Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Now we are getting somewhere.

Looks like all deaths are being lumped together in the name of Coronavirus19.
The point is that Coronavirus19 is simply the final straw for those with underlying medical conditions.
Everyone eventually dies of infection, just depends which one gets you!
So without proper reporting on deaths listing preexisting conditions, Coronavirus19 CAN and IS being blamed for ALL deaths!

That's some agenda going on here! The whole world in Lock Down aided and abetted by Govt's and MSM.
The public going along with it because they still believe in so called "trusted sources".

The takeaway point is that the virus is not the problem

The new test is the problem

Probably why they want frontline staff tested now

To protect and give credibility to their stupid lies


Did they test frontline staff last year?

Who is really running things?

Because right now, Boris is in quarantine, writing a sick note telling us to cancel the future until further notice.

My patience is razor thin
Forbidden gatherings? Government dictating which businesses are allowed to stay open? Social distancing? Standing in long lines to get into a supermarket? Finding most of the shelves empty once inside? Limited choice of products and the amounts you are permitted to buy? It’s called 'SOCIALISM practice.'
Forbidden gatherings? Government dictating which businesses are allowed to stay open? Social distancing? Standing in long lines to get into a supermarket? Finding most of the shelves empty once inside? Limited choice of products and the amounts you are permitted to buy? It’s called 'SOCIALISM practice.'

Agree, this would be the choice of a Corbyn govt without a virus, dodged a bullet there :-D

What's the betting that this Tory govt will keep alot of the new rules on the statute books in a couple of years time, why did they put these 'temporary' powers into place for 2 years anyway!!? (Answer: so they can bring in draconian laws on the back of Covid19)
Forbidden gatherings? Government dictating which businesses are allowed to stay open? Social distancing? Standing in long lines to get into a supermarket? Finding most of the shelves empty once inside? Limited choice of products and the amounts you are permitted to buy? It’s called 'SOCIALISM practice.'
Was with you all the way, right up until you said "Socialism"...'cos there I was expecting "Fascism" instead....

Maybe Covid-19 is not the only infection originating in the Chinese empire. I feel a sudden urge to burn some books and open a camp or two...or perhaps, once again, I'm behind the curve.
.... Standing in long lines to get into a supermarket? Finding most of the shelves empty once inside?
Limited choice of products* and the amounts you are permitted to buy? It’s called 'SOCIALISM practice.'

*I take that you've never shopped at Aldi/Lidl😛

Back from a stroll up Streatham H Road. I can report that we do indeed appear to have reached Peak Stupid after all and in some places we're on the down slope. No queues to get into Tesco, Aldi, Lidl and they all had mountains of toilet paper and Lidl had three full pallets of Long Life milk almost blocking an aisle. For reasons beyond me, 50 people queuing at Iceland and about a dozen at Sainsbury's with everybody practising Unsociable Distancing. 90% of staff wearing masks and Aldi have put up screens the cashier's desks.

Impressed at how many citizens walking along seemingly oblivious to the new norm. Is this stupidity or ignorance...or perhaps revolt? Whatever the answer I think that there'll be less of them fairly soon.
Apparently, the virus received a private classical education after nursery ...

As, if one has blue blood, one only need self-isolate for 7 days, rather than the 14 required of unwashed peasants.

(It's assumed the peasants are unwashed, as there is no soap to be had in their super-malls)

Back from a stroll up Streatham H Road. I can report that we do indeed appear to have reached Peak Stupid after all and in some places we're on the down slope. No queues to get into Tesco, Aldi, Lidl and they all had mountains of toilet paper and Lidl had three full pallets of Long Life milk almost blocking an aisle. For reasons beyond me, 50 people queuing at Iceland and about a dozen at Sainsbury's with everybody practising Unsociable Distancing. 90% of staff wearing masks and Aldi have put up screens the cashier's desks.

Impressed at how many citizens walking along seemingly oblivious to the new norm. Is this stupidity or ignorance...or perhaps revolt? Whatever the answer I think that there'll be less of them fairly soon.
I saw more people walking around yesterday than I have done on 'normal' weekends. (I was out foraging for food).
Tell people walking is GOOD for them and they will resolutely stay indoors and watch the idiot box, tell them they MUST stay inside and you here cries of "It's my constitutional right to take a constitutional" (see what I did there) "we're all going for a walk"!
Back from a stroll up Streatham H Road. I can report that we do indeed appear to have reached Peak Stupid after all and in some places we're on the down slope. No queues to get into Tesco, Aldi, Lidl and they all had mountains of toilet paper and Lidl had three full pallets of Long Life milk almost blocking an aisle. For reasons beyond me, 50 people queuing at Iceland and about a dozen at Sainsbury's with everybody practising Unsociable Distancing. 90% of staff wearing masks and Aldi have put up screens the cashier's desks.

Impressed at how many citizens walking along seemingly oblivious to the new norm. Is this stupidity or ignorance...or perhaps revolt? Whatever the answer I think that there'll be less of them fairly soon.

This chap was practicing social distancing and got fined for it.

This chap was practicing social distancing and got fined for it.


He missed his window of opportunity to evade the roadblocks.

Elesewhere, more crackpot officials are cracking-down on the sale of Easter Eggs by convenience stores, as these are deemed to be non-eggsential products in breach of coronavirus curbs.

There's an excellent interview with Lord Sumption on BBC Radio 4's 'World at One' hosted by Jonny Dymond. He pretty much made all the points that have - and are being - made on this thread. 10/10 to auntie for broadcasting it, as most of Sumption's comments fly in the face of the mainstream narrative. Well worth a listen if you can . . .
World at One
.... (I was out foraging for food).
I do like the idea of you competing with the squirrels and urban foxes for sustenance - are you going for nuts and roots in the parks ...or just ferreting through bins?
Tell people walking is GOOD for them and they will resolutely stay indoors and watch the idiot box, tell them they MUST stay inside and you here cries of "It's my constitutional right to take a constitutional" (see what I did there) ...nope. Over my head mate...
"we're all going for a walk"!

I take the point though - indeed, albeit on the High Road, I too was going for my morning institutional....mask, gloves, balaclava, sawn-off - the works. I find staff are refreshingly eager to serve me these days. Life is good.
Apparently, the virus received a private classical education after nursery ...
As, if one has blue blood, one only need self-isolate for 7 days, rather than the 14 required of unwashed peasants.
(It's assumed the peasants are unwashed, as there is no soap to be had in their super-malls)
"Peasants" as in: provincials, tillers of the soil, rednecks etc? Do they even have super-malls in the Bayous?
Do you have any data for Washed Peasants as the control group? And are you including the urban proletariat under the greater "peasant" term, as well as their country cousins? I feel that these are important variables in any serious statistical analysis.
There's an excellent interview with Lord Sumption on BBC Radio 4's 'World at One' hosted by Jonny Dymond. He pretty much made all the points that have - and are being - made on this thread. 10/10 to auntie for broadcasting it, as most of Sumption's comments fly in the face of the mainstream narrative. Well worth a listen if you can . . .
World at One
Thank you for the link. A voice of sanity among the hysteria.
Extract from a 2015 Italian documentary discussing the experimentation into Covids.

I liked the documentary but the fact that it was through RAIR rather put me off. Their acronym stands for "Rise Align Ignite Reclaim" which rang an alarm bell for me. I then found out that they used to be called 'Resistance Against Islamic Radicals". ...which rang another, louder one.

On their Youtube channel/site thingy the say: "(RAIR).... is a grassroots activist organization comprised of everyday Americans leading a movement to reclaim our Republic from the network of individuals and organizations waging war on Americans, our Constitution, our borders and our Judeo-Christian values."

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