Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Doesn't matter how bad the news, someone is buying...

I was trying to find that 5G video you posted on 23rd March but youtube have removed it, not just that video but all 5G death ray nonsense has been removed.

Here is a very clever man who I've been following for years, explaining in simple terms why your average tungsten light bulb emits more dangerous radiation than a 5G transmitter.
Its all about how much POWER your device emits rather than at what frequency.

Your TV dinner microwave emits around 1kW of energy at the same frequency of your mobile phone, router and laptop which emit milliWatts

1 KW = 1,000 watts
1mW = 0.001 watts

In other words a microwave oven is 1 million times more powerful than a mobile phone, is anyone going to stop using it now?

5G masts are limited to 30 kW but over a broad spectrum (not all 30kW is focused at one frequency).

In short what I and BigClive are saying is 'Don't panic'. It seems David Yicke has jumped on the 'Panic and fear sells lecture tickets' bandwagon.

Strange what you find when you're not even looking.

The problem I see with 5G is that there have been zero human trials on its effects, at what point did a piece of new technology like this become a mass experiment?

We have evolved over millions of years to cope with all sorts of natural radiation, some of it may even be harmful to us (eg cosmic rays, EMP from corona flares, deep space black hole type stuff etc etc), but we have only been detecting electromagnetic radiation since around sometime in the 17c. Hardly a blip in the grand scheme of things, we are clueless on so many things as we are only at the beginning of a human/technology epoch that began 70 years ago, there should be thousands of years of discovery ahead of us still.

Out of curiosity, does anyone microwave their meals with the microwave pressed against their ear? How far away from a 5G emitter do we need to be to be safe and how many mW at 5G frequencies are safe for being less than a cm from brain material?
Out of curiosity has anyone been affected by mobile phone use in analogue, 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G formats? After 25 years you'd think some symptoms would have been detected.
Are you aware that every new technology has been heralded with warnings of its negative effects on our brains, recorded as far back as the ancient Greeks, eg Plato and his scorn for the written word (books).
" for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; "

Humans and animals alike are scared of new things, try getting a child to eat something new and see who gives up first. Rats will only eat a tiny amount of a novel food and only come back the next day for more if they have suffered no ill effects.
The "Hug every creature you've never seen before gene" was eradicated very quickly from humans in favour of the "lets keep it at arms length until we know its safe gene". Peoples mistrust of new technology is a result of deep seated fear of the unknown, and it has served humans well for millennia, however fear often comes with its brother reaction anger and it is directed at the thing we are fearful of.
We as humans should be using the rational part of our brains to subdue the animal instincts when not appropriate. If you have fears about 5G research it yourself, if you dont feel able then ask someone you trust to explain it to you in a way you do understand.
On a coronavirus note, I was wrong, I said Italy deaths would peak at almost exactly 20,000 and the UK would be less than 8,000 in 2 days the death toll in the UK will be above that number. This sh1t is getting real. Hospitals are still running below 80% of capacity and Flossy's hospital(s) are not being utilised in a meaningful way, but the duration of this virus is exceeding 'flu' norms making the death toll higher. Too early to say where it fits on the catastrophe scale yet but its up there.
The NHS are doing a sterling job as usual and most of the country seems to be pulling together for once. (I secretly think that's down to brexit but dont tell Atilla).
Enjoy your Easter everyone and don't mingle with strangers. 🙏
Out of curiosity has anyone been affected by mobile phone use in analogue, 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G formats? After 25 years you'd think some symptoms would have been detected. . .
Hi Postie,
Good post - you make your points well. However, (you knew that was coming didn't you!), as I've said before, up to date science lags behind current practice - sometimes by decades. For example, take exhaust emissions. Cars have been a primary form of transport for many decades, yet only relatively recently have scientists found a causal link between exhaust emissions and lung disease. Even though - to me - it's obvious that if one regularly breathes in fumes it's unlikely to be doing one any good and may well be doing harm. So, that scientists haven't yet found a causal link between old and existing mobile phone tech' and disease doesn't mean there isn't one. Also, as Sig' rightly says, rolling out 5G without doing extensive testing first is a high risk strategy, on a par with going all in on a single trade with no stop loss and keeping ones fingers crossed. If there was a bookie offering decent odds of scientists finding a link between mobile phones/5G and disease in the future - I'd definitely take a punt on that.
In regard to 5G, people need to learn the difference between:
  • Non-ionizing radiation
  • Ionizing radiation
Learn about electomagnetic radiation and the 5G band.


People appear to be using 5G technology and the frequency spectrum interchangeably. The spectrum is indifferent to the technology that uses it. Electromagnetic radiation is the same regardless of the baseband signal that modulates it.

An analogy would be sound waves: The average human ear can hear sounds that vibrate from 20Hz - 20Khz. If acoustic waves are considered non-harmful between 20Hz -20KHz then it makes no difference what is making the acoustic waves, whether it's rock music, classical music. techno music, bird tweets etc...
Grumpy jolly old man exposing MSM lying to the public, puts the record straight.

Multiple news outlets quoting a Doctor saying worst hayfever outbreak in 70 years.
Radio interviewer speaks to the Doctor in question live on air and she states the 'quotes' attributed to her were false "I did not say that" is a phrase you will here her say multiple times.
Is the message about MSM getting across yet?

Grumpy jolly old man exposing MSM lying to the public, puts the record straight.

Multiple news outlets quoting a Doctor saying worst hayfever outbreak in 70 years.
Radio interviewer speaks to the Doctor in question live on air and she states the 'quotes' attributed to her were false "I did not say that" is a phrase you will here her say multiple times.
Is the message about MSM getting across yet?

Journalists are just salesmen with a laptop. How much of a used car salesman's guff should anyone believe?
The 5G spectrum specification spans 450MHz to 86GHz. As the frequency increases and wavelength shortens (theoretically providing higher data rates) then more power is required to transmit across a certain distance for the radio waves to overcome higher attenuation.

At the higher frequencies, anything inbetween the transmitter and the receiver, such as a tree, greatly adversley effects reception to the point of uselesness, therefore the object must be removed, especially in built-up areas, hence we've seen trees chopped down in Sheffield, so that lower power can be used.

Question is, what is actually being implemented? Is there a published 5G specification that can be referred to so we can see the power outputs for individual transmitters and their locations, also what frequencies are being implemented?

Anyone with a radio background know if 5G can be detected on SDR (Software Defined Radio) frequencies?

Plenty to explore with 5G, does it warrant it's own thread?
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The 5G spectrum specification spans 450MHz to 86GHz. As the frequency increases and wavelength shortens (theoretically providing higher data rates) then more power is required to transmit across a certain distance for the radio waves to overcome higher attenuation.

At the higher frequencies, anything inbetween the transmitter and the receiver, such as a tree, greatly adversley effects reception to the point of uselesness, therefore the object must be removed, especially in built-up areas, hence we've seen trees chopped down in Sheffield, so that lower power can be used.

Question is, what is actually being implemented? Is there a published 5G specification that can be referred to so we can see the power outputs for individual transmitters and their locations, also what frequencies are being implemented?

Anyone with a radio background know if 5G can be detected on SDR (Software Defined Radio) frequencies?

Plenty to explore with 5G, does it warrant it's own thread?

It will warrant its own thread concerning what the government should do if scientific evidence has emerged concerning proven serious harmful effects of 5G.