Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Not to mention the hypocrisy of those who purport to believe in anti-discrimination and/or minority rights. There is so much wrong with all of this it’s difficult to believe that rational, or people I thought were rational, can’t see it.
Not to mention the hypocrisy of those who purport to believe in anti-discrimination and/or minority rights. There is so much wrong with all of this it’s difficult to believe that rational, or people I thought were rational, can’t see it.
It sure is a topsy turvy world n_t!

I think the thing that worries me about the Covid passport business is that I fear it's just the thin end of the wedge. Once all but a few die hards have been jabbed, there will be the booster shots. After them will be shots against new variants. And then there will be the countries who pit one vaccine against another, with some insisting on one in preference to another. At which point vaccines become politicized and weaponised (as if they're aren't already). The consequence of that is that everyone will have all of them and then display their passports like youngers display Duke of Edinburgh Awards badges. And, if all of this is necessary for Covid, then logic surely dictates that it must also be necessary for flu. Within a year or two, it'll be the norn to go and be jabbed for something every six months - if not more frequently.

Meanwhile, Covid, flu and other respiratory diseases will still be with us and a few unfortunate souls will still die with them (but not necessarily of them) and then, one day, someone important with real social and political clout will stick their head above the parapet and ask: 'Was it all worth it and have we done the right thing?' But, by then it'll be too late, the damage will have been done , both socially and economically. And our freedoms will have long gone and the state will be no more inclined to give up their new found authoritarian powers than they would be in China, Russia or anywhere else where the people are at the mercy of their rulers. And that's why I'm fighting this as best I can and why Jon and those of you who think that people like me are naysayers and nutters ought to fight it too. It's about liberty and human rights - two things we took for granted in this country just a few short months ago.
Hi Jon,
Glad to hear all's well with you and Mrs. barjon.

Only you know if you regard me as a naysayer and nutter for my decision to decline the vaccine. Just to be clear about where I'm coming from, I'm in favour of those who want it to be allowed to have it. Additionally, I would actively recommend it to the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. (Those are the only groups who have any real medical need for the vaccine.) What I object to and, if BoJo hadn't made it illegal, I'd happily get on a soap box at Hyde Park Corner to protest about, is the coercion of those who don't want the vaccine to have it with the introduction of Covid 'passports'. They are illiberal and undeocratic and will result in a two tier society. Not good, not good at all.
No, Tim, I don’t think you’re a naysayer and nutter for declining the vaccine - that’s up to you absolutely. I’ll advised, maybe, but that’s fine with me.

What I do object to are those claim all sorts of mad things with nothing but their imaginations to back up their claims. If it was just them I couldn’t give a bugger. Unfortunately it affects those they influence with potentially fatal results.
It sure is a topsy turvy world n_t!

I think the thing that worries me about the Covid passport business is that I fear it's just the thin end of the wedge. Once all but a few die hards have been jabbed, there will be the booster shots. After them will be shots against new variants. And then there will be the countries who pit one vaccine against another, with some insisting on one in preference to another. At which point vaccines become politicized and weaponised (as if they're aren't already). The consequence of that is that everyone will have all of them and then display their passports like youngers display Duke of Edinburgh Awards badges. And, if all of this is necessary for Covid, then logic surely dictates that it must also be necessary for flu. Within a year or two, it'll be the norn to go and be jabbed for something every six months - if not more frequently.

Meanwhile, Covid, flu and other respiratory diseases will still be with us and a few unfortunate souls will still die with them (but not necessarily of them) and then, one day, someone important with real social and political clout will stick their head above the parapet and ask: 'Was it all worth it and have we done the right thing?' But, by then it'll be too late, the damage will have been done , both socially and economically. And our freedoms will have long gone and the state will be no more inclined to give up their new found authoritarian powers than they would be in China, Russia or anywhere else where the people are at the mercy of their rulers. And that's why I'm fighting this as best I can and why Jon and those of you who think that people like me are naysayers and nutters ought to fight it too. It's about liberty and human rights - two things we took for granted in this country just a few short months ago.

People surrender their rights, little by little, until there are none left. Our bodies are private property protected by Article 8 of the Human Rights Act. But, if you are someone who believes and supports the idea that Authorities should make vaccines compulsory, or that your medical records should be available via a passport that anyone can ask to see, then you can't argue a case against compulsory organ donation. The philosophy is the same, "it's in the interest of public health"...public...not individual, but everyone, collectively. We are all in this together, so it is selfish, and greeeeedy (must be said slowly with a scowl on your face like a typical lockdowner would) if you want to keep both of your kidneys when "everyone knows" (an expression used by midwit neo-experts quoting someone they saw on the Television) you can live a perfectly normal life with just one kidney.
What I do object to are those claim all sorts of mad things with nothing but their imaginations to back up their claims. If it was just them I couldn’t give a bugger. Unfortunately it affects those they influence with potentially fatal results.
There are plenty of serious scientists and MD's saying the opposite of MSM,politicians and Pope are saying.But you cannot hear it because of censure in MSM and Facebook,Youtube and Twitter.
It reminds me of Germans after WW2 when they said they didn't know about concentration camps...
There are plenty of serious scientists and MD's saying the opposite of MSM,politicians and Pope are saying.But you cannot hear it because of censure in MSM and Facebook,Youtube and Twitter.
It reminds me of Germans after WW2 when they said they didn't know about concentration camps...
Well, with nearly 27 million vaccinated in UK we will soon be finding out if it’s dangerous or not.
Well, with nearly 27 million vaccinated in UK we will soon be finding out if it’s dangerous or not.

Well, with nearly 27 million vaccinated in UK we will soon be finding out if it’s dangerous or not.
Here is a link to 40 min. interview with top European vaccine expert who is still active scientist.It will also shed a light why there was a tripling of death rate at UK care homes after vaccination started in December- see second link.
It will also give a thought to people who took mRNA 'vaccines' and what that did to their immune system.

Here is a link to a short statement from none other than ex-Head Pfizer scientist,who was also top vaccine expert before retiring:

Here is a 7 minute long statement by top German scientist in the field of microbiology and immunology,who was head for almost a quarter century of one of their leading institutes. It is in fact warning statement of 12 prominent scientists and MDs to European Health regulator about danger of blood clotting way before it exploded into this scandal of last 10 days.They were ignored and went public afterwards.
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Hundreds queuing up for their jab at our local jabbing clinic.

🏪 🧑‍⚕️ 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑

Car-park overflowed.
Road gridlocked.
Cars abandoned on verges, double parked and blocking accesses.

They'll all be so disappointed when they still have to wear masks, stay at home, not go to the pub and absolutely won't be going on a summer holiday !

They'll all be so disappointed when they still have to wear masks, stay at home, not go to the pub and absolutely won't be going on a summer holiday !
Exactly!Taking an experimental vaccine and risking your health and life amounts to nothing.This just came in:
Of course, as can be seen, mask wearing, social distancing, staying home to save lives only matters when your life isn't in true peril. The deranged lockdown lizard people will have some excuse to explain what they see.

Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove has opened a review into whether COVID-status certificates, showing evidence of a vaccination or test result, should be used in the UK. The proposal would be divisive, discriminatory and wrong. The Cabinet Office is accepting responses until 29th March. This link is to the page that details how you can have your say and what they want to know: COVID-Status Certification Review - Call for evidence

If you don't have the time or inclination to write a detailed response of your own, Big Brother Watch have created a template to follow: Stop Vaccine Passports

If you want to add additional prsonal comment - you can do that in answer to the third question: "Are there any other comments you would like to make to inform the COVID-status certification review?" If you're going to do this - don't delay - submissions must be sent to the Cabinet Office by 29th March. For anyone who's interested, my letter's attached.


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Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove has opened a review into whether COVID-status certificates, showing evidence of a vaccination or test result, should be used in the UK. The proposal would be divisive, discriminatory and wrong. The Cabinet Office is accepting responses until 29th March. This link is to the page that details how you can have your say and what they want to know: COVID-Status Certification Review - Call for evidence

If you don't have the time or inclination to write a detailed response of your own, Brother Watch have created a template to follow: Stop Vaccine Passports

If you want to add additional prsonal comment - you can do that in answer to the third question: "Are there any other comments you would like to make to inform the COVID-status certification review?" If you're going to do this - don't delay - submissions must be sent to the Cabinet Office by 29th March. For anyone who's interested, my letter's attached.
Thanks, Tim, I’ve written to say what an excellent proposal it is.
Thanks, Tim, I’ve written to say what an excellent proposal it is.
Hi Jon,
If you really mean that and it isn't just a tongue-in-cheek joke, then I'd be interested to know how you respond to my letter which details the civil liberties, rights and equality issues that will be infringed if COVID-status certificates receive government approval. Also, if you really have actually written, I'd welcome the opportunity to read your letter to see what evidence you provide that supports the proposal - as I can't think of one single thing that has any merit!
Well, everytime you stick your nose outside your civil liberties are infringed in some way -as are a lot of the things you might like to do in your own home. And what is new about vaccination certificates? They’ve always been necessary for travel to various countries and still are.
It’s absolutely your choice to have the vaccine or not, but you have to bear the consequences that other people (or countries) might not want to deal with you if you don’t. So it seems reasonable to me.
Well, everytime you stick your nose outside your civil liberties are infringed in some way -as are a lot of the things you might like to do in your own home. And what is new about vaccination certificates? They’ve always been necessary for travel to various countries and still are.
It’s absolutely your choice to have the vaccine or not, but you have to bear the consequences that other people (or countries) might not want to deal with you if you don’t. So it seems reasonable to me.

Vaccines for travel maybe necessary but they are left to user choice. Not obligatory as far as I know.
Well, everytime you stick your nose outside your civil liberties are infringed in some way -as are a lot of the things you might like to do in your own home. And what is new about vaccination certificates? They’ve always been necessary for travel to various countries and still are.
It’s absolutely your choice to have the vaccine or not, but you have to bear the consequences that other people (or countries) might not want to deal with you if you don’t. So it seems reasonable to me.
Aha, déjà vu time. As with the content I posted to the Trump thread, it's clear you've not read my letter. I know this because, in it, I address the points you raise.

The only people who think as you do are people who've either had - or want to have - the vaccine. If you didn't want it - for whatever reason - I suspect you'd think very differently. This really is one of those issues where even those who are hard core lockdown enthusiasts and would happily be injected with every vaccine going - need to look at the big picture and understand what's really going on here. It's very much one of those 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it' moments. That you disagree with my views about the government's response to Covid is all well and good, but the issue of passports is in a whole new league of its own. So, please read the letter or, failing that, at least read the document attached, written by medical professionals at UK Medical Freedom Alliance and Lawyers for Liberty so that you're aware of the extremely serious issues at stake.

