Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Preparations for the SHORTS of this thread's title: The Nasdaq Short will be devoted to the music below and for very good reason 🙂🙂

Music is a very subjective element so one man's pleasure might not even register in the mind of another ..............

This Journal thread is for my own use when I'm investing/trading to play the songs herein. During Wave 3 moves I am almost exclusively in music, no drugs required, but high on music that matches the rhythm of the 3rd Wave.

All the songs are revisited at any time in rapid succession whenever I want

Music & profits go hand in hand for Fibo.

The Nasdaq Short if/when gets truly underway in earnest will find me deep into the music of La Compagnie Creole

Its my band of choice for when I 3rd wave the EurUsd, which is likely why I rarely have a losing trade.

Why La Compagnie Creole? There is History here, succulent History ............... her name was Connie and she was a Frenchy from the Carribbean. She played this music the first time I penetrated her and what took this music to the stratosphere was that in the midst of gentle thrusting she took off into a trance I had never ever seen before, one in which she started talking to herself about me, saying the damndest nice things - I noo then I had entered the zone of the surreal, non-existent anywhere else I had been and quite likely coterminous with a universe of exquisite fruit

My very first Creole girlfriend threw me for a loop - I felt I had entered the Amazon forest, red papayas, mangoes, taste of lime, squirt of pineapple and best of all, the hidden and subtle ambrosial waft of guava

SHE has made me gobs of money ever since - in the stock markets in 3rd waves - even though I am not with her no more and we have long since lost all contact

So you might not understand or appreciate this music but it is my bread and butter! EurUsd proved it in spades! Now it will be applied to the Nasdaq Short - if it gets underway
Why La Compagnie Creole? There is History here, succulent History ............... her name was Connie and she was a Frenchy from the Carribbean. She played this music the first time I penetrated her and what took this music to the stratosphere was that in the midst of gentle thrusting she took off into a trance I had never ever seen before, one in which she started talking to herself about me, saying the damndest nice things - I noo then I had entered the zone of the surreal, non-existent anywhere else I had been and quite likely coterminous with a universe of exquisite fruit

My very first Creole girlfriend threw me for a loop - I felt I had entered the Amazon forest, red papayas, mangoes, taste of lime, squirt of pineapple and best of all, the hidden and subtle ambrosial waft of guava

SHE has made me gobs of money ever since - in the stock markets in 3rd waves - even though I am not with her no more and we have long since lost all contact

So you might not understand or appreciate this music but it is my bread and butter! EurUsd proved it in spades! Now it will be applied to the Nasdaq Short - if it gets underway

Why La Compagnie Creole? There is History here, succulent History ............... her name was Connie and she was a Frenchy from the Caribbean.


Nasdaq vs SPX ........................... neckline and 200-day ema must break for there to be joy

Not even Goldman Sachs has anyone with smarts enough to look at the most obvious ......................

SPX vs 10-yr yield

Not a single son of a gun at Goldman Sachs has dreamed of seeing the Ending diagonal Triangle in

SPX vs Vix

Nasdaq ............ alert alert as she approaches yet again to Fibo's 61.8% level to retest/kiss/quickie and then bolt from the scene of the crime. If not and she continues north and takes out the Top - again, then Fibo has failed yet again and will have to wait

see/refer to the charts of the Nasdaq on 1H a few posts back and follow along. Nothing has changed, we are still dealing with the 61.8% magical level.

Hey guys .......................... be alert now! This is not the time to fall asleep ............. we could be approaching the turn of the Millenium, I mean the all time greatest turn in 75 million years of EARTH history.

I say "could be" because one can never be sure, but one must be prepared and ready to act. Must have guns oiled and loaded


I'm ready, my music is ready to go, the mental image picture of me going down on Connie transporting her to the highest realms of Mammon pleasure is clear as a daylight in my mind! I'm ready like Freddy ever has been 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Big Joe has rarely let a girl climax less than 3 times before the rocket flies from the seminal vesicle & vas deferens 🙂🙂



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Fibo's most recent Corona Virus CALL update(s): see recent posts by typing in corona under under member name, fibo_trader

There is a very very very important reason I am mentioning this at this particular juncture.

I called the Top in the US Corona cases climbing and said there would be a nice reprieve! ............. Correctly called! Done!

Then I said the reprieve would most likely go to the area of the previous 4th wave in the Corona chart for the US. Arrived or close to arriving. We are in the zone already so anytime could be the kick-off wave the next upwave.

So why is this of stellar importance? Because not Dr. Fauci nor any doctor worldwide or scientist anywhere no-how no-where no-way would have any way of knowing where a wave would likely end/reverse? The only thing they have to go on is that as in Miami beach now with the frolicking and partying, a surge is likely. But for Fibo this statement about surges is really far deeper than THEY understand. The BEAR market causes the stupidity in the Herd thereby causing them to place thessselves at risk and go out collectively and defy authorities and expose thesssselves to rampage. Its all within the BEAR, preordained and set forth well in advance as a formula

But the reversal at the zone of a 4th wave of lesser degree is not known or suspected anywhere! Only Fibo knows this piece of extra-terrestrial science

So guys, watch the United States carefully over the next few days etc., when you see the News blast out that the graph has turned up with venom, you will then know the accuracy of Fibo's Wave Mechanics!

March 22, 2021 United States Corona virus new cases graph

Fibo's most recent Corona Virus CALL update(s): see recent posts by typing in corona under under member name, fibo_trader

There is a very very very important reason I am mentioning this at this particular juncture.

See the chart for the United States and observe what Dr. Fauci and the rest of the experts wordwide have failed to notice or know or have never known and therefore never ever will understand ....................

The clear 5-waves up in the chart
The clear 5 sub-waves in the 5th wave up.
The 3rd wave being small gave prior warning that the 5th would be an extended wave - this is due to the underlying bone structure of waves in that there must always be an extended wave in a sequence. Usually its the 3rd wave, but the 5th is not uncommon. Far rarer is the 1st wave itself is the extended one.

Then notice the decline aka reprieve on the right side of the chart dropping like a stone making a beeline for Fibo's previous 4th wave zone.

If we now get a reversal north, Trader333 will have lost all power to ban me forever! That's my Word of Life! And my Word of Death? Its in my brass balls of fire! I'm here for either one! 🙂😉😎🤣

What nobody in the entire Medical Community knows or could ever know!!!!

A hear attack that causes death on the first wave attack is THE extended wave. Rare!
What nobody in the entire Oceanographic/Rough Wave/Tsunami/Tidal Wave Community knows or could ever know!!!!

They do know that the most common is that the first wave is the warning wave. The the recovery wave traps everyone into thinking its over. then comes the 3rd wave and plugs 'em all

But what they did not and could never know is that the 3rd wave is exactly 161.8% or 261.8% or 423.6% stronger than the 1st wave (Richter type scale, of course)

How could one know how big the 3rd wave will be after the first warning wave completes? If the recovery wave brings the folk back to near total complacence, then the 3rd wave will be 423.% - a killer.

This is what happened in Phuket, Thailand and Indonesia in Dec 2004. One scientist remarked that in one particular area of the islands the tree line marks on the really tall trees was a staggering height
God, do I love it so! 🙂

With all the stuff going on around me its easy to get a guilty conscience of how unfair things are for others.

The only way to solve this mind numbing extremely troubling dilemma is to recognize the fact ..........

I paid in blood, seat, tears and agony. Therefore I earned it! Certification came from God, not from documents and bank balance et., but rather from scars on my psyche!!

I'm satisfied!

God, do I love it so! 🙂

With all the stuff going on around me its easy to get a guilty conscience of how unfair things are for others.

The only way to solve this mind numbing extremely troubling dilemma is to recognize the fact ..........

I paid in blood, seat, tears and agony. Therefore I earned it! Certification came from God, not from documents and bank balance et., but rather from scars on my psyche!!

I'm satisfied!


Families infighting during Covid-19 extreme BEAR market times, wives and husbands separating and going down the road of divorce, exasperation with the lockdown, the total goner of freedom, the excruciating pain and agony of being broke and unable to pay bills and the prospect of losing one's house and eventually going homeless ................ the ultra rich cannot escape the mental agony and torment that "Money don't mean a goddamn thing in the larger sphere" ........................

put all this together and we have a very sorry state of affairs

But the Fibo has transcended it.

Could I have done it alone? Not hardly! The guidance, requested by me from the CAUSAL UNIT who resides way above all the myriad realities in the domain of BE as opposed to BE/Do/Have.

Experts on Earth? Experts in the Medical field? Experts in Science? they can all kiss my ass!

Big Joe defers to nobody other than the CAUSAL UNIT. When in doubt of a situation on Earth be it financial or otherwise, and after racking my brains at a solution so I have put in the work already, I send it upstream to the CAUSAL UNIT!

Therein came the builder of the utmost personal confidence with the Unit's reply, "YOU are my beloved son, in thee I am wll pleased!"

The rewards come as a direct deposit - always - and much much much much faster than the Internal Revenue Service of the United States! Some refer to the IRS as the Infernal Revenue Service, but not Big Joe. They have a job to do!

Stock market investing and trading in the financial markets and in LIFE in general learned from the CAUSAL UNIT

The lesson are cast in stone. There is no faking them , no faking the evidence, no alteration will survive the scrutiny


Look around at T2W w.r.t. Fibo and clearly observe and see .................................


Regardless how difficult it is and impossible to gauge the CAUSAL UNIT, its not difficult to see that he places high value on this one factor that supersedes all others - the correct phrase or concept is "eclipses all others"

Anybody here at T2W ever bothered to figure out why SHARKY has not already killed Big Joe? Its easy. Sharky is from the same line of thinking as the CAUSAL UNIT but he is bogged down by the Brit destitute wimps who buried this site for 20 years and made it a shadow of what Sharky originally intended - a place for TRADE2WIN - a lofty goal, a lofty game, a game of excellence. God bless Sharky.


When Christmas comes, there is no place better than the French Antilles. The French? Jesus H Christ, the world says Americans have a weakness for French people but they forget than there was a time when FRENCH bashing along with Japanese bashing was in vogue and rampant. But Fibo was never one of them daft sons of b*tches.

Paris? Place St. Michel? Heaven on Earth? Yeah, I can dig it easily. 🙂

Nasdaq: see earlier posts ..................

same thing, same resistance same guiding light is the 61.8% level. Therefore no changes required. We let it run its course and only recognze that we are riding south when there is a thorough rejection of 61.8%. The force of fleeing will be the tell all.

Anything short of this story is yet another kick in the as for the Fibo. Fibo been wrong before? Do birds fly?

Sleep in Heavenly Peace!

This is why women call Big Joe ................

T H U N D E R L I P S 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Slam dunk! T H U N D E R L I P S aka Fibo nails Crude again, but its early stages 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

When the lower RSI trendline busts with verve we are on our way - any rally thereafter will be a resounding short of ultra dilipawende congistomdamo

Hey guys, a nice lesson in the perils of Investing by watching and observing how this American couple thinks and invests .........

I am praying for them to be cautious but it might fall on deaf ears. Americans are really a beautiful people, so welcoming of other cultures and lifestyles, its really a wondrous thing to behold.

Wish I can help this couple but I don't think it will work. they are too far gone into the parabolic investment that generated their retirement success. Now the chances are it will undo their retirement glory and send them back to the United States away from their beloved Portugal. Does big Joe love Portugal? Do birds fly?

Sad, sad, sad for Fibo to watch

See the series lead up to the investment in the Vanguard total investment fund Admiral shares .............. VTSAX

This is one time I am hoping I am dead wrong as I do not want to see this couple hurt

Dear God,

Help them. Their analysis on Bitcoin is spot on but they need help on the other investment, see next

See my chart after the video below ............ there's no way that these investors know this type of stuff - its BEARmaekte related and can cripple anyone.

Cripple anyone? Just have a look at T2W's new_trader as an example. This girl sits thru' years of BEAR market waiting for Price to get back up to the level that it abandoned and caused her intense pain and discomfort. Notr once did she consider exiting at a high or close to it and then shorting and then getting back in Long. A far better way to make big bucks.

In this particular case with these investors they have done really well staying with the Trend but if that trend ends now, they are likely to get cott inthe downdraft the same way as new_trader and give it all back to the market and end up broke and having to cut short their retirement and then join T2W nd ocme into the forums with the standard fare .

"Trading is such a racket" and then down a few shots of whiskey to kill the pain and torture and torment - the only reward being to impress the newbies who are themselves lost, lost, lost and looking for answers

From deep within the heart of Fibo - the walls of his heart are as thin as paper when it comes to Portugal - deeeeep within the archives collection ................... Lord have mercy!! 🙂🙂🙂

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