Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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For historians only ....................

Fibo adds a continuing CALL that is about to go EPIC

Bullmarket in CASH is about to go parabolic ................ oil guns and get ready

CASH is KING comes forth with a vengeance

For the Frenchies here especially the Africans from French colonies, here then is the best song to keep playing during the entire Wave 3 catastrophc decline of the stock market and therefore the concommitant bullmarekt in CASH. For English speaking crowd its the doors, "when the music's over"

Cash Is King — and M&A Goes MIA
Published: April 17, 2020 at 6:31 a.m. ET
Lina Saigol

P R E S C I E N C E of Fibo

What Fibo knew for years, THEY who detested cash and called us cash-boys stupid are now taking it in the yazoo and screaming in agony ................ Barron's was of course one of these clowns and so was Newweek and Wall street journal.

F*** 'em. They're all going broke. Good riddance to the HERD pleasers with their PC that escalates and escalates

Fibo surrounded by stupid sons of b*tches 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank God for women - people say women don't make sense at all to men. Buuuuuuullsht they make a whole lot of sense to Fibo and are actually better investors.

I'd take all thee experts and pancake 'em and sell for 5 bucks a pound. 🤣
Fibo's Target Box .......................... for the bear rally from March 23 rd lows ................................

all Indexes have arrived into the box and well into it. Done, done, done ..........................

but there is one peculiar fellow. His name is ECONOMY and he goes by the nick DJT (DoW Jones Transportation INdex)

this cat hit the minm. requireemnt of 38.2% and then stalled and not only that has cracked the uptrendline howng weaknes.

Just something to pay attention to.

See earlier 1H charts for mention of the Macd trendline. All broken except for Nasdaq, the last holdout
Safest location(s) in the entire world to be in when Wave 3 crash begins and for the rest of the BEAR market .....................

(1) Chiangmai, Thailand (24 klicks outside the city in the safest location for all Thailand)

(2) Singapore

(3) United States (Big Island Hawaii is #1, Malibu #2, Anchorage #3, Wyoming #4)

(4) Vietnam

(5) Quetzaltenango, Guatemala (Casa Argentina, young traveler life, avoid all 3-star to 5-star hotels, mountains for excursions into Nature for days and days on end - no criminals visit as its too far, too remote and there's no money).

(6) Costa Rica
Safest location(s) in the entire world to be in when Wave 3 crash begins and for the rest of the BEAR market .....................

Avoid GOA, India for 2 reasons:

(1) Its a disaster area NOW. Its finished for the foreseeable future.

(2) Add #(1) to this: Its a Brit haven and their #1 pleasure is to gang up on the few Americans who visit ......... same sh*t in SE Asia and T2W

Damn shame because the food is outstanding ........... scenery too amongst other things

but right now an A-rated friggin disaster .............

11:31 AM Pacific Time, Thursday, April 9th, 2020 ...........

Nationwide TP on all LONGs in real time = right bloody now = bugger off to the beach and play with Corona.

No Shorts just yet.

Just TP, retreat to a cave and enjoy


Fibo is not the only Fibo around. There are a few others like this Fibo, but they are rare, rare, rare. So when you find one, it is sheer poetry. Look at Sean Hannity, he is having the best time he's ever had - all his other male guests have been p***ies. The b*tches would complain to Trader333 about ths fibo too and he would get the ban on the spot. Not a moment would be given to the fact that he is telling it the way it really is ..................... so much for dealing with the HERD of wimps .......

enjoy ................... fibo in real life exactly as shown here, every damn day, wherever I go regardless .................

See quote first, then see it again, then once more to let it sink in. Repeated again here

11:31 AM Pacific Time, Thursday, April 9th, 2020 ...........
Nationwide TP
on all LONGs in real time = right bloody now = bugger off to the beach and play with Corona.
No Shorts just yet.
Just TP, retreat to a cave and enjoy


Today is Friday, april 17, 2020 ................... 10 minutes before close

STAY OUT OF DODGE = unload Longs if any and hold none = walk away a free man
The Psychology of Wave 2:

The rally from the March 23rd lows up is Wave 2. The psychology mimics the original bullmarket so the dominant theme is that the bottom of the BEAR is in and that good times are back again. These good times include a high level of complacency and going off guard again and buying into the stock market again, expecting the continuation of the bull run from March 2009.

Can't you flla see that it has to be this way? Why? Because a BEAR by definition has to rope in as many victims as possible. The feeling that good times are back is what entices them back in.

So all the News about countries and counties relaxing corona regulations and whatnot, easing this and easing that, is to be expected. Its all part of Wave 2.

Tsunami comes next and wipes them all out. Might as well wish them goodbye this weekend.

A wave 2 is an A-B-C up move. We have that. So now, the market can wave down from here or Wave 2 is not yet complete - if the latter we will crash in a B-wave and then do anohter monster rally for wave C up. Then will be the Wave 3 down.

This are the 2 scenarios for the crash.
Friday nite, 9:45 PM Pacific, April 17, 2020

see post 2168 above for the 2 scenarios

Tsunami Alert!

What will be the trigger? Expected over the weekend but if not, then tsunami watch extends into next week. See the 2 scenarios in post 2168. I believe that if we are only going to have a wave B down and then a wave C up to finish the entire rally from March 23rd lows - there might or might not be a heavy trigger now. I'm too young to have this type of experience at the moment. But if it is Wave 3 that comes, there will be a trigger - soon.

Are mistaken by all Fundamental analysts and Technical analysts as causal events. Both and all are wrong. And really they should know better because if you ask any dopey cat at any forum, they will all say "psychology is the most important thing"

But they have not thought it thru'. Psychology = Mind over matter. OK? THEY know this. They've heard it zillion times. Done.

Its like this:

The Herdal instinct/psychology is postulates in the unconscious mind, distinctly separate from postulates in the analytical mind. The Price chart is a manifestation of the unconscious mind. Lucky for us, it plots well on a Logarithmic scale. What you see on the chart is therefore the footprint of the HERD. This beast tends to follow lines like there's no tomorrow - that is why trendlines work so well. The Herd gets going in one direction to start a line there must be at least 2 points, then it just continues until something like a lion for example forces a change in line. This in a nutshell is TA Trend Mechanics. Ultra simply expressed.

Unconscious mind postulate - arrives in physical plane - generates News - action follows. The CAUSE is the postulate. The alleged cause is News. By agreeing with News as the Cause one is never going to get anywhere. You gots to trace it down

For example: unbeknownst to you analytically, some sh*t went down in the unconscious mind and you're watching TV and then all of a sudden a chest throb occurs (=News). You try to figure out what this means etc., ................... then the action occurs - the attack.

Finance is the same thing.
Sharky & Trader333 ................................... keep eye on SPX = 2892.67. Why? See below

Saturday morning, April 18, 2020

See S&P500 (SPX) rally from March 23rd lows. Not tott at Oxford or Cambridge: in an A-B-C correction, the most common wavelength of Wave C is equality with wave A

i.e. Wave C = Wave A

On Friday SPX high was 2879.22

Therefore only 13.45 points to go for 100% wave equality.

If this occurs exactly or within a margin of error of under 0.05% (the odds are staggeringly against me, so this is an easy bet for you 🙂), can you let me into this thread with the chickens for just one week so we can all have some fun and entertain the Americans here?

Coronavirus has created a market of ‘haves and have-nots,’ with the Dow posting its best 2-week run in 82 years amid 22 million job losses
Published: April 18, 2020 at 11:25 a.m. ET

If this is not a kick in the ass to fundamental analysts, let me slap you around some ........................... staggering, staggering, staggering. Look closely, read again and again, there be gems here but the HERD here will not get it unless I whack 'em over the head with a saucepan 🙂

best rally in 82 years means best rally since the 1930 era aka THE GREAT DEPRESSION ERA

22 million job losses = what % of the labor participation which was already declining like a stone with a rate at 62% already before corona hit?

Bloody Hell, the Fibo BEAR market has uch stupendous balls of brass. Amen!
TRADING/INVESTING IN BOTH LONG & SHORT SIDE ............................

Investing in the SHORT side? who ever heard of such a thing? 🙂😎😗🤣

Picture this:

Doctors and nurses are exposed to the virus, work long hours, always on call, rarely go on vacations - nurses hit $50/hr and doctor on average can take gross of 200k - 750k. Now throw in the biggest drawdown STRESS .................. is it worth it? NO! Nurses have to deal with defecation and whatnot for $50/hr? Horrible! Yet, despite this its considered great pay and something to strive for.

Lawyers? Same sh*t. Lyin their asses off and whatnot .... 300k - 1 mil. on average. Worth it? NO! Hell is waiting for these sons of b*tches

Corporate officers? Elite slaves, long hours, can be axed anytime 500k+ Worth it? NO f***in way!

News Reporters: 300k to 23 mil. ................... = OK = acceptable except for huge drawdown = only react never predict = robots, one dumber than the next regardless level of income. Can be axed easily and replaced by the next rising star

Hi-level TRADERS: Work from anywhere in the world, alone and in comfort with a view of the ocean, mountains or whatever of choice - walk in the woods everyday if one wishes. Hours of work = light light light ........ occasion look and review of positions unless on hi leverage 1-min. or 5-min. occasionally. Totally 100% free of crime, criminality, cheating, lying, deceiving OTHERS. The only game that is totally without Original SIN and yet have high remuneration, so hi in fact that its truly staggering. There is no way to clash with ETHICS/GOD as a solo trader. The Money income? Preposterous!!!!!

Nurses $50/hr.
Doctors $200/hr + per operation
Lawyers $200/hr + reward if win
Financial consultant $200/hr

Hi-level Traders ..... $7k+++/hr ......... yes seven thousand dollars per hour +++ ............. no limit, everything depends on Capital placed at Risk. No ceiling. Unlimited.

GAME OF LIFE TO TRADERS ................... hands down
TRADING/INVESTING IN BOTH LONG & SHORT SIDE ............................

Place St. Michele ............... croissant, read TIME, newspaper, play chess, look at Market once every day for no more than 30 seconds tops if long term positions (weeks/months) ............. 4 times per day if swinging for no more than 30 seconds per look

And all the while the MARKET, the thing that outfoxes everybody, is working for YOU in a big way.

How can anybody beat that?

TRADING/INVESTING IN BOTH LONG & SHORT SIDE ............................

TRADER wanders around the streets with nothing more than a backpack, nobody will think he has any riches or money as the clothes are ORDINARY but under the hood the traders commands such exquisite buying power that can topple WISHES easily.

Serendipitous bumping into live music on the street - is there anythng better than this? NO. For a trader life, its part of the package

BEAR thinks of everything in that there are no loopholes to escape a BEARmarket. Shenanigans reign. Early stages of onset of Revolution


For historians only ................... the 9 chinks will get away with Financial MURDER

Best time to watch billionaires play is during a market crash - that's when the avid trader named Fibo learns tons of stuff - bug stuff - Archives loaded to the hilt withh stuff 🙂 🙂

Their footprint becomes easily visible when there is a crash - they come out from the woodwork to play big.

Fibo's conclusion: None can trade to save his life 🤣🤣 They are all buy-and-holders same as Warren Buffet and he too loses big in downdrafts, can't trade to save his life. Delta nailed his ass by a 50% loss but he only unloaded a small %. In the game of TRADING all these billionaires except the 9 Chink scammers are all DUFFERS.

Trader333 should ban all these 9 sons of b*tches for Life - give him something to occupy hisself with instead of fixating on Fibo 😎

For historians only ...................

Wake up, Donald 🙂 Chinks can never be our friends - they smell a shift in superpower switching and want it badly. They were behind the Corona attack? Do birds fly? Wake up Donald

Only 9 of the world’s top 100 billionaires have gotten richer during the pandemic — and all are Chinese
March 19, Corona virus thread, can't post n there no more, its too upsetting to the chickens - they need protection from Fibo

Corona Virus Fibo style:

During the intensely joyous Wave 2 rally up in the stockmarkets worldwide it will become daily News that the Chinks engineered the entire thing to cripple the West and bring America to her knees. Succeeded? No f**** way. Disasters? Yes. Cities locked down? Yes. But Capitulation? NO f**** way!

Chinks to be tott a slapping lesson it ain't going to be that easy to take out America even with such dirty underhanded tricks, disgusting treachery and deceit.

We started with benevolence back in the 1950s, much of it might have gone but there is still tons of resilience. This is what the Chinks have run into. they cannot defeat it.

Game to America
See quote first, then see it again, then once more to let it sink in. Repeated again here

11:31 AM Pacific Time, Thursday, April 9th, 2020 ...........
Nationwide TP
on all LONGs in real time = right bloody now = bugger off to the beach and play with Corona.
No Shorts just yet.
Just TP, retreat to a cave and enjoy


Today is Friday, april 17, 2020 ................... 10 minutes before close

STAY OUT OF DODGE = unload Longs if any and hold none = walk away a free man

from Friday ......................

Today is Friday, april 17, 2020 ................... 10 minutes before close

STAY OUT OF DODGE = unload Longs if any and hold none = walk away a free man

Watch for receding waters that create new stretches of beach and the populace ooohing and aaaahing, "its a new era" ............. get in the car and get to the nearest hill and go to the top and then sit on a perch and listen for the distant rumble. It will be unmistakable. The moment the Wave lambda and ground reach a certain precalculated distance, the wave will start to rise and the rumble will begin. You cannot help the others. Nobody will listen. It will be too late to do anythng as the speed of the wave will be 600 mph until the rumble then it will decrease gradually as it rolls in but the speed is still way faster than even a Turbo Porsche. You cannot outrun it.

Listening to guru got us all in this mess - we ignored our inner voice, the only one that counts. In the din surrounding us, the whisper of the inner voice is easy to miss

Ain't it hard when you realize the gurus weren't really where its at
After they took from you everything they could steal
You're invisible now, you've got no secrets to conceal
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