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Hi Jon,Of course they are shocking , Tim. That’s exactly what they were intended to be. Whether they are based on sustainable facts and well founded analysis is a different story. Swallowed whole on your part then? Not even a smattering of “isn’t this a bit ott“ type critique?
I assume you're referring to the two videos I posted? If so, I agree with you. Yes, they're a "bit ott". The point is that Paul Joseph Watson and others like him were warning of vaccine passports as long ago as May last year. I told my 95 year old aunt about them (who holds views ientical to yours) last Autumn. She ridiculed me and said it would never happen, impossible she said. Now look where we are. There's no point trying to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted, which is why videos like this are important. The government relies upon the complacency of the people and, if they aren't stopped, will go on to do things that even they thought were impossible a few short months ago (lockdowns being a case in point). The dystopian vision presented isn't science fiction - it's reality in China. To think the same couldn't happen here - especially under a Tory government - is simply naive. And mark my words Jon - when it happens - which I believe it will, it'll end up being linked to climate change and the green agenda. So, for example, when you refuse to upgrade your perfectly good gas boiler to an electric one at huge and unnecessary expense - you might just find your social credit score doesn't allow you to take your annual winter holiday to Madeira. Rathing than putting your misplaced trust in the government and hoping on a wing and a prayer that this doesn't ever happen - I argue that it's better to make damn sure of it.
Of course I don't accept everything that is said or claimed against the government position as fact and truth. That's a ridiculous accusation. It's akin to me saying that you accept everything that the government says or claims as fact and truth without question.You, of course, will accept everything that is said or claimed against the government‘s position as fact and truth - I won’t. You have clearly accepted as fact - since you have said it in an earlier post - that the AZ vaccine has killed 250 . Really? No equivocation, then? No doubt? No pissing about as you do with COVID deaths about the “with“ it and “of” it?
With regard to deaths that may be caused by the AZ vaccine, I was merely reporting figures from the government's own website. That said, you are right, it's not 250; the current figure (and growing) stands at 421.
Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting
Yes, I accept that no causal link between the vaccine and deaths has been established and that they could just be coincidence. But, until scientists know for certain, surely it's best to suspend vaccinating everyone other than the elderly and vulnerable. That's merely the wise and obvious thing to do.
Okay, fair point.You might also re-read my post and note that my comment about proper proof related to what Governments say and not whether they have our best interests at heart. Perhaps you are less shocked?
In broad terms I'd have followed the Pandemic Preparedness Plan which was created - guess what - precisely for this very situation! What the government has done is akin to a trader having a comprehensive and well thought out trading plan who then ditches it at the last moment, throws caution to the wind and shoots from the hip. Crazy! Also, I would have been honest with the people: I wouldn't have shifted the goal posts every five minutes, manipulated the figures and deliberately used fear to scare the country into doing things which, when the final tallies are in, will show to have caused way more harm than the pandemic ever could. If you want more flesh on the bones, I'll defer to Lord Sumption (an ex high court judge Jon - you like them!) - as he speaks very clearly and eloquently on the subject. Enjoy . . .There is no doubt that as this story has unfolded the government has made mistakes as it tried to deal with a once in a lifetime crisis (hopefully) and has often egged the pudding only to be caught out as the facts emerge. It can’t have been easy to find the balance between economic well-being and the health of its citizens. I just wonder, Tim, what you would have done if you’d been parachuted in to lead our country a year or so ago? Thrown caution to the winds? Advise people what to do, but leave their freedoms untouched (only to find the irresponsible buggered things up by ignoring the advice)? Or what? Careful - get it wrong and you’ll have the deaths of hundreds of thousands on your hands.