Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Trader333 ........................... prepare for ................... R E V O L U T I O N ...... the public is fed up ............ and now, this ................ travesty ........... Banksters are socking it us again and again and again ............

Vix 1H .................... Pitchfork works? Time will tell.

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Silently, without fanfare but with serendipty, LOVE comes softly and sits on one's shoulder. The Vix operates the same way. A silent breakout????? While everyone is asleep?????

Get your kicks before the whole h*thouse goes up in flames

Everything is f***ed up as usual

Jimmy had it right from day 1 ..... RIP

Dow Jones World = Global Dow Jones has just broken its 1H uptrendline and it looks like a small degree 5-wave move. Ifcorrect, then we should have a small degree wave 2 before the boom OR this tiny 5-wave move could blossom into a larger 5-wave wave move and then we get the rally and then the Boom. Stay tuned
Trader333, put the guns away and load up with the only gun that can dwarf YOUR guns - CASH

Trader333, the bullmarket in CASH continues unabated and will soon go parabolic

Be prepared. Don't wait for Sharky to tell you, "GO" - Go T3, go for CASH. Unload everythng else, all will go to fire sale.

Only thing you can hope for in life, same as the rest of us, is when they do us in, they know where to shoot
Trader333: go for cash, cash cash

Q: What's 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and drives women wild?
A: a $100 bill!

A sign of the times ...... ?

Q: What is Barack Obama's new slogan in these tough times?
A: Spare Change You Can Believe In!
Mark Cuban is moving to cash ahead of what the billionaire sees as another rough stretch for the stock market
Published: April 16, 2020 at 2:24 p.m. ET


I told you these cats are sloooooooooooooow. Not a single one of them knows Market timing. Not only that, not a single one of them knows that the more money they have, the further away from HOME they have gone and the only way to relieve the intense internal pressure on the psyche is to start giving to charitable organizations. NONE of thee mofos would give a dime to anyone, but they know its relieving their own pain so they have to do it - like taking a medication.

One deadbeat after another.

Give me a farmer with his wife and 2 kids working his heart out in the sun to make a living for hi family and have modest means and I'll show you a Man very close to HOME - has not strayed one bit from HOME. And the bonus:? Such a Man's word is cast in stone. Hundreds like such men to be found easily in the Midwestern United States. Extinct in the cities.
Trader333: go for cash, cash cash

Q: What's 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and drives women wild?
A: a $100 bill!

A sign of the times ...... ?

Q: What is Barack Obama's new slogan in these tough times?
A: Spare Change You Can Believe In!

Pray tell, Trader333, is this a breakout or a fakeout? 🙂

Send me a graph of the total complaints against me aka requests/demnand to ban me and I will have additional data sentiment-wise as to whether we have a a parabolic rally in CASH. If there is a lull in complaints, that's good as it is a 2nd wave, it is expected. Wave 3 up will see a rush of ban requests. I would love to have a chart of this data. 🙂 I don't have to know who, I already can guess quite accurately ............. seee video below

“Something Has Gone Wrong”: UK Government, Banks Screw Up Coronavirus Loans, Small Firms Near Collapse. Better Results in Other Countries
by Nick Corbishley • Apr 14, 2020 • 51 Comments
Part of the problem is cultural: big banks in the UK don’t like lending to small businesses, especially not at 1.5%.

Poor UK. 🙂

Just another example of how one cannot fathom the far raching effects of a BEAR of this degree of TREND.

And this is only Wave 1 down.

Send a car over to Trader333's house and get him to safety, NOW 🙂

During a BEAR market rally the crowd wll chant that the worst is over and fun times are back and that the BEAR is dead. The master of con con con con is the Herding Impulse. Very hard to say No to. Its warm and cuddly and together and screams, "together we survive, alone we die" ....................... New York Times ran an article in the Great Depression BEAR market rally ............... Prosperity's return ............. the next wave down came in and killed millions.

Fibo going to be a lonely guy with soooo many dead Brits coming up soon. Alll are asleep.

No traffic, empty roads, ghost towns, ghost villages, shops & restaurants & clubs closed, supermarket lines, theaters, stadiums dead, world in lock down

Fibo's BEAR is the new Sheriff in town. HE calls the shots

BEAR vs FED ............... underway in earnest during this Wave 2 BEAR market rally wherein FED tries everyhting to SAVE us with the one and only weapon, throw mor gasoline on the fire.

When Wave 3 down gets underway, for the very first time in the history of the US will they say in uninison, "THIS BEAST IS OVERPOWERING THE FED LIKE MIKE TYSON DID TO OPPONENTS"

Trader333 will wake up on the day after wave 3 has begun and exclaim, "wtf is going on?"

If there is only one thing to learn and one thing only is that in BEAR markets the rallies are fierce and ferocious and high percentage gain runs, massiv, massiv, massive rallies. Normal.

But dig the logic of FIBO ..................... they have to be fierce and ferocious and hi-gain becasue BEAR needs all the suckers to go LONG = back in the game so he can start the next leg down to kill 'em. It would be a stupid BEAR if there wa nobody to kill

This is why, when almost everybody is dead and has not only left the arena in dusgust and does not want to hear another word about stock markets and financial trading and FA and TA and whatnot .................................... BEAR quietly goes away.

i.e. BEAR departs when there are only a very few left standing, so few that BEAR would need a microscope to find and/or see 'em. One such cat left standing will be Fibo. The very very very very few others from different walks of life and likely from different countries left standing will be warriors of the same ilk as Fibo. there just simply is no known way to kill such individuals. BEAR knows this and will not continue till there are none left standing. It ain't worth it for him to do this - you see, just like Lucifer, BEAR wa once a BULL just like Lucifer was once an Angel.

BEAR retains a soft spot for the likes of FIBO.
Trader333, now dig this:

Look around and observe and examine the amount of devastation caused during the month of March, 2020. Take it all in, all the undustries that have been brought to their knees etc., etc.,

RS = Richter scale

All of that is only WAVE 1 down (RS =8) .................. the subsequent rally is Wave 2 up (RS=7)

Next is Wave 3 down (RS=14) .............. subsequent rally is Wave 4 up (RS=3)

Next is Wave 5 down (RS=9) ................. subsequent rally is no rally at all, rather a NEW BULL ABORNING (RS=3 at first)
Help them Father .................

these dopey Brits don't got a clue what's comin - even with their so-called Financial Education ......... so ill-prepared, its staggering to behold the massacre that will take place.

Jesus H Christ ................ Fibo will be one lonely mofo when this is over!
Meet the people who are giving away their $1,200 stimulus checks: ‘It’s not really my money, it’s our money’
Published: April 17, 2020 at 9:04 a.m. ET

What a country! 🙂 The bull-market in BENEVOLENCE ain't dead. The Chinks can kiss my ass
Dr. Phil’s argument for reopening the economy: ‘We don’t shut down the country’ for car accidents and swimming pool deaths
Published: April 17, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. ET


You tell 'em Doc. don't back down and don't apologize. Dr. Oz should not have apologized to these p*****s ............ Political Correctness in America & UK, fck knows where its worse but both are screwed when commonsense doe not prevail.

They hammered Doctor Oz too. He was right on the money.

Fibo's take? You shut the country to solve the virus bs and you create a deadlier virus, one sooooooo far more deadly that people will they wer in fact dead ............. jobless, broke, penniless and homelessnes is America is a far worse death than corona - far worse. If given a choice I would kiss corona and accept it rather than the alternative.

Fellas, take note of how the current crash in US Leading Economic Indicators took out the 2008 crash wth ease and vigor.
Trader333 ................... put your boots on and listen up ...................

See chart again .............. and look closely at the right edge of chart area - the congestion is anything but - but one needs to get in there into the pattern and have a closer look. .................... see below .............

Notice: the waves are a 1-2, then a 1-2, then a 1-2-3. This is a clear sign of sub-division of the WAVE OF DESTRUCTION. How do I know that its not just a tringle pattern? Becasue if you look carefully and count the internal small waves, you will see that the final rally was a 5-er. That completes the rally. If it was a traingle it would have to be a 3-wave leg, not a 5.

Then the 3rd of 3 is what you are seeing now. Is it over? I don't know. It could go lower or it could rally for either a 2nd wave or likely a 4th which would be long respite.

I have seen this chart for the first time so need to do more historical work on it for deeper understanding

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