Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Yep, essentially they will be operating under wartime rules. Selecting who can be saved from the get go and discarding the rest. ICU staff to patient ratio's normally 1:1 will be 1:6 as a starting figure. For those receiving treatment, induced coma, no fannying about with niceties, 1 patient, 1 visitor, 1 hr then out. If terminal, 2 visitors, 1 hr then out.

You have indeed met the source.

For a flavour of how bad things are, look at Italy.

Whilst I don’t disagree with the visitor ratios the actual “triage” of patients is on a graduated scale ie it depends on the patient load, so it’s not from the “get go” as such which is slightly alarmist!
The ratio of staff to patients in ICU gets expanded first but eventually they may run out of beds. Also be aware there are different categories of ICU/HDU - depends on the complexity of the patient hence staffing ratio flex.
“Priority 4 or Pri 1 hold” for treatment really is only when completely swamped.
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And so it begins.

CME says Ronin Capital unable to meet capital requirements

I'm struggling to see the climate change angle in all of this. BBC have just about dropped all the climate extinction propaganda in favour of the corona extinction minority propaganda, we appear to be at the 'but what about the poor children' stage, which is how they frame all wars and illegal immigration crisisees at the start.
Hi Sig - it's that time again:

This appears to me to be either naïve or disingenuous. I considered cynical but ruled it out because our Sig isn't that kind of chap🙂

So, isn't this just another case of the more sensational surpassing the less? ... and rising to the top of the excrement pile*...a sort of shit convection, if you will.

I'm sure that we'll go back to saving the gerbil and worrying about those big ice cubes when the virus (and us) have died down but in the meantime the Beeb have to go with the LCD of the moment.

* I agonised over the the mass noun here as it seems that it would have a lot to do with consistency, a variable as yet unspecified by the Corporation.
Emergency services friends are complaining about the numbers of people on the streets putting the emergency services at risk, I expect this message will be at central govt soon enough. Govt comms plan is too slow and too grey for people to follow, unless they are actually stopped from doing things, then they will carry on.
Whilst I don’t disagree with the visitor ratios the actual “triage” of patients is on a graduated scale ie it depends on the patient load, so it’s not from the “get go” as such which is slightly alarmist!
The ratio of staff to patients in ICU gets expanded first but eventually they may run out of beds. Also be aware there are different categories of ICU/HDU - depends on the complexity of the patient hence staffing ratio flex.
“Priority 4 or Pri 1 hold” for treatment really is only when completely swamped.

I think that the powers they will vote for themselves (tomorrow?) will give them control and management of the deceased. So if you are considered recoverable then you still have a daily visit, if you are terminal then you will be gone to a morgue pretty quickly after the final 2 person visit (unless survived until the following day). Public temporary morgues will be managed and out of family control until such time that a funeral can be arranged.
Pubs and Clubs closed for 6 months in Australia.
Not a bad thing.

Get out there buy water and walk.
So let's see, 2 weeks behind Italy are we? I'd say that now we have passed the 50 a day mark are we level pegging with Italy when their shutters came down?
Meanwhile ........


Snowdonia National Park in the UK is experiencing record breaking visitor numbers this weekend as humans rush to spread Coronavirus far and wide as fast as possible.

Not even on the busiest ever Bank Holidays has the area seen such an influx of disease infested zombies from cities.

The local populace, which happily flogged them all second homes at vastly inflated prices and taxes them extortionately for not occupying them year-round, now takes to barricading the roads to prevent them from coming to self-isolate themselves in the countryside. [After all, the tourist guesthouses, pubs, clubs and restaurants have all been closed, so they can't spend any money, just bring disease with them.] ..... Athough 🤔 Have ice-cream vans been banned ?? 😛

A sign of times to come, as things begin to get ugly, perhaps ???

Meanwhile ........


Snowdonia National Park in the UK is experiencing record breaking visitor numbers this weekend as humans rush to spread Coronavirus far and wide as fast as possible.

Not even on the busiest ever Bank Holidays has the area seen such an influx of disease infested zombies from cities.

The local populace, which happily flogged them all second homes at vastly inflated prices and taxes them extortionately for not occupying them year-round, now takes to barricading the roads to prevent them from coming to self-isolate themselves in the countryside. [After all, the tourist guesthouses, pubs, clubs and restaurants have all been closed, so they can't spend any money, just bring disease with them.] ..... Athough 🤔 Have ice-cream vans been banned ?? 😛

A sign of times to come, as things begin to get ugly, perhaps ???


So the strategy must have failed, I predict lockdown this evening.
In open defiance of Emperor Boris
the heathen tribes North of The Wall drink merrily to the demise of Empire in the many still very open pubs and bars.

Expect Legions of constables to be mobilized forthwith to enforce the compliance of the drunken riff-raff.

The traditional modus of ensuring compliance (raising Berwick-upon-Tweed to Ashes*) doesn't seem to be on the agenda yet, but it's always worked before ......

*(possibly because it's been in English hands since the last time in 1482)

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“For God’s sake, Atilla, I said a cheerful, chappie shot you pillock.”

I thought he looked funny. Depends on ones perspective I guess.

Here you go see if this helps.

Stupid-19: the new global threat that doctors won’t tell you about

Coronavirus can make you credulous and may lead to complete stupidity.

This is the shocking discovery that the World Health Organisation and other so-called experts are keeping from the public to protect the billionaire producers of hand sanitisers and bleach.

The good news is that Covid-19 related imbecility can be cured by staying at least a metre from social media and by disinfecting tabloid newspapers by burning them before you read them.

Here are the four danger signs for anyone worried that they may be going down with Stupid-19. You will be more than usually susceptible to:
1.Conspiracy theories
2.Crank cures
3.Fake facts
4.Self-appointed experts and pandemic “influencers”

None of what follows is made up, though it would be much better for humanity if it had been.

Among the more convincing conspiracy theories is that Covid-19 is the work of Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist. Thunberg will stop at nothing to prevent the destruction of the planet, if necessary by destroying its carbon-emitting inhabitants with respiratory diseases developed in her secret labs.

Others suspect the makers of hand sanitisers, personal protective equipment and ventilators of conspiring to promote their products, though the law of diminishing returns will kick in if their marketing ploy proves too successful. There’s a delicate balance to be struck between stimulating demand and wiping out your global customer base.

Then there is the theory that it’s all an elaborate hoax designed to prevent Brexit, a cunning plan to frustrate the will of the people, a delaying tactic to postpone the consummation of years of passionate taking back control foreplay. Underhand, yes, but still an impressive achievement to fake tens of thousands of infections and thousands of deaths. It couldn’t have been done without the collusion of foreign governments, which proves that we were right to vote to leave Europe and should probably consider a British exit from the rest of the world just to be on the safe side.

Other theories are that China created the virus to reduce its ageing population, that the CIA came up with it to damage the Chinese economy, that it’s all the work of Jews (who also successfully engineered the Black Death nearly 700 years ago) or, equally plausibly, a plot by the “mega-rich control freaks” Bill Gates and George Soros whose philanthropic activities – to the value or around $67bn at last count – are a cover for a genocidal population control agenda. The latter claim comes from Piers Corbyn, known to be the brainier of the Corbyn brothers.

In Iran, hundreds of people drank methanol after hearing that it was effective against coronavirus. It is, but only in the sense that the 37 who died will be untroubled by health issues of any kind in future. Drinking bleach is another popular remedy that “your doctor won’t tell you about” with good reason.

As usual, the French do these things in style. Authorities there were sufficiently worried about the spread of advice that snorting large quantities of cocaine would prevent infection that a health minister was obliged to go on national television to deny it. His animated performance in front of the cameras suggests that even politicians are sometimes susceptible to ideas from the fringe of popular science.

Interesting fake facts include a theory that the worst-affected places are those like Wuhan that are at 40 degrees of latitude, that the disease is spread by household pets and that black people are immune.

Perhaps the most telling sign that evolution has some way to go is the impact of the crisis on sales of the beer brand Corona, which was previously notable only for its blandness. It has been reported that 38% of beer drinkers in the US won’t drink Corona either because they fear it is the source of the outbreak or because they’re not prepared to take unnecessary risks with their brains by using them.

And of course every crisis needs experts to guide us through. Donald Trump, a “noted epidemiologist” according to Vanity Fair, went on record last month with his belief that the Covid-19 crisis would be short-lived and would “miraculously” come to an end in April. Leaked documents from Public Health England suggest that it may take 12 months, but what do doctors and scientists know about miracles?

In his inimitable style, the same Dr Trump this week also made clear the gravity of the situation: “People are dying who have never died before.”

If you think you or someone you follow on social media may have been mentally incapacitated by coronavirus news, do not go to your nearest hospital or your GP. They can’t help you. Nobody can.
Whilst I don’t disagree with the visitor ratios the actual “triage” of patients is on a graduated scale ie it depends on the patient load, so it’s not from the “get go” as such which is slightly alarmist!
The ratio of staff to patients in ICU gets expanded first but eventually they may run out of beds. Also be aware there are different categories of ICU/HDU - depends on the complexity of the patient hence staffing ratio flex.
“Priority 4 or Pri 1 hold” for treatment really is only when completely swamped.

Sorry, to clarify. From the get go means, at the point the patient arrives at ICU. After all, if the patient has been deemed to need the services of ICU, then we can reasonably assume that others within the service have already assessed that they need to be there. The alarming part is that the patient will be put into coma so that the dept can focus their limited resource solely on administering treatment. The severe restrictions on visitors will be many fold, including, Staff won't have time to deal with them. Limit risk of spread. Visitors just get in the way and wouldn't be found in a field hospital situation, which ties in nicely with the "war footing" terminology.