The point is that young people can infect old and weak people.
Hi CV,
This is next to impossible for four reasons:
1. There is little evidence (none that I'm aware of) to support it.
2. It's only ill people with a large viral load who can infect others. Asymptomatic (what a ridiculous term, lol!) people don't carry sufficient viral load to hurt a fly - let alone pass on and endanger the life of another human being. (Dr. Mike Yeadon explains this in the podcast I linked to in my last post.)
3. The drug companies admitt that they don't yet know if their vaccines: a) prevents people from catching the virus and, b) prevents them from passing it on to others. Ergo, as things currently stand, subject to point 2. above, a vaccinated person is just as likely as an unvaccinated person to transmit the virus to others.
4. Now that the old and weak have had the vaccine, according to the manufactuerers, they are 100% safe from hospitalisation and death from the virus, so even if an unvaccinated (young) person were to pass it on to them - it wouldn't affect them.
Vaccinating only weak people would not stop the infection, you need to vaccinate the majority to reach herd immunity.
The other alternative was let the virus run and reach herd immunity with a much higher death toll.
For the reasons outlined above, you only need to vaccinate the vulnerable. Vaccinating well people who - statistically speaking - have zero chance of becoming seriously ill from the virus - let alone dying from it - makes no sense at all. Given that the vaccines are experimental and the long term effects of them are completely unknown - it's reckless beyond belief.
Now is perfectly recovered thanx! 🙂
Oh good - glad to hear it!
These are experimental vaccines, let's suppose they kill 1 person per million.
Your supposition of 1 in a million is just that - supposition. We have no idea how many people the vaccines will kill. The AZ vaccine has already killed circa 250, and thousands more have unpleasant side effects, so I'm afraid you're waaaaay out in your estimate. Besides which, who's to say that figure won't rise sharply over time once everyone who wants the vaccine has had both shots and then the booster shots etc., etc.? If the positive effects are cumulative, who's to say that the negative effects aren't cumulative as well?
As an aside, Mrs. timsk had a really bad headache after receiving her first AZ shot, which is notable as she never, ever gets headaches. Consequently, she's now having second thoughts about whether or not to have the second jab.
Covid is killing more than 1000 persons per million, it is 1000 times more.
Covid is on the death certificates for tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people who died
with it - but not necessarily
from it. Big difference. And they won't die now (
from Covid) because they've had the vaccine, so I'm afraid your stats are completely out of date and meaningless.
Sorry to be so blunt CV, but I get frustrated when people much smarter than me appear to buy into government and MSM proaganda, seemingly without questioning it and thinking the whole thing through logically.