Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Vix corrective wave has hit the golden ratio, 61.8%.

Now might not be a bad time to bypass all these heathens and send an SOS to God for at least mitigation. Think JP Morgan gives a fck about me or thee? No way Jose! But THE MAN does. Take my word for it. Best part is: there is no money involved - its like Air and water, gifts of Nature.

Take out some nice chunks from the ATM while you can and ask for $20s at this late time. If the wave has not arrived by Monday, get some 5s and 1s and coins.

At the top of the wave you will find Fibo. I will surf this son of a b*tch.
During the BEAR, wear no jewelry, don't flash cash, you will be targeted. Crime is going to go into a bull run of epic proportions. Revolution is around the corner. Americans cannot dream this will ever happen. Its coming. A Wave of this degree of Trend has already given us a taste in just one small wave down called wave 1. Be optimistic, enjoy what you have and enjoy Life. Pessimism is for Traders, remember? We have the ability to play both sides of the game aka Long or Short. That makes us pan-determined, which is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay above self-determined.
New revelations about Corona-Chinks

Mounting evidence that at the very least the cover up was engineered by the Communist Govt. of Chinks. But what if they planned the whole thing?

Look at the destruction. Unprecedented - no country has ever attacked ALL countries in one shot. There is talk about Nuremberg style trials of the communist party leaders.

America is waking up to the strong likelihood that China has perpetrated the crime of the century on the world.

The 23 million Americans who lost their jobs are going to be pissed along with all the international folks who suffered and all the lockdowns and devastation.

Remember the Japan bashing? This will dwarf that if the evidence points that way.

A confiscation of wealth in payment for the damage can be done if the countries affected unite to do so. The deaths can never be recovered but ....................

My my my .................... its a developing story of epic proportions if it turns out to be true.
The Devil has gotten into the bloodstream so deeply its almost already a red blood corpuscle ...............

Bill Gates has a big problem with Trump’s ‘dangerous’ decision to defund the World Health Organization
Published: April 18, 2020 at 12:29 p.m. ET

WHO is chink at the top 3 layers = America's enemy. Trump is right to disband these bums. Kiss my ass, Billy.
The Trigger can be anything. The assault arrival on the physical plane is spherical and sepulchral. Can be the obvious or can come as a total surprise.
For NVP .................. entertainment purposes only, don't get all bent out of shape 🙂 Title: You're going the wrong way (not trading related)

View attachment 278112

NVP ................... is going the wrong way 🙂🙂🙂

Only for NVP 🙂 ................... invoking mirth but the underlying message is no joke ................ you have the answer - you were on the verge of spitting it out but you choked and got scared of the HERD consequences so you sold out your HOME - again ........................ and again .............. and again

Some day you will have to take a stand. It will take a spine, courage, kahunas but it will make you a MAN if you follow thru'. HOME is where the HEART is and if this is the bet you can do to upgrade your HOME then you are not doing anyone any favors - just burn it down and start from scratch.

Say it! Say it! Say it! Say it! (see video)

To assist you, remember your own kind posted this - it was for real but you guys including you just shoved it under the rug.

Best regards, NVP 🙂🙂


The encyclopedia of NVP:
I go with the flow here
I would love to get more experienced traders back in the forum sharing and debating ideas
We and other forums have a duty to help these guys get some knowledge under their belts before the wolves get to them.
For me t2win is my home. I would love to get more experienced traders in here
re-directing to back on track .................................

Historians will write about this thread in the Wall Street Journal in year 2030 ................ they will use FIBO's words to describe the CRASH DEPRESSION of Jan 26th, 2018 - 2025

It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.

Fasten seat belts, hide and watch, its going to get mean, mean, mean, unemployment will hit 40% from the current true rate of 23%


It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.

We are now at April 19/2020 = the point at which the world experienced and survived it as above ....................... when in fact it was only beginning

Fasten seatbelts, hide & watch.
Class action lawsuit filed against the communist Party of China (govt.) for 6 trillion dollars ............... 10,000 people have already signed up and growing .......................

more to come, stay tuned
Coronar Virus is having a ball with what I just pointed out to it .........................

China Head & Shoulder pattern on monthly = huge, huge, huge. Clear neckline sooooo obvious. Break that and Corona will be named KING Corona del Sur and will squash the meek like flies.

Note also that the BEAR market for china started in 2007, then again in 2015 and 2018. Corona is a punk, no way Jose is it the cause of the BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! The BEAR caused it.

View attachment 275951

Keep eye on trendline break and the 200-month ema break. If so, then freefall begins.
The Head & Shoulder target matches a Fibonacci target. People don't realize that Classical TA and Fibo's TA validate each other often

Class action lawsuit filed against the communist Party of China (govt.) for 6 trillion dollars ............... 10,000 people have already signed up and growing .......................

more to come, stay tuned

Chinks are in deep sh*t. They can totally ignore any US court order but the US along with western countries can freeze assets to fulfill the judgements (if proven) ................... retaliation by the Chinks will be swift with Bonds and stuff

This is an angle of BEAR? It could be. Just thought-ing

This mother is going down, baby. Watch the massive weeping and gnashingof teeth when Fibo's monthly neckline breaks. The MEDIA will be screamong all sorts of causes and reasons but the real cause is the PSYCHOLOGY of the COLLECTIVE CHINKS ................. that psychology or SOCIAL MOOD is represented in that monthly trendline as a support where the REACTIVE MIND rests dormant.

Dormant? then how come corona? dormant oozes steam at a slow hiss, that's why, a very slow hiss. But when that trendline busts, the deluge will come, there will be no more hiss.


I would expect the China syndrome to be coterminous with THE DEADLY LINE of the Vix of the United States.

The United States and China! What a pair of misfits! Neither can defeat the other, neither can win, but they can take the entire world out in one 5-minute segment. If they do, then historians 100,000 years from today will find remains and rocks and whatnot to show of a civilization that had the iphone and got so advanced that everywhere humans could be seen totally blocking out their environment as they stared at this little gadget they carried around everywhere that dominted their lives and begged the question, "Is tech worth this Phyrrhic victory?"

see quote ................. be ready ................. this is the type of thing that can generate a 1 klick high tidal wave
For tomorten, cantagril, timsk, 0007, trendie, barjon, rossored, panda, cv, Dowser, Pat494, Oscar Reed, Rufus_Leakey, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench ..................................

Hey guys, how about a round 2? Here's the same double-decker bus that tomorten called me driving thru' T2W, but this time driving thru' Warren Buffet/Charlie Munger's Company, Berkshire Hathaway and creating havoc ..................

See what Charlie Munger (Warren Buffet's partner) said about Fibo's BEAR market ...............................

“Nobody in America has ever seen anything else like this,” Munger said. “This thing is different. Everybody talks as if they know what’s going to happen, and nobody knows what’s going to happen.”

For tomorten, cantagril, timsk, 0007, trendie, barjon, rossored, panda, cv, Dowser, Pat494, Oscar Reed, Rufus_Leakey, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench ..................................

Munger: “Nobody Knows What’s Going to Happen.” And This Time, Berkshire Is Not Piling into Stocks & Companies
by Wolf Richter • Apr 19, 2020 • 77 Comments

from Wall Street Journal:
There is something refreshing during these insane times when a guy in his mid-90s who has seen it all and has been successful at navigating it, and who, during the last Financial Crisis, was buying stocks and entire companies hand over-fist, now says that he has never seen anything like this before, and that he doesn’t know what to do except to sit tight. And they’re not buying the rally, and they weren’t buying the crash.

Charlie Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, was talking with The Wall Street Journal about the current situation and how he and Warren Buffett are looking at it. And they’re not buying.

For tomorten, cantagril, timsk, 0007, trendie, barjon, rossored, panda, cv, Dowser, Pat494, Oscar Reed, Rufus_Leakey, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench ..................................

Charlie Munger said to WSJ
“The typical reaction is that people are frozen,” he said. “Take the airlines. They don’t know what the hell’s doing. They’re all negotiating with the government, but they’re not calling Warren. They’re frozen. They’ve never seen anything like it. Their playbook does not have this as a possibility.”

“And the phone is not ringing off the hook,” he said. “Everybody’s just frozen in the position they’re in.”

For tomorten, cantagril, timsk, 0007, trendie, barjon, rossored, panda, cv, Dowser, Pat494, Oscar Reed, Rufus_Leakey, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench ..................................

Airline stocks are revealing how the thinking of Munger and Buffett has changed about this crisis. Back on February 27, Berkshire bought another 976,000 shares of Delta (at about $46 a share), bringing their total stake to nearly 72 million shares, for an 11% stake.

On March 13, as airline stocks were careening lower, Buffett told Yahoo Finance: “I won’t be selling airline stocks.” Which boosted Delta shares to $38 a share for that day.

At the time, according to SEC filings cited by Yahoo Finance, Berkshire held, in addition to the nearly 72 million shares of Delta [DAL], over 53 million shares of Southwest [LUV], 42 million shares of American [AAL], and nearly 22 million shares of United [UAL].

But then all heck continued to break loose, and on April 3, it emerged in an SEC filing that Berkshire had unloaded a chunk of the airlines, selling 13 million shares of Delta and 2.3 million shares of Southwest, bringing in about $389 million in cash. Upon the news, but well after Berkshire had sold, the airlines tanked even more.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
For tomorten, cantagril, timsk, 0007, trendie, barjon, rossored, panda, cv, Dowser, Pat494, Oscar Reed, Rufus_Leakey, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench ..................................

Dear Johnny (tomorten),

As you can see, the double-decker bus named Fibo is a fair player - he drives thru' not only T2W but all other Wall Street establishments of great repute. No exceptions. that's what I call FAIRNESS 🙂🙂🙂


For Sharky,

see posts #2193 -2197 first for context ........... then, since you asked about WAVES, have a look at just how easy and obvious the AIRLINES Index is ..................... Sharky, its sooooooo elementary that it belongs in WAVES 101, sooooo basic it is ................ but they all missed it. WHO? Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Bill Gates, and all the MBAs of Princeton/Harvard/Stanford/Oxford/Cambridge. 🙂

See MY monthly chart. Even for absolute idiots and these billionaires are defo not idiots, there are 2 trendlines of such basic level that should have warned them to get out - see the 2 white arrows. They would not have been cott up in the waterfall decline that came after - this waterfall decline is the infamous WAVE 3 I talk about so much

But for you, Sharky, since you asked about WAVES .............. just have a look at the oh so obvious 5-wave move up. Remember my words, Sharky? When 5 waves are up, all HELL breaks loose - one has gots to leave Dodge fast, fast, fast.

Cash Is King — and M&A Goes MIA
Published: April 17, 2020 at 6:31 a.m. ET
Lina Saigol

P R E S C I E N C E of Fibo

What Fibo knew for years, THEY who detested cash and called us cash-boys stupid are now taking it in the yazoo and screaming in agony ................ Barron's was of course one of these clowns and so was Newsweek and Wall street journal.

F*** 'em. They're all going broke. Good riddance to the HERD pleasers with their PC that escalates and escalates

Fibo surrounded by stupid sons of b*tches 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank God for women - people say women don't make sense at all to men. Buuuuuuullsht they make a whole lot of sense to Fibo and are actually better investors.

I'd take all thee experts and pancake 'em and sell for 5 bucks a pound. 🤣

read quote first ..................

I told you from day 1 here at T2W on May 6/2019 .................. CASH IS KING in a BEAR market!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Demand for Bank Notes in Dollars & Euros Spikes Despite Fears of Covid-19 Contaminated Cash
by Nick Corbishley • Apr 19, 2020 • 95 Comments
A curious phenomenon.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

What makes the current dash for dollar and euro banknotes particularly interesting is that it is happening at the same time that the use of cash around the world is being heavily demonized for increasing the risk of Covid-19 infection. In early March, in response to a question about whether banknotes could spread the coronavirus, a WHO spokesperson said: “Yes it’s possible and it’s a good question. We know that money changes hands frequently and can pick up all sorts of bacteria and viruses … when possible it’s a good idea to use contactless payments.”

Around the world, media outlets and long-standing enemies of cash such as credit card companies and fintech start-ups seized on the WHO’s comments and magnified them, sparking fears over the safety of cash.
The WHO has since walked back its comments, arguing that it was not advocating for people to abandon the use of cash but rather that they should wash their hands after handling it, especially before handling or eating food. Central banks have also come out in force to try to dampen public fears about using cash.
But the damage may have already been done. In a report published last week, the Bank for International Settlements noted that “irrespective of whether concerns are justified or not, perceptions that cash could spread pathogens may change payment behaviour by users and firms.” Even in a traditionally cash-loving country like Spain, many retailers are urging people to use other payment methods.
In the UK, where the use of cashless payment cards was already rampant long before the virus crisis began, cash withdrawals at ATMs have fallen sharply in recent weeks (chart via BIS):


Central banks in the U.S., China, South Korea, Hungary, Kuwait and other countries have even begun “quarantining” or sterilizing banknotes, to ensure that cash leaving central bank currency centers does not carry pathogens. All of this is happening despite the fact that many digital payment methods that are being touted as safer, healthier alternatives to cash are just as likely, if not more so, to spread infection.
As the BIS notes, debit and credit card transactions generally require a signature or a PIN entry at a merchant-owned device for larger transactions. Given that the virus survives best on non-porous materials such as plastic or stainless steel, debit or credit card terminals or PIN pads could prove to be even worse vectors of the virus. To reduce that risk, authorities, banks and card networks in countries such as Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK have set higher transaction limits for contactless payments.
The more that consumers get accustomed to the ease, convenience, and relative safety of contactless payment methods, the less likely they are to return to physical cash in the future. At least that’s what credit card companies, banks, tech giants and fintech startups are hoping. The BIS report concludes that the Covid-19 outbreak could lead to “both higher precautionary holdings” (i.e. hoarding) of cash by consumers and “a structural increase in the use of mobile, card and online payments.” By Nick Corbishley, for WOLF STREET.
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