Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Mongolian BBQ restaurant gave Fibo this fortune cookie

Others take notice of your radiance 03 14 26 38 41 9 🤣🤣🤣🤣

BEAR is for sure going to pull a fast one on me when one day, I get the fortune cookie ............

Brits love you dearly 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 ................... (the Fibo sequence) 🙂

see post #13 🙂

I've got FT on "Ignore" too (for the third or fourth time) so its a bit annoying that I might have to start reading his posts again in order to make any reference to Mods. He's driving a double-decker bus through this site and laughing all the way: he's not getting reported for driving issues because he's pushed other road-users onto the roadside verge...............

What is going to be done about this?



For new_trader .................. Shocking that T2W's Tape Reader never inspects the facts aka E V I D E N C E.

Rebecca, have you considered this, EVER? Consult with Trader333 on this subject. I am not allowed to but he can and should slap you silly and put you in the T2W doghouse for 2 weeks detention. See why

You and all others your ilk, gold bugs have ONE belief that is cast in stone and that will never EVER be examined or looked into or challenged. so cast in stone it is that it could go on as a religion for 1 trillion years.

What is that belief that you share with these countless gold bugs like Peter Schiff and co.?

That Gold is a SAFE HAVEN = in times of economic distress and upheaval people flock to Gold for safety!
Have you even bothered to inspect what happened during the Covid-19 crash = greatest crash of the last 75 million years from Feb 19, 2020 to March 23, 2020? People should have flocked to Gold as a safe haven, right?

But, instead they flocked to the Dollar and dumped Gold

See evidence by viewing Dollar versus Gold - see yellow ellipse

For new_trader .................. Shocking that T2W's Tape Reader never inspects the facts aka E V I D E N C E.

Rebecca, have you considered this, EVER? Consult with Trader333 on this subject. I am not allowed to but he can and should slap you silly and put you in the T2W doghouse for 2 weeks detention. See why

You and all others your ilk, gold bugs have ONE belief that is cast in stone and that will never EVER be examined or looked into or challenged. so cast in stone it is that it could go on as a religion for 1 trillion years.

What is that belief that you share with these countless gold bugs like Peter Schiff and co.?

That Gold is a SAFE HAVEN = in times of economic distress and upheaval people flock to Gold for safety!
Have you even bothered to inspect what happened during the Covid-19 crash = greatest crash of the last 75 million years from Feb 19, 2020 to March 23, 2020? People should have flocked to Gold as a safe haven, right?

But, instead they flocked to the Dollar and dumped Gold

See evidence by viewing Dollar versus Gold - see yellow ellipse

View attachment 298386


there's plenty and plenty of similar evidence .............. for example the GREAT RECESSION of 2008. Remember that one? That was when you were 2 years at T2W and rode the entire SHORT of 2008 LONG, got killed a hundred times but are currently on your 234th Life (blown the 9 lives concept to smithereens)

So, one should expect that people would flock to the Gold, the ultimate safe haven, right? But here again, THEY shunned gold and instead leapt for the USD and the Yen.

Go figure!

The message for Trader333 is loud and clear .................... refer to the 2 previous posts

WTF are you doing protecting these deadbeats like new_trader while simultaneously slaughtering Americans who certainly will not have such shattering misunderstoods? It don't make sense, Colonel!

Have a nice day, T3. It hit me an hour ago that one of your very first discussions with me you said back in May 2019, "I don't have anything against you" Your words, colonel. Reminding you: you don't got your WORD, you got nothing!

Sharky has followed to a T the tenets of the agreement made between us during the days of the Bluecoats ............... see video 🙂🙂🙂 It was signed in blood

God bless you, T3

Fibo rides up the hill to meet Sharky

CALL on Corona Virus Hong Kong: March 26th, 2021

Wave 3 aka killer wave can start anytime now. Devastation that nobody could ever imagine. Fasten seatbelts.

After 1s and 2s, this latest subdivision is a classic A-B-C with the "C" wave clearly showing a 5-wave subwave structure in the last subwave portion right now, now. When complete, the rocket aka Wave 3 fires off.
Slam Dunk! 🙂see earlier posts about Germany and Europe, all called in advance of any of the gurus including doctors becoming aware of what has now came-d. In fact they were all saying unanimously that the Corona is over, gone, but keep your mask on just in case for a few more weeks to be sure. But Fibo saw thru' this folly because this is the psychology of a

SECOND WAVE aka RECOVERY WAVE ............. why? Because its job is to mimic the Pre-Pandemic aka normal life

Say what? T2W's gassers didn't know that Waves have personality inherent and do their jobs as per that innate personality and psychology? Yawn! 🙂🙂🙂


Third COVID-19 wave could be the worst yet, Germany warns​

Published: March 26, 2021 at 11:46 a.m. ET

Lina Saigol​

Europe’s third wave is worsening, with more countries tightening their lockdowns​

Meanwhile, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned on Monday that the third wave of COVID-19 that has hit Europe will "wash up on our shores as well"
Postie , Tomorton, Timsk, Mr. Charts ETA 3 minutes.

They are not interested in Technical Analysis or any sort of charting or any sort of market calls or any thing related to the name of this building


What are they interested in, then? What are they after? What makes them tick? What drives them? What drives them to desperation? 🤣

Fibo + American = a two-fer

((From day #1 Fibo arrived, they came, first one, then two, then 3, all wearing trench coats and masks (there was no corona back then) All have perished in "soul" thus far. The last sustained attack came from Postie with a total of 400 bullets fired at Fibo in a mere few weeks. He was then shut down by Admin. for being such a lousy shooter. Fibo still roams the plains))

I can help these guys nail me but it will cost. They will have to pay bigtime for professionals. Amateurs they are sending up against me are worthless. They need a Goldman Sachs or Bank of America top echelon exec

see next post 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
For Trader333, Postie, Timsk, Mr. Charts .......... 🙂🙂

They have sent off Americans to such an extent that it now is a ghost town. I'm the only American left.

The last one that was taken out died an ignominious death after having found a nice Indicator that he was willing to share but was instead humiliated and shot while his sons watched in horror 🙂🙂🙂

I had told Spider not to go to town alone, that an American alone is easy prey, but he went anyway

When his sons came to his side they were told, "go back to T2W and tell Fibo to meet us here tomorrow morning"

For Trader333, Postie, Timsk, Mr. Charts .......... 🙂🙂

They have sent off Americans to such an extent that it now is a ghost town. I'm the only American left.

The last one that was taken out died an ignominious death after having found a nice Indicator that he was willing to share but was instead humiliated and shot while his sons watched in horror 🙂🙂🙂

I had told Spider not to go to town alone, that an American alone is easy prey, but he went anyway

When his sons came to his side they were told, "go back to T2W and tell Fibo to meet us here tomorrow morning"

Fibo shows up alone as expected against a gang of professional killers but first he had to dispose off the amateurs ....

To make it interesting, pay for some professional traders to come in one at a time or all together against Fibo - they have billions but we even the playing field by going % gains/losses

Winner takes all
Nasdaq short update ..................... in & out small timeframe hi-lev casino boogie in full swing

See daily for Baby sitting on the red trendline - break that and Big Joe is back gambling for units of 100k nothing less but otherwise as she dances above the trendline its boom boom boom super hi-lev chump change plays to pay for breakfast 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

God, do I love it so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

Soon, other Trader333s will come along and kill the only American remaining - a relic - but, but, but, nothing matters no more, not the money, not the woman, not the land, I am here to conquer the Nasdaq as she falls from GRACE to oblivion!!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Baby is goring to 9,520 from current 12,950 ..................... several million Lire in profit to be had and one can always switch from French francs to spanish pesetas or even TexMex Pesos at will and enjoy!!!!!!!

Big Joe's printing presses are in full operational mode.

Girlie's Mummy just got a new house - a present from Fibo for her birthday and for raising such a fine dotter. The kitchen is outdoors and separate from the rest of the house. Needless to say, she is in Paradise and cannot sleep and is gone gone gone into creative mode on furnishings and whatnot.

Just another day at the office for Big Joe. Giving and giving and giving, is there anything better? Not even close, Jose!


5-min timeframe death cross still in effect and no moving average cross to the upside plus all action under the 200-ema on 5-min. If that changes one could take short profits and go Long for the rally if you desire.

Otherwise, just count the moolah and enjoy


I told-ed you guys my mizikk makes me money. The female voice thrills my soul and combined with vitamin D brings power fromm deep within to the surface 👍🙂😉😎🤣

Kole Sere kole sere Cadance ..................... USDJPY update core position swinging and swinging, no change in STOP level yet but might do so if I sense an urgency. Blaster aka King of Kings and the only Twin Towers worth a sh*t both are my friends and have been for a very long time but now they are head to head fighting against each other and as usual I am on the correct side

God, do I love it so!!!! 🦍👽


BLASTER (USD) is on his way to 97. Blaster is battling the 200-day ema as we speak.

Go Blaster, go and never forget that when you were in the dungeon on 2007 I was the only one who did not give up on you as I waited pay-shuntly for you to get made that even the Indonesian currency was lafffffing at you. I know-ed it would get to you, Champ.

your best friend


Blaster (US Dollar Index, the key to the Universe, the answer to all questions, the only thing that can poke a huge hole in Venezuela, ChinkaderoLand and even Siberia and EyeRan .................... daily timeframe


What a country! God, do I love it so! 🙂 And for an American there is no better match.. A match made in Heaven.

A Thai girl in her 18-38 age range and you place your arm in the small of her back and pull her in toward you due to the overwhelming draw of her ultra-femininity, silky smooth soft skin and tantalizing voice, you just can't help it, you feel compelled to draw her in with masculine force that makes her scream in primal pleasure that in the United States would on the other hand in this day and age get you 5 years in jail like what is likely to happen to New York Governor Cuomo just for hitting on a chick! ......... she shrieks in pleasure at a high frequency of 40kHz that sends yet another spasm thru' an alpha Male's body. This is what its all about, guys. Don't miss out on this!

The West is dead for the Alpha Male. Soon, there will be a bounty on him and his ilk. Just hitting on a girl will be a crime! Asking her out will be 6 months in jail auto.

For us fellas who are being killed left and right by the staggering rise in political correctness is there anythieng else worth living for than the sweet smell and taste and flavor of the amazon forest, its sounds and bounty?

No there is not! Give it up? Shoot me now!




Pfizer Vaccine shenanigans are indicating a TOP likely similar to that of ENRON, the shenanigan king of kings.

But Pfizer is putting them all to shame as just this month alone it has succeeded in making the Devil looks like a Saint. Lucifer is p*ssed off as Pfizer has the wherewithal to give him a run for his money in the Evil Ways Dept.

Keep this as your guide for Pfizer:

There may be 50 ways to leave your lover but there is one guaranteed way Pfizer will not recover if it breaks my lines of consequence.

Take its vaccine? Would Big Joe take the vaccine of the Devil? Mammon has his hands all over this entire episode

I have requested the Angel of Light to guard me from making the massive mistakes of the HERD


Big Joe in Paradise and its only Saturday and I've had no wine yet

Lord have Mercy

Pfizer knows instinctively that the lawsuits are going to pour in. Instinctively? Yes!

Wave C will deliver the mustard in spades

Fasten seatbelts

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