Asian Coronavirus Outbreak


timsk said:

So, with nothing else to do but contemplate his dirty room, poor food and service (for which he's paying £1,750), he's written to his MP and cc'd Matt Hancock.
Shhhhh. Don't tell him, but ....
Prison cells are cheaper (and the Taxpayer foots the bill anyway) and cleaner, however the food is likely just as bad.

Well, I showed this and your supplied photographic submission to a family member that once briefly had the pleasure of being a guest of the Gestapo for resisting mandatory edicts.

They regrettably assured me that whilst hardly wholesome or nutritious, the fare they were given then was of notably superior quality to that pictured.

Please accept my apologies for mistakenly thinking that quaratine catslop might have been fit for human consumption.

Please accept my apologies for mistakenly thinking that quaratine catslop might have been fit for human consumption.
Thanks MOC,
I wrote the story up into a short article and sent it to Lockdown Sceptics to see if they'd be interested in publishing it. To my surprise and delight, they have: HMP Quarantine Hotel, Heathrow.

If the concerns and views I express chime with any of you here and you're happy to share it - I'd appreciate it.
Thanking y'all kindly!
"Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, is an internationally recognised vaccine developer having worked as the head of the Vaccine Development Office at the German Centre for Infection Research. Coordinated Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation's Ebola Vaccine Program and contributed to the implementation of an integrated vaccine work plan in collaboration with Global Health Partners (WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CDC, UNICEF), regulators (FDA) and vaccine manufacturers to enable timely deployment or stockpiling of Ebola vaccine candidates. Highlighting the principle of using a prophylactic vaccine in the midst of a pandemic. Likely to create more more viral variants in the process. Sharing his perspective on mass vaccination in COVID-19."

The only side affects one nurse mentioned was having a dead arm and some mild symptoms for a couple of days.
My girlfriend works in UK as dental nurse and has been vaccinated on Junuary 15th.
She still has temperature every evening, last week had to stay at home because of symptoms.
Probably she belongs to the unlucky 0.5% of people with strong side effects.
BTW all her colleagues had symptoms for at least one week.
I support vaccination but this stuff has some impact.
I had covid last December, 3 days of temperature, period.
My girlfriend works in UK as dental nurse and has been vaccinated on Junuary 15th.
She still has temperature every evening, last week had to stay at home because of symptoms.
Probably she belongs to the unlucky 0.5% of people with strong side effects.
BTW all her colleagues had symptoms for at least one week.
I support vaccination but this stuff has some impact.
I had covid last December, 3 days of temperature, period.
I know of 3 people who have had the jab and all 3 came down with severe symptoms including temperature of 103 F.
Too ill to work had to stay in bed.
Its a good job we have free forums to share this information on because this kind of thing would get you banned from tw@tter.
Is the vaccine dangerous ? I think no.
Is it hassle-free? no

I consider it a necessary evil.

What I hope is that other vaccines will be better than Pfizer one...
They are all different.
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Just seen this on our Government propaganda channel, interestingly there is no text of the words being spoken included (that would be easy to cut and paste or read at your leisure).
  • First thing to notice is, in the BAME line-up it's the white English Male who is the villain (or hero depending on your point of view). He is the one not taking the vaccine while all the BAME people and women are 'good' and have had the vaccine. The racism and sexism is palpable.
  • Quote from video "Vaccines have been tested rigorously and they've been found to be safe and prevent people from developing symptoms"
    Also in BBC news TODAY ...
    Thailand has delayed the rollout of the AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine over reports of blood clots, despite there being no evidence of this.
    The country's prime minister was due to kick off the country's vaccination drive by getting the jab on Friday. This has now been cancelled.
    The delay comes after a number of countries, including Denmark and Norway, suspended the use of the jab.

  • Quote - "Now we're STARTING to see research which SUGGESTS the vaccine can prevent people from spreading the virus.
    So the FACTS are there is currently NO EVIDENCE the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus! Even on the Gov leaflet which I have there are NO claims the vaccine prevents the spread NONE!
  • Claim - "If we are all vaccinated that reduces the risk for everybody!"
    Rationale - Quote from video "That makes sense, if your not coughing or sneezing then it's harder to pass the virus on" ... FFS. TAKING the vaccine does NOT prevent the catching or passing on of the virus. NOT SNEEZING ON PEOPLE PREVENTS THE PASSING ON OF THE VIRUS.
  • At least they admit it, Quote from video "Scientists need to do more research before we can be certain that vaccines REDUCE transmission" even the BBC wont go as far as to say PREVENT transmission.
See for yourself.
We’ve both had second jabs. No side effects again. Mind you, that’s no good either for the naysayers since apparently lack of side effects means that your immune system has has not responded to the vaccine and it will thus be ineffective. Can’t win really. Life was much easier when all these nutters only had a soap box at Hyde Park Corner.
We’ve both had second jabs. No side effects again. Mind you, that’s no good either for the naysayers since apparently lack of side effects means that your immune system has has not responded to the vaccine and it will thus be ineffective. Can’t win really. Life was much easier when all these nutters only had a soap box at Hyde Park Corner.
Is that the AZ one?

Mum had the second Pfizer one yesterday. No side affects.

Apparently, some nurses visit and take swabs from her tome to time.
Both AZ and Pfizer have strong side effects, of course not on everyone.
The average side effect is 3-10 days of temperature.
Apparently, the swab tests are just follow ups to check if she has the Covid or not?

Few letters from the Office of National Statistics confirming she is negative. Another has arrived today.
We’ve both had second jabs. No side effects again. Mind you, that’s no good either for the naysayers since apparently lack of side effects means that your immune system has has not responded to the vaccine and it will thus be ineffective. Can’t win really. Life was much easier when all these nutters only had a soap box at Hyde Park Corner.

I'd say it's the deranged lizard people that don't believe in their own medicine. Continue wearing a mask and following social distance orders even if you have had the vaccine...just in case...🙄
We’ve both had second jabs. No side effects again. Mind you, that’s no good either for the naysayers since apparently lack of side effects means that your immune system has has not responded to the vaccine and it will thus be ineffective. Can’t win really. Life was much easier when all these nutters only had a soap box at Hyde Park Corner.
Hi Jon,
Glad to hear all's well with you and Mrs. barjon.

Only you know if you regard me as a naysayer and nutter for my decision to decline the vaccine. Just to be clear about where I'm coming from, I'm in favour of those who want it to be allowed to have it. Additionally, I would actively recommend it to the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. (Those are the only groups who have any real medical need for the vaccine.) What I object to and, if BoJo hadn't made it illegal, I'd happily get on a soap box at Hyde Park Corner to protest about, is the coercion of those who don't want the vaccine to have it with the introduction of Covid 'passports'. They are illiberal and undeocratic and will result in a two tier society. Not good, not good at all.