Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Anyone come across any roadblocks ?
I suppose they are on non motorway roads mainly.
Just like The Bandit movies.
There's an excellent interview with Lord Sumption on BBC Radio 4's 'World at One' hosted by Jonny Dymond. He pretty much made all the points that have - and are being - made on this thread. 10/10 to auntie for broadcasting it, as most of Sumption's comments fly in the face of the mainstream narrative. Well worth a listen if you can . . .
World at One

And since when does 'Auntie' do freedom of speech?

It looks like 3 clowns to me

'Sumption reflects that May “did her loyal best to limit the damage” caused by Brexit'.

What fcuking damage!!

Did she do that by telling us Brexit means Brexit and that no Deal was better than a bad deal, while conniving behind our backs and working against her own negotiating team?

What's the difference between May and Boris who was willing to sign the deal that he said would turn us into a 'vassal state'

How does a traitor who ignores a democratic vote 'deserve respect' and become elevated above another traitor who was willing to sign her lousy deal?

What is the difference between Boris the clown and Sumpton the clown who actually looks like a clown and talks like a clown by assuming nobody can point out his hypocrisy and downright deceit?

All the world's a stage.

Looks to me like this guy's new job is to blackwash dissent against the hoax by acting the cliche slightly senile retired judge.

If he was a cluedo piece he'd be Colonel Mustard rewriting the history books in the library.

Verdict: Another gatekeeper
Case closed
Anyone come across any roadblocks ?
I suppose they are on non motorway roads mainly.
Just like The Bandit movies.

Not yet.

It's sleepy town here.

Don't get me wrong. I can hardly wait for things to get worse .

And you know why they will absolutely get worse?

Because there is no push back. Just meek obedience.

No pushback?..move to next stage.

Who is running the country/world?

What is it all for really?

Why is it never enough?

What more do the people who have all the power and more money than some countries want from us?
And since when does 'Auntie' do freedom of speech?

It looks like 3 clowns to me . . .
Hi DK,
I suspect we're at cross purposes here: the interview with Sumption was on the radio at lunchtime today. Let us know if you disagree with his comments; I found them very refreshing and totally at odds with everyone else that I've heard or seen interviewed regarding Covid 19 on mainstream media.
What more do the people who have all the power and more money than some countries want from us?

Central Bankers and Governments needed a scapegoat for more bailouts and QE, otherwise they would be forced to admit their response to the 2008 GFC was a complete and utter failure. I also have have an ominous feeling this is a trial balloon for something else...
Hi DK,
I suspect we're at cross purposes here: the interview with Sumption was on the radio at lunchtime today. Let us know if you disagree with his comments; I found them very refreshing and totally at odds with everyone else that I've heard or seen interviewed regarding Covid 19 on mainstream media.
Others can judge for themselves. I'm not a preacher/don't want to be argumentative
Central Bankers and Governments needed a scapegoat, otherwise they would be forced to admit their response to the 2008 GFC was a complete and utter failure. However I have have an ominous feeling this is a trial balloon for something else...

Well, they already got away with that, so there's no need for a new scapegoat. 'something else' yes

OTOH, we're on the same side:

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
― Frank Zappa

We need more Frank Zappas in the world
Loo rolls back in stock in Asda! Got myself some sumptious quilted 4-ply, that is befitting for someone of my stature.
I am guessing this is how long it takes before having a clean ass starts to chaff for the populace.

Milk. Bread. Tea. Cake. Chicken. Pizzas. Fresh veg, fruit, etc. All good.
Still no eggs, nor pasta!
But, have no fear, Sainsburys have them in abundance. Eggs, at least.
Still no soap, so clean hands are catching on.
Multi-vitamins seem to be on the low-side. Still, got myself some Vit-C, Zinc, Vit-D, and lots of fresh ginger.
Mostly restocked my wine collection. You can't go wrong with a Reisling.
Went earlier in the day, there was a queue to get in, so went back home. Went this afternoon, no queue, and no real lack of anything.
It is a strange experience, this quietness.
Didn't trade today.
Hope you got some pips.
...the rest of the money?
If it's some grand cull, the elites would likely kill off the people in the western developed countries, and keep the poor in other countries alive, to do their bidding, since they are already used to a meagre living.
Remember, we have exported all our manufacturing abroad to poor countries anyway, so we aren't needed. And most of our money / assets are held electronically; they can be lost in a flash.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
I don't have any older person to worry about but I know some of you do .

I wanted to talk to my partner who is a carer first before I posted this because it is only a single source

But she has personal* anecdotal evidence that NHS will break the law and this may have got worse in the current situation.

*Pneumonia case where my partner discovered DNR notice and alerted the daughter to investigate why that had been placed on her mother.

In other news ...

I posted this on the ftse thread but its more appropriate here.
Thursday at 10:00 AM
2 months after the China outbreak started no more cases reported.
Italy is 3 weeks into the virus and should be seeing a falling number of cases within days, (lets see how long it takes MSM to report GOOD news like that).
The rest of us in the UK will be following Italy by 10 to 14 days.
All in my non medical opinion of course, just basic maths.


We've just had 2 days of lower numbers from Italy, the virus is behaving exactly how it did in China despite the lack of lockdowns.

Boris has played a blinder (he's a clever chap) his boffins have looked at the data and come to the conclusion UK virus stats are highly likely to fall in the next 10 - 14 days and so has declared a 3 week lockdown. This means we will have had 5 days of falling numbers before rules are relaxed and he can say the emergency powers he demanded are working and he's the hero who saved Great Britain from the dreaded lurgy.

Lower numbers of reported cases in the UK seven days after Italy reported lower numbers!

Italy's death rate has been falling for 2 days, expect UK death rate to start falling in 7 days time.

The maths says the total number of deaths will be double the amount from the point of rates reducing, for Italy that will be almost exactly 20,000. Its too early to say for the UK but its likely to be less than 8,000.

Knowledge dispels fear.
I liked the documentary but the fact that it was through RAIR rather put me off. Their acronym stands for "Rise Align Ignite Reclaim" which rang an alarm bell for me. I then found out that they used to be called 'Resistance Against Islamic Radicals". ...which rang another, louder one.

On their Youtube channel/site thingy the say: "(RAIR).... is a grassroots activist organization comprised of everyday Americans leading a movement to reclaim our Republic from the network of individuals and organizations waging war on Americans, our Constitution, our borders and our Judeo-Christian values."

It doesn't surprise me, the channel it comes from can swing to the extreme on occasion. This one is quite firmly in the conspiracy theory bucket.

Out of all the theories out there, which could be closest to the truth!
Lets see how this pans out.

Reporting CountryTotal confirmed casesNew casesTotal deathsTotal new deaths
United States of America122,653 19,332 2,112 444
Mexico 848 131 16 4

COVID who.
