Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

I am genuinely touched by the reports of people on here with family / loved ones who are suffering from this virus. My opinions on how I would deal with this outbreak are just that, my opinions.
I am fortunate enough not to have been affected in any way by this crisis, neither me or my family and I hope my posts have not upset any of you any more than you already are.
There are reports and videos etc debunking all of the official narrative in various forms and to differing depths of technicallity/knowledge.

Unfortunately MSM, being what it is, will only put forward the official narrative until told to say something different, MSM is state controlled left wing (globalist) biased media after all!

So instead, all of the unoffical reporting by the alt news media is labelled as conspiracy (by MSM & govt) as soon as it emerges, when it fact it should be examined alongside the official narrative.

It is also unfortunate (for the official propagandists) that they have to resort to censoring social media, anything they censor is immediately flagged up as potentially being the truth.

The antithesis to the alt news opinion then becomes immediately suspect in the wake of censoring. I suppose the boffins have figured out that the majority sheeple will still follow the official propaganda, whilst it is left to others to research harder to make the censored point more legitimate (and quite often to the point where it is actually proven fact).

Do you remember when Frankie Goes to Hollywood released 'Relax' and the BBC banned the record when objections to the cover label were aired, what happened to it? It went straight to Number 1 in the charts, that's how censorship works, more people get to see it and make a point of seeing it, especially if it is plausible and contains elements of truth.

When you look back on the 'Relax' period in 1983, censorship looks so impotent and meaningless now that LGBTQ+ is heavily promoted and legislated for, especially promoted by the BBC.
Whoops! I fat fingered a “like” which came as much of a surprise to me as it must have done to you 🙂
Has anyone posted this video yet? This is the sort of stuff that MSM used to investigate when they actually did some investigative journalism.

I am genuinely touched by the reports of people on here with family / loved ones who are suffering from this virus. My opinions on how I would deal with this outbreak are just that, my opinions.
I am fortunate enough not to have been affected in any way by this crisis, neither me or my family and I hope my posts have not upset any of you any more than you already are.

If you mean me no probs Postman.

I would call it out if anything offends me, being the mongrol that I am and likewise wish the same to everyone else.

Share your sentiments and pov. Best we don't keep it in and all let it out. 👍 🙂👍
I'm still alive to complain about lockdown, social distancing and the cabin-fever content of T2W - I have to admit that the hoax ping-pong is tiresome but I've very much enjoyed some of the other stuff....that Helium filled dog of CV"s for example.

I'm completely certain that the lock-down was the heavy-handed quarantine message that the majority of the population needed (still need) to get it into their heads that if we carried on as normal the NHS would indeed have been overwhelmed completely before receiving adequate support. IMO empty hospitals are better than tipper trucks doing the rounds asking for folk to bring out their dead.

This is not over and whilst I admire the optimism that's been expressed both here and elsewhere, nobody knows what is going to happen when we start restarting normal-ish life. As it really is the difference between life and death, I'm on the side of "Too Much", against "Too Little".*
With these quarantines, people are getting a brief simulation of what life may be like on ballistic missile submarines (SSBN). In times of peace their mission is to submerge and go get lost where no one can find them for about six months.

Another idea of confinement which comes to my mind is life onboard the International Space Station for a year.

I’m sure other people can think up some rough comparisons.
......and anyone who thinks lockdown was a reasonable choice is a gullible fool, stupid enough to accept the scientific experts opinion and the good intentions of government. Normal people are more balanced.

The only point I would take issue with is that last bit...these "normal" people: where are they? Have they modified their behaviour? Are they taking care not to run unnecessary risks? In my neck of the slums (South London) there didn't seem to be many balanced people in the shops before lock-down. My annoying neighbour was arguably sort of normal but didn't grasp quite was being "sensible" meant. As far as I'm aware she got planted with nary a friend attending. Whilst I don't pretend to mourn her loss, I do lament the crassness that led to it. Stupid is as stupid does.

Many people (including here) have drawn parallels with the Spanish Flu pandemic but whilst the mortality rate was higher and also the cantagiousness-ness the principal difference against Covid (for the UK) was that there was no national health system and if you got it, you just went home, just hoped for the best and frequently just died.
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Anyone who thinks lockdown is unnecessary is free to ignore it. But they really should have the courage of their convictions and formally repudiate NHS assistance in the case of illness, before they go outside.

Nahh, just go outside and claim that whatever you are doing is essential travel....mmmm pasty....
Anyone who thinks lockdown is unnecessary is free to ignore it. But they really should have the courage of their convictions and formally repudiate NHS assistance in the case of illness, before they go outside.
Nahh, just go outside and claim that whatever you are doing is essential travel....mmmm pasty....

Ah for those halcyon days when you could pay some urchin sixpence, have him run some important errand (a Gregg's pasty for Tom, a Lidl bottle of St Emilion for me) and nip into to the reactor core - wearing his protective T-shirt, of course - whilst one waited impatiently in one's carriage at a safe distance.
Sooner or later the scientific and medical communities are going to have to face the questions and facts over why non-locked down states have fared better, way better, than locked down states. In both the context of absolute deaths when compared against a baseline such as seasonal flu numbers and certainly on an economic scale.

The controls in this experiment are the non-locked down states, those participating in the experiment are locked down, I don't think the UK is going to come out of this comparison looking very bright at all.

Unfortunately anyone who questions Government rhetoric is seen as a traitor and hypocrite unless they renounce all rights to THE Government enforced healthcare. I'd gladly renounce my 'rights' to any and all Government services that can be provided by the private sector, as long as my taxes are reduced accordingly...some people still can't understand that.
Ah for those halcyon days when you could pay some urchin sixpence, have him run some important errand (a Gregg's pasty for Tom, a Lidl bottle of St Emilion for me) and nip into to the reactor core - wearing his protective T-shirt, of course - whilst one waited impatiently in one's carriage at a safe distance.

Ah, those were the days.
Reminds me of the story going around the health and safety world in the 80's about the business inside which there was a serious risk from airborne asbestos fibres. When told of the level of work and costs required to decontaminate the place, the owner asked whether he could simply bring in more staff so they would come in, do their work and breathe in the fibres for him. Nobody was quite sure this was a joke or serious.
Very fortunately, I drink exactly the right amount and when I regain consciousness I'm usually ready to do it again. 🤪

Also very fortunately, if you fell, banged your head and needed ICU treatment, you would probably be recorded as a COVID-19 case!
Also very fortunately, if you fell, banged your head and needed ICU treatment, you would probably be recorded as a COVID-19 case!
...but of course, why would it be otherwise?
Without the virus there be no lock-down; without the lock-down I wouldn't have to pass my days inflating* dogs and drinking myself into a more than usually deep stupor; without the the exceptional stupor I wouldn't have banged my head sufficiently hard to need ICU - pre-lockdown, the few stitches I've required have been administered by one of the pleasantly pneumatic nurses at my local GP's surgery - so, it's down to our friend covid. Quod est demonstrandum, John.

* I'm looking into the recreational possibilities of helium
What kind of person are you really?
The fact that you would say
"I simply do not care very much whether other people outside my circle of friends and family get infected and die..or survive..."
and have no worry about saying it publicly, albeit from behind a computer screen
We would not even have a medical profession if everybody thought like you.
I think you're confusing emotional engagement with a sense of responsibility - not the same thing in my book. People live or die every day - if I came upon somebody in the street who in a case of life and death needed my help then I would give it but that doesn't mean that I would have strong feelings about doing it. Is being emotionally engaged a pre-requisite of being a doctor?
The behaviour of a huge majority of people before the lock-down increased the risk and the actual incidence of transmission
Completely ignorant statement compared to the expert advice given by professionals who aren't bought and paid for
So you believe that infected people do not transmit the virus, and that the behaviour of these people has no effect on the spread?
made by a person who says
I have long been impressed just how incredibly f***ing stupid people are - the world over but particularly in the UK ..
Most people will see through this tyranny and many of them will actively attempt to defend their freedom
Go for it! Everyone has a choice. As I pointed out earlier on the thread, a nearby acquaintance chose not to believe that the virus could be transmitted as she had been told and was buried a week or so ago. I choose differently.

I have already expressed my opinion, very clearly, about socialised healthcare. But it's OK, the smokers, the drinkers and the fatties can continue to ride their high horses and tell me to stay home or renounce my rights to the NHS.

I just realised, they say there will be another baby boom as a result of the lockdown...that's more of other peoples children I have to raise as well...