Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Confirming cases
The WHO’s definition of a confirmed case of covid-19 is a person shown by laboratory testing to be infected with the virus, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms. However, some reported case numbers from China have included people with symptoms of covid-19, but without laboratory confirmation.

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There may come a point when people, en masse, no longer believe the lockdown is needed and sit on beaches and parks in defiance of the lockdown, what will the authorities do then?

I can only hope, but the evidence from twitter Nazi's and even my own work colleagues (who are intellingent men over 50 years old!) indicate we would be a long way off from that happening. Far too many minimum information morons who think the lockdown is an excercise in civil obedience.

"The Government said exercise not sit on a bench"
"The Government said exercise not sunbathe in the middle of the park with nobody within 10 meters"
"The Government said outside for 57min23sec not 58min"

I despair...
That'll be another DNR pinned to his chest then. Very sad, I have heard similar from an immediate member of my family also.

Given the level of madness and anxiety this has caused to ordinarily sane, fit and healthy people, I can imagine that plenty of our elders will just give up mentally.

My advice to the elderly is now that you know the basic facts and how to stay safe, then switch off the MSM, avoid the scaremongering, Project Fear on stereoids and live as happily as can be until the next stage which I assume will be the point where we have enough immunity in the population to ease lockdown restrictions.

All part of a growing trend. I know this for sure as my mother was in hospital after a fall early January. The consultant called us in to a meeting, which wasn't so much about her condition and treatment, but more about making sure that DNR information was in place.

Maybe MP's should be talking about this.

Who is driving this forward?
Health care management

Any elders wish to comment on this?
Anyone with an elderly relative wish to comment on this?
There may come a point when people, en masse, no longer believe the lockdown is needed and sit on beaches and parks in defiance of the lockdown, what will the authorities do then?

The answer is in the question. Mass burials.
I can only hope, but the evidence from twitter Nazi's and even my own work colleagues (who are intellingent men over 50 years old!) indicate we would be a long way off from that happening. Far too many minimum information morons who think the lockdown is an excercise in civil obedience.

"The Government said exercise not sit on a bench"
"The Government said exercise not sunbathe in the middle of the park with nobody within 10 meters"
"The Government said outside for 57min23sec not 58min"

I despair...

Despair not.

This has nothing to do with democracy or government. If someone thinks they're immune or that there is no virus, then good luck to them - they can continue with their resistance.

Those that deliberately increase their chances of contagion will see their efforts rewarded.

Those that cower in the shadows may live to run away another day....or at least sufficient days to develop at least some kind of potion.

I'd like to be in the second group.
I constantly despair of MSM each clamoring to be the one's to bring most fear to the world.
Every news site reporting "highest number of deaths in ...." fill in the blanks with a different subject every day.

I guarantee that if there was just one single death from coronovirus in the whole world tomorrow, the headlines would not be
"Its ok everyone its all over"
instead it would be
"Coronovirus death toll reaches new high!"
Impossible. I'd have to tell my employer, and word would quickly spread as it already has with other colleagues who have stayed home due to covid-19 symptoms. In fact, global company e-mails have been distributed with "unfortunately one of our colleagues...[blah] covid-19". Not sure how an official covid-19 record is made...

In the UK at least, the employer would potentially be in breach of their legal obligations if they informed your colleagues of the cause of your sickness absence. Naturally you must inform the employer of this cause but they are not at liberty to tell anyone and everyone.
In the UK at least, the employer would potentially be in breach of their legal obligations if they informed your colleagues of the cause of your sickness absence. Naturally you must inform the employer of this cause but they are not at liberty to tell anyone and everyone.
They don't disclose by name. They are much smarter.
You can guarantee though that the next safety briefing will cover it in great detail, followed by your signature to make sure YOU UNDERSTAND.
All part of a growing trend. I know this for sure as my mother was in hospital after a fall early January. The consultant called us in to a meeting, which wasn't so much about her condition and treatment, but more about making sure that DNR information was in place.

Maybe MP's should be talking about this.

Who is driving this forward?
Health care management

Any elders wish to comment on this?
Anyone with an elderly relative wish to comment on this?

DNR was applied to to my father the night before he slipped away and also to my dear mother who I can proudly confirm has beaten the confirmed Covid-19 at the ripe old age of 80+. She has umpteen underlying health issues too.

Wrt DNR the doctor went through a lengthy explanation which I accepted. Not sure if I had a choice as it was pretty FYI but I agree with DNR so here goes.

With elderly patients if the heart stops from a bout of coughing or lack of oxygen, to restart the heart they need to apply chest compression and electric shock etc. This can lead to damage or broken ribs as well as skin burn from the electric shock. Morever, current passing through body can cause further damage to internal organs. Hence, whilst the heart may restart, when the patient comes round often they are in greater discomfort than before but have a ticking heart. More often than not with the elderly their revival is short lived and they eventually pass away but in greater discomfort then if they had allowed the body a graceful release to end life.

There is also the treatment of sticking a tube down ones lungs. However, this is not very pleasant either and with the elderly the ability of the lungs to recover is limited. Effectively they need a machine to continuously pump oxygen which is not a long term practical solution.

Effectively, the doctor informed me she would not be placed in ICU.

They would try and help her as much as possible and offer pure oxygen for her to use at her choice.

Having discussed these issues with my dear mother before, I requested the doctor do not disclose this information to her but simply tell her what / how they were going to treat her.

That's it. Anyhow very proud of dear mum for beating the blasted bug.

On another note, as I have commented before we have family planning and there should be death planning too. Where somebody has had enough, they should have the right to be released. It really sticks in my throat that big G, and the rest get to say what should happen to you with respect to ones very own life. I'm aware of complex issues around not having the presence of mind etc etc., but where one does have all their faculties in tact this should not even be up for debate.
They don't disclose by name. They are much smarter.
You can guarantee though that the next safety briefing will cover it in great detail, followed by your signature to make sure YOU UNDERSTAND.

I'm not qualified to say whether that would be a sufficient defence against proceedings under the Data Protection Act or GDPR, your HR department, your union or an employment law solicitor might be worth consulting.
DNR was applied to to my father the night before he slipped away and also to my dear mother who I can proudly confirm has beaten the confirmed Covid-19 at the ripe old age of 80+. She has umpteen underlying health issues too.

Wrt DNR the doctor went through a lengthy explanation which I accepted. Not sure if I had a choice as it was pretty FYI but I agree with DNR so here goes.

With elderly patients if the heart stops from a bout of coughing or lack of oxygen, to restart the heart they need to apply chest compression and electric shock etc. This can lead to damage or broken ribs as well as skin burn from the electric shock. Morever, current passing through body can cause further damage to internal organs. Hence, whilst the heart may restart, when the patient comes round often they are in greater discomfort than before but have a ticking heart. More often than not with the elderly their revival is short lived and they eventually pass away but in greater discomfort then if they had allowed the body a graceful release to end life.

There is also the treatment of sticking a tube down ones lungs. However, this is not very pleasant either and with the elderly the ability of the lungs to recover is limited. Effectively they need a machine to continuously pump oxygen which is not a long term practical solution.

Effectively, the doctor informed me she would not be placed in ICU.

They would try and help her as much as possible and offer pure oxygen for her to use at her choice.

Having discussed these issues with my dear mother before, I requested the doctor do not disclose this information to her but simply tell her what / how they were going to treat her.

That's it. Anyhow very proud of dear mum for beating the blasted bug.

On another note, as I have commented before we have family planning and there should be death planning too. Where somebody has had enough, they should have the right to be released. It really sticks in my throat that big G, and the rest get to say what should happen to you with respect to ones very own life. I'm aware of complex issues around not having the presence of mind etc etc., but where one does have all their faculties in tact this should not even be up for debate.

Just for the record, I got the same information. I'm not saying I disagreed with the notice.

As for birth control. It ought to be accompanied by intelligence tests for prospective parents and a signed declaration to say that you will not make a claim for Govt aid either for yourself or the offspring. 👍
DNR was applied to to my father the night before he slipped away and also to my dear mother who I can proudly confirm has beaten the confirmed Covid-19 at the ripe old age of 80+. She has umpteen underlying health issues too.

Wrt DNR the doctor went through a lengthy explanation which I accepted. Not sure if I had a choice as it was pretty FYI but I agree with DNR so here goes.

With elderly patients if the heart stops from a bout of coughing or lack of oxygen, to restart the heart they need to apply chest compression and electric shock etc. This can lead to damage or broken ribs as well as skin burn from the electric shock. Morever, current passing through body can cause further damage to internal organs. Hence, whilst the heart may restart, when the patient comes round often they are in greater discomfort than before but have a ticking heart. More often than not with the elderly their revival is short lived and they eventually pass away but in greater discomfort then if they had allowed the body a graceful release to end life.

There is also the treatment of sticking a tube down ones lungs. However, this is not very pleasant either and with the elderly the ability of the lungs to recover is limited. Effectively they need a machine to continuously pump oxygen which is not a long term practical solution.

Effectively, the doctor informed me she would not be placed in ICU.

They would try and help her as much as possible and offer pure oxygen for her to use at her choice.

Having discussed these issues with my dear mother before, I requested the doctor do not disclose this information to her but simply tell her what / how they were going to treat her.

That's it. Anyhow very proud of dear mum for beating the blasted bug.

On another note, as I have commented before we have family planning and there should be death planning too. Where somebody has had enough, they should have the right to be released. It really sticks in my throat that big G, and the rest get to say what should happen to you with respect to ones very own life. I'm aware of complex issues around not having the presence of mind etc etc., but where one does have all their faculties in tact this should not even be up for debate.

This is obviously a tricky situation. My mother passed away 6 years ago from lifelong illnesses (COPD from childhood whooping cough, she never smoked but always had a bad chest plus rheumatoid arthiritus from early 20's, so totally immune-compromised), she passed nearly 20 years before the average age of death for her generation.

Immediate family members were with her when she went and friends visited her on her day of death, simply because the hospital told us that they were going to switch off the machine keeping her alive, so they did and she died, I don't even know if she had a DNR, I suspect she did in her fragile state. All our family have every respect for the hospital and health workers and the sensitive handling and process of her passing.

Definately is something as society we need to be talking about, too many people are expecting to hang onto life despite there being no-hope at the end, with it's associated costs. There also appears to be breeding indifference, maybe even resentment that the old are consuming resources that could be afforded to the young, which is the total opposite of what should be happening, we should be making people's death as pleasant experience as possible and if that means giving advanced notice, then so be it.
I constantly despair of MSM each clamoring to be the one's to bring most fear to the world.
Every news site reporting "highest number of deaths in ...." fill in the blanks with a different subject every day.

I guarantee that if there was just one single death from coronovirus in the whole world tomorrow, the headlines would not be
"Its ok everyone its all over"
instead it would be
"Coronovirus death toll reaches new high!"
I think that anyone with a pair of functioning neurones understands what MSM does for a living; the problem is simply that emotions get in the way of rational thought. That said, even though I loathe MSM with a passion (actually, that's not true, I don't have the energy, so it's just ordinary loathing) they do manage to include some real information that is of some use.

In the current circumstances, I see that the panic that they've spread in the UK has served us quite well when one compares the what is happening in the UK against say France and Spain....which latter is well over 14,000 deaths and still climbing, see links with info from the Ministerio de Sanidad.

Anyone else get a letter from "10 Downing Street" this morning or are they just targeting me?

It is a "Vital update from the gubernment about coronavirus"
Clearly the use of coronavirus means the generic flu that has occurred 18 times before, because they dont reference its actual name covid-19.
In other news the cat death toll increases.
MSM screams: "Highest ever cat deaths recorded EVER."

Some of the latest victims of catvid-19.


Anyone else get a letter from "10 Downing Street" this morning or are they just targeting me?

It is a "Vital update from the gubernment about coronavirus"
Clearly the use of coronavirus means the generic flu that has occurred 18 times before, because they dont reference its actual name covid-19.

Got mine yesterday. This is a novel coronovirus, ie, they know f.all about it other than it's short term effects, who knows what it means for the long term? Does it damage the lungs enough to shorten one's life if you survive it? They don't know. Where did it originate from? They don't know. How to control it? They don't know.

Many unknowns for a new virus that is presently out of control. The lockdown, in my mind, is as a result of the unknowns, what other choice have gubberments got?

Are we going to see patients turning up in hospital in 10 years time with a complication as a direct result of catching Covid-19 and surviving at the time?
Anyone else get a letter from "10 Downing Street" this morning or are they just targeting me?

It is a "Vital update from the gubernment about coronavirus"
Clearly the use of coronavirus means the generic flu that has occurred 18 times before, because they dont reference its actual name covid-19.

One came here yesterday. Nothing we didn't know already.
Got mine yesterday. This is a novel coronovirus, ie, they know f.all about it other than it's short term effects, who knows what it means for the long term? Does it damage the lungs enough to shorten one's life if you survive it? They don't know. Where did it originate from? They don't know. How to control it? They don't know.

Many unknowns for a new virus that is presently out of control. The lockdown, in my mind, is as a result of the unknowns, what other choice have gubberments got?

Are we going to see patients turning up in hospital in 10 years time with a complication as a direct result of catching Covid-19 and surviving at the time?

I'm hoping getting through initial infection promotes antibodies which work for life. But not all virus infections work that way - some remain dormant in the body for months or years and break out into symptoms for reasons not very well understood - herpes, shingles, glandular fever, chicken pox.
The WHO is discredited as an organisation, time to get rid.

And on that note.....

In the current circumstances, I see that the panic that they've spread in the UK has served us quite well when one compares the what is happening in the UK against say France and Spain....which latter is well over 14,000 deaths and still climbing, see links with info from the Ministerio de Sanidad.

I reckon that's coz we are less touchy and cleaner then the dirty French and Spanish. 😉