Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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7:10 AM Pacific time, Tuesday April 14, 2020

Nationwide & Global alert to get ready to go Short SPX, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Dow Transports (or your own specific stock)


But the rewards for the fellas with brass kahunas? Divine!!!

Brass kahunas have been extinct at any forum for Earth's entire history, not just since 2001. The old-fashioned way to determine whether a fella has brass kahunas is shown in video below. But Big Joe has a better way: to test for brass kahunas have the testee put on a trade with a specific entry/exit - your job will be so easy in this testing because all will skiddadle except for perhaps one or two - and even that is highly optimistic. Brass kahunas are so rare in history and even rarer now, now that Men have become bigger p*****s than p*****s thessselves.

Fibo bypasses all of this type of bs by being a lone warrior - a lone warrior who does great damage from the back of a horse to the counterparty of the trade - great damage. But its fair and legal and there are no grey areas, no lies, no white lies, no deceptions.

God, do I love it, so!!

Revisiting basic-basic = bosom of Dow JOnes = simplicity so simple that almost nobody gets it. But the author of the BIBLE of TA gets it. He gets it real good. Heck, he studied under Edwards and Magee, the orignal authors of TECHNICAL OF STOCK TRENDS. On the Daily timeframe he gets it 100% and is damn good at it. But his greatest shortcoming is he does not have a feel for the longer timeframes - monthly.

He failed at the 2008 starting crash by ignoring exactly this basic-basic. Then he screwed up at the bottom too.

What basic-basic you ask? Its the basic-basic of a Kid with a ruler and pencil

And the author is screwing up left and right NOW with the crash of 2020

Posted by yours truly sooooo many times at T2W ............... pay dearly when you ignore a monthly trendline break on log scale

View attachment 276481

read quote in detail for a revisit to the basics

trend followers and thos whose violated Dow theory sell signal in 2018 are still in Long. Even if the market takes out the top, they can never undo the damage to the ventricles of the heart given that clients would be lambasting them daily, taking their stress levels to infinity. Who wants to live like that?

Not big Joe. Vendors? All poor hunters, none know that it is pure intention that gets the jugular bite in one fell swoop and that the only thing that generates this intention is kahunas of the divine kind.

The lions on the Serengetti plains of Africa have now taken to petitioning for a license to kill prey. In the old days none was needed. It was survival of the fittest - the brass kahuna playground.

Not no more. Nowadays half the lions are faggots
See the individuals in Margin Call packed into the room, discussing solutions in the face of a huge problem?

Best avenue is the Fibo avenue which means there would be a complete not-is-ing of the roblem in the first place.

But let's say fibo f***ed up and the problem fell on the head of all department heads.

Calling a group meeting is the worst thing you can do. Group think means the IQ drops to 30 because the pressure to conform is huge. Better solution is to have each alone inhis own office write up the solution and hand it in.

IQ of individual = 120 let's say ............... put him in a group and it drops to 30-50.


Wave 2 music underway now as we speak for the rally that started March 23rd

Wave 3 music that will accompany the expected dropping markets al the way to the end of Wave 1 of 3rd.

Then for the 3rd of 3rd wave, the rocket engine we upgrade to the DOORS - When the music's over

Zyde Cajun .......... from my hunting grounds in the Bayous of Louisiana

Township Jive ......... Fibo's journeys thru' the backstreets of crime ridden Johannesburg diggin every damn second of Township Jive ...........

Tuesday 9:47 AM, April 14th, 2020

Nobody has noticed that the entire rally from the March 23rd lows is a 3-wave move - thus far. If this remains so, then it is a telegraphed signature of BEAR's footprint. There is a possiblity that the rally will be a larger 3-wave move as shown earlier yeterday in the London FTSE 100 rally into the target box.

If its not the larger A-B-C rally, then we can drop from right here into the 3rd wave I have been talking about so much. Remember now that markets aare still going up in the rally. But fibo is attempting to call the turn.

Fibo could get his ass kicked? You better believe it! But its nothing compared to getting shot 8 times by Trader333. Heck I have neither any dignity nor pride left.

If we get the wave 3 down move it will be truly shocking. THEY in government will come out in droves and say, "the rally called the virus improved news coming up, but it is clear that it was only a respite and that the worse was yet to come"

Then a reporter will call these clowns and tell them there is a fella at T2W who called it right on the money - i.e. called the first leg complete on the corona virus days before the news started improving = (TA calls the shots, not FA)

Will it be corona or some other trigger or both, a combo?

For Wave 3 aficionados and watchers ......................... keep eye on Trader333 and if you can, his doctor too. Why? Becasue his stress level is going to escalate bigtime. Incredible pressure will be brought to bear on this volunteer who works for free


Because vigilantes at T2W have sprung up - their mission is to get Fibo banned for life 🙂🙂🙂 Therefore they are searching thru' all my posts to find violations of T2W laws - as soon as they do, they send a rocket missile to Trader333. There are 30 of these vigilantes and they're all here in this thread

They now have an outstanding excuse to read my posts without shame - previously they said they have me on Ignore so it would be foolish if they were cott reading my stuff. But now, poster tomorton (Johnny) has given them the go (excuse) by stating he is searching fibo's posts for violations of T2W laws.

See Johnny's posts #13, 16, 18, 22, 25, 26, 30 = 7 posts on Fibo. He loves me 🙂

I love it, brothers, this is just too much fun. Damn shame that my posting privelegess to this thread are revoked or we could have a real discussion between Englishmen and Americans - some friggin discussion that would be with not a chance of getting anything resolved - like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

T2W has had some stunners aka PRICELESS statements I've come across in the months I've been here but tomorton (Johnny's) post here is just too much for fibo. I can't stop laffffing. It somuch mirth, too much for anybody to deal with.

Johnny says about fibo in post #13 of that thread above .............

He's driving a double-decker bus through this site and laughing all the way: he's not getting reported for driving issues because he's pushed other road-users onto the roadside verge...............


They don't got to worry, its not banning that will kill me, its uncontrollable lafffffter.

Johnny, when can we continue our discussion about Saddam Hussein? 😈
On the eve of the next tsunami wave down we have time to digress .........................

TRADER = best occupation

Single = best accompaniment of being a trader (No marriage, no kids, plenty of p**** anytime anyhow anywhere)

Traders' bills? = pay cash for house with huge orchard and near ocean .......... no college edu to pay for kids, no humongous financing of all HER shopping fantasies and no ever larger and larger house and tons of useless shit to accumulate. A lone trader can operateo ut of a suitcase and crash on the beach outside his house. Bugger off on fast 4-day vacations if you do not want to be gone too long from market action

Is there anything else? NO!


Married guys love big Joe. I bring them news of FREEEDOM. Wives would hate Big Joe becasue he tempts their husbands to go FREE but they don't becasue Big Joe makes the husbands bring home big Bacon. And the wives know that big Joe will not set the husbands up with p**** on the side - noway no how that line is never crossed

For Trader333 ................... chief, as you can see I'm trying to keep a low profile 🙂

Tuesday 9:14 PM Pacific, April 14/2020

Be ready for a flood of complaints when the Dow Jones does what I say. Already posted earlier but updated. Trendline break = Shortissimo. Blasphemy galore! Haters will not be able to tolerate this.

Drop going to be a wave B or a 3rd wave? Not sure. But it is one or the other and I will know soon enough which it is.

Observe how nicely Dow Jones has arrived at the near center of my target box from days and days ago. Same target box for London FTSE more or less


If we do get the crash of wave B or wave 3 ........... neither is a mickey mouse crash; the former is a a significant drop that will revere into a big rally but the latter is earth shattering and goes on and on for quite a while.

If the above does occur, remember this about the essence of Fibo that all Fibo's teachers have said to him unanimously, "its impossible to predict the Dow Jones"


Fibo wishes everybody, I mean everybody, no exceptions, the best of luck in trading this year.
The essence of fibo
For Sharky & Trader333 ................... fck knows what T3 is into .............. but always welcome 🙂


You said you would look into waves. 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Then do it sitting down with a cup of coffee. Are you ready for this one, happening now right in front of our eyes that nobody has seen. You and Trader333 are the first ones and of course the rest of T2W except of course for the 1000s who have me on Ignore of the one-eye-closed kind

Do this, sharks,

Dow Jones chart, monthly timeframe. Draw a fibonacci retracement grid from the March 2009 low to the recent 2020 Top.
As soon as youhit OK in the software you should see the basic Fibo levels like 23.6%, 38.2%, 50% & 61.8%.

Now look at how nicely Dow JOnes conformed to these levels in the the CRASH of March 2020.

But wait, Sharks, it gets better ......................

Drop the same chart timeframe down to 1 hour or even 5-mins for even more stunning clarity and observe the support and resistances as PERFECT hits . For example, the CRASH ended at almost exactly 50%, then rallied and found support at exactly 38.2%, then rallied again and is up against clear resistance at 23.6%.

Can you dig it, Sharks?

This is the power of the larger timeframes. Zombies mess with 1H timeframes but the juice is in the monthly. How powerful are these levels. Immense.

For Sharky and Trader333 .....................

In case you run into trouble with the chart, here is the monthly Dow Jones with the Fibonacci grid already drawn. Do you see the loooooooong tail of the big candle going all the way to the 50% level? that long tail tells of the enormous latent power of this support level. this is the reason we got such a stunning rally oer the last days/weeks snce March 23rd crash low.

The latent power is soooo much that the next candle had to touch the 38.2% level and look where it has gotten to on the topside - exactly at 23.6%.

Sharks, now look at the Macd in the lower panel and observe many things but mostly observe that while the gurus and experts on CNBC and Goldman Sachs and whotnot are yakety yaking about are we going up in a new bull or are we gong to conintue to crash ................... see the red bars of the Macd histogram? Do you see that the last bar which represents the entire huge rally from March 23rd is still showing more downward force than the previous bar?

Additionally notice that the Macd tself even depit eth emonster rally is still pointing down and has not even started to curl upward yet - despite the so-called best and mostpoerful rally in ever or in the last 45 years of the Dow JOnes history.

My my my, ......................... yikes!

For Trader333 ................... chief, as you can see I'm trying to keep a low profile 🙂

Tuesday 9:14 PM Pacific, April 14/2020

Be ready for a flood of complaints when the Dow Jones does what I say. Already posted earlier but updated. Trendline break = Shortissimo. Blasphemy galore! Haters will not be able to tolerate this.

Drop going to be a wave B or a 3rd wave? Not sure. But it is one or the other and I will know soon enough which it is.

Observe how nicely Dow Jones has arrived at the near center of my target box from days and days ago. Same target box for London FTSE more or less

View attachment 278027

Slam Dunk!!! for starters ...............

Trader333, pull your socks up, put your boots on, comb your long hair down, for you will be wed in the hour when the core 30 rush the stage with complaints about Fibo - complaints of the THIRD KIND - the banning kind

Every time this rush of complaints has poured in previously, you went thru' this .. .................

Trader333 was trembling as he put on his jacket
It had creases as sharp as a knife
He put the ring in his pocket but there was a note
And his heart, it jumped into his mouth
It read: T3, I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble
But I've no control over the thousands of p***ies you protect here
Escape now, send them all to Iraq
Trader333 ....................

keep eye on the Dow JOnes 1H Macd trendline shown in the 1H chart ................ the fat lady don't sing convincingly unless that son of a gun is took-ed out.


"A Japanese man walked into the currency exchange in New York City with 2000 yen and walked out with $72. The following week, he walked in with another 2000 yen, and was handed $66.

He asked the teller why he got less money that week than the previous week. The teller said, "Fluctuations."

The Japanese man stormed out, and just before slamming the door, turned around and shouted, "Fluc you Amelicans, too!"
HERD is panicking not picnicking ......................

Retail Sales plunge
Manufacturing Index plunges to lowest
Goldman Sachs prifit down 46% 🤣
El Arian (Big Guru of CNBC) warns of stumbling into Depression (Yawn!)
Hedge funds are applying for bailout from Small Business Association Funds 🤣

Fibo does NOT give a rat's ass how negative these clowns get. they are all part of the HERD and are expected to cry "DEATH" when disaster strikes. Only the chart tells the story whether we crash or NOT. Fibo ready as always to turn on a dime.

Nasdaq 1H has not broken the trendline yet.

Nobody is noticing The silent serpent slowly arriving at the Macd trendline Fibo showed here, common to the Dow Industrials, SPX, Nasdaq. The silent serpent or serpiente is the Economy herself, the mighty Dow Jones Transportation Index. Price on the DJT has not yet arrived at its trendline.

TA consists of all matters technical. But it also consists of "judegement" - but wait, there's more. It's chief ingredient is "street smarts"

Street smarts as in so: (hypothetical as Fibo is a single fella, never been screwed over by any woman, 100% no-blame record, with zip bad to say about women, and actually a big fan of Women and no problem if they are business achievers - they have the right to do so, regardless what threatened Beta Males say on the subject - wasn't for women, F🙂ibo be a dead man, sure as nite follows day)

Fibo and his young wife were in divorce court, but the custody of their children posed a problem. The wife gets up and says to the judge that since she brought the children into this world, she should retain custody of them. Fibo also wanted custody of his children, so the judge asked for his justification. After a long silence, Fibo slowly rose from his chair and replied, "Your Honor, when I put a dollar in a vending machine and a Coke comes out, does the Coke belong to me or the machine?"

Game to Fibo 🙂

bonus: 🙂😎😀🤣
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