Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Of course they are shocking , Tim. That’s exactly what they were intended to be. Whether they are based on sustainable facts and well founded analysis is a different story. Swallowed whole on your part then? Not even a smattering of “isn’t this a bit ott“ type critique?
Hi Jon,
I assume you're referring to the two videos I posted? If so, I agree with you. Yes, they're a "bit ott". The point is that Paul Joseph Watson and others like him were warning of vaccine passports as long ago as May last year. I told my 95 year old aunt about them (who holds views ientical to yours) last Autumn. She ridiculed me and said it would never happen, impossible she said. Now look where we are. There's no point trying to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted, which is why videos like this are important. The government relies upon the complacency of the people and, if they aren't stopped, will go on to do things that even they thought were impossible a few short months ago (lockdowns being a case in point). The dystopian vision presented isn't science fiction - it's reality in China. To think the same couldn't happen here - especially under a Tory government - is simply naive. And mark my words Jon - when it happens - which I believe it will, it'll end up being linked to climate change and the green agenda. So, for example, when you refuse to upgrade your perfectly good gas boiler to an electric one at huge and unnecessary expense - you might just find your social credit score doesn't allow you to take your annual winter holiday to Madeira. Rathing than putting your misplaced trust in the government and hoping on a wing and a prayer that this doesn't ever happen - I argue that it's better to make damn sure of it.

You, of course, will accept everything that is said or claimed against the government‘s position as fact and truth - I won’t. You have clearly accepted as fact - since you have said it in an earlier post - that the AZ vaccine has killed 250 . Really? No equivocation, then? No doubt? No pissing about as you do with COVID deaths about the “with“ it and “of” it?
Of course I don't accept everything that is said or claimed against the government position as fact and truth. That's a ridiculous accusation. It's akin to me saying that you accept everything that the government says or claims as fact and truth without question.

With regard to deaths that may be caused by the AZ vaccine, I was merely reporting figures from the government's own website. That said, you are right, it's not 250; the current figure (and growing) stands at 421.
Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting
Yes, I accept that no causal link between the vaccine and deaths has been established and that they could just be coincidence. But, until scientists know for certain, surely it's best to suspend vaccinating everyone other than the elderly and vulnerable. That's merely the wise and obvious thing to do.

You might also re-read my post and note that my comment about proper proof related to what Governments say and not whether they have our best interests at heart. Perhaps you are less shocked?
Okay, fair point.

There is no doubt that as this story has unfolded the government has made mistakes as it tried to deal with a once in a lifetime crisis (hopefully) and has often egged the pudding only to be caught out as the facts emerge. It can’t have been easy to find the balance between economic well-being and the health of its citizens. I just wonder, Tim, what you would have done if you’d been parachuted in to lead our country a year or so ago? Thrown caution to the winds? Advise people what to do, but leave their freedoms untouched (only to find the irresponsible buggered things up by ignoring the advice)? Or what? Careful - get it wrong and you’ll have the deaths of hundreds of thousands on your hands.
In broad terms I'd have followed the Pandemic Preparedness Plan which was created - guess what - precisely for this very situation! What the government has done is akin to a trader having a comprehensive and well thought out trading plan who then ditches it at the last moment, throws caution to the wind and shoots from the hip. Crazy! Also, I would have been honest with the people: I wouldn't have shifted the goal posts every five minutes, manipulated the figures and deliberately used fear to scare the country into doing things which, when the final tallies are in, will show to have caused way more harm than the pandemic ever could. If you want more flesh on the bones, I'll defer to Lord Sumption (an ex high court judge Jon - you like them!) - as he speaks very clearly and eloquently on the subject. Enjoy . . .

So why also EU and US want to vaccinate more than 60% of people instead of just the 20% weakest part?
Are all governments of the world bribed by phamaceutical companies?
Nice thought wrong way round.
Large pharmaceutical companies pay senior members of governments to 'influence' policy, this has been done for millennia. Governments ARE corrupt, its just our Government is slightly less corrupt than most and America is one of the worst.
Politicians in the UK are renowned for making policies that are advantageous to certain companies and then getting non executive Director jobs at said companies when they leave politics (or their son / wife / daughter gets a job with the company). In the US large corporations pay money into political campaign funds and then get advantageous policies after the person is elected.

Covid testing centres have been set up so a private security company gets huge amounts of money staffing them (nobody uses them).

Why are people being told they will need to get tested twice a week ?
"Citizens in the United Kingdom will receive two at-home COVID-19 rapid tests per week starting this Friday.
The service, an extension of the government’s testing program, will provide a pair of tests, which can deliver results within 30 minutes. Citizens can pick them up at testing sites or pharmacies or receive them through the mail.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is hoping frequent testing—even among people who show no symptoms—will prevent another surge as the U.K. begins to ease restrictions, opening pubs, restaurants, and nonessential shops starting April 12.
“As we continue to make good progress on our vaccine program and with our road map cautiously easing restrictions underway, regular rapid testing is even more important to make sure those efforts are not wasted,” Johnson said in a statement.
The plan isn’t gaining universal approval, though. Opponents say it could prove a “scandalous” waste of money. The U.K. has earmarked $51.5 billion for its National Health Service (NHS) Test and Trace program. Over $41 billion of that is expected to be used for testing."

The answer is MONEY now what's the question?
Ok but every time a government makes something someone makes money.
Otherwise there would be no bridges, no roads...
If a government does nothing nobody makes money but there are no solutions to problems, no improvements.
Govts are corrupt we know but they have to do something and often there is somenthing wrong in every decision.
Criticizing a decision is always easy, for EVERY decision there are negative consequences.
Ok but every time a government makes something someone makes money.
Otherwise there would be no bridges, no roads...
If a government does nothing nobody makes money but there are no solutions to problems, no improvements.
Govts are corrupt we know but they have to do something and often there is somenthing wrong in every decision.
Criticizing a decision is always easy, for EVERY decision there are negative consequences.

Criticizing a decision is always easy, for EVERY decision there are negative consequences.

Yes but in this instance the Governments crazy decision making process has denied me my civil liberties for 1 year!
I did nothing wrong and I have been confined to my home under threat of fine and violence against my person (arrest).

And I get equally frustrated by people who hold the default position that anything the government says is wrong and who go dashing off to the internet to find ”experts” who will produce “evidence” to “prove “ that to be so. The truth of the matter is that whatever government come up with there will always be plenty of genuine experts ( as well as the myriad internet jockeys) who hold an alternative view and who can all argue a reasonable case for their view. It is bound to be when things are rarely wholly black or white. We, who play the markets, should perhaps recognise that better than most.

Whilst I often disagree with them I believe that our governments try to do the best (as they see it) for our country and its citizens. I make no apology for the fact that my default position is to believe what the government says until it is proved (properly) otherwise. It’s not that I have a closed mind about it, just that I work on the principle of innocent until proved guilty.

Ok but every time a government makes something someone makes money.
Otherwise there would be no bridges, no roads...
If a government does nothing nobody makes money but there are no solutions to problems, no improvements.
Govts are corrupt we know but they have to do something and often there is somenthing wrong in every decision.
Criticizing a decision is always easy, for EVERY decision there are negative consequences.
That's why the best Govt's are the ones who do the least.

The job of Govt should be to set the framework within which we as individuals operate. End of story.

But no ! these self serving politicians actually believe that they know what's best for everyone else. Nothing could be further from the truth. Taxpayers pay for these reckless decision makers policies. There is never a day of reckoning and no balancing of the books. It doesn't matter a jot who is in charge, they are all the same. Unaccountable wasters of other peoples money.
Its just dawned on me what all this crap about covid passports is all about.
Does anyone remember Jo Moore and Martin Sixsmith with their 'brilliant' idea of sending an e-mail as New York's twin towers burned, suggesting that 11 September was a good day to "bury" bad news.
Well given all the headlines devoted to these never to appear covid passports imagine what other dodgy stuff is getting done in the background while we are focused on this.
Smoke and mirrors.
I was just wondering about 9/11 ...
We were much more free before 2000 .
But we have to admit that there are no more terrorists on planes.
We always have to sacifice a lot of freedom to gain a bit of safety.
Ok but every time a government makes something someone makes money.
Otherwise there would be no bridges, no roads...
If a government does nothing nobody makes money but there are no solutions to problems, no improvements.
Govts are corrupt we know but they have to do something and often there is somenthing wrong in every decision.
Criticizing a decision is always easy, for EVERY decision there are negative consequences.

You have a serious case of indoctrination. 😲

I prescribe Austrian Economics: Take 3 lessons daily until you are cured.

You have a serious case of indoctrination. 😲

I prescribe Austrian Economics: Take 3 lessons daily until you are cured.

He's young he'll learn.
Jeez hes a Tesla Investor for goodness sake. 😉
Who believes that the government, Big Tech and corporations have our best interest at heart?

Writing in The Spectator, Bridget Phetasy outlines why she hates vaccine passports — and why you should too. By some amazing coincidence, her basis points are pretty much aligned with mine. Who'd have thunk it! Enjoy . . .
I hate vaccine passports — and you should too
Here it is again ...

"Exclusive: Britain will achieve herd immunity on Monday

UCL modelling says number of people with protection either through vaccination or previous infection will hit 73.4 per cent on April 12"

OK so lets break this bullshit down into pieces (and then wash our hands).
Covid herd immunity is 73.4% where the hell did that number come from? Answer nowhere they just made it up.
OK how does that compare to other diseases we've known about for around a hundred years.

Polio 80%, Measles 95%, covid 73.4% gives herd immunity why so low that doesn't make sense. 🤦‍♂️

What is herd immunity?

"Herd Immunity

Herd immunity, or community immunity, is when a large part of the population of an area is immune to a specific disease."

But wait we know that even after vaccination you can still spread the virus!
April 6th 2021 Health news FACT CHECKED.

  • Scientists are still working to figure out how well COVID-19 vaccines prevent vaccinated people from transmitting the virus to others.
  • None of the vaccines are 100 percent effective at preventing infections. So even if people don’t get very sick with COVID-19, they may still contract an infection and can potentially transmit the virus to others.
  • While all the approved vaccines offer strong protection against severe COVID-19 and hospitalization,

The vaccines stop YOU getting severe symptoms and certain vaccines kill some people.

Its all just being made up on the fly. There is no consistent message.
Here's a brilliant article by Tom Moran writing for The Critic, in response to an interview Edwina Currie gave on Good Morning Britain on Easter Monday about vaccine certification. In it, she demonstrated levels of discrimination that should have no place in modern Britain. Commenting on those who would remain unvaccinated (either intentionally or through no choice of their own), Currie said: “I don’t want them near me — they can exercise their freedom by staying at home.” As Moran shows beyond any doubt, Currie is displaying hypochondria on a level which would, in any other time, lead to serious concerns about her mental health. Enjoy . . .
Vaccine certification: when intolerance meets hypochondria
Here's a brilliant article by Tom Moran writing for The Critic, in response to an interview Edwina Currie gave on Good Morning Britain on Easter Monday about vaccine certification. In it, she demonstrated levels of discrimination that should have no place in modern Britain. Commenting on those who would remain unvaccinated (either intentionally or through no choice of their own), Currie said: “I don’t want them near me — they can exercise their freedom by staying at home.” As Moran shows beyond any doubt, Currie is displaying hypochondria on a level which would, in any other time, lead to serious concerns about her mental health. Enjoy . . .
Vaccine certification: when intolerance meets hypochondria
She's just saying controversial things to try to remain relevant.
Or is that just me projecting? 😉
Nice thought wrong way round.
Large pharmaceutical companies pay senior members of governments to 'influence' policy, this has been done for millennia. Governments ARE corrupt, its just our Government is slightly less corrupt than most and America is one of the worst.
Politicians in the UK are renowned for making policies that are advantageous to certain companies and then getting non executive Director jobs at said companies when they leave politics (or their son / wife / daughter gets a job with the company). In the US large corporations pay money into political campaign funds and then get advantageous policies after the person is elected.

Covid testing centres have been set up so a private security company gets huge amounts of money staffing them (nobody uses them).

Why are people being told they will need to get tested twice a week ?
"Citizens in the United Kingdom will receive two at-home COVID-19 rapid tests per week starting this Friday.
The service, an extension of the government’s testing program, will provide a pair of tests, which can deliver results within 30 minutes. Citizens can pick them up at testing sites or pharmacies or receive them through the mail.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is hoping frequent testing—even among people who show no symptoms—will prevent another surge as the U.K. begins to ease restrictions, opening pubs, restaurants, and nonessential shops starting April 12.
“As we continue to make good progress on our vaccine program and with our road map cautiously easing restrictions underway, regular rapid testing is even more important to make sure those efforts are not wasted,” Johnson said in a statement.
The plan isn’t gaining universal approval, though. Opponents say it could prove a “scandalous” waste of money. The U.K. has earmarked $51.5 billion for its National Health Service (NHS) Test and Trace program. Over $41 billion of that is expected to be used for testing."

The answer is MONEY now what's the question?
Its only 2 and a half minutes long and gives an actual account of what I wrote the very day AFTER I wrote it.

Election Address by Boris Johns-On​


There follows a letter that Paul Bird, a Lockdown Sceptics’ reader, imagines getting from Boris Johnson in the run up to the May 6th local elections.

Dear Voter,
At the election in December 2019, just 16 months ago, you weighed up the competing offers of the Conservative Party – sound economic policy, living within our means, reducing the burden of the state on the British people; and the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn – a creeping increase in state power, loss of freedoms, and unsustainable spending pushing up the national debt.

You overwhelmingly chose the former and handed a landslide victory to the Conservatives. I am immensely grateful to you for putting your trust in me to deliver on the promises we made.

With the local elections coming up in May I would urge you to consider this Conservative Government’s achievements since coming to power. I hope this impressive list will convince you to ‘Vote Conservative!’ in the election.
Here’s what we have done:
  • Fundamentally modified the British Constitution to break the link between Parliament and the Executive. Removed all those famous but irritating ‘safeguards’ and ‘checks and balances’ on Government power.
  • Put the entire population into house arrest, including eight million in solitary confinement.
  • Severed the links between family members and between friends.
  • Closed down all social structures and cultural activity to prevent people from meeting and forming new relationships.
  • Overseen massive advances in social estrangement, requiring people to stay at least two metres apart from each other, and to cover up their faces. Inspired by the old Soviet states, we have encouraged neighbour to report on neighbour. New relationships between people are banned, as is all physical contact other than between those cohabiting at the time of Lockdown.
  • Deprived young people of over a year of any meaningful education.
  • Destroyed thousands of businesses.
  • Created millions of unemployed.
  • Taken the national debt to an amazing £2.2 trillion. That’s £33,000 for every man woman and child in the country, and will require £22 billion each year in interest payments for every 1% of interest rate.
  • Announced the biggest tax rises for 50 years.
  • Stood by and offered no support for the extreme mental anguish experienced by millions of people caused by our policies.
  • Stood by and offered no support for the many thousands who because of our policies have or will lose their lives due to reduced cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment.
  • Promoted a deterioration of the general physical health of the whole nation (obesity, increase tobacco and alcohol consumption) by banning sports, closing gyms, limiting exercise and encouraging a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Increased inequality in financial status between those with secure public sector jobs and secure pensions; and those with no savings whose livelihoods have been destroyed.
  • Increased inequality in educational opportunity between children of non-professional parents living in cramped flats and those in private schools receiving higher-quality material with space to learn and encouraging parents.
  • Cancelled festivities at Christmas. Cancelled festivities at Easter.
  • Prepared the way for the cry ‘Vhere are your papers?’ to ring out across the land as it did in Occupied Europe.
Previous British governments have inflicted trauma on sections of the population (peasants thrown off the land during the Enclosures; Catholics and Protestants persecuted successively in Tudor England; young men conscripted in times of war; the Peterloo massacre). No government however has achieved such a crushing of liberty and caused such harm to the entire British population since the Norman Conquest a thousand years ago.

Even the most authoritarian members of SAGE thought these achievements would be impossible in a country like Britain – but we did it!

I hope I can count on your vote in May.
‘Vote Conservative!’

Boris Johnson
Prime Minister

Accompanying notes:
The Prime Minister was inspired by some of the world’s most influential political figures. Without their example he might not have completed his Great Journey from patriotic libertarian to the autocratic ruler of a prison state. They are:
  • Xi Jin Ping for the restriction of movement of the entire population; for the requirement for explicit government permission for travel, entry to buildings, etc.
  • Giuseppe Conte for showing that a modern Western government (albeit of a country with a much smaller science base or record of democracy than the UK) can act like the Chinese Communist Party and get away with it
  • A certain German chap in the 1930s for the example of overriding all constitutional safeguards designed to prevent a modern democracy sliding into dictatorship; and for the enforced carrying of identity papers.
  • His PR guru – for relentless brainwashing via the broadcast and print media; for the mangling of statistics; for censorship of all non-approved material and the use of subliminal messaging to manufacture consent.
  • Dr Robert Mugabe and Nicolas Maduro on massive borrowing and money printing by the central bank.
  • Josef Stalin on encouraging citizens to inform on each other, and for setting the police against the people.
  • The Berlin authorities in 1961 for creating an impenetrable barrier to separate families, friends and loved ones.
  • Kim Jong-un for the example of isolating a whole country.
  • The Ayatollah Khomeini for the mandatory covering of faces to symbolise how other people pose a threat.
  • Oliver Cromwell for the cancelling of all festivities at Christmas and Easter.
  • Oliver Cromwell again for outlawing any unseemly gathering, dancing or sexual contact between people who are not officially recognised as married or cohabiting.
  • Tony Blair for the goal of total surveillance and National Identity Card proposals.
Courtesy of Lockdown Sceptics
You have a serious case of indoctrination. 😲

I prescribe Austrian Economics: Take 3 lessons daily until you are cured.

New Trader,

What books would you recommend for someone wanting to learn about Austrian economics and freedom in general?

I have the “The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality” by Mises and I also have “The Road to Serfdom” by F.A. Hayek.

I know those books are just a start. What other books would you suggest as must reads?

Thank you in advance.
New Trader,

What books would you recommend for someone wanting to learn about Austrian economics and freedom in general?

I have the “The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality” by Mises and I also have “The Road to Serfdom” by F.A. Hayek.

I know those books are just a start. What other books would you suggest as must reads?

Thank you in advance.

These two without a doubt, especially because they are short and easy to read, yet cover the absolute essentials:


Also, as a reference book for selected topics rather than something to be read from cover to cover is:

Mises provides a FREE pdf of the book
Covid a great way to hide multi bullion pound contracts to 'friends' who will reciprocate with sexual favours in the present or monetary favours in the future.
This is why they want it to keep going as long as they can stretch it out for.