even register in the mind of another ..............
This Journal thread is for my own use when I'm investing/trading to play the songs herein. During Wave 3 moves I am almost exclusively in music, no drugs required, but high on music that matches the rhythm of the 3rd Wave.
All the songs are revisited at any time in rapid succession whenever I want
Music & profits go hand in hand for Fibo.
The Nasdaq Short if/when gets truly underway in earnest will find me deep into the music of La Compagnie Creole
Its my band of choice for when I 3rd wave the EurUsd, which is likely why I rarely have a losing trade.
Why La Compagnie Creole? There is History here, succulent History ............... her name was Connie and she was a Frenchy from the Carribbean. She played this music the first time I penetrated her and what took this music to the stratosphere was that in the midst of gentle thrusting she took off into a trance I had never ever seen before, one in which she started talking to herself about me, saying the damndest nice things - I noo then I had entered the zone of the surreal, non-existent anywhere else I had been and quite likely coterminous with a universe of exquisite fruit
My very first Creole girlfriend threw me for a loop - I felt I had entered the Amazon forest, red papayas, mangoes, taste of lime, squirt of pineapple and best of all, the hidden and subtle ambrosial waft of guava
SHE has made me gobs of money ever since - in the stock markets in 3rd waves - even though I am not with her no more and we have long since lost all contact
So you might not understand or appreciate this music but it is my bread and butter! EurUsd proved it in spades! Now it will be applied to the Nasdaq Short - if it gets underway