Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

After working in London and using the tube, being in close proximity to 1,000s of people from all over the world my immune system was performing at 110% I never got ill.
Now making people stay at home and NOT catch the virus is compromising their immune system.
This lockup of innocent civilians is such a bad idea on so many levels and the data from Sweden shows its completely unnecessary.

Well, its probably a worse idea to wait until you've run out of ICU beds before you decide you need to build a new hospital.
And even worse to waste time and effort on something that was never needed and could not reasonably expect to be needed.

Millions of people impoverished by the 'cure', thousands affected by the actual disease.

I'm wondering if anyone out there thinks this lockdown was a good idea?
With the benefit of hindsight it I think, targeting due care to those who are elderly isolating and placing tight controls around them as well tracing and isolating known cases at the beginning likely to have been a better strategy to dealing with the outbreak.
With the benefit of hindsight it I think, targeting due care to those who are elderly isolating and placing tight controls around them as well tracing and isolating known cases at the beginning likely to have been a better strategy to dealing with the outbreak.
Will the fools in government remember this next time ... and there will be a next time.
And even worse to waste time and effort on something that was never needed and could not reasonably expect to be needed.

Millions of people impoverished by the 'cure', thousands affected by the actual disease.

I'm wondering if anyone out there thinks this lockdown was a good idea?

The statistical evidence and medical research no doubt suggested we might have been facing a much larger group pf seriously ill patients than we have. That might turn out to have been due to the lockdown or to the virus being less contagious than previously thought or maybe we will never know for sure.

But either way, whether a prudent decision or an over-cautious one, its impossible at this short distance to say it was wrong.
Will the fools in government remember this next time ... and there will be a next time.
But either way, whether a prudent decision or an over-cautious one, its impossible at this short distance to say it was wrong.

No, the blithering idiots won't remember next time.
It has been possible, and clearly so, to say the wrong decisions were made.

[ Not that they are ever going to dmit they made the wrong decisions. ]

History tells us that when you have a plague, you isolate the sick, so they cannot contaminate the healthy.

This applies to everything from bad apples to black death.

But the morons in charge did what? - Isolate the healthy. Doh. Nil points.

Make no mistake, I'm delighted they did. Their trashing the economy is a once in a generation opportunity for easy profits.
Doesn't mean it wasn't about the stupidest thing they could possibly have done.

I can just imagine Governments around the world saying, "We trashed the world economy, printed our currencies to oblivion, destroyed the livlihood of millions of people, and it turns out we didn't need to do any of it. Sorry about that!"
History tells us that when you have a plague, you isolate the sick, so they cannot contaminate the healthy.

This is the new world order. Next, they will be locking up law abiding citizens to keep them safe from the criminals roaming the streets, and provide crime statistics to prove the stategy is successful.
Theres plenty of real experts showing their thinking on public forums as to why this mass incarceration was a stupid idea. Where is the governments public discussions on to why they think it was a good idea? Why do stupid government decisions happen in secret?
What happened to the government representing the will of the people?
I'm wondering if anyone out there thinks this lockdown was a good idea?

Me! Me!!!

I'm still alive to complain about lockdown, social distancing and the cabin-fever content of T2W - I have to admit that the hoax ping-pong is tiresome but I've very much enjoyed some of the other stuff....that Helium filled dog of CV"s for example.

I'm completely certain that the lock-down was the heavy-handed quarantine message that the majority of the population needed (still need) to get it into their heads that if we carried on as normal the NHS would indeed have been overwhelmed completely before receiving adequate support. IMO empty hospitals are better than tipper trucks doing the rounds asking for folk to bring out their dead.

This is not over and whilst I admire the optimism that's been expressed both here and elsewhere, nobody knows what is going to happen when we start restarting normal-ish life. As it really is the difference between life and death, I'm on the side of "Too Much", against "Too Little".**

As always, I wish you well

** I'm leaving "Too Late" for someone else 😛
@cantagril It's seems your opinion, like that if so many others, believe that it was a simple binary choice - Lockdown or die....or more extreme - Lockdown or Kill! Anyone who disagrees with the lockdown is a nasty greedy human who wants you and your grandmother to die. Normal people believe there were more options.