Oscar Reed
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Coronavirus GLOBAL Obesity Allowed.
Duck was great tonight.
Duck was great tonight.
Death rates of 3-5%.
... the discussion continued, with Mr Inglesby directing the thematic debates: how to allocate and distribute antivirals? Should limits be placed on trade and travel, to stop the spread of the virus? How best to mitigate the economic and financial crisis caused by the pandemic?
BTW anyone notice that youtube put out a notice that it is going to be run by google, what's that all about?
At a rough guess. CENSORSHIP.
The test will be to monitor any alternative channels you watch and see if they get closed down.
Looks like the French are already organised enough to stop legitimate supplies entering the UK, we are not at desperation stage yet, but when we/they are....
French border guards seize two lorries carrying 130,000 coronavirus face masks for hero NHS medics
THE French sparked a near-diplomatic row by seizing two lorries carrying 130,000 face masks for the NHS. The cargo was being urgently ferried in a major boost for over-stretched UK medics battling …www.thesun.co.uk
This is where the long list of unaswerables comes into play, does the pandemic modelling take into account non-cooperation of neighboring states in the supply chain, when the Spanish and French food supplies start to run low, very little will be allowed to cross the channel or arrive by boat. We have a shortage in tech already from the far east, how long before the continental deliveries stop.
How long will it take for the continentals to reach 'uncle point' with our food supplies? 3 or 4 months, or just weeks?
And I wouldn't be banking on UKGov to provide us with any early answers, the authorities will be then be in full-on NHS crisis mode and everything that goes with it, no spare bods other than the military to keep the peace as we are all confined to our quarters, noises being made that it could be 12 or 18 months, they will have to concentrate on controlling the population to prevent widespread looting and rioting as food supplies really do start to run low, unless we can foster some wartime spirit there will be enough not to care what happens to others as times get more and more desparate, every man for himself.
And once all that is out of the way, there is the 'who knows how long' recovery of business to get consumer spending underway again, travel industry, holidays, cars, houses, but then we are dependent on the rest of the world to be in recovery also.
The event 21 looks like it is run by people with a deep understanding, however they fail to take into account the lack of global cooperation that already exists so they make assumptions about global cooperation that could turn into major risks, they should have made these dependencies and organised earlier, but that costs money for no immediate benefit when there is no pandemic on the doorstep, who would spend a $billion now to save several $trillion for an event that may never happen?
Well it's happened. Where we go from here is anyone's guess. I can see why Event 21 would not propose a worse case scenario, that might cause greater anxiety, does a worse case scenario exist on youtube?
BTW anyone notice that youtube put out a notice that it is going to be run by google, what's that all about?
Let me be the first to hand out the congratulations in order of priority.
Thanks to the SUN for doing their part to keep the fear porn going
Thanks to the French for their unerring abilty to correctly predict which nondescript trucks belong to the 'nation of small shopkeepers' that are carrying the exact products that fit the fear porn narrative.
Congratulations to the photographer who was there to get that shot literally as they open the back of the lorry.
(He previously worked with the guy that always gets the shot of the fake terrorist as the fake terrorist is fakely killed)
Congratulations to all the SUN readers that noticed the lorry has a non british no plate.
The seizure came just 24 hours after another British-bound vehicle carrying thousands of bottles of hand sanitiser was also held up on the other side of the Channel. (Bastards bastards bastards)
UK officials were quickly alerted to both incidents. BY WHO?
And after tense, top-level talks, the lorries were allowed to leave with all supplies on board.
Wait 🤣'after tense, top-level talks',🤣🤣
'the lorries were allowed to leave with all supplies on board'. complete fiction, never happened
A government source said: “On Tuesday night, French authorities stopped the hand sanitiser and confiscated the lot. “On Wednesday night, it was lorries full of FFP3 face masks to protect staff.”
'A government source'- confirmed the French have always hated us and want to fuck us over any chance they get and the corona crisis is a perfect cover
Stop focusing on mainstream propaganda. Focus on what is proposed on the back of the hoax
more government power
Universal Basic Income
Forced vax
GOOG owns Youtube...birds of a feather..
Let me be the first to hand out the congratulations in order of priority.
Thanks to the SUN for doing their part to keep the fear porn going
Thanks to the French for their unerring abilty to correctly predict which nondescript trucks belong to the 'nation of small shopkeepers' that are carrying the exact products that fit the fear porn narrative.
Congratulations to the photographer who was there to get that shot literally as they open the back of the lorry.
(He previously worked with the guy that always gets the shot of the fake terrorist as the fake terrorist is fakely killed)
Congratulations to all the SUN readers that noticed the lorry has a non british no plate.
The seizure came just 24 hours after another British-bound vehicle carrying thousands of bottles of hand sanitiser was also held up on the other side of the Channel. (Bastards bastards bastards)
UK officials were quickly alerted to both incidents. BY WHO?
And after tense, top-level talks, the lorries were allowed to leave with all supplies on board.
Wait 🤣'after tense, top-level talks',🤣🤣
'the lorries were allowed to leave with all supplies on board'. complete fiction, never happened
A government source said: “On Tuesday night, French authorities stopped the hand sanitiser and confiscated the lot. “On Wednesday night, it was lorries full of FFP3 face masks to protect staff.”
'A government source'- confirmed the French have always hated us and want to fuck us over any chance they get and the corona crisis is a perfect cover
Stop focusing on mainstream propaganda. Focus on what is proposed on the back of the hoax
more government power
Universal Basic Income
Forced vax
GOOG owns Youtube...birds of a feather..
Let me be the first to hand out the congratulations in order of priority.
Thanks to the SUN for doing their part to keep the fear porn going
Thanks to the French for their unerring abilty to correctly predict which nondescript trucks belong to the 'nation of small shopkeepers' that are carrying the exact products that fit the fear porn narrative.
Congratulations to the photographer who was there to get that shot literally as they open the back of the lorry.
(He previously worked with the guy that always gets the shot of the fake terrorist as the fake terrorist is fakely killed)
Congratulations to all the SUN readers that noticed the lorry has a non british no plate.
The seizure came just 24 hours after another British-bound vehicle carrying thousands of bottles of hand sanitiser was also held up on the other side of the Channel. (Bastards bastards bastards)
UK officials were quickly alerted to both incidents. BY WHO?
And after tense, top-level talks, the lorries were allowed to leave with all supplies on board.
Wait 🤣'after tense, top-level talks',🤣🤣
'the lorries were allowed to leave with all supplies on board'. complete fiction, never happened
A government source said: “On Tuesday night, French authorities stopped the hand sanitiser and confiscated the lot. “On Wednesday night, it was lorries full of FFP3 face masks to protect staff.”
'A government source'- confirmed the French have always hated us and want to fuck us over any chance they get and the corona crisis is a perfect cover
Stop focusing on mainstream propaganda. Focus on what is proposed on the back of the hoax
more government power
Universal Basic Income
Forced vax
GOOG owns Youtube...birds of a feather..
Who cares !
All plays very nicely into the Brexit narrative. 👍 and against those who think globalism is a good thing.
Brexit? What's that? Not a peep for a couple of weeks now.
Who's taking money on a delay to Brexit?
Ducks at local park blissfully unaware of imminent risk of becoming part of food chain again.
Happily rush over to humans offering hand feeding of grain pellets.
Sadly for them, short term evolution has favoured birds that see humans as a source of easy meals.
Added bonus for the humans is that bird feed to tempt them with is given away free at park center.
Maybe time to research some tasty recipes.
I'm struggling to see the climate change angle in all of this. BBC have just about dropped all the climate extinction propaganda in favour of the corona extinction minority propaganda, we appear to be at the 'but what about the poor children' stage, which is how they frame all wars and illegal immigration crisisees at the start.
Looks like the French are already organised enough to stop legitimate supplies entering the UK, ...
This is where the long list of unaswerables comes into play, does the pandemic modelling take into account non-cooperation of neighboring states in the supply chain, when the Spanish and French food supplies start to run low, very little will be allowed to cross the channel or arrive by boat. We have a shortage in tech already from the far east, how long before the continental deliveries stop.
We'll just get the yanks to send across Atlantic convoys of food and tanks like they did before, just gotta beware of those pesky Germans not the French or Spanish.
BTW anyone notice that youtube put out a notice that it is going to be run by google, what's that all about?
Google or Alphabet has owned Youtube since Nov 2006.
Because of Britain leaving the EU they cant use EU laws and so have moved the headquarters ONLY for Britain over to America.
Talk about trying to direct the traffic with one arm tied up behind your back. If you contracy cov19 you are advised to lock yourself away and self isolate. Fair enough, but you are told specifically not to tell 111 nor, as far as I can see, must you report it to anyone. So, other than a guess, the authorities have no idea how many cases there are nor, therefore, in terms of percentage likely to need intensive care etc, etc. Prompt and intensive testing would have helped, but that seemingly essential first step still has to come into play. Still, the “experts” are running things so that’s alright, then.