Ban the Burqa

was stopped at the door at asda the other day for wearing a hoodie, and asked to take it down. i usually do it anyway, but since i was only in there for the sandwich counter and not going into the shop proper i couldn't be arsed. now i have seen multiple times muslims walking around in headscarfs, veils, the works, yet no one approached them.

so its ok to scope out a white guy in a hood because they must be causing trouble, but for a muslim in a veil they don't get touched, how does that work

cloud321, about the double standards you referred to earlier.

If people choose to demonstrate against the Pope's visit to the UK it is covered extensively by the media and speakers at these demonstrations are broadcast live on national TV.

If on the other hand people choose to demonstrate against Islam, then the camera lens zooms in on some tattooed skin heads amongst the crowd for just a few seconds and our Crescent kissing media and politicians then accuse the demonstrators of being a bunch of Bigots, Nazis, Fascists, Racists, Islamaphobes or right wing thugs in bovver boots.

If you can unpick this little contradiction then you will be a lot closer to understanding why you, specifically were asked to remove your hood when you popped into a shop to buy a sandwich.
