Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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For NVP .................. entertainment purposes only, don't get all bent out of shape 🙂 Title: You're going the wrong way (not trading related)


NVP ................... is going the wrong way 🙂🙂🙂

Una cerveza mas buena ............... Tecate ................ despues de Negra Modelo (numero uno)

My my my just dig it fellas, have a look at the Vix monthly. Keep in mind my thread on the United States Empire buster line. Will update that thread later but for now the same monthly is here and something spectacular is went-ing on. The monthly bars closed above the trendline .............. 2 solid closes above this line and then dig this, the current bar, a red bar has a tail just resting on the line. Remember everything I said about the criminal coming back to get a last kiss before fleeing the scene of the crime?

What if this is applicable here? If so, then Uncle Vix is going to blast north and give Big Joe the definitive call of not just for the last 300 years but rather the best call of of everything since the Galactic Confederation of Planets' monster BEAR market that occurred 75 million years ago, yes the very same BEAR that wiped out the dinosaurs of Earth. Don't buy that bull about the dionosaurs being wiped out 5 million or even 30 million years ago - those remains were planted fake evidence by outsiders who want to keep the planet dumb - which it is.


thread by "bone" ET sponsor charges clients $7,500. He is the recognized Energy Expert at ET. His specialty is CRUDE OIL

Fibo came into the thread on Page 10 with the post above and got a lot of static about going against bone.

That was in March 2019. Crude Oil was at $60

Take a look at Crude Oil today in March 2020.

FIBO buggered bone and everyone else in the thread - as usual

Crude has arrived sooooo close to my target of 10 bucks now

read quote first

Feather in the cap for T2W even though I'm the most hated member - but T2W has now surpassed ET with relative ease for the first time in 21 years. Baron agreed and so do 18 other pros who share emails with Big Joe and read my thread daily

When did this first happen? When Fibo buggered the #1 ET sponsor, the leader of leader in the Energy complex, the resident ET expert on Crude oil and Energy.

Fibo nailed this cat so bad that his clients started begging me to take them on. My response was directed at "Bone" himself so he would not think I was operating behind his back - which I don't do. I turned 'em all down down down and told him this ...............

bonesy, your $7,500 fee per client is too low, its deflationary and tends to make the rest of us professionals cheap cheap cheap. Up the basic fees to 50k for starters - then for the big guns who play big, its $2k/10-min. consultation fee over the phone. Now dig this .............. bonesy is such a low havingness chap that he dropped a suasage and told me nobody would pay such high fees. I told him ............. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush*t ............. they won't if they see him as a loser.

I tried to help boney but he is getting raped by Crude oil

see posts by Fibo that rocked all of ET's world and brought Baron to read the thread everyday. ET cop was fuming but Baron told him to holster the gun

Crude Oil has been so demolished by the brass kahunas of fibo its just sheer poetry for Fibo. god, do I love it so!

Crude hit alow of $19.27, just a mere $9.27 away from my alltime call from year 2008 when Crude was $147.

How's that for Mathematics, chaps?

But wait it gets better and better. Watch how Crude honorred my Mathematics all the way to the marrow of the bone by halting at the trampolene of 161.8% (a Fibo darling because its the golden Ratio)

For Trader333 ..................... 🙂🙂🙂 when are you gong to start counseling me on Life like you suggested? 🙂

When I saw on the News Media channels all the talk about China, Russia and the Saudis trying to control the flow and supply of Crude, naturally the temptation was to listen, to let it in one ear and compute it and then either retain it or let out the other ear. This is what every HERD member deals with but they give in within 2 seconds and go with the flow ........... go with the retards

I thought of Trader333 when this was going on and thought to myelf, "it is better to be shot in the head by Trader333 and banned for 5 lifetimes than to base my thinking on these sons of bitches from China, russia and Saudi.

I quickly got back to the chart and focussed. In one f***in ogonblick all those pricks from China, Russia and Saudi were thrown out the window.

There was only trader333, his gun and Fibo.

Fibo was himself again just as the HERD tempted him to give up and lose things he could never lose

Such is the power of the CROWD - it prevents escape to individuality to such an extent its staggering
T2W .............. get a load of fibo in real time ............. ET would drop a sausage if this turns out to be correct ............. make 200k easily in the next trade on Crude . but thereis risk so assess carefully ....................... drop to real time and take the buy signal and shoot for these TP levels

C = 61.8% or 100% ................. watch to see if it has enough power to exceed 100% and if so it will go to 161.8%

Crude ol daily the A wave north from the low of $19.27 to $28.52 and then the drop down. We need a Wave C up to complete this pattern

If you enter, make sure you place a catastrophic STOP right under $19.27 - let's say 4 harirs below.

Refer to the Crude oil daily chart provided above in previous post.

Good luck (catastrophic stop is a must must must do!)
Man, this is all way tooooo much for Fibo. All I asked for was, "Father, I need some bigger depth in Fibonacci, right now I have too many methods, too much research, I need to single out just down to one and filter out the rest - send me inspiration"

Its on its way but the vapors of ssaid inspiration have arrived. Even with vapor the improvement is staggering. The feel good and strong and powerful is just too much for fibo

To test all this out I went into the supermarket where just recently they beat up 4 guys who went in without corona masks. The Police were called and they were hammered and dragged out.

I don't agree with any of this bullshit. I took my chances and went in and did my shopping and nobody even noticed I had no mask. say what? Big Joe, contaminated with Corona? No f***in way.

Before entering I thought to myself, "I'm invisible"

Worked. Nobody saw me.

Wearing amask is so goddamn demoralizing, so claustrophobic, so demeaning, so stupid ................... fck it, I ain't doing it
FA (Fundamental Analysis) vs TA (Technical Analysis) fighters come to Big Joe now .............. 🙂🙂

16 million people just got laid off but U.S. stocks had their best week in 45 years
Published: April 15, 2020 at 2:23 p.m. ET

If that's not a kick in the ass for fundamentalists ..........................



These sons of b*tches will never ever get it, never understand it - why? becaue they are looking for LOGIC.
Nobody ever explained it to them the way Big Joe can, that the marekt are anything but logical. Its impossible to explain this to duffers. Just plain impossble. It does not compute.

Poor Cramer - uch a nice fellow - I hate to see him suffer like this. Just one hour with Fibo can curre this guy of 30 years of misunderstoods of gargantuan size.

At the bottom of every major f**up is a misunderstood concept. That's what's preventing conceptual understanding, the key to all humans.

Sad, sad, sad for fibo to see this much suffering and all from misunderstoods
What's happening to Fundamental Analysts in March 2020 ................... a Universe has fallen on their heads and decapitated them - every single one is in the depths of confusion - epic confusion. The formula for getting out of CONFUSION ........... comes from Divinity and it is ............................. FIND OUT WHERE YOU ARE. Then, after applying this formula you will find yourself upgraded to TREASON. The formula for Treason is ..................... FIND OUT THAT YOU ARE. U[pgraded to ENEMY .............. formula is ..................FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE

You used to lafff so loud at all the TA poor fellas who were just hanging out
Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem so proud
About having to be scroungin your next meal
How does it feel to be out on your own with no direction HOME, a complete unknown

Ahh you've gone to the finest schools, alright Miss Lonely
But you know you only used to get juiced in it
Nobody's ever taught you how to live out on the street
And now you're gonna have to get used to it
You say you never compromise
With the mystery tramp, but now you realize
He's not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes and say,
"Do you want to make a deal?"

The century belongs to the poor technicians of yesteryear. Its a bullmarket for Technicians from here on out. Fibo has the baton and will run the anchor leg.
The economic data is even worse than Wall Street feared: ‘The economy is clearly in ruins here’


Always with the negative vibes. 🤣🤣

“The economy is clearly in ruins here,” said Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank. 🤣🤣

The more negative they get, the bigger the Dow rally goes and they never understand why - this has been going on for centuries. Its been happening since biblical times. There were no dollars back then, but sons of b*tches, yeah 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nearly a dozen Iranian vessels come dangerously close to US military ships in the Gulf, Pentagon says


One f***up after another. Welcome to the BEAR market! 🤣🤣

Too funny
Trader333 ....................

keep eye on the Dow JOnes 1H Macd trendline shown in the 1H chart ................ the fat lady don't sing convincingly unless that son of a gun is took-ed out.


View attachment 278103

read quote first ................... then note that Macd 1H trendline is now nicked on Dow Jones, Dow Transports, SPX ............. but notyet on the Nasdaq.

Price trendline in 1H charts: Dow Jones & Dow Transports attacking this line to the downside with transports leading the charge

Gots to see if a small degree 5-wave move to the downside is forming - this will be the key that BEAR is taking hold again after the monster rally to draw all the innocents IN. Has BEAR succeeded in drawing them in? He sure as heck is doing a number on confusing them by letting the dow rally even in the face of staggering job losses and f***ups in the economy 🙂
The IRS is sending $1,200 stimulus checks to dead people
Published: April 16, 2020 at 8:21 a.m. ET


I'm on the wrong f***in planet. AFter body death, I ain't comin back no more. I'm done with this sh*t 🤣

Stupidity is THE most contagious disease and there is nobody looking for a vaccine or cure for it.
For Trader333 ..................... consider this ................... what if its a trap, T3? If a trap & corona comes back with a vengeance, pray tell what punishment you will meter out to them?


Its utterly, butterly normal for there to be a respite after a Wave 1 up. What follows is a Wave 2 down (respite, cheering that its over, complacency, good times are back again etc., etc.,). All this just before the next Corona wave catches them totally off guard and kills zillions. This next wave is the alleged, unproven yet Wave 3 aka the killer wave. One of the requirements of Wave 3, since its a destructive wave of high nth degree, is that Wave 2 must do its job of uckering the masses back in and getting them off guard. Then wave 2 ends and Wave 3 begins.

What should we do, T3? Try not to give your standard answer, "ask Sharky?" please. 🙂🙂

For Trader333 ..................... consider this ................... what if its a trap, T3? If a trap & corona comes back with a vengeance, pray tell what punishment you will meter out to them?


Its utterly, butterly normal for there to be a respite after a Wave 1 up. What follows is a Wave 2 down (respite, cheering that its over, complacency, good times are back again etc., etc.,). All this just before the next Corona wave catches them totally off guard and kills zillions. This next wave is the alleged, unproven yet Wave 3 aka the killer wave. One of the requirements of Wave 3, since its a destructive wave of high nth degree, is that Wave 2 must do its job of uckering the masses back in and getting them off guard. Then wave 2 ends and Wave 3 begins.

What should we do, T3? Try not to give your standard answer, "ask Sharky?" please. 🙂🙂

Trader333, see very bottom of the article for the only euro country thus far that is not yet calling for relaxing of restrictions

For Trader333 ..........................

BEAR is licking his chops, breathing heavily in anticipation of the United states dropping their guard. This will determine the size of BEAR's prize de la prize .

Help them T3.


Trump huddles with business leaders on reopening country
Published: April 15, 2020 at 4:01 p.m. ET

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