For Trader333 ..................... consider this ................... what if its a trap, T3? If a trap & corona comes back with a vengeance, pray tell what punishment you will meter out to them?
Its utterly, butterly normal for there to be a respite after a Wave 1 up. What follows is a Wave 2 down (respite, cheering that its over, complacency, good times are back again etc., etc.,). All this just before the next Corona wave catches them totally off guard and kills zillions. This next wave is the alleged, unproven yet Wave 3 aka the killer wave. One of the requirements of Wave 3, since its a destructive wave of high nth degree, is that Wave 2 must do its job of uckering the masses back in and getting them off guard. Then wave 2 ends and Wave 3 begins.
What should we do, T3? Try not to give your standard answer, "ask Sharky?" please.
As European nations contracted coronavirus earlier than the U.S., they also are relaxing restrictions as the COVID-19 disease is spreading more slowly....