Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

@cantagril It's seems your opinion, like that if so many others, believe that it was a simple binary choice - Lockdown or die....or more extreme - Lockdown or Kill! Anyone who disagrees with the lockdown is a nasty greedy human who wants you and your grandmother to die. Normal people believe there were more options.
No, that's not what I'm saying....but otoh: dead, not dead - seems pretty binary to me.

I have long been impressed just how incredibly f***ing stupid people are - the world over but particularly in the UK and most of all in London, where I have the misfortune to be. Very selfishly, as I would not recover if I caught the virus, it really is a binary thing, just as it has been for many poor old buggers in care homes. I simply do not care very much whether other people outside my circle of friends and family get infected and die..or survive...but I am very much concerned whether we get infected.

The behaviour of a huge majority of people before the lock-down increased the risk and the actual incidence of transmission and simply put, if a larger number of people are contagious the greater the risk. What I said was that the quarantine message had not been sufficiently heard, understood or taken seriously and that the NHS was in danger of collapse - with considerable members of staff also succumbing to the virus.

I certainly don't expect you to care any more about my survival as I care about yours but I do care that your behaviour might increase the risk to me and the people I do care about. Imo lock-down has been instrumental in modifying behaviour and that I'm able to write this is no better testament.
@cantagril It's seems your opinion, like that if so many others, believe that it was a simple binary choice - Lockdown or die....or more extreme - Lockdown or Kill! Anyone who disagrees with the lockdown is a nasty greedy human who wants you and your grandmother to die. Normal people believe there were more options.

......and anyone who thinks lockdown was a reasonable choice is a gullible fool, stupid enough to accept the scientific experts opinion and the good intentions of government. Normal people are more balanced.
. . . Normal people are more balanced.
Are you suggesting I'm not normal?
Zombie - Edited.png
Anyone who thinks lockdown is unnecessary is free to ignore it. But they really should have the courage of their convictions and formally repudiate NHS assistance in the case of illness, before they go outside.
Anyone who thinks lockdown is unnecessary is free to ignore it. But they really should have the courage of their convictions and formally repudiate NHS assistance in the case of illness, before they go outside.
Happily, from the very moment the Government stops charging me for it !

- which, you can be assured is NOT going to happen, lol.

No, that's not what I'm saying....but otoh: dead, not dead - seems pretty binary to me.

I have long been impressed just how incredibly f***ing stupid people are - the world over but particularly in the UK and most of all in London, where I have the misfortune to be. Very selfishly, as I would not recover if I caught the virus, it really is a binary thing, just as it has been for many poor old buggers in care homes. I simply do not care very much whether other people outside my circle of friends and family get infected and die..or survive...but I am very much concerned whether we get infected.

The behaviour of a huge majority of people before the lock-down increased the risk and the actual incidence of transmission and simply put, if a larger number of people are contagious the greater the risk. What I said was that the quarantine message had not been sufficiently heard, understood or taken seriously and that the NHS was in danger of collapse - with considerable members of staff also succumbing to the virus.

I certainly don't expect you to care any more about my survival as I care about yours but I do care that your behaviour might increase the risk to me and the people I do care about. Imo lock-down has been instrumental in modifying behaviour and that I'm able to write this is no better testament.

What kind of person are you really?

The fact that you would say

"I simply do not care very much whether other people outside my circle of friends and family get infected and die..or survive..."

and have no worry about saying it publicly, albeit from behind a computer screen

We would not even have a medical profession if everybody thought like you.

The behaviour of a huge majority of people before the lock-down increased the risk and the actual incidence of transmission

Completely ignorant statement compared to the expert advice given by professionals who aren't bought and paid for

made by a person who says

I have long been impressed just how incredibly f***ing stupid people are - the world over but particularly in the UK ..

Most people will see through this tyranny and many of them will actively attempt to defend their freedom

I guess we can count you out
That article says
Evidence suggests that the coronavirus didn’t come naturally.

I heard the science experts state - virus was not something that was generated in a lab.

Hmmm 🤔 🙄 🤔

Hmmm, indeed. Will I give credence to the scientists or some spurious news site? Not a difficult choice - I expect if you’re in the conspiracy camp, it’s the news site, but I know who’d I rely on.
What kind of person are you really?

The fact that you would say

"I simply do not care very much whether other people outside my circle of friends and family get infected and die..or survive..."

and have no worry about saying it publicly, albeit from behind a computer screen

We would not even have a medical profession if everybody thought like you.


Sorry to burst your bubble but cantagril is not the only one, I care about my family and me, if theres any left over caring it goes to more distant relatives and friends.
I have contracted out my care for others via the NHS and national insurance contributions. This is exactly the same as everyone else who contracts out their responsibility to the poorer in society by giving money to charity. It also has the benefit of being far more efficient that way.
I'm happy to say that in person at the next T2W meetup (probably 2021 at this rate).
Anyone who thinks lockdown is unnecessary is free to ignore it. But they really should have the courage of their convictions and formally repudiate NHS assistance in the case of illness, before they go outside.
I will adhere to the lock down because I'm a law abiding sort of chap - but I don't agree with it. Your terms are reasonable IF one subscribes to the view that a vaccine can be found and administered quickly. However, as that appears not to be the case, carrying on indefinitely with the lock down isn't a viable option, IMO. And if going outside includes going to work to generate the GDP that produces the tax revenue to fund the NHS - then I'd be happy for others to defy the restrictions and seek NHS help in the event that they get sick. Doesn't apply to me as I'm a lazy sod and, besides which, no one's going to employ an ol' duffer like me. Twenty years ago I got a rejection letter from Riverford Farm after applying for a job picking cauliflowers! A bit of a blow to the ego at the time - but it's sort of badge of honour now.
I will adhere to the lock down because I'm a law abiding sort of chap - but I don't agree with it. Your terms are reasonable IF one subscribes to the view that a vaccine can be found and administered quickly. However, as that appears not to be the case, carrying on indefinitely with the lock down isn't a viable option, IMO. And if going outside includes going to work to generate the GDP that produces the tax revenue to fund the NHS - then I'd be happy for others to defy the restrictions and seek NHS help in the event that they get sick. Doesn't apply to me as I'm a lazy sod and, besides which, no one's going to employ an ol' duffer like me. Twenty years ago I got a rejection letter from Riverford Farm after applying for a job picking cauliflowers! A bit of a blow to the ego at the time - but it's sort of badge of honour now.

I guess in the end run Tim, if there's no vaccine and no cure, and the power is about to go off, we either starve to death at home or go out and take our chances. I guess at that point I'll be going out and taking my chances.

But we're not there yet.
They should have locked down by region, eg Greater London and big cities, no movement in or out unless absolutely necessary.

The rest of the country could have got on with normal life without restrictions, but instead the majority suffer because of the minority, as usual. Would have saved a few jobs, might have even saved the economy, too late now though.
Sooner or later the scientific and medical communities are going to have to face the questions and facts over why non-locked down states have fared better, way better, than locked down states. In both the context of absolute deaths when compared against a baseline such as seasonal flu numbers and certainly on an economic scale.

The controls in this experiment are the non-locked down states, those participating in the experiment are locked down, I don't think the UK is going to come out of this comparison looking very bright at all.
I am trying to validate Boris's words today about beating the virus by staying locked down when there are 15,000 people per day still arriving on flights into the UK unchecked, untested and un-quarantined.

Since the lockdown began we have had over 500,000 people that have entered the UK via the airports (there will be more through other ports), that are untested and not tracked or traced in any form whatsover, yet the death rate appears to be in decline if not stable.

How can that be? And then they announce that they are going to quarantine everyone entering the UK from now onwards. How can they possibly put 15,000+ people a day into quarantine for two weeks, that will be 250,000+ individuals into quarantine at any one point in time, but what will that achieve if, over the period of lockdown the 500,000+ untested people have arrived already and not had any effect on the death rate?

What is the point of quarantining people now if it has no effect on the death rate? Physically quarantining people of this magnitude is impossible, surely?

I smell more evidence that we are not being told the truth.
Sooner or later the scientific and medical communities are going to have to face the questions and facts over why non-locked down states have fared better, way better, than locked down states. In both the context of absolute deaths when compared against a baseline such as seasonal flu numbers and certainly on an economic scale.

The controls in this experiment are the non-locked down states, those participating in the experiment are locked down, I don't think the UK is going to come out of this comparison looking very bright at all.

Have you heard the one about higher frequency of deaths in ICU due to people dying due to breathing apparatus compared to those who simply self apply oxygen when they feel the need.

Some US Dr. called it out a week or two ago.

Response and treatment is almost inducing death than do nothing.

Having said that my dear old mum was denied ICU and DNR and just given an oxygen tube to use as she liked. Lucky for her.

Have you heard the one about higher frequency of deaths in ICU due to people dying due to breathing apparatus compared to those who simply self apply oxygen when they feel the need.

Some US Dr. called it out a week or two ago.

Response and treatment is almost inducing death than do nothing.

Having said that my dear old mum was denied ICU and DNR and just given an oxygen tube to use as she liked. Lucky for her.

There are reports and videos etc debunking all of the official narrative in various forms and to differing depths of technicallity/knowledge.

Unfortunately MSM, being what it is, will only put forward the official narrative until told to say something different, MSM is state controlled left wing (globalist) biased media after all!

So instead, all of the unoffical reporting by the alt news media is labelled as conspiracy (by MSM & govt) as soon as it emerges, when it fact it should be examined alongside the official narrative.

It is also unfortunate (for the official propagandists) that they have to resort to censoring social media, anything they censor is immediately flagged up as potentially being the truth.

The antithesis to the alt news opinion then becomes immediately suspect in the wake of censoring. I suppose the boffins have figured out that the majority sheeple will still follow the official propaganda, whilst it is left to others to research harder to make the censored point more legitimate (and quite often to the point where it is actually proven fact).

Do you remember when Frankie Goes to Hollywood released 'Relax' and the BBC banned the record when objections to the cover label were aired, what happened to it? It went straight to Number 1 in the charts, that's how censorship works, more people get to see it and make a point of seeing it, especially if it is plausible and contains elements of truth.

When you look back on the 'Relax' period in 1983, censorship looks so impotent and meaningless now that LGBTQ+ is heavily promoted and legislated for, especially promoted by the BBC.
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