Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Its an AVERAGE year for 'flu' deaths.

Here's a little chart SKY slipped in at the end of a maths lesson when 90% of the population had zoned out (at 5 minutes 25 seconds that surpasses most sky news watchers attention span).
And being AVERAGE means more people have died in previous years!


In my experience when things don’t pan out exactly as it says on the tin it’s usually as a result of cock-up rather than some hidden agenda or conspiracy. Sure, things are hidden and porkies told but that’s usually to avoid admitting to some cock-up or another.

By the same token I also believe that our elected politicians and government act in what they consider to be the best interests of our country and its people and not in conspiracy to further some hidden agenda. A bit of self interest and bias toward some sections of our community creeps in but, overall, they are genuine in their actions however misguided those actions might turn out to be In retrospect.

The bitter political wrangling over brexit, for example, was born from strong convictions about what was best for the country - remainers and leavers alike.
In my experience when things don’t pan out exactly as it says on the tin it’s usually as a result of cock-up rather than some hidden agenda or conspiracy. Sure, things are hidden and porkies told but that’s usually to avoid admitting to some cock-up or another.

By the same token I also believe that our elected politicians and government act in what they consider to be the best interests of our country and its people and not in conspiracy to further some hidden agenda. A bit of self interest and bias toward some sections of our community creeps in but, overall, they are genuine in their actions however misguided those actions might turn out to be In retrospect.

The bitter political wrangling over brexit, for example, was born from strong convictions about what was best for the country - remainers and leavers alike.
I think Brexit was largely decided by people who had a no personal interest but just a prejudice against immigration etc.
Rather startling and depressing observation about the World Health Organisation (WHO) from Carl Benjamin . . .

Its an AVERAGE year for 'flu' deaths.

Here's a little chart SKY slipped in at the end of a maths lesson when 90% of the population had zoned out (at 5 minutes 25 seconds that surpasses most sky news watchers attention span).
And being AVERAGE means more people have died in previous years!

It's not just complicated terms like "average" that people struggle with. Even the humble "minimum" seems just too arcane to grasp for most folk. I'm thinking of the social distancing minimum of two metres.

Had an amble up to Streatham H Rd to check on stupidity levels and was pleased to see that the scrums at the supermarkets are now a thing of the past...unfortunately, the idea that someone not wearing a mask and/or gloves, shouting rubbish into their mobile and spraying the plague far and wide might not be the same proximity risk as someone mute in full fetish latex with a respirator, is just too complicated.

I nearly joined a queue for the bank until I saw that the ladies in front of me were taking their masks down and repeatedly stepping up to each other to discuss something obviously worth risking their lives for before stepping away again. All this whilst some wretched child from Brixton (a whole two miles away!) died yesterday.

I wonder if Darwinian principles might just work here and the average* intelligence of the population will be seen to have risen after this current unpleasantness.

* "average", again! What could it mean?
It's not just complicated terms like "average" that people struggle with. Even the humble "minimum" seems just too arcane to grasp for most folk. I'm thinking of the social distancing minimum of two metres.

Had an amble up to Streatham H Rd to check on stupidity levels and was pleased to see that the scrums at the supermarkets are now a thing of the past...unfortunately, the idea that someone not wearing a mask and/or gloves, shouting rubbish into their mobile and spraying the plague far and wide might not be the same proximity risk as someone mute in full fetish latex with a respirator, is just too complicated.

I nearly joined a queue for the bank until I saw that the ladies in front of me were taking their masks down and repeatedly stepping up to each other to discuss something obviously worth risking their lives for before stepping away again. All this whilst some wretched child from Brixton (a whole two miles away!) died yesterday.

I wonder if Darwinian principles might just work here and the average* intelligence of the population will be seen to have risen after this current unpleasantness.

* "average", again! What could it mean?

Looks like Timsk missed a trick here to jump in and comment on your'e decidedly average post. 😗
hey canta,
I am finding people are sticking to the 2m rule, except for chatty women, who seem to have a lower threshold for personal space, especially for other women.
I wish people wouldn't take their kids shopping, especially if both parents are out; you would think one would stay home, or in the car. Not that I am being paranoid.
I think shopping is now enjoyable what with the counting the number of people allowed at a time. Hope they keep it.
It is lovely and quiet, otherwise.

I have stopped cleaning and dusting everything now. I think I will wait for all clear, as I don't want to waste my time on something if I'm going to drop dead, so the lawn can just wait.

Hope you're all exercising, and moving about. HIIT twice a day!

I think the Darwinian principles are good, in principle, just a shame to read about 13-yr-olds and 19-yr-olds dropping.

I read an article on "dark number theory" relating to Covid-19, but can't retrieve it.
About incubation periods, and how current infection rates may be behind the curve, etc.
Frustrated I can't find it, really good article.
Hi DK,
10/10 for your answers to my first two questions - not quite so strong on the third! ;-)

I'll take your salutation of thanking me for challenging your beliefs at face value - good on you for that. Given what you say - there's nothing in your reply that I can see to suggest the virus is a hoax (as per the definition I provided). I accept fully that you have many concerns about it, ranging from it's origins, numbers infected, deaths, the lock downs, who benefits by it and the politics of it etc., etc. To a greater or lesser extent, I think most of us on this forum share many of those concerns and have - and will continue - to challenge aspects of what we're being fed by MSM. However, that's a very different kettle of fish from denouncing the whole thing as a hoax. Even if the virus was deliberately created and released by some evil James Bond style villain seeking global domination - the virus is still real - it's still out there - people are still catching it and tens of thousands are dying with it. (Note I said with it - not from it.)

Coronavirus could be many things that we're not being told about, nonetheless, the overwhelming evidence is that it exists. It's most definitely not a hoax. I believe I've had it (but can't be sure as I've not been tested), and I only experienced moderate symptoms. Even so, it was unlike any illness I've had as an adult; no barrel of laughs I can tell you! To conclude, I urge you in the strongest terms possible to drop the hoax claim as it weakens - rather than strengthens - your overall argument and paints you personally as being a a lone extremist who is unwilling or unable to accept reality. This is strong language I know, and not meant to be offensive, but I want to impress upon you how some members (not all) may perceive you - and this on a forum where there is broad interest in - and some support for - your views on this topic.

Last year, around this time, I was working in a hospital. I picked up something that wiped me out for 2 days. I couldn't even tell you what the symptoms were, but I didn't feel normal. Couldn't stay awake and couldn't eat. Slept for 17 hours straight at one point during that.

If the media had said that a dangerous novel virus was going around, that would not have made me think it was a hoax, since 'Id just had what was for me, a novel illness.

Numbers/symptoms/claims about what it is, currently are a long long way from being enough to justify the response.

The response will probably be the central focus of debate unless big numbers of people start dying. Claims about the lockdown averting disaster aren't going to really be convincing, when, for example, you have people flying into the country unchecked. Anyone been using a cashpoint without gloves? Or a shopping trolley? Or a petrol pump?

But your main point about calling it a hoax and not providing a crucial piece of evidence to support it does trouble me, yes.
Who wouldn't want proof of what they believe beyond any shadow of a doubt.?

Timsk you are also in this position of having no incontrovertible evidence at this point.:

'the virus is still real - it's still out there - people are still catching it and tens of thousands are dying with it'.

This is what we have been told- you cannot prove it. There are mediical professionals who are challenging it. And there is a history of 'pandemics' that were nothing of the sort.

If I am troubled with doubts, you must also be, unless you can provide what you demand of me.

You say:

'Even if the virus was deliberately created..'

For me , 'deliberately created', could conform to the problem/reaction/solution model.

If that were the case, that could come under the umbrealla of a hoax.

But on the balance of what we have both said here... I'm withdrawing the word Hoax.

You're right. Calling it that isn't helpful right now.

Questioning everything we are shown and told... that will suffice.
Rather startling and depressing observation about the World Health Organisation (WHO) from Carl Benjamin . . .

I thought it odd that the head of WHO praised the Chinese at every opportunity when the news was first released.

Then I wondered why anyone would be praising the Chinese even before the pandemic, given the history of the Chinese.

But then we have a global Chinese takeover which has been in progress since they dropped the full on communism and started embracing a sort of controlled capitalism around 20 years ago, now they are taking over all sorts of foreign industries and foreign state infrastructures, their people are everywhere you go, they really are a silent invading force.

So no surprises that they will have manipulated many high level pockets for their own use, go China! NOT!
Probably the states with a record of fibbing are up to their old tricks.
Someone tried to leak out of Russia but hasn't been heard from since.
China is closing its borders to the press - a real tell tale sign.
North Korea claiming it has no deaths ! Well they aren't known for being in the least truthful about anything.
AND SO ON...................................
Maybe there is a second wave ?
Probably the states with a record of fibbing are up to their old tricks.
Someone tried to leak out of Russia but hasn't been heard from since.
China is closing its borders to the press - a real tell tale sign.
North Korea claiming it has no deaths ! Well they aren't known for being in the least truthful about anything.
AND SO ON...................................
Maybe there is a second wave ?

It's entirely reasonable to assume that North Korea has no deaths. One of the very few countries where Borders are strictly policed and trade is almost non existent.
... wonder if Darwinian principles might just work here and the average* intelligence of the population will be seen to have risen after this current unpleasantness.
Indeed this may turn out so ...
Now this causes me to reflect that if 'stupidity' were defined as a genetic trait, then in my own albeit limited experience of fellow members of the species, this leads to the inevitable conclusion that it is a most favorable one !! Might even go as far as to suggest that you could use the word interchangeably with 'fittest' in suitability for survival.

But hey, it's probably just my biased perception or one of those weird and ridiculous sex-related traits that gets wildly exaggerated out of all proportion and selected for because if you can afford to expend vast surplus resources on being that incredibly stupid, then you must be really really fit breeding stock.

. . . If I am troubled with doubts, you must also be, unless you can provide what you demand of me. . .
Hi DK,
Indeed, I have many doubts about the pandemic in general, some of which - perhaps many - are the same as yours. But I have no doubt whatsoever that Coronavirus is real and that it's most definitely not a hoax. I would suggest that given the entire world is harping on about it 24/7, it would be prudent to assume that it's not a hoax unless and until you can prove that it is. The benefit of doubt (not that there is any as far as I'm concerned) must surely go with the numerous health professionals the length and breadth of the globe who say we've got ourselves a wee problem. I say this notwithstanding the video I posted this morning which doesn't paint the WHO in very favourable light. Anyway, I'm glad you've decided to withdraw your use of the word hoax - very wise!
.... must surely go with the numerous health professionals the length and breadth of the globe who say we've got ourselves a wee problem.
... and many of us here are convinced that those numerous health professionals the length and breadth of the globe are themselves causing a somewhat bigger problem than the wee problem they are so busy telling us about !!
