Ban the Burqa

So, few of us like it when we’re confronted with people advertising their difference in a weird and strange form of fancy dress – women presenting themselves to the world symbolically (for me) as a cross between Queen Victoria and the Lone Ranger, as they scurry through the back streets of our cities!

Idiotic! Offensive! Strange and scary stuff!

Thankfully, saner voices may prevail. Norman Geras is normally reasoned and cogent on these sorts of issues, so I can suggest two of his recent blogs:

normblog: Two points on the burka

normblog: Still Mill (on the burka)

A couple of sentences from the last article caught my eye.

Including, ‘no argument is offered why a person who freely chooses to wear a symbol generally regarded as offensive or retrograde should be legally prohibited from doing so’.

‘But civic education and religious debate... are the best way to consign to the dark ages this symbol of darkness.’




I, personally, consider the wearing of a burka to be an intrusion on my way of life. They can cover their heads, pray as they like but there has to be a line drawn, somewhere, which says that we are , fundamentally, a Christian nation. Maybe, we don't all believe that but neither is that a reason to allow another religion to insert itself upon us in public life. They can have their mosques and do what they like but we also know that most of the terrorist activities have muslim roots. Wearing a burka in a city that has had dozens of people killed by muslim extremists--in London and Madrid-- is an affront to the population and on that basis, alone, should not be permitted.

It is common sense to believe that these people have come to our countries to adapt to, what they think, is a better way of life. If they cannot conform, then they should pack up and go home. That is something that I don't think that I have said before but I am beginning to believe that everything they do is considered by the minority to be right,while the majority believe the opposite. The majority are, normally those that have to deal with them on a day to day basis.

As far as Belgium is concerned, the matter has reached their Parliament, so it is a majority decision.
You see? I don't even know how you spell it.😀 Who would want to wander around in something called that, anyway?
Then don't wear one Split.

I find wearing of the burka along the same lines as a nudist walking down the high street. They don't belong in public. We need to have some level of public decency.

I see it as the total oppression of women.

Finally, this has nothing to do with religion. It is more of a cultural thing in male dominated, backward, control based societies.
I find wearing of the burka along the same lines as a nudist walking down the high street. They don't belong in public. We need to have some level of public decency.

I see it as the total oppression of women.

Finally, this has nothing to do with religion. It is more of a cultural thing in male dominated, backward, control based societies.

Depends on the nudist in my book (see bottom of post) - can't imagine anyone objecting to them wandering around in the nip. 🙂😱 A good cause by the way -

Seriously though, I think that you're right with your oppression point. And I can't claim to be an expert, but I did think that the full veils were simply a cultural phenomenon from certain parts of the world, and nothing to do with religion.


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I, personally, consider the wearing of a burka to be an intrusion on my way of life. They can cover their heads, pray as they like but there has to be a line drawn, somewhere, which says that we are , fundamentally, a Christian nation. Maybe, we don't all believe that but neither is that a reason to allow another religion to insert itself upon us in public life. They can have their mosques and do what they like but we also know that most of the terrorist activities have muslim roots. Wearing a burka in a city that has had dozens of people killed by muslim extremists--in London and Madrid-- is an affront to the population and on that basis, alone, should not be permitted.

It is common sense to believe that these people have come to our countries to adapt to, what they think, is a better way of life. If they cannot conform, then they should pack up and go home. That is something that I don't think that I have said before but I am beginning to believe that everything they do is considered by the minority to be right,while the majority believe the opposite. The majority are, normally those that have to deal with them on a day to day basis.

As far as Belgium is concerned, the matter has reached their Parliament, so it is a majority decision.

Hopefully the rest of Europe and UK will follow suit.

Brown proved the other day that we dont have the right in our
Democratic society to say what we want as if it infringes on
the minority's feelings then it shouldnt be said or allowed at
I think they should make it compulsory for ugly women to wear it in discos.

Then you could get tanked up and not be slagged by your mates the next day about the ugly bird you pulled the night before.
I think they should make it compulsory for ugly women to wear it in discos.

They should also be compulsory for political leaders to wear in televised political debates so we can't see the faces of the ugly duplicitous bastar*ds.
I think they should make it compulsory for ugly women to wear it in discos.

Then you could get tanked up and not be slagged by your mates the next day about the ugly bird you pulled the night before.

Discos? You must be the oldest swinger in town 😆😛.
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[url=]Canadian Muslim Group Asks Harper to Ban ?Tribal Desert? Veils -

About time some decent muslims spoke out to ban the burqa which has nothing to do with Islam at all. 👍

Hypocritical fundamentalists who think faith comprises dressing up like cockroaches. 😡

Hey Atilla!

You fancy yourself as a Keyboard Crusader? :medieval:

Here's something to Crusade against?

God's Beggar Children


Charity starts at home mate.

What do you want me to do about World suffering?

Not what I need on a Friday evening...

If you are just taking the **** - then that's alright :drunk::drunk:
was stopped at the door at asda the other day for wearing a hoodie, and asked to take it down. i usually do it anyway, but since i was only in there for the sandwich counter and not going into the shop proper i couldn't be arsed. now i have seen multiple times muslims walking around in headscarfs, veils, the works, yet no one approached them.

so its ok to scope out a white guy in a hood because they must be causing trouble, but for a muslim in a veil they don't get touched, how does that work
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McDonalds, Burger King et al are only reacting to popular demand by selling burqas.

I am quite partial to Chicken Burqas myself.

Why ban them ?

This is political correctness going too far once again with the government trying to control not only what we say and do, but also what we eat.

Long live the Burqa !!!
Pah. Don't call yourself an atheist if you celebrate religious festivals. If I was an atheist, I'd ignore all religious festivals rather than follow the ones which suit you (hey, isn't that the point of my original post?). Besides, isn't it a bit saddening when the only time you get together with the rest of your family is on a day you're told to or obliged to?

but on the upside, being atheist means you can celebrate all the festivals you like, because you're not going to get sent to hell for celebrating the wrong one
was stopped at the door at asda the other day for wearing a hoodie, and asked to take it down. i usually do it anyway, but since i was only in there for the sandwich counter and not going into the shop proper i couldn't be arsed. now i have seen multiple times muslims walking around in headscarfs, veils, the works, yet no one approached them.

so its ok to scope out a white guy in a hood because they must be causing trouble, but for a muslim in a veil they don't get touched, how does that work

UK is missing common sense.

What is the purpose of a hood?

I do not like hoodies when the sun is out or indoors. It is ugly fashion if you ask me.

I also do not like jeans half way down ones but with underwear showing. It is ugly fashion if you ask me.

Taste in fashion may be my prejudice butt Burqa and the Hood in good weather or indoors is plain WRONG.

UK is missing common sense. Political correctness or not.