Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

It doesn't surprise me, the channel it comes from can swing to the extreme on occasion. This one is quite firmly in the conspiracy theory bucket.

Out of all the theories out there, which could be closest to the truth!

OTOH, on balance, I think any of the MSM outlets could easily claim the high ground on fake news and extremity, RAIR not so bad after all 😆
NF telling it like it is.
Say NO to house arrest!

Couple of days ago out for daily walk with the Mrs, we live in the cuds, can't walk anywhere without being in a field or woods around here. Stopped near a road (all roads are quiet now) and as bad timing had us, a cop car passed, see's us, immediately indicates right to turn into a road that runs alongside the field we are in.

We were at our turnaround point anyway and were just headed back home along the same route which is about 30 mins (so a 1 hour round trip). Coppers had stopped on the opposite side of the field at a gap in the hedgerow, about 250m away, looking in our direction.

Luckily the field had been ploughed and so it would have taken them, (there were 4 of them), a good 5 mins to get across, we had quickened our pace anyway and disappeared into the woods on the way home.

Over-zealous policing where rules aren't applied universally has always been a feature of British policing, even more so in these turbulent times. We had a ready and genuine excuse for being in the countryside on a public footpath, but I dare say they would have tried to tell us off or even tried a fine, UK cops cannot be trusted to do the job tax payers pay them to do in the way we expect it to be done.
Couple of days ago out for daily walk with the Mrs, we live in the cuds, can't walk anywhere without being in a field or woods around here. Stopped near a road (all roads are quiet now) and as bad timing had us, a cop car passed, see's us, immediately indicates right to turn into a road that runs alongside the field we are in.

We were at our turnaround point anyway and were just headed back home along the same route which is about 30 mins (so a 1 hour round trip). Coppers had stopped on the opposite side of the field at a gap in the hedgerow, about 250m away, looking in our direction.

Luckily the field had been ploughed and so it would have taken them, (there were 4 of them), a good 5 mins to get across, we had quickened our pace anyway and disappeared into the woods on the way home.

Over-zealous policing where rules aren't applied universally has always been a feature of British policing, even more so in these turbulent times. We had a ready and genuine excuse for being in the countryside on a public footpath, but I dare say they would have tried to tell us off or even tried a fine, UK cops cannot be trusted to do the job tax payers pay them to do in the way we expect it to be done.

Well, I hope the 4 of them were standing at least 2m apart from each other or you missed the chance to make a citizens arrest
If you state that you are "Homeless" none of the current restrictions on movement apply at all. Apologies that the attached is an image but it was sent to me in that format.


  • Restrictions.jpeg
    128.5 KB · Views: 115
Couple of days ago out for daily walk with the Mrs, we live in the cuds, can't walk anywhere without being in a field or woods around here. ... UK cops cannot be trusted to do the job tax payers pay them to do in the way we expect it to be done.
Nothing like a bit of civil disobedience when no one is going to be hurt.
If you state that you are "Homeless" none of the current restrictions on movement apply at all. Apologies that the attached is an image but it was sent to me in that format.
Give it a few more weeks of stock market falls and no income and that will apply to 80% of the British population.
The benefits of having a constitution which overrides (I tried not to use the word 'trumps') ANY other state or federal law.
Maybe we need one!

Well, I hope the 4 of them were standing at least 2m apart from each other or you missed the chance to make a citizens arrest

According to a good copper friend of mine, none of them have been issued with PPE, even at this late stage, and that position is borne out in the news reports on TV. Physical distancing is therefore a moot point for them!
According to a good copper friend of mine, none of them have been issued with PPE, e, as coppers ven at this late stage, and that position is borne out in the news reports on TV. Physical distancing is therefore a moot point for them!
Well, as coppers tend to wander around in pairs anyway, they of course surely can't approach you without breaking the law themselves, since any group or gathering of more than two persons is banned !

Rushed legislation is never well thought out, let alone sensible, and one would think that those tasked with enforcing the Governments hastily contrived wishes would be among the first to be issued with adequate PPE, as they will be interacting with the most people of all, so are most at risk of spreading contamination far and wide to the maximum numbers of random strangers.

Apparently not, by all accounts ....

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
― Frank Zappa

"This is the central scrutinizer...Joe has just worked himself into an imaginary frenzy during the fade-out of his imaginary song...He begins to feel depressed now, he knows the end is near.
He has realised at last, that imaginary guitar notes and imaginary vocals exist only in the imagination of the imaginer...and... ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway..."

Intro to Watermelon in Easter Hay.
Stocks in all Lidls near Streatham SW16 almost normal. Big Tesco still a shambles but no queues
NF telling it like it is.
Say NO to house arrest!

He's not telling all of it.

He's not calling it a hoax.

And that, for me, is very disappointing if not surprising (the system no longer attack him)

" Now look, I have taken the coronavirus CRISIS very seriously from the start.'
'I was appalled by herd immunity, I thought we had to buy the NHS time, and we had to buy ourselves time, so that perhaps we can find some medicine, some sort of antidote to this virus."

Leaving out blatant facts such as empty hospitals, tiny number of deaths and this:

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

..actually makes him part of the problem.

As a Brexit supporter I'll always be grateful for everything he did to try and get us out of the EU. A political giant compared to the creepy pencil necks like Gove and Hancock. And best of all a patriot. (which, to the global elite left makes him a Nazi)

But if he (as one of the good guys) can't call this out as the blatant hoax that it is then it only helps the planned agenda which he is actually (rightly) complaining about.

The WHO's own website states that it takes 1-1.5 years to develop a vaccine.

Growing skepticism and resistance to vaccinations have resulted in global government mandated vaccine requirements. This hoax is almost certainly designed to change that trend.

I believe it will have the opposite effect.

People will see through this and more will join the ranks of the so called 'vaccine deniers'
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Will the pandemic make americans more amenable to the concept of single-payer healthcare?
He's not telling all of it.

He's not calling it a hoax.

And that, for me, is very disappointing if not surprising (the system no longer attack him)

" Now look, I have taken the coronavirus CRISIS very seriously from the start.'
'I was appalled by herd immunity, I thought we had to buy the NHS time, and we had to buy ourselves time, so that perhaps we can find some medicine, some sort of antidote to this virus."

Leaving out blatant facts such as empty hospitals, tiny number of deaths and this:

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

..actually makes him part of the problem.

As a Brexit supporter I'll always be grateful for everything he did to try and get us out of the EU. A political giant compared to the creepy pencil necks like Gove and Hancock. And best of all a patriot. (which, to the global elite left makes him a Nazi)

But if he (as one of the good guys) can't call this out as the blatant hoax that it is then it only helps the planned agenda which he is actually (rightly) complaining about.

The WHO's own website states that it takes 1-1.5 years to develop a vaccine.

Growing skepticism and resistance to vaccinations have resulted in global government mandated vaccine requirements. This hoax is almost certainly designed to change that trend.

I believe it will have the opposite effect.

People will see through this and more will join the ranks of the so called 'vaccine deniers'

So it’s a hoax, is it? Perpetrated by whom?

All over the world governments have nuked their economies for no good reason then? Is it credible that they are that stupid? Or is it possible that they know a bit more than you do?