Asian Coronavirus Outbreak


Two things that come to mind:

1) People fight harder for their interests than their rights

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
We have finally found the one thing that unites the whole world regardless of race, religion or colour.
Everyone wants to be free ... it is after all a human right!
What makes governments who are elected to represent the wishes of the people think they can ignore the wishes of the people.
Thanks, Tim, I’ve written to say what an excellent proposal it is.
Hey wait its not going to affect you! At your age YOU'll be dead before it comes in to force and WE will suffer the consequences of your decision. Old fogies like you shouldnt have a say in this! 😉
So, we've had a year of lockdowns now:-time for a little reflection.

It all seems to be going rather splendidly, (from a trading perspective, that is).

Hospitality Sector completely wrecked.

Economy in Tatters. Approx 10% shrunk overall]
Vast %age of workforce on 'furlough' - many on way to being unemployed.
Unemployment Rocketing.

Government continues to spend over a billion pounds a day more than it receives.
Which is already set to carry on for another 6 months, minimum.

Vast numbers of businesses set to go bust when support is withdrawn.
Massive backlog of evictions built up from restrictions yet to be released.

High prospect of another wave of 'infections' following any easing of restrictions.

And we saw the first serious rioting this last week (that alone cost the authorities over a million in a few hours).
Much more of that tantruming yet to come following any attempts to wean the masses off of 'support milk'.

Overall, the best trading conditions and opportunities to exist in a century or so.

Don't miss out, there's not been better conditions for wealth transfer in living memory.


Aha, déjà vu time. As with the content I posted to the Trump thread, it's clear you've not read my letter. I know this because, in it, I address the points you raise.

The only people who think as you do are people who've either had - or want to have - the vaccine. If you didn't want it - for whatever reason - I suspect you'd think very differently. This really is one of those issues where even those who are hard core lockdown enthusiasts and would happily be injected with every vaccine going - need to look at the big picture and understand what's really going on here. It's very much one of those 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it' moments. That you disagree with my views about the government's response to Covid is all well and good, but the issue of passports is in a whole new league of its own. So, please read the letter or, failing that, at least read the document attached, written by medical professionals at UK Medical Freedom Alliance and Lawyers for Liberty so that you're aware of the extremely serious issues at stake.
No, I didn’t read your letter, Tim - nor did I suggest that I had. Merely stated my view.
We are in unusual circumstances which have to be tackled in unusual ways. The restrictions and unwelcome regulation to our lives that we are experiencing seems reasonable in the circumstances (albeit that the Government are not making the happiest fist of it) so long as they are temporary measures. I will be on the streets with you at the firs hint that they are not.

ps: it was a joke!
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Hey wait its not going to affect you! At your age YOU'll be dead before it comes in to force and WE will suffer the consequences of your decision. Old fogies like you shouldnt have a say in this! 😉
Brexit it !
Spare a thought for TraderTom (Tom Hougaard), he had the AZ vaccine and has been so ill, he hasn't been able to trade all week!


Chances of Virus killing you off: 0.003% approx.

Chances of Vaccine killing you: Unknown. Experimental. Data to follow.

Chances of AZ vaccine making you feel like Sh*t for days: 93% (subjective feedback from known guinea-pigs).

Conclusion: Wait and see.

Chances of Virus killing you off: 0.003% approx.
Tut tut MOC, you're spreading false and misleading claims - time to go and sit on the naughty step! So says the BBC - and we can trust them for two good reasons:
1. They're the BBC - nuff said, and . . .
2. This is one of seven claims fact checked by their 'Reality Check' team . . .
Covid lockdown: Seven enduring claims fact-checked

Now, this begs the question: who fact checks the bogus fact checkers? Answer: Lockdown Sceptics . . .
BBC Covid ‘Reality Check’ Needs a Fact Check of Its Own
So, it looks like you were right MOC - who'd have thunk it; no need for you to sit on the naughty step after all. That said, to be fair, I think you may have inserted an extra 0 by mistake (0.03%, not 0.003%) - but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a typo!
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While I'm on yhe subject of the BBC, did anyone watch EastEnders last night?

While I'm on yhe subject of the BBC, did anyone watch EastEnders last night?

I think the BBC should stick to what it's good at, - burning vast amounts of carbon in pursuit of sending Attenborough and tonnes of camera gear and support crews to the few remaining remote corners of the planet in order to record soon to be extinct from climate change wildlife for posterity while still possible. Much rather that than peddling such grubby and obviously political trash thinly disguised as topical soap drama.

Verdict: Revoke the Licence Fee forthwith.

Well, everytime you stick your nose outside your civil liberties are infringed in some way -as are a lot of the things you might like to do in your own home. And what is new about vaccination certificates? They’ve always been necessary for travel to various countries and still are.
It’s absolutely your choice to have the vaccine or not, but you have to bear the consequences that other people (or countries) might not want to deal with you if you don’t. So it seems reasonable to me.
I am confident that vaccination is an effective method. I will not argue here. But there is a big difference between preventive vaccination against malaria before traveling to the African continent (for example) and vaccination against covid or flu. Malaria vaccines have been tested for years and have full certifications and a list of possible side effects. Sorry, but no one of covid vaccine has a serious statistical base. Moreover, countries sign a disclaimer agreement for pharmaceutical companies. I think that making a certificate of such vaccination mandatory for travel is wrong (for the current moment)
And the show must go on:
While the government doesn't know or doesn't care what is happening with those vaccinated with experimental vaccines.Hancock ambushed by Tories:

If you sign up to the swab test for Ipsos research study, remember, swab the throat first, THEN the nose.
Not the other way around.
Got mine collected today.
For those still hesitating to take experimental vaccines and for those who did take them,but were worried if they did the right thing.
Three trustworthy,respected individuals ( attack on Somalia ,Sudan, Yugoslavia , Waco massacre,Iraq,Afganistan,9/11,Guantanamo prison, Libya,Syria,coup in Ukraine,war in Yemen and drone strikes on weddings,school buses , funerals from Pakistan to Africa... Assange,Snowden, Manning prosecution,bailing out Wallstreet banksters at the expense of taxpayers,supporting violent regimes in Saudi Arabia and Israel,eroding civil rights in USA and letting loose CIA(abductions,torture,secret detentions,drone strikes...):

Edit:filmed at Arlington Cemetery to give you a right idea...
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PRESS RELEASE: Doctors and Scientists Accuse Medical Regulator of Downplaying COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers

The European Medicines Agency is misleading citizens into medical experimentation, experts warn​

April 1st 2021

Doctors and scientists from 25 countries have today issued a rebuttal letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), following the regulator’s dismissal of their earlier warnings regarding COVID-19 vaccine dangers from clotting and bleeding.

Within days of the EMA receiving the group’s original letter on March 1st, outlining risks of blood disorders from COVID-19 vaccines, over a dozen countries suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine following deaths from clotting and bleeding, as the doctors had warned.

On March 23rd, however, the EMA dismissed the group’s concerns as relating to “minor” and “rare” events, concluding that “a positive benefit-risk balance has been established.”

The doctors and scientists have today hit back, accusing the EMA of misleading the public on the vaccines’ true risk-benefit profile. “Your reply of March 23 is unconvincing and unacceptable,” they wrote, noting that recorded cases of life-threatening cerebral venous thrombosis (CSVT) post-vaccination likely “represent just the tip of a huge iceberg”. Common reactions to vaccination, including headache, nausea, blurred vision and vomiting, they state, are symptoms of CSVT, and should be assessed as such, immediately.

Clotting and bleeding after vaccination can also “be expected to increase with each re-vaccination, and each intervening coronavirus exposure” the group warned. Over time “this renders both repeated vaccination and common coronaviruses dangerous to young and healthy age groups, for whom — in the absence of ‘vaccination’ — COVID-19 poses no substantive risk.

“Such is the real risk-benefit analysis of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’. Either the EMA lacks the subject-matter expertise to appreciate the molecular science of this reality, or it lacks the medical ethics to act accordingly.”

The group, Doctors for Covid Ethics, which includes professors of immunology and microbiology, described the EMA’s responses to their concerns as “unscientific”, “vague”, and lacking credibility. They have offered to liaise with the agency to mitigate against vaccination risks and ethics violations, including helping the EMA to “craft a focussed pharmacovigilance plan.”

The group warned that continuing to administer inadequately tested gene-based COVID-19 vaccines represents dangerous medical experimentation, whose “true risks far outweigh any theoretical benefits”, reflecting “serious violations of medical ethics and citizens’ medical rights.”

“Misleading populations into accepting investigational agents such as the gene-based COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, or coercing them through ‘vaccine passports’, constitutes clear and egregious violations of the Nuremberg Code”, they caution.

The letter is addressed to Emer Cooke, Executive Director of the EMA, and was copied to the lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, Charles Michel, President of the Council of Europe, and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

Link to Doctors for Covid Ethics rebuttal letter to EMA (April 1st): https://doctors4covidethics.medium....ors-for-covid-ethics-april-1-2021-7d867f0121e

Link to EMA letter to Doctors for Covid Ethics (March 23rd): https://doctors4covidethics.medium....s-for-covid-ethics-march-23-2021-d6760984dd06

Doctors for Covid Ethics is a group of over 100 doctors and scientists from 25 countries. Signatories across the two letters linked to above can be found here:

NB: Don't be 'fooled' by the date of the press release - just coincidence!
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Are we managed like a herd of cows? YES
But the point is what is the alternartive?
Ten years of social distancing and at least 4 months per year of "soft lockdowns"?
Are we managed like a herd of cows? YES
But the point is what is the alternartive?
Ten years of social distancing and at least 4 months per year of "soft lockdowns"?

CITIZEN MINION, Please select one of the following:
1) I want to be locked up and socially isolated
2) I want to be injected with your chemicals
Most-affected countries had 99,8% survival rate during first full year of pandemic.
Average age of the victim is around 82 years with 2,5 health issues/ illnesses .
For children it is harmless.For working-age population it is dangerous as seasonal flu.
For economy is devastating because of government measures.For some people it is very profitable...