Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

IMO we're rapidly approaching Peak Stupidity with regard to panic buying.

The supermarket chains have been working on their supply chains and delivery processes for a few weeks now and the results will start to become apparent in days. Already this morning, Lidl Streatham was fairly normal at 10h00 whilst Iceland had a scrum of about 100 people waiting outside. The smaller chain outlets and independent shops in the area appear almost normal. M&S was quite relaxed - got my bargain booze from Lidl and some nice pork from M&S. I considered the duck but abstained as I'm the only anatiphile in the family. Heathens the lot of them!

Like the Tulip bubble, bog roll fever will go the same way - though arguably the latter items are more useful.

Agree. I can confirm with insider information, M&S Foodhalls have no issue with supplies. Simply the velocity of stuff flying off the shelves.

Issue is one of logistics increasing the frequency of deliveries and trying to find drivers to make them.

I have a sneaky suspicion obesity levels will rise as a consequence of Covid-19. Pizza's all gone as well as all the bread as well as all the flour. Amazing stuff. Peeps are really going into this hibernation at a deep deep level. Fancy running out of bread and flower. I wouldn't be surprised if the price of land goes up next when some well to do consumers start stocking up on farms. 🤣
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No figures in yet for Italy and France, but we can be certain that today we will top 300k cases worldwide.
. . . Still, the “experts” are running things so that’s alright, then.
Is this anecdotal Jon - or from personal experience? If the latter, do you think you've contracted the virus? Fingers crossed it's the former! Either way, I agree with you - it makes no sense at all.

As the weeks go by, the government could be faced with civil unrest if certain groups or sectors of society feel they're getting a raw deal and that preferential treatment (in every sense of the word) is being afforded to others. I was chatting to my neighbour this morning whose husband is knocking on a bit and she's concerned about what could happen to him if he gets ill. Holiday homes down here are filling up fast as the exodus from London gets underway. If push comes to shove, her fear is that a younger - and otherwise healthy Londoner - will be given a hospital bed in preference to her elderly hubby. I can see a whole new strata of identity politics beginning to emerge.
Iranian province 'has more deaths from alcohol poisoning than virus'
Paul Brown
BBC Monitoring
An Iranian man wearing a face mask sprays alcohol on the hands of another man. Photo: March 2020

AFP/Getty ImagesCopyright: AFP/Getty Images
Iran's is one of the world's worst-hit countriesImage caption: Iran's is one of the world's worst-hit countries
More people have now died in Iran's Fars province from alcohol poisoning while trying to protect themselves from the coronavirus than from the disease itself, Iranian media report.
Mohammad Javad Moradian, the director of the province's emergency services centre, told Isna news agency that Covid-19 had killed 13 people in Fars, while 66 have died after drinking industrial-strength alcohol.
A persistent rumour in Iran claims that drinking alcohol helps protect individuals from contracting the virus.
Iran has now confirmed 20,610 cases and 1,556 deaths from the disease

🙄 🙄 🙄
Is this anecdotal Jon - or from personal experience? If the latter, do you think you've contracted the virus? Fingers crossed it's the former! Either way, I agree with you - it makes no sense at all.

As the weeks go by, the government could be faced with civil unrest if certain groups or sectors of society feel they're getting a raw deal and that preferential treatment (in every sense of the word) is being afforded to others. I was chatting to my neighbour this morning whose husband is knocking on a bit and she's concerned about what could happen to him if he gets ill. Holiday homes down here are filling up fast as the exodus from London gets underway. If push comes to shove, her fear is that a younger - and otherwise healthy Londoner - will be given a hospital bed in preference to her elderly hubby. I can see a whole new strata of identity politics beginning to emerge.

The gov website says don’t call 111 and says nothing about whether you should report it or not. Pretty sure I’ve not had (don’t have) it although Pam (my one) is not so sure. Emergency doctor didn’t consider it and she talked only of lung infection.
... Fancy running out of bread and flower. I wouldn't be surprised if the price of land goes up next when some well to do consumers start stocking up on farms. 🤣
I'm sure you meant flour stocks have gone, and the thing about that is those stupid enough to stockpile flour will have no idea how to make bread with it! Most of this stuff food will end up in landfill in the next 6 months.
Tot Cases/
1M pop
S. Korea8,799+147102+82,6126,08559172

6,500 new cases in Italy and 800 deaths in a day

Well previously all experts were to be believed. These days maybe only some of them !
😀 I don’t think I’ve ever said all experts should be believed - those who can back up their statements with irrefutable evidence, maybe. If I did say such a thing it’s then that I was loopy.
😀 I don’t think I’ve ever said all experts should be believed - those who can back up their statements with irrefutable evidence, maybe. If I did say such a thing it’s then that I was loopy.

Ahha, like all those experts from remania on Brexit. 🤭 😷😛
Ahha, like all those experts from remania on Brexit. 🤭 😷😛
No, my position on those was that they had proof of how our economy had done whilst in EU whereas those who claimed we would do better outside had only an Informed opinion (from a brexiteer’s perspective) or wishful thinking (from a remainer‘s perspective). But not brexit again for Gawd’s sake.
Just had an update on ICU staff briefing on Covid19 and all i'm going to say is, the elderly and at risk need to avoid catching this virus at all costs. Stay in self isolation and don't be tempted to go against the rules.
Fully agree and for the long haul. It’s likely that those who have a lower risk profile will have to go back to work etc. Those in the higher risk profile need to be isolated for ?months and effectively supported to be able to do that.
Just had an update on ICU staff briefing on Covid19 and all i'm going to say is, the elderly and at risk need to avoid catching this virus at all costs. Stay in self isolation and don't be tempted to go against the rules.
Read and understood, cv. I’m in lock-down.
Just had an update on ICU staff briefing on Covid19 and all i'm going to say is, the elderly and at risk need to avoid catching this virus at all costs. Stay in self isolation and don't be tempted to go against the rules.
Hi c_v,
Can you inform the subscribers to the thread what your connection is to "ICU staff briefing on Covid19" please? Is it via Mrs. c_v? Some detail would be appreciated, otherwise this statement comes across as a tad alarmist and based on nothing more than hearsay. Just sayin' (as someone with no less than five people among close family in the 'at risk' group' - including Mrs. timsk's son who's asthmatic)!
Hi c_v,
Can you inform the subscribers to the thread what your connection is to "ICU staff briefing on Covid19" please? Is it via Mrs. c_v? Some detail would be appreciated, otherwise this statement comes across as a tad alarmist and based on nothing more than hearsay. Just sayin' (as someone with no less than five people among close family in the 'at risk' group' - including Mrs. timsk's son who's asthmatic)!

Yep, essentially they will be operating under wartime rules. Selecting who can be saved from the get go and discarding the rest. ICU staff to patient ratio's normally 1:1 will be 1:6 as a starting figure. For those receiving treatment, induced coma, no fannying about with niceties, 1 patient, 1 visitor, 1 hr then out. If terminal, 2 visitors, 1 hr then out.

You have indeed met the source.

For a flavour of how bad things are, look at Italy.

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